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1、W:What did Mom think about her trip to Russia?Im so looking f orward to hearing about it.M:She didnt say much.When I picked her up at the airport this morning,she was just eager to get home to see Dad.She just said the f ood was great there.Q:What is the relationship between the two speakers?10M:Its

2、 only 6:30,and youre done!I wont f inish work till 10.Youre very ef f icient.W:Well,Tom f inished two hours earlier than me.Thats a sign of ef f iciency in my country.Q:How many hours earlier did the woman f inish her work than the man?二.Understand a long c onversation D D A B CM:Ybu travel a lot.Wh

3、ich people do you think are the most time-conscious?W:I think its probably the Swedes.M:Really,what makes you say that?W:Well,on my last trip to Sweden,I ordered a taxi to pick me up at my hotel at 6:25 am.I got to the street at 6:27,but the taxi had already lef t.M:Thats a little hard to believe.Is

4、 it true?W:Absolutely,everything runs on time there.Theres no room f or mistakes.Everyone is very time-conscious!M:They must seem very stif f and serious!W:Sure,but once you get to know them,you f ind kind,caring people behind their serious f aces.M:This is very dif f erent f rom my experiences trav

5、eling in South America.Of course,people there are very kind,but they dont care much about time.W:I agree.South Americans dont put very much stress on time.They*re always late f or everythinq,but no one seems to mind.1.What does the woman think about Swedish people?2.How long did the taxi driver wait

6、 f or the woman?3.Why does the woman say theres no room f or mistakes in Sweden?4.According to the woman,what are Swedes usually like?5.What do the man and the woman say about people in South America?三.Understanding a passageCDBCBThe biggest problem in my company has to do with culture,in particular

7、 our dif f erent ways of looking at time.People f rom some countries think it is OK to show up late f or a meeting and some people even dont think they need to come at all!As president of the company,however,it is my responsibility to tell them that this is not acceptable.Whereas in some other count

8、ries attending meetings is not considered very important,in this country,and especially in this company,meetings must be attended on time.Not being on time causes inef f iciency.I spent all night thinking about the exact words that I would use to explain my f eelings.I even wrote my words down.I pla

9、nned to discuss this problem at the meeting today,and entitled my speech International Clock Talk*.Unf ortunately,I have a problem-no one came to the meeting!1.What is the companys greatest problem?2.Which of the f ollowing does the speaker consider is his duty as president of the company?3.Why does

10、 lateness cause a decrease in ef f iciency?4.What did the company president do the previous night?5.Why couldnt the president do what he had planned?Homework D C B D B CAB AC1W:I always thought that culture shock was something that would happen to other people,not to me.M:Actually,Im not totally cer

11、tain what the words culture shock ref er to.W:Culture shock is the anxiety that occurs when a person moves to completely new surroundings.M:Does it include a lack of direction and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate?W:It sure does.And,it generally sets in a f ew weeks af ter arriving in

12、 a new place.M:Is it a physical or mental discomf ort?W:Its both.Most people suf f er stress in their body and mind.It can result in f eeling very tired,getting sick,becoming depressed and doing things you might otherwise think are wrong.M:I think Ive experienced all of those symptoms.W:Its only nat

13、ural.When you f irst arrive,you dont speak the language,dont know how to use banking machines,dont know how to use the telephone and so f orth.M:At the same time it can also be an opportunity.W:I agree.It can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and encourage a sense of creativity.Que

14、stions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What did the woman f irst think about culture shock?2.Which of the f ollowing statements is NOT true about people experiencing culture shock?3.How may culture shock af f ect peoples lives?4.When the woman talks about the newcomers ina

15、bility,which of the f ollowing is NOT mentioned?5.How can culture shock also be an opportunity?2Even though you may not be able to eliminate culture shock,there are ways to ease the stress.The f ollowing are some activities that can help:Get out of your room or apartment,so you are able to experienc

16、e f irst-hand what Americans are doing.Make f riends so you can talk to them and ask about what you dont understand.Read to learn about the culture of the country youre in.Find an activity that you can enjoy so you will be able to reduce stress and depression.Americans like to jog and they also like

17、 to play sports.Find out f rom your host f amily or other Americans about community activities,religious services,or volunteer opportunities.Make the most of this opportunity to become a member of their community.Improve your English.Ask about anything you dont understand.Dont be af raid to make mis

18、takes.Someone will be happy to put you right.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.1.Why is it advised to get out of your room or apartment?2.lb whom can you talk when you want to understand the American culture?3.Which of the f ollowing is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce yo

