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1、精品教育7A Unit1 This is me 重点词组、句型和知识点归纳一、词组1、一只电子狗an e-dog 2、这只狗的主人the master of the dog / the dogs master3、看书read books4、早上好/ 下午好/晚上好/ 晚安Good morning / afternoon / evening / night!5、见到你很高兴Nice / Glad / Pleased to meet / see you!6、欢迎来到七年级一班Welcome to Class One, Grade Seven7、在七年级in Grade 78、十二岁twelve y

2、ears old9、一个8/11岁的女孩an eight /eleven year old girl10、长着乌黑的短发have long black hair11、又高又苗条tall and slim11、喜欢阅读/游泳/跳舞/运动like / enjoy reading / swimming / dancing / sports 12、踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球play football / basketball / volleyball13、玩电脑游戏play computer games14、玩球play with a ball15、课后 / 放学后after class / schoo

3、l16、来自be from / come from17、擅长be good at / do well in (sth / doing sth)18、让我们来见见我的新同学Lets meet my new classmates.19、和家人住在南京live with my family in Nanjing20、戴眼镜wear glasses21、所有的功课all the lessons22、如何照顾你的宠物狗how to look after your e-dog二、句型和知识点:1、介绍自己:I am Amy. / My name is Simon.2、介绍别人:This is.3、询问别人

4、的名字 Whats your name? 回答:Im. / My name is. May I know your name? Yes, Im Are you Mr Green? Yes I am. / Sorry. Im Mr Brown.4、 be nice to do sth 很高兴做某事 Im nice / glad _you. 很高兴见到你。5、let sb do sth.让某人做某事 Let me see / Lets go now. Let _. 让他进来吧。6、她长着长发。She _ _ _. = _ _ _ long.7、提问外貌: What is he like? / Wh

5、at _ he _ _?8、谈论国籍: Where _ you from? / Where _ you come from? I am from / come from China. = I am _. He is from _ . = He _ from _. = He is _. (他是英国人) She _. = She _. (她来自美国。)9、谈论出生地 be born-Where _ you born? I _ in Nanjing.10、谈论爱好:(1) like / love / enjoy doing sth(2) My hobby is playing football.(3

6、) be good at / do well in ( doing) She is good at swimming. = She does well in dancing. = She _ _.= She is a _ _.注意 do well in 的否定句 例如:他不擅长跳舞。He _.11、everyone 每个人,大家 =everybody (三单) 我们班每个人都喜欢听音乐。Everyone in our class _. 我们中的每一个人_12、区别all (三者或三者以上都)/ both(两者都) (1) _ of my parents work in a hospital.

7、(2) My friends and I _ want to go traveling.三、语法:一般现在时(be 动词)一般现在时常与never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always, every day, every week, every month, in the morning, in the evening, once a week, on Sundays,等时间状语连用。(一)一般现在时可以用于以下几种情况:1.表示人或事物现在的状态,如:He is twelve. / She is at home.2.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,如

8、:I go to school at 7:30 every day.每天七点半我上学。3.表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:David can speak English and Spanish. 会说英语和西班牙语。 / She likes apples.4.表示普遍存在或某种客观事实。如:March comes after February.二月之后三月来到了。The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。(二)注意be动词am / is / are的用法四、Exercises根据句意,用be动词的适当形式填空1. You, he and I _ from C

9、hina.2. _ your sister at home?3. _ David and Helen from England? 4. One of the students _ from the USA.5. This pair of glasses _ mine. Mine is at home.6. _ there any kites in the classroom? 7. _ there any apple juice in the bottle? 8. Kate with her family _ in Beijing.9. There _ a boy, two girls, th

10、ree men and ten women in the park. 10.Ten years _ a long time.11. Dont _ late for school.12. I want _ a good football player when I grow up.句型转换1.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your pencils?2.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ do you get up every day?3. Jim and Simon are good at

11、 swimming.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jim and Simon _ _ swimming?3. He isnt good at playing football. (同义句) (1) He _ playing football. (2) He _ football _.4. Millie has long hair. (改为否定句) Millie _ _ long hair.5. Daniel comes from London. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Daniel _? / _ _ Daniel _ _?6. Jim likes drawing. (对划线部分提问) _ _ J

12、im _ _?7A Unit2 Lets play sports! 重点词组、句型和知识点归纳一、词组1、非常喜欢散步like walking very much2、步行上学walk to school = go to school on foot3、两碗饭two bowls of rice4、一天一次/ 两次 /许多次once / twice a day / many times a day5、踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球/ 网球play football / basketball / volleyball/ tennis羽毛球 / 乒乓球/ 棒球badminton / table tennis

13、 / baseball6、我最喜欢的运动 / 足球明星my favourite sport / football star7、喜欢听音乐enjoy listening to music 8、你呢?What about you?9、去钓鱼怎么样?What about / How about going fishing?10、参加读书俱乐部be in / be a member of the Reading Club11、篮球打得好 / 舞跳得好play basketball well / dance well12、看起来强壮look strong13、在他的空暇时间in his free tim

