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1、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!Lesson 77 and Lesson 78一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空(10分)1He has a terrible toothache. So he goes to see a d_.2. You must have an a_ before you go and see a doctor.3. It is very u_ for Mr. Croft to see the dentist because he has an awful toothache

2、.4. The student is busy w_ his homework now.5. Walk along the street u_ you come to a white house at the end of the street.6. Im a_ that the dentist has no time to see you.7. Cant you w_ till this afternoon?8. S_ is the ninth month of the year.9. She came to see me two days a_.10. I made lots of t_

3、calls last night.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Can I make an _ (appoint) to see headmaster?2. When you have a toothache, you must go to the _ (dentist).3. Dont talk to him. He is busy _ (drive) his car.4. It is very _ (urge) for me to see the doctor.5. Sunday is the _ (one) day of the week.6. Im _ (terrible)

4、 sorry for being so late.7. They look out of fashion and they look very _ (comfortable), too.8. I want to buy a Chinese _ (paint) for my son.9. The man is very _ (luck),10. His job is _ (teach) English. 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Mr. Croft wants _ (see) the doctor.2. It is urgent for me _ (have) an appoi

5、ntment with him.3. They are not going back to work until they _ (get) a lot of money.4. The students are busy _ (listen) to the teacher.5. The cat _ (jump) off the wall a minute ago.6. My sister _ (buy) this pair last month.7. He _ (speak) German. He was a tourist.8. _ women always _ (wear) uncomfor

6、table shows?9. The shoes like those _ (be) in fashion last year and the year before last.10. He _ (go) to a town near the sea a short time ago.四 选择填空(10分)( ) 1. Mr. Croft wants _ the dentist. A. seeB. to see C. seeingD. sees( ) 2. look, Wang Lin is busy _ his socks. A. washB. to wash C. washingD. wa

7、shes( ) 3. The mother with her little son arrived at out village _ a rainy night. A. inB. for C. atD. on( ) 4. I _ find the way _ a policeman tells me. A. can, untilB. can, until C. cant, untilD. cant, after( ) 5. My friend lives in _ country near London. A. aB. the C. /D. some( ) 6. Jimmy didnt fee

8、l better _ he took the medicine. A. toB. until C. onD. for( ) 7. Mr. Croft had a terrible toothache. He wanted to see the dentist_. A. urgentB. to be urgent C. being urgentD. urgently( ) 8. John came to see the dentist at 10a.m. But he didnt _ the appointment.A. take B. keepC. haveD. do( ) 9. He pai

9、nted this room _ 1997. A. onB. at C. inD. do( ) 10. She _ the basket two days ago. A. emptiesB. emptied C. emptyD. is emptying( ) 11. A: Cant you go with me today? B: Im _ that I cant. A. gladB. afraid C. busyD. lazy( ) 12. Walk along the street _ you come to the end of it. A. toB. before C. tillD.

10、when( ) 13. Its not right for them _ so. A. to doB. dong C. doD. does( ) 14. Can you come at 10a.m. _ Monday, April 24th? A. atB. in C. ofD. on( ) 15. When are we going to the zoo?Im afraid I dont know when _. A. going B. to go C. are goingD. go五 补全对话(10分)A: Good morning, nurse.B: Good morning, Mr.

11、Croft, What is the _1_ _2_you?A: I want to see the _3_ because I have a terrible toothache.B: Im _4_ to tell you that the dentist cant see you now.A: Why?B: Because you didnt have an _5_. And the doctor is busy at the _6_.A: But I feel _7_ to see him, or Ill die.B: Cant you _8_ it 2p.m.? The dentist

12、 will have time.A: Im _9_ not. I cant wait _10_ this afternoon. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _六 句型转换(10分)1. Mr. Croft wants to see the dentist. (就划线部分提问) _ _ Mr. Croft want to _?2. Can you tell me how I can get to King Street. (改为同义句) Can you tell me _ _ _ to King Street?3. You must take