19、ur stress and depression?4.How might you become a member of the community?5.What should you do if you are NOT sure about how to say something?Unit2一.U nderstanding short c onversations B B C C C A A AC A1W:What did your coach tell you about running in tomorrows race?M:He said,All that glitters is Ol

20、ympic gold,to remind me of the Olympic spirit.Q:What was the coachs advice to the man?2M:I watched a TV show last night,called All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold.W:I watched that too.It was about the training and sacrif ice necessary f or athletes to compete in the Olympics.Q:What was the TV show abo

21、ut?3W:Running the hundred-meter dash is nothing compared to the passion necessary to run longer races.M:Are you kidding?Ive run both and I know they both require determination.Q:Why does the man disagree with the woman?4M:Do you think drug taking is widespread among amateur athletes trying to get st

22、ronger?W:Its hard to say whether its true or not.So much of what we hear seems to be rumors.Q:Does the woman believe that there is a problem with amateur athletes taking drugs?5W:Do you think that he could have run in the Olympics if things had turned out dif f erently?M:Def initely.He had the heart

23、.It was just his injury that cost him the opportunity to compete.Q:Did the athlete compete in the Olympics?6M:I heard that when the athlete accepted the gold medal,he thanked his mom.W:Thats right.He swore that she was responsible f or him developing the strength to win the race.Q:Why was the athlet

24、e able to win the race?7W:Come on,you can eat this cake.You dont have to deny yourself sweet f ood just because youre in the Olympics.M:Yes I do!With the games coming so soon,I have to stay on a healthy dietQ:Why does the man ref use the womans of f er?8M:Most people who watch the Olympics would lik

25、e to be like the athletes they see.W:Maybe they would.But I dont think most of them have the determination to work so hard to get there.Q:What does the woman think about people who watch the Olympic Games?9W:Are you noticing the f rowns on the f aces of the runners?Not one of them looks happy.M:Ydu

26、can be sure the two runners f rom our country are happy.Out of the f ive races,theyve won f our.Q:How many races have the runners f rom the speakers country won?ioM:Just hearing the Olympic song f ills me with determination to go out and win.W:It was f irst played in 1896,but it wasnt the of f icial

27、 song until 1958.1 like it too.Q:In which year did the Olympic song become of f icial?二 Understand a long c onversation D B C D DW:Wow,you really look great Have you been working out?M:Every day.Im preparing f or the Olympic Games.W:Oh,no.M:What?Whats the matter?Ybu dont think I can do it?W:I don*t

28、know how to tell you.M:Ybu dont think Im strong enough to enter,do you?Well,Ill have you know Im plenty strong.And if you say otherwise,you dont know what youre talking about.W:I know youre strong.Thats not the problem.M:Then you think my heart is weak.But that isnt so!I have amazing determination.I

29、 swear,my passion is unmatched by any other amateur athlete in the world.I def y you to say otherwise.W:I wouldnt dare.Ive seen you run and not quit,and I know your heart is strong.But that isnt the problem.M:Whats the problem then?W:The Olympics ended yesterday.1.Why does the man look great?2.How d

30、oes the man f eel about his own strength?3.What does the man say about his passion?4.How does the woman know the man has a strong heart?5.What is the mans problem,according to the woman?三 Understanding a passage C B C D DIn the summer of 1936,Jesse Owens became f amous all over the world.That summer

31、,Jesse Owens,a black American,joined the best athletes f rom 50 nations to compete in the Olympics in Berlin,Germany.There was special interest in the Olympic Games that year because Adolph Hitler was then the leader of Germany.He and his Nazi party believed that white people were better than other

32、races,especially those with dark skin.They were all very surprised when Owens won f our qold medals and set new world records.Years later,Jesse Owens wrote that he was most proud of showing Hitler and the world how great a black man could be.Through everything,he never lost conf idence in himself.No

33、r did he ever lose pride in himself,lb this day,Jesse Owens is remembered as an amazinq man who f ully expressed the Olympic spirit1.Why were so many people interested in the 1936 Olympic Games?2.According to the passage,what did the Nazi party believe?3.What surprised Hitler and the Nazis?4.What ma

34、de Jesse Owens most proud?5.Why is Jesse Owens remembered as a great man?Homework1DC D B AABCBDM:Have you ever tried scuba diving?W:No,Im kind of scared of the whole diving thing.I mean,I hear all these stories about getting sick f rom coming up too f ast and dangerous f ish and stuf f.I dont think