14、e14、使他(感到)开心make him (feel) happy 15、想要做某事want / would like to do sth16、踢下一届世界杯play in the next World Cup17、变成现实come true18、通过电视看球赛watch the ball games on TV19、在周末at / on the weekend / at / on weekends20、我的许多学生many of my students21、别的什么 / 还有谁what else / who else22、许多英雄a lot of / lots of heroes23、一本有

15、趣的书an interesting book24、对.感兴趣be interested in (sth / doing sth)25、谈论talk about / of二、句型和知识点:1、time: 1) 时间(不可数)have _ time _(有许多时间打篮球) 2) 次数(可数)_ a month (许多次)2、enjoy: 喜欢;享受1) enjoy doing sth 2) enjoy oneself玩的开心= have a good time3、你最喜欢的运动是什么?Which sport _ you _ _? = Whats your _ sport?4、make: 1)制作

16、make a kite 2)使某人. make sb happy / sad / strong / tired / make sb do sth 锻炼使我们强壮。_. 戴眼镜使他看起来聪明。_.5、want = would like 想要 want / would like sth / to do sth 你想去看足球赛吗?_ watch the football match? Yes, _.6、hope: v.希望 1) hope to do sth I hope _(去北京). 2) hope + 从句 I hope _(我的梦想成真). 注意: 不能说 hope sb to do sth

17、7、else: adv. 另外,其他 1) what / who / where else 2) something / someone else _ do you _?(你还想买些什么?)8、interesting有趣的 / interested感兴趣的: adj. something interesting有趣的事情 be interested in (doing) 对感兴趣fun (n.) -have( great / lots of) fun My grandfather often plays cards for_.(消遣) English is very _. Im very _

18、it. _.(读书是件有趣的事。)9、许多的表达法: many(可数) / much(不可数) / a lot of / lots of I have _ (许多作业要做)。So I dont have _ time to play chess.三、语法:一般现在时(实义动词)1、注意动词的第三人称单数的变化形式 have _ do_ fly_ study_ enjoy_ watch_ play_ go_ dress_ be _ need_ get_ say_2、注意疑问句中be动词和助动词do / does的用法区别 如: He is at school. - 一般疑问句_he at sch

19、ool? Yes, he _. 短划线部分提问_ _ he ? He does homework at home. - _ he _ homework at home? No, he _. _ _ he _ at home?3、注意主谓一致的问题 如:1) Jim and his parents often _(go) to the park at weekends. 2) Jim , with his parents often _ (go) to the park at weekends. 3) _ your mother and father _ (work) in the same h

20、ospital? 4) One of the best _ (play) _ (come) from the USA. 5) Walking _ (make) me happy. 6) Everyone in our class _(enjoy) listening to music.四、Exercises句型转换:1. He likes playing tennis best.(同义句) _ is _ tennis.2. Sandy is good at dancing. (同义句) Sandy _ _.3. Jim goes swimming many times a week. (对划线

21、部分提问) _ _ _ Jim _ swimming?4. Millie wants to go skating this afternoon. (对划线部分提问) _ Millie _ this afternoon?5. Li Hua is in the Huanghe Football Club. (同义句)Li Hua is _ the Huanghe Football Club.6. He looks strong. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _? / _ _ he _ _?7. He studies English in his free time. (对划线部分提问)_ _

22、 he _ English?7A Unit3 Welcome to our school! 重点词组、句型和知识点归纳一、词组1、一些蛋糕和面包some cakes and bread2、举行家长会have the parents meeting3、在校园开放日On the School Open Day4、观摩我们的两节课watch two of our lessons5、在校大门口见面meet at the school gate6、如此美丽so beautiful7、干净而明亮clean and bright8、带某人参观show sb around9、在教学楼前面in front of

23、 the classroom building10、在底楼on the ground / first floor11、走这边 This way, please.12、一间美术室和阅览室an art room and a reading room13、看上现代化look modern14、那儿的那栋楼the building over there15、穿白衬衫的男的The man in a white shirt16、帮我学英语help me with / learn my English17、叫我们中文teach us Chinese18、和某人打招呼 / 告别 /说抱歉say hello /

24、 goodbye / sorry to sb19、听得清楚hear sb well / clearly20、通过电话交谈talk on the phone21、骑自行车上学go to school by like / on ones bikeride a bike to school22、乘公交车上班go to work by bus / on a bustake a bus to work23、步行回家go home on foot = walk home24、到达学校get to school = arrive at school25、到达家 / 这儿 /那儿get home / here

25、 / there 26、起床get up27、从到from to28、半小时half an hour29、各种各样的书all kinds of books30、从图书馆借书borrow some books from the library31、感谢你的来信Thanks for your letter.Thanks for writing the letter to me.32、一些,少量的a few / a little33、离.遥远far away from34、一切顺利,万事如意All the best35、出示给某人看show sth to sb = show sb sth二、句型和知

26、识点:1、so: 1)(连词) 因此,所以 (不能和_同时出现) 2)如此的 so big / _ (如此多的人) / _(如此多的作业) 3)代替上文说的内容(代词)I think so. / I hope so. / I am afraid so.2、Which subject do you like best? = _ is _ _subject?3、对点钟、星期几、日期的不同提问:1) The meeting begins at 2:30 p.m. - _ _ _the meeting _?2) Its Monday today. - _ _ is it today?3) Its wa

