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1、湖北省孝感市孝南区肖港初中学届英语全册 Unit -练习题 日期:2 Unit 11-12练习题一单项选择。40( )1Please cut up_ onion and_ potato for meAan;a Ba;an Ca:a Dan;an( )2_honey would you like? Three _of honey,pleaseAHow many;teaspoon BHow much;teaspoonsCHow much;teaspoon DHow many;teaspoons( )3. _, you can work out the problem easily. I see.

2、Thank you. A. On the way B. In a way C. By the way D. In this way( )4There_ some bread on the table,but there_ any apples on itAwerent;was Bwere;wasnt Cwasnt:were Dwas;werent( )5The life we were used to _greatly since 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed( )6The boy is going to

3、be a_ because he wants to fly in the skyAteacher Bengineer Cfarmer Dpilot( )7Do you know when Yao Ming was born?Yes,he was born_ September 12th,1980Aon Bfrom Cin Dat( )8. Lets start at eight, shall we? Why not make it a little earlier? A quarter_ eight. OK? A. past B. at C. to D. after ( )9They aske

4、d me to perform a comedy_ A Trip to BeijingAcalled Bcalling Ccalls Dis called( )10Did you see her_ into the gift shop just now? Yes,I didAwent Bgo Cto go Dgoes ( )11Where are you going to spend your winter vacation? We want to go_Asomewhere warm Bwarm somewhereCCool somewhere Dsomewhere Cool( )12I t

5、hink walking is an easy way to keep fit _But Jim doesnt think SO AI disagree BI agree CIm afraid not DIm not sure( )13My New Years Resolution is to learn to play an instrument ASure,Id love to BOK,I do CThank you DSounds wonderful( )14John caught a cold on Saturday and_ in bed ever since Awas Bhas b

6、een Cis Dhave been( )15Miss Zhang has taught us English in our school_ ten years ago Asince Bfor Cin Dbefore( )16. -Why dont you answer my question .Bill? -difficult for me to answer. A. Too B. So C. Such D. Very( )17. What hot weather! The temperature must be _ 30. A. over B. on C. under D. in( )18

7、. -Did you the reading competition last week? -Yes, I did. And I got first prize. A. join up B. go to C. hold D. take part in( )19. -Why dont you want to live in a big city? -Because the traffic there is muchthan that in a small town. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. badly ( )20. -Put the ingredients in

8、the bowl and _ , please.A .mix up it B. mix it up C. mix up them D. mix them up二、完形填空。(20) Poor Matrin lost his work and was trying to find a job. One day he read in the newspaper that a man was 1 to work in a zoo. He was very 2 and went to the boss of the zoo to ask for the job. The boss told him t

9、hat their monkey had just died and it would be two months 3 they could get another one, so they wanted him to take the monkeys place. As soon as he heard this, Martin got angry and shouted, “You want me to take the place of a monkey! Take this place yourself. You look more like a monkey than I do. “

10、Dont expect it like that, said the boss, “I know you dont look like a monkey, but well 4 you up. Martin thought about it for a while. Though he didnt like the idea, he had to make a living after all. So he 5 the job in the end. The next day Martin started to work. It wasnt so 6 . The only thing he d

11、idnt like was the tiger in the cage next to him. But as there were strong bars(铁栏) 7 them, he soon got used to his neighbor. One afternoon he climbed up to the top of the bars. Suddenly he missed his footing and fell not on his own side of the bars, but into the tigers cage. That great animal was as

12、leep at the time, but the noise of Martins fall woke him up. Martin had to 8 the bars again quickly to get back into his own cage. He tried to get up, but he had hurt his feet so badly that be couldnt move. He hid his face in his hands so as not to see the tiger coming. The next few seconds seemed l

13、ike bows. Then he 9 the tiger whispered(低语) in his ear, “Dont be 10 , old man. Im in the same boat as you.( )1. A. told B. paid C. wanted D. chosen( )2. A. sad B. worried C. surprised D. glad( )3. A. before B. since C. after D. ago( )4. A. pick B. dress C. bring D. give( )5. A. took B. gave C. loved

14、 D. lost( )6. A. good B. clean C. bad D. nice( )7. A. behind B. among C. before D. between( )8. A. climb B. lift C. move D. jump( )9. A. saw B. heard C. made D. thought( )10. A. angry B. sad C. unhappy D. afraid三、填写单词。(30)1. After the strong wind, there were a lot of fallen_ on the ground.2. Mother

15、asked the twins to help _to some cakes.3. What does “QS on many food products mean? It means “Quality_.4. The _ you study, the better youll do in the exam.5. He drank all the orange juice and left me an _glass.6. I cant go to the movie with you tonightI have to_ my dog7. He is not funny, and he is a

16、lways very_.8. Even though he fails this time, he still believes hell _.9. Four fifteen is another way of saying a _ past four.10. Fifteen and thirty-five is _.11. People use mobile phones to send short text _to each other.12. May I use your dictionary? _ is at home.13. I didnt take an umbrella. So

17、I got _ in the rain yesterday.14. I cant be the first in the exam _your help.15. The people at the concert enjoyed _.四、改写句子(20)1. She will plant some trees this week. Some trees will _ _ this week.2. Jack is not as healthy as his brother. His brother is _ _ than Jack.3. We didnt have the match becau

18、se it rained. We didnt have the match _ _ the rain.4. What other things did you do in your vacation? _ _ did you do in your vacation?5. She left home the day before yesterday. She has _ _ _ home since the day before yesterday.6. How fine the weather is! _ _ _ it is!7. Do you know who drank the tea?

19、Do you know whom the tea was _ _?8. “No news is good news his mother said to him. His mother _ him that no news _good news.9. His father returned home very late last night. His father _ _ home very late last night.10.Jim is as tall as Jack. Jim is the _ _ as Jack.五、补全对话 (10)Son: Hey, Dad? Dad: Whats

20、 the matter?Son: _1_Dad: What movie are you going to see?Son: Avatar(阿凡达). Its really an exciting movie.Dad: OK. _2_Son: I am going to see the movie with Tony.Dad: _3_.Son: Ill come back at 9 oclock. The m ovie is a little long.Dad: Dont stay out late. You must get back home before 9:30.Son: All right. _4_Dad: No, I need it. And you are too young to drive a car. But _5_Son: Its kind of you to do that. Thank you, Dad. 7

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