35、its f or me.M:I guess theres a lot that could go wrong,but if youve been trained and you f ollow the rules,theres really nothing to worry about.W:I dont know.M:Its really worth trying.Its a whole other world down there.Its such an amazing experience.W:Thats what a lot of people tell me,but I think I

36、d pref er to stick to surf ing rather than take my chances in the deep.M:lb be honest,I think you have more chance of meeting with an accident surf ing than diving.W:As long as you dont do anything stupid,youll be okay.M:Divings the same.Ybu just have to f ollow the rules.Say,Im going next weekend.W

37、hy dont you come along?Theres a pool that isnt so deep where you can see all kinds of f ish and things.Its perf ect f or a novice diver.W:Well,if its not too deep,it cant be too bad.Why not?Sure,Ill go with you.M:Great!Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.According to

38、 the woman,what makes diving scary?2.What measures might help ensure the saf ety of diving?3.According to the conversation,what has the woman heard about diving?4.What does the man think about surf ing?5.Why does the woman decide to join the man in diving?2Some people say that aerobic dancing is a s

39、port,and others say its not.Ive begun a class that teaches aerobics,and I would like to tell you about it.I think youll be very excited about this vigorous exercise and will agree with me that it*s a sport.Aerobic dancing is like other sports in that it can help you improve your mental strength.Of t

40、en,when doing it,youll want to quit Continuing,despite your desire to stop,f orces you to be strong.The encouragement that you receive f rom those around you helps you to carry on f or the entire 45 minutes until the end.Its something like running a long race.Like swimming,aerobic dancing makes your

41、 body stronger.It quicken your heart beat and helps you to lose f at.Many f ootball players,as well as athletes in other sports,do aerobic dancing to improve their f itness.Many other people enjoy it as well.Aerobic dancing can change your lif e.If you participate regularly,itll make you a better pe

42、rson,both mentally and physically.I recommend it to anyone who wants a little bit more out of lif e.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.1.According to the passage,how do people f eel about aerobic dancing?2.In which way is aerobic dancing similar to other sports?3.Who will

43、encourage you not to quit when doing aerobic dancing?4.How is aerobic dancing like swimming?5.According to the speaker,who should take part in aerobic dancing?Unit 3一、Understanding short c onversations D A B C D A D B A B1M:Could you tell me about the pros and cons of mixed marriages?W:I can tell yo

44、u the pros,f or sure.Af ter being married to a f oreigner f or 20 years,Ive yet to discover any cons.Q:What cant the woman tell the man?2W:The wedding is next week,but I still don*t know if marrying a person of a dif f erent race is right.M:There are a lot of pros and cons of mixed marriages,but ove

45、rall they*re good.Q:How does the man f eel about mixed marriages?3M:The French have a lot of charm.I think youll enjoy being married to one.W:Not everything about them is charming.And Im going to have some trouble dealing with his culture.Q:What concern does the woman have about marrying a Frenchman

46、?4W:Has anyone criticized you f or marrying someone of a dif f erent race?M:I expected people to.But they havent so f ar.Besides,I dont care what people think.My wif e and I hit it of f A-OK.Q:What did the man expect?5W:Thats great youre getting married,but do you have a clue about your new wif es c

47、ulture?M:Sure.Learning about her peoples way of doing things was the f irst thing I did when I decided to marry her.Q:What did the man do f irst when he decided to get married?6W:Ive heard that you canceled your wedding plans.Whats the problem?M:Money is very important to people f rom her culture.Sh

48、e lef t me when she discovered Im poor?Q:Why was the wedding canceled?7M:I cant believe how good your Chinese language skills are!How did you improve so quickly?W:I married a Chinese man.We talk everyday.Hes helped me a lot.Q:What does the womans husband help her with?8W:I have a question f or you.W

49、ould you ever marry a person f rom another culture?M:Thats a tough one!If I do,itll probably be to someone f rom a culture similar to mine.Q:What kind of woman would the man marry?9W:Our marriage is f alling apart.Didnt you know your f amily wouldnt approve of you marrying a f oreigner?M:I never exp

50、ected it to be a problem.Its not their marriage af ter all;its ours.Q:What is the mans relationship to the woman?10M:Ive been thinking about getting married.Do you know what the divorce rate of mixed marriages is?W:What do you mean,mixed races or mixed religions?The rate f or the f irst is 65 percen

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