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1、新标准英语小学五年级下Module 1一、 词组英汉互译( ) 1. in this picture A. 一个笛子演奏者( ) 2. drive a bus B. 演奏中国音乐( ) 3. a flute player C. 在这张照片中( ) 4. play Chinese music D. 开公共汽车( ) 5. play the flute E. 在办公室( ) 6. in an office F. 演奏笛子( ) 7. in a hospital G. 在工厂( ) 8. in a factory H. 在医院二、 按要求写出单词1. drive_(过去式) 2. old_(反义词)

2、 3. drive_(名词)4. now_(反义词) 5. is _(过去式) 6. parent_(复数)7. teacher_(动词) 8. can not_(缩写) 9. do _(过去式)三、 选择题1. This is a photo _ her family. A. of B. about C. for2. She was a teacher _. A. now B. before C. two years3. What music did she _? A. play B. plays C. played4. He _ English in our school. A. teac

3、h B. teaches C. teaching5. -_ did your grandpa work? He worked in an office. A. What B. Where C. How6. What _ you before? -I was a doctor. A. were B. was C. are7. He is _ old man now. A. a B. / C. an8. I can _ the flute. A. plays B. play C. played9. What _ you now? A. is B. am C. are10. What did he

4、_? He helped children. A. do B. does C. did四、用be动词的适当形式填空1. This is my friend, Maria. She _ twelve years old. We _ in the same class.2. Tony _ a librarian two years ago, but now he _ our English teacher.3. _ you from England? Yes, I _.4. Parents _ the first teacher to children.5. They _ farmers befo

5、re.6. What _ you two years ago?7. My mother _ a teacher now. She _ an officer before.8. What _ you doing? I _ reading a book.9. I will _ 11years old in May.10. You _ in England two years ago.五、问答连线( ) 1. What was he before? A. He drives a bus.( ) 2. Where did he work? B. He was a driver.( ) 3. What

6、is he now? C. He drove a taxi.( ) 4. What did he drive? D. He worked in a station.( ) 5. What does he drive? E. He is a worker.( ) 6. Can you play the flute? F. No, I cant.六、句型转换1. She drove a bus. (划线部分提问) _2. He played Chinese music.(划线部分提问)_3. She was a driver before. (划线部分提问)_4. Im a student now

7、.(划线部分提问)_5. I can play the flute.(变为否定句)_七、翻译句子1. She_. (她以前是一个司机。)2. _(什么音乐) did he play?3. He worked _(在办公室)4. _(做什么的) you before?5. I can _(吹笛子)6. Where_? (你父母现在在哪工作?)7. My mother _. (我妈妈在商店工作)Module 1测试题一、把下列单词补充完整并写出汉语意思。1. fl_ _ e( ) 2. _ff_ _ _( ) 3. p_ _ _ _t( )4. f_ _ t_ _ y( ) 5. h_sp_t_

8、_( ) 6. _ _ i _ e ( )二、英汉互译1. 在这张照片里_ 2. every day _ 3. 笛子演奏者_4. work very hard_5. 在工厂_ 6. 在办公室工作_7.in the sun_8.演奏中国音乐_9.开公共汽车_10.在商店_三、按要求写出单词的对应形式1.child(复数) _2.grandpa(对应词) _3.does(原形) _4.have(过去式)_5.buy(过去式)_6.play(名词形式) _B区一、单选。( ) 1. This is a photo _ her family. A. of B. about C. for( ) 2. S

9、he was a teacher _. A. now B. before C. two years ( ) 3. What music did she _? A. play B. plays C. played( ) 4. He _ English in our school. A. teach B. teaches C. teaching( ) 5. I worked very hard _ the sun. A. under B. at C. in( ) 6. Lunch is usually _ half past seven. A. in B. on C. at( ) 7. There

10、 were no _(电脑). A. computer B. computers C. musuem二、读一读,选一选。1. Where_(do / did) your grandma work before?2. Where_(do / does) your parents work?3. My father_(work / works) in a shop.4. My uncle works_(in / on) a farm.5. What_(are / were) your parents now?三、在下列横线上填上合适的词。1. My grandpa was a _ before.

11、He wrote many books.2. My grandma was a _ before. She worked in a big factory.3. My father was a driver before. He _ a bus.4. My mother worked in a school. She was a _ before.5. My brother played the flute. He was a flute _before.6. He is a _. He works in a hospital.四、选择填空 sees badly is old ran fast

12、 cooked badly1. He _ many years ago. Now he walks slowly.2. She saw well many years ago. Now she _.3. She _ many years ago. Now she cooks well.4. He was young many years ago. Now he _.五、连词成句。1.he a before was flute player_2.can I the flute play_3.what music he play did?_4.your father teach did what

13、_5.mother in my works a shop智慧园一、从B栏中找出A栏中问题的答语,将标号填在括号里。A栏: B栏:( )1. Is Lingling in London? A. Im a pupil.( )2. Was she a driver before? B. He was a doctor.( )3. Where did you work? C. Yes, she was.( )4. What did she drive? D. He is a teacher.( )5. What music did he play? E.Yes, Lingling is in Lond

