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1、新人教版高中英语选修七U1课文重点句汇集1. Look at the pictures read what these people have achieved even though they eachhavea disability.2. Sheisproudtohavetakenpart in competitions andtohavebroken a record by running two laps this year. 今年她参加了多次比赛, 今年她参加了多次比赛,而打破了两圈(800米)赛跑的记录。3. Glance at the title and picture,then

2、 discuss with a partner what kind of thing you think people would write about and why disabled people find the website beneficial.浏览标题和图片,然后和你的伙伴讨论你认为人们会写什么样的内容以及为什么残疾人觉得这家网站对他们有益。4. I have a muscle disease which makes me very weak, so I cant run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. In additi

3、on, sometimes I am very clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture.我的肌肉有毛病,使我的身体非常虚弱,所以我不能像别人那样快跑或快步爬楼梯。再说,有时候我还会笨手笨脚、不小心摔掉东西,或磕碰到家具上。5. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. Even after all th

4、at, no one could give my disease a name and it is difficult to know what the future holds.我想我至少做过十亿次检查了,包括有一次检查,他们从我的腿部切下一小块儿肌肉,放在显微镜下观察。即使做过了所以这些检查,也没有人能确诊这个病,因此很难知道未来是什么样子。6. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.每次缺课之后,我就觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后了。7. The few

5、who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life.还有些同学看不到我的内心世界,但是他们并不能令我生气,我只是不去理会他们罢了。总而言之,我生活得挺好。8. My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up.我的雄心壮志是长大后我要在开发电脑软件的公司里工作。9. I have a ver

6、y busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。除了同我的朋友一起去看电影和足球比赛,我还花很多时间和我的宠物在一起。10. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live a

7、s rich and full a life as you do.要接受他们,给他们以鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩,充实美满。11. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying.假如我有机会跟健康孩子讲一句话,那么,这句话就是:身体残疾并不意味着生活不美满。12. Just accept them for who they are, and give them e

8、ncouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.要接受他们,给他们以鼓励让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。13. I was supposed to have finished all my shopping by now, but I still have a great many to buy. 到现在为止,我应该买完东西了,但是be supposed to have done. 本来应该做14. Iseem to have forgottensomanythingsnowthatChristmas is here.圣诞节

9、到了,我似乎忘了很多事。15. Never mind, Nobody is said to have finished till theres no more left to buy! 别着急。没有卖东西的人了,你也就买完了。16. Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. 接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。17. I read in the newspaper today that you are

10、 to be the architect for the new Bankstown cinema. I hope you will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the needs of disabled customers.今天我从报上了解到,您将成为班克斯敦新影院的建筑设计师。我希望您不介意我写信询问您是否已考虑到残疾顾客的需要。18. It would be handy to have lifts to all parts of the cinema.影院内的各个部分都安装电梯就会很方便。19. In some

11、 cinemas, the lifts are at the back of the cinema in cold, unattractiveplaces. 在有些电影院里,(残疾人专用)电梯设在影院背后阴冷而不显眼的地方。20. The buttons in the lifts should be easy for a person in a wheelchair to reach, and the doors be wide enough to enter.电梯的按钮应当让乘坐轮椅的人容易够到,电梯门应足够宽。21. As disabled people have to use the l

12、ifts, this makes them feel they are not as important as other customers.由于残疾人必须要使用这些电梯,这就使残疾人感到比别的观众低一等。22. Itwouldhelptofitsetsofearphonestoall seats, not justtosomeofthem. 所有的座位都配上耳机 而不是少数的几个如果所有的座位都能配有耳机就好了23. This would allow hearing-impaired customers to enjoy the company of their hearing frien

13、ds rather than having to sit in a special area.这样可以使那些听力有缺陷的观众和那些听力正常的朋友坐在一起欣赏,而不是让前者坐在一个特定的区域。24. It can be difficult if the only disabled toilet is in the basement a long way from where the film is showing.只在离放映大厅很远的地下室为残疾人安排一个厕所,这种作法会给他们带来麻烦。25. Disabled people should have the same opportunities

14、as able-bodied people to enjoy the cinema and to do so with dignity.残疾人应当和健全人有同样的机会来欣赏电影,同时能保持自己的尊严。Unit 1 Living well workbook翻译1.我忘了让您去社区服务中心了。I forgot to ask you to go to the community service center.2.在检查机器之前关掉电源是很重要的。It is very important to turn off the electricity before you check the machine.

15、3.我不知道哪儿能找到这种纽扣。I dont know where to find such a kind of button.4.幸运的是,我们没有更多的活儿要做。Luckily, we dont have much more work to do.5.海伦很高兴到过中国20多个省、市。Helen is very pleased to have travelled in more than 20 provinces and cities in China.6.她事业有成,现在最大的愿望就是结婚生子。She has been very successful in her work, and now her greatest wish is to get married and have a child.

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