13、the medicine before going to bed. (改为同义句) You _ go to bed _ you take the medicine.4. It is very urgent. He must see the dentist. (把两句合并为一句) It is very urgent _ him _ see the dentist.5. The housewife is busy with the housework. (改为同义句) The housework is _ _ the housewife.6. It rained heavily on July 7

14、th. (就划线部分提问) _ _ it _ heavily?7. They watched TV last night. (变为否定句) They _ _ TV last night.8. He is afraid of seeing a dentist. (变为同义句) He is _ _ see a dentist.9. Im afraid that he cant see you. (变为同义句) Im _ that he cant see you.10. My mother often washes clothes on Sundays. (用last Sunday改写) My mo

15、ther _ _ last Sunday.七 根据汉语提示完成句子。(5分)1. 克罗夫特先生急着见牙医。 It is _ for Mr. Croft _ see the dentist.2. 直到你预约医生才会见你。 The doctor _ see you _ you make an _.3. 我妈妈正忙于洗衣服。 My mother is _ _ clothes.4. 你能在四月二十四日下午来吗? Can you come _ the afternoon _ April 24th.5. 你必须等到今天下午为止。 You must _ _ this afternoon.八完形填空(10分)

16、Jim _ in a tall building in _ city _ New York. His house is _ the fifteenth floor. There _ many tall buildings around his. And people usually _ a lift to go up and down morning, he often sees the sun rising _ the top of the building next _ his.Jim has a good friend _ Tom. They are good friends. But

17、Tom lives outside the city.( ) 1. A. liveB. lives C. livingD. lived( ) 2. A. theB. a C. anD. /( ) 3. A. inB. of C. onD. with( ) 4. A. on B. in C. atD. from( ) 5. A. is B. are C. haveD. has( ) 6. A. useB. uses C. usingD. used( ) 7. A. inB. for C. atD. on( ) 8. A. toB. from C. atD. into( ) 9. A. fromB

18、. in C. toD. on( ) 10. A. callB. called C. callsD. calling 九阅读理解(10分)Bill was five years old last week. He is very clever. He always Likes to touch (接触) everything he sees. But his father Mr. Hunt never lets his little son touch anything in his study. When Bill puts his hand on something in it, he a

19、lways says, “Dont touch it”.One day the boy was standing by the window and his father was reading a book. Suddenly the boy pointed to the sky and said, “Look Dad, a plane”.“Oh, dear,” said his father, “but dont touch it, Bill.”A. 根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 1. Bill is a _ boy. A. good-lookingB. clever C. quietD

20、. bad( ) 2. The word “ study” here is _ . A. 学习B. 学科 C. 书房C. 文章( ) 3. Bills father doesnt let him _ .A. do anything at homeB. put things about in his studyC. touch things in his study.D. Read books in his study.( ) 4. One day Bill saw _ .A. a plane B. a birdC. nothing in the skyD. a toy plane in the

21、 study.( ) 5. Bills father _ .A. saw the planeB. didnt see the plane C. didnt like his sonD. wanted his son to touch the planeB. 根据短文内容回答问题6. How old was Billy last week. He is _ _ _ last week.7. What does Bill always like to do?He always likes to _ _ he sees.8. What will his father say if Tom puts

22、his hand on something in the study? He will say “_ _ it.”9. What did Tom see out of the window? He saw a plane _ in the _.10. Did hi father know it was a flying plane? _, he _.十 根据短文内容填写一个适当的词(10 分)One day Mr. Croft goes to _1_ the dentist. But the nurse _2_ him because he didnt have an _3_. Mr. Cro

23、ft thinks it _4_ to see the dentist. Because he has a terrible _5_.The nurse wants him _6_ come at 10a.m. on Monday, April 24th. But Mr. Croft doesnt _7_ with her. The nurse names it 2p.m. Mr. Croft thinks its very late. He is _8_ that he cant wait _9_ that time. Even he can, _10_ his toothache cant.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!

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