14、on with her mother.( )6. What was he before? F. She drove a bus.( )7. Where did your grandma work? G. I had lunch at half past twelve.( )8. What is he now? H. She worked in a factory.( )9. What are you now? I. He played Chinese music.( )10.What time did you have lunch? J.I worked in a shop.二、阅读理解(一)

15、判断对错(T/F)Lingling is in London with Amy. She is showing Amy a photo of her grandparents. “Look. This is my grandma. She was young in this picture. She was a driver before. She drove a bus. This is my grandpa. He was a flute player before. He played Chinese music.”( ) 1. Lingling is showing Amy a pho

16、to of her parents.( ) 2. In the picture her grandma wasnt young.( ) 3. Linglings grandma is a driver now.( ) 4. Linglings grandpa drove a bus.( ) 5. Amys grandpa was a flute player before.( ) 6. Linglings grandma played Chinese music.(二)回答问题One day, a monkey drove his car near a lake. Suddenly(突然地),

17、he saw a tiger under a tree.The tiger saw him,too.The tiger ran very fast at the monkey. The monkey was very afraid(害怕的)and he and his car fell into the lake. The monkey couldnt swim and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The rabbit swam to the monkey but did not help him. Both o

18、f them shouted for help. Luckily, a giraffe came along. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey. 1.What did the monkey see under a tree? _2.Did the tiger see the rabbit? _3.What fell into the lake? _4.Who helped the rabbit and the monkey? _Module 1测试题 (一)、找出正确选项,使单词完整正确。( )1、dr_ve A.a

19、B.i C e( )2、fl_te A. u B.i C.e( )3、pl_yer A. e B i .C a( )4、_ff_ce A.o,i B. i,o C. e,i( )5、p_ent A. ra B. ar C.ai(二)按要求写出下列单词。1、drive(过去式) 2、old(反义词) 3、drive(名词) 4、now(对应词) 5、teacher(动词)6、is(过去式)(三)用所给词的适当形式填空。1、What _(be)her mother before?She was a nurse.2、His father _(drive) a train before.3、What

20、_(do) she teach? She teaches English.4、What _(be) he now? Hes a driver.5、He _ (play) the flute before.6、What_ (be)you doing? I_ (be)reading a book.(四)单项选择。( )1、What music _he play? He played Chinese music.A、did B、do C、does D、didnt( )2、Can she play the drums? No,_.A、he can B、she cant C、I cant D、he ca

21、nt( )3、Whos this? _my grandpa.A、Shes B、His C、Hes D、Its( )4、This is my grandma. She_ young im this picture.A、was B、is C、were D、are ( )5、What does he _? He_ PE.A、teacher,teach B、teach,teachers C、teach,teaches D、teacher,teacher(五)根据要求改写句子。1、She drove a bus. (划线提问)2、He played Chinese music.(根据答语写问句)4、fa

22、ther/ my /works/ a / in / hospital.( 连词成句)5、Im a student now.(划线提问)(六)根据提示完成句子。1、She_ _ _ _ (以前是司机)。2_ _ _ _ (什么音乐)did he play?3、He worked _ _ _ _ (在办公室)。4、_ _ _ _ (做什么)you before?5、I can_ _ _ _ (吹笛子)(七)根据情景补全对话。A:did your grandpa work?B: in office.A:Where did your grandma?B:wofked a factory.A:Where

23、 your parents work?B:My mother works in a shop. My fatyer in a hospital.Module 2 (一)、找出正确选项,使单词完整正确。1 m il(电子邮件) 2、s_sage (香肠) 3、s_ndw_ch (三明治) 4、h_ve (吃)5、d_l_c_ous (美味的)(二)、将下列名词变算数形式1、family- 2、fish- 3、potato- 4 、man- 5、chicken - 6、sandwich-(三)、完成下列词组。1、在英国 - 2、吃早饭- 3、收到电子邮件- 4、传统的英国食物- 5、在12点半-

24、6、对你有好处- 7、在星期五-(四)、单项选择。( )1、Look, I -got a pear.A、have B、has C、had( )2、A:Have you got _ email _ Amy? B:Yes, I have.A、an , to B、an , from C、a ,fron ( )3、Yesterday he _ _ English breakfast.A、had , an B、has , an C、has, a ( )4、A:What did she have _lunch? B:She _ eggs.A、for , has B、for, had C、for , hav

25、e ( )5、I had _ and_.A、sandwich , an egg B、sandwich ,eggs C、sandwiches , eggs(五)、选词填空。what , like , for , had , does , delicions , traditionalA:-did you have-dinner yesterday?B:I-fish and chips. I-them very much.A:Are they -English food?B:Yes,they are.A:-your mum like them?B:Yes,she does.She said the

