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1、。外贸经纪人佣金合同Commission Agreement of Foreign Trade Agents甲方:(生产厂家)_ 乙方:(中间人)_ Party A: (manufacturer)_Party B: (intermediary )_根据中华人民共和国合同法和有关法律法规的规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品开拓海外市场,双方经协商一致,签订本合同。 According to Peoples Republic of China Contract Law and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, Party A her

2、eby appoints Party B to develop overseas market. Both Parties have agreed to sign this agreement.第一条:委托事项 1. THE ENTRUSTED MATTERS甲方委托乙方发展海外市场为甲方营销其产品。Party A hereby appoints Party B to develop overseas market and promote its products. 第二条:委托事项的具体要求2. OBLIGATION(1) 甲方应保证所生产产品的合法性及保证产品质量。 Party A sha

3、ll ensure the legality of the products and ensure product quality.(2) 甲方与海外客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与海外客商双方协商约定。 All the trade terms including price, payment term, delivery, etc are negotiated by Party A and customers.(3)甲方应严格按国家的“FOB、 C&F或 CIF条款”执行与海外客商所签定的合同。Party A shall be in strict accordance wit

4、h the FOB, C & F or CIF terms in the contracts. (4)乙方承诺每年给甲方介绍_美元的销售额。Party B promise that the turnover will be more than USD _ per year through Party B. (5)乙方应协助甲方回收全额货款及提供最新的市场信息。Party B should assist Party A to receive the full payment as per the sales contracts.Party B will provide the update ma

5、rket information to Party A. (6)乙方不能将甲方营业范围内的海外客户关系泄露给第三方,否则甲方会按盗窃公司机密对乙方提起公诉。Party B should not disclose the customer information to a third party. Otherwise Party A will indict Party B.第三条:佣金的计算、给付方式、给付时间3. Rate of commission, payment term(1) 甲方同意按每笔合同成交总额(扣除税金,运费和货代的费用)的_支付佣金给乙方。 Party A will agr

6、ee to pay _ of the total turnover of each contract - deducting taxes and the freight- to Party B.(2) 给付方式及时间: Payment term 在甲方收到合同金额全款后14天内一次性付给乙方。Party A will pay 100% commission within 14 days upon receiving the full payment from customer.第四条:违约责任 4. Liability 甲方若不按本合同第三条的(2)执行,逾期一天应支付乙方滞纳金,滞纳金系数为

7、:总佣金的5/天。 If Party A does not follow (2) of Section 3, Party A have to pay the overdue fine. The amount is 5 of the total commission per day. 第五条:协议仲裁5. AGREEMENTARBITRATION双方如果发生纠纷,可凭此合同向甲方所在仲裁机构进行。 Intheeventofdispute, both parties can present to arbitration court from Party As place.第六条:本合同未尽事宜双方

8、协商解决。6.CHANGES. Anychangesoftermsrelatingtothisagreementmustbedoneinawrittenform,andagreeduponbybothparties.现行协议条款的修改必须经协议双方授权人书面签字方能生效。第七条:特别约定。SPECIALCLAUSE本合同一式肆份双方各执贰份具有同等法律效用。中英文版本如有冲突,以中文版本为准。Thisagreementhasbeendrawnupinfouridenticalcopies,ofwhichtwocopiesforeachparty. The Chinese version of

9、these Terms and Conditions shall prevail wherever there is a discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.第八条:履行IMPLEMENTATION本合同双方签字盖章即为有效。Whilstsignatureonthisagreementcertifiestheintentionofbothpartiestotheagreement,thetermsofthisagreementshallbecomebindinguponbothpartiesonlyatsuchtimeast

10、hefollowinghavebeencompliedwith,inwriting.第九条:同意签字人AGREEMENTSIGNATORIES下面签约的各方接受本合同中的所有条款.Inwitnessthereof,thepartieshavesignedbelowandbydoingsohaveacceptedandapprovedallcovenants,termsandconditionsofthisagreement.- -签名盖章 签名盖章签订日期Signing date:Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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