27、s October 12th yesterday. - _ _ _ _ yesterday? 4) The shop is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. - _ _ the shop _?4、区别in front of / in the front of5、区别不同的穿的表达:1) in 穿着(表状态)+衣服 / 颜色 the boy in blue / a woman in a red dress区别于with the girl _ long hair / glasses2) wear 穿、戴着(表状态) like to wear / wearing3)

28、 put on穿上、戴上(强调动作过程) put it / them on -_(脱) Ex.1) Lucy likes _ red. But today she _ a purple blouse. 2) Do you know the boy _ the jeans?3) Its very cold outside. Please _ your warm coat, or you will catch a cold.6、 borrow sth from sb (借进)/ lend sth to sb(借出)7、 Thank you for sth. / Thanks for doing s

29、th.Thanks for your help.= Thank you for _ _.8、结构:It takes sb some time to do sth. = sb spend some time doing sth.例如:It takes me about 30 minutes to get to school. = _ _ about half an hour _ to school. 提问:_ _ _ it _ you _ _ to school?9、对交通方式的提问:How do you get to school? On foot / By bus.10、区别a few /

30、a little 少量的 few / little表示否定(几乎没有) a few + n.c a little + n. u1) He has_ friends and often goes to visit them.2) There is _water in the bottle,lets go to buy some.11、open / close (v.) 开 / 关 (表动作) be open / be closed (adj.) 开着/ 关着 (表状态) 1)The supermarket _ from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. 2) Dont _ the

31、door. Its too hot. 3) Keep the windows _. There is a strong wind. 4) The shop _at 7:00a.m. and _ at 10 p.m. every day.12、kind: 1) 种类n. a kind of / different kinds of / many kinds of / all kinds of 2) 热情的,好的 be kind to sb-Our teachers_.(都对我们很好)三、语法:人称代词主格和宾格的用法主格Iyouheitwethey宾格heryou注意:1、顺序 you, she

32、 and I (单数) we, you and they (复数) 2、动词和介词后面用宾格 between _(我和他) teach_ (我们)English 3、区别it / one: it代替上文提到的那样东西 one 只能代替可数名词,同类不同物如:1) Who is knocking at the door? _ may be Jim. 2) Kate buys a new computer. I also want to buy _.4) Do you have a pen? Sorry, I dont have _. 3) Theres a book on the ground.

33、 Is _ yours?7A Unit4 My Day重点词组1wake up 醒醒,叫醒wake sb. up=wake up sb.把某人叫醒(人称代词必须放中间)2It is time to do sth.=It is time for sth.该(做).的时候了。It is time for sb. to do sth.该某人做某事的时候了。3提建议Shall we do sth.?做.怎么样?Why not do sth.?= Why dont you do sth.?为什么不做.呢?Lets do sth.让我们做.吧!What about doing sth.?=How abou

34、t doing sth.做.如何?Would you like to do sth.?=Do you want to do sth.?你想做.吗?4need a good rest需要好好休息5how to have fun怎样取乐have a lot of /lots of/much fun玩得很高兴、过得特别愉快(fun 不可数名词)6how to do sth.如何做某事7have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭8do morning exercises做早操(早操和练习可数,锻炼不可数)9have lessons上课10do after-school a

35、ctivities进行课外活动11do homework做家庭作业12be late for 迟到13a quarter past eight八点一刻14start lessons开始上课15be nice to sb.对某人很好16after class/school下课后/放学后17chat with each other互相聊天18help each other互相帮助19read books看书/读书20be in the Reading Club在阅读兴趣小组21have a good time =have fun玩的高兴、过得愉快22practise doing sth.练习做某事

36、23in the playground 在操场上24on Wednesday afternoon在周三的下午25thanks for (doing)sth.=thank you for (doing)sth.谢谢做了某事26would like to do=want to do 想要做某事27tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事28have much time to do sth.有许多时间做某事29for half an hour半小时30go roller skating去溜旱冰31go on a picnic=go on picnics去野餐32how often(问频

37、度)多久一次33once/twice/three times /four times a week一周一次/两次/三次/四次34be good for sb.对某人有好处35get ready for sth.为某事做好准备36play it well打好球/踢好球37learn a lot about the world关于世界了解很多38have too much homework有太多的家作(too much +不可数名词)39have too many books有太多的书(too many +可数名词复数)40talk about sth.谈论某事41it is fun它很有趣。(f

38、un 形容词:有趣的)42need to do sth.需要做某事43spend .on sth.在某事上花费.44spend . (in) doing sth.花费.做某事45plant trees植树46watch TV看电视7A Unit 5 Lets celebrate!【单元学习重点和要求】一、语音1.不完全爆破pum(p)kin cho(co)late dum(p)ling ska(t)eboard mi(d)night2.句子重音和语调Who gives you the presents?Do you have any stamps?Do you get any present?My parents, aunts, uncles, cousin and friends.What do you do for Halloween?二、词汇1.单词(略)2.词组dress up as装扮成dressing room化装室care much about dress讲究衣着a summer dress

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