26、y are-.(六)、根据要求完成句子。1、He had some eggs for lunch yesterday.(改为否定句)2、Its a tradytiomal Chinese dinner.(改为一般疑问句)3、for / have/ what/ dinner / did /you/?(连词成句)4、Amy喜欢中国食品吗?(译成英语)5、中午他们吃了三明治和香肠。(译成英语)Module1Module2七、(选择题)A 、驾驶巴士. B、鸡蛋和香肠 C、 鱼和薯条 D、 在办公室工作E、吹笛子 F、一顿传统的英式晚餐 G、每逢周五 H、在医院里工作I、演奏中国音乐 J、 吃饭 K、

27、在工厂里工作 L、在7点整1、work in a hospital 2、on Fridays 3、fish and chips 4、play the flute 5、play Chinese music 6、have dinner 7、eggs and sausages 8、work in an office 9、a traditional English dinner 10、drive a bus 11 、work in a factory 12、at seven oclock 八、(找出不同类的单词)( )1. A 、sausages B、 sandwiches C、 fish D、 de

28、licious( )2.A 、yesterday B、 breakfast C、 lunch D 、dinner( )3. A 、chicken B、 eat C、 potatoes D、 vegetables( )4. A、 hungry B、 hamburger C、 eggs D、 chips( )5. A、 parents B、 grandma C、 present D、 grandpa九、(完成对话.)( ) 1.What did you have for dinner? A.Its in July.( ) 2. What can you do ? B.I had rice and

29、fish.( ) 3.Have you got a bike ? C. He was a doctore.( ) 4. What was he before ? D.I can sing an English song.( ) 5.When is your birthday ? E.Yes, I have.十、(根据句意填空)1. Where_(do / did) your grandma work before?2. Where_(do / does) your parents work?3. My father_(work / works) in a shop.4. My uncle wo

30、rks_(in / on) a farm.5. What_(are / were) your parents now?.十一、阅读理解 (一)Xiaoyongs grandfather was a policeman before. His grandmother was doctore. His father was an English teacher before. Now he is a policeman. His mother was a worker before.Now she is a nurse. Fanfans grandfather was a teacher. Her

31、 grandmother was a writer. Her father was a fireman before. Now he is a bus driver. Her mother was a farmer. Now she is a flute player.She played Chinese music.根据短文内容,选择问题的答案。 ( )1、What was Xiaoyongs grandfather ? A.He was a policeman. B. He is a policeman. C. He was teacher. ( )2、What is Xiaoyongs

32、father ? A. A teacher. B. A policeman. C.A driver. ( )3、Where did Xiaoyongs mother work ? A. A worker. B. A factory. C.A hospital. ( )4、What was Fanfans father ? A.A fireman. B. A driver C. A farmer. ( )5、What does Fanfans father drive ? A.A train. B. A bus. C. A driver. 判断对错,正确的打 ,错的打 ( )1. Fanfans

33、 mother worked on a farm. Now she is a flute player. ( )2. Fanfans mother played Chinese music. ( )3. Fanfans grandfather was a writer. ( )4.Xiaoyongs mother is a nurse. ( )5.Xiaoyongs father taught English before. (二)Dear AmyToday I had a hamburger at KFC. I like hamburgers. But Mum doesnt like ham

34、burgers at all. She drank some juice. Tomorrow is my birthday. Mum is going to make a cake for me. Im going to eat lots of delicious food. I hope you are with me.With loveDaming根据短文判断正误( )1. Daming ate a hamburger today.( )2. Damings mother likes hamburgers very much.( )3. Damings mother is going to

35、 make some juice for Daming.( )4. Daming is going to eat some cakes tomorrow.( )5. Today is Damings birthday. Module 3测试题 (一)、补全下列单词。1、r-t-rn(归还) 2、b-rr-w(借来) 3、v-d-o(录像带) 4、-se (使用) 材5、c-mp-ter(电脑)(二)根据汉语提示补全句子。1、Please - -(归还)the ruler in one week.2、Cherry is my (最喜欢的)fruit.3、The vase is on the (架

36、子)4、We have got lots of (录像带)(三)单项选择。( )1、A:Have you-the Harry Potter videos? B: Ill look-the computer.A、got , in B、got ,on C、get , in( )2、A:Where are they ? B: Theyre -.A、on shelf B、on Shelf C、at shelf( )3、Please return the books-two weeks.A、in B、on C、at( )4、A:-she got a book? B: Yes,she has.A、Has

37、B、Have C、Had( )5、We like Harry Potter -China,too.A、in B、on C、at(四)、按要求改写句子。1、You can use the computer.(变否定句)2、You cant talk to your frideds.(变陈述句)3、Ive got some picture books.(变一般疑问句)4、Ive got-(许多)books.(补全句子)5、Have you got any CDs(作否定回答)新标准英语Module 1 Module 3练习题 五年级(下) 单选:1. She _ a driver before.(is ; was)2. Lingling is in England _ Sam and Amy. (and ; with)3. She was young _ this picture. (in ; on)4. What did she _ ? She _ a bus. (drive , drove ; drove , drive)5. He was a flute player _.(before ; now)6. What music _ he play? He played Chinese music. (did ; does)7. I

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