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1、Name :_ Score:_新概念英语青少版1A测试 (Unit 1-Unit5)一. 选择题.(10分)(1) My name _ William Jenkins.A. are B.is C.am(2) Lucy:How do you do?Robert:_.A.Hello! B.Hi! C.How do you do!(3) 这个是露西,我的朋友.This is my Lucy,my _.A. girl B.friend C.teacher(3) 它是什么? _A.what is that? B.What is this? C.What is it?(4)Is it your pen?肯

2、定回答:_A.Yes,is B.No,it isnt. C.Yes,it is.(5)这是一把银色的钥匙.Its a _ key.A.white B.black. C.silver(6)_s that boy?A.who B.what C.which(7)翻译:哪一个男孩?_A.What boy? B.Who boy? C.Which boy?(8)How are you? _,thank you.A.Yes. B.Fine C.OK.(9)他很口渴吗?Is he _ ?A.hungry B.thirsty C.happy(10)Whats your _ ?My name is William

3、 Annie.A.friend B.name C.man二.选词填空.(20分)Annie:1._(Who/Which) is that boy,Polly?Polly: 2._ (Who/Which) boy,Lucy?Annie:The boy 3._ (in/on) the silver bicycle.Polly: 4._ (Shes/Thats) Robert Jenkins.Annie:5._ (Whos/Whats) that man?Polly: 6._ (Who/Which) man?Annie:7._ (The/A) man with the 8._ 黑色的(green/

4、black)umbrella.Polly: Thats Mr.Jenkins.9._ (Shes/Hes) Roberts 10._ (brother/father).Linda:Hello! 11._ (What/How) are you?Karen:12._(Im/Hes) fine.But Robert 13._(is/isnt) very 14._ (ill/well).Linda:Oh,Im 15._ (fine/sorry)! 16_(What about/Whats) the matter with him?Karen:Im not 17._(fine/sure).Hes ver

5、y 18._ (busy/hot).He isnt 19._(well/ill)Paul:20._ (What/How) do you do,Claire?Claire:Im a student.三.用a或an填空.(10分)(1)Thats _ nice name. (2)Shes _ famous actress.(3)Its _ an English book. (4)Its _ expensive car.(5)Hes _busy accountant. (6)Its _old mobile.(7)Shes _pretty girl. (8)Hes _American girl.(9)

6、Hes _handsome man. (10)Thats _ apple.四.填空,并连线.(20分)(1)_eet a.哪一个(2)_eacher b.妈妈(3)_ife c.学生(4)_icycle d.对不起(5)_ho e.邻居(6)wh_ch f.老师(7)_tudent g.单车(8)_other h.见面(9)_orry i.妻子(10)_eighour j.谁五.翻译句子.(一) 把下面的句子翻译成中文.(40分)(1) Nice to meet you. _(2) What do you do? _(3) Whats your name? _(4) What is it ?

7、_(5) Lucy isnt well._(6) Is he thirsty? _(7) Come and meet Lucy. _(8) He is a student. _(9) How are you? Im fine. _(10) Whos that boy? _(11) How do you do? _(12) Im a student. _(13) This is my son. _(14) Thiss my friend. _(15) Its a red flower. _(16) Im your new neighbour._(17) What about you? _(18) Is he hungry? _(19) The young man in that old car. _(20) Is this a mobile? _

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