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1、Chapter 14Chapter 14 The Nervous The Nervous System Diseases System DiseasesZhou Zhou H HongyanongyanInfections:Infections:Epidemic Epidemic Eerebrospinal Eerebrospinal Meningitis Meningitis Epidemic Encephalitis B Epidemic Encephalitis BDegenerative diseases:Degenerative diseases:Alzheimer Disease

2、Alzheimer Disease Parkinson Parkinson,s Diseases DiseaseInfecionsInfecions:Epidemic Cerebrospinal Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis Meningitis Epidemic Encephalitis B Epidemic Encephalitis BDegenerative diseases:Degenerative diseases:Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer Disease Parkinson Parkinson,s Diseases

3、 DiseaseEpidemic Cerebrospinal Epidemic Cerebrospinal MeningitisMeningitisalso known as also known as Acute Purulent Acute Purulent LepomeningitisLepomeningitisNeisseriaNeisseria meningitidis meningitidisis the most common cause ofis the most common cause ofepidemic of acute epidemic of acute lepome

4、ningitislepomeningitismost cases occur in most cases occur in winter or springwinter or springvia respiratory tractvia respiratory tractchildren adultchildren adultexudate is usually most exudate is usually most pronounced over the pronounced over the cerebral convexities cerebral convexities “purul

5、ent”purulent”gross appearance:gross appearance:the the meningesmeninges are intensely are intensely congestedcongested and contain a and contain a variable amount of variable amount of creamy exudatescreamy exudates in the in the subarachnoidsubarachnoid space space microscope appearance:microscope

6、appearance:the the leptomeningesleptomeninges are are intensely intensely congestedcongested and and containcontain neutrophilsneutrophils in in thethe subarachnoidsubarachnoid space space fever,headache,fever,headache,stiff neck;stiff neck;CSF is often turbid.CSF is often turbid.Waterhouse-Waterhou

7、se-Friederichsen Friederichsen Syndrome:Syndrome:DIC occurs quicklyDIC occurs quickly,high mortalityhigh mortalityInfections:Infections:Epidemic Epidemic Eerebrospinal Eerebrospinal Meningitis Meningitis Epidemic Encephalitis BEpidemic Encephalitis BDegenerative diseases:Degenerative diseases:Alzhei

8、mer Disease Alzheimer Disease Parkinson Parkinson,s Diseases DiseaseEpidemic Encephalitis BEpidemic Encephalitis Bencephalitis Bencephalitis B virus is virus is the most common cause;the most common cause;it is a it is a arbovirusarbovirus ;most cases encephalitis most cases encephalitis occur occur

9、 in late summerin late summer.the viral infection is the viral infection is associated withassociated with brain parenchymabrain parenchymamicroscopic appearancemicroscopic appearance:1.1.perivascularperivascular inflammatory inflammatory infiltrates infiltrates2.degeneration and necrosis 2.degenera

10、tion and necrosis of the neurons of the neurons3.softening areas formation3.softening areas formation4.4.microglialmicroglial nodules nodules 1.1.perivascularperivascular inflammatory inflammatory infiltrates infiltratesthe the perivascularperivascular inflammatory inflammatory infiltrates consist o

11、finfiltrates consist ofmononuclear cellsmononuclear cells,including,includinglymphocyteslymphocytes,plasma cellsplasma cells,and and macrophagesmacrophagesperivascular inflammatory infiltrates2 2.degeneration and necrosis degeneration and necrosis of the neurons of the neuronsneuronophagianeuronopha

12、gia-satellitosissatellitosis-normalnormaldegeneration of the neurons neuronophagia3.3.softening areas softening areas formationformationcoagulation necrosiscoagulation necrosis satellitosis softening areassoftening areas4.4.microglialmicroglial nodules noduleslocalized aggregates oflocalized aggrega

13、tes ofmicroglialmicroglial cells termed cells termed microglialmicroglial nodules nodules microglial nodulesInfections:Infections:Epidemic Epidemic Eerebrospinal Eerebrospinal Meningitis Meningitis Epidemic Encephalitis B Epidemic Encephalitis BDegenerative diseases:Degenerative diseases:Alzheimer D

14、iseaseAlzheimer Disease Parkinson Parkinson,s Diseases DiseaseAlzheimer disease is the most Alzheimer disease is the most common cause of common cause of dementia in the elderly.in the elderly.Most cases of AD occur after Most cases of AD occur after the age of 50,with athe age of 50,with aprogressi

15、ve increase inprogressive increase inincidence with increasing age.incidence with increasing age.the cause remains the cause remains unkownunkown,but,buta number of factors play a major rolea number of factors play a major role 1.1.genetic factorsgenetic factors 2.deposition of a form of amyloid 2.d

16、eposition of a form of amyloid 3.3.hyperphosphorylation hyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautau 4.expression of specific alleles of 4.expression of specific alleles of apoprotein apoprotein E E 1.1.genetic factorsgenetic factors 2.deposition of a form of amyloid 2.deposition of a f

17、orm of amyloid 3.3.hyperphosphorylationhyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautau 4.expression of specific alleles of 4.expression of specific alleles of apoprotein apoprotein E E 1.1.genetic factorsgenetic factors 2.deposition of a form of amyloid2.deposition of a form of amyloid 3.3

18、.hyperphosphorylationhyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautau 4.expression of specific alleles of 4.expression of specific alleles of apoprotein apoprotein E E1.genetic factors play a role in the development occurrence of familial cases least 4 genes mutation chromosome 21 APP chrom

19、osome 14 PS chromosome 1 PS chromosome 19 ApoEearly-onset family AD:early-onset family AD:chromosome 1,14,21 chromosome 1,14,21late-onset family AD:late-onset family AD:chromosome 19 chromosome 19sporadic AD:sporadic AD:chromosome 19 chromosome 19Patients with Down syndrome3 3 APPAPPamyloidamyloidAD

20、APP gene mutation-chromosome 21chromosome 21Mutation in two additional genesMutation in two additional genes:Chromosome 14 presenilin 1Chromosome 14 presenilin 1 Chromosome 1 presenilin 2 Chromosome 1 presenilin 2Mutations in the Presenilin genes:Mutations in the Presenilin genes:increased productio

21、n of amyloid increased production of amyloid in the CNS in the CNSPS gene mutation-Chromosome 14,1 Chromosome 14,1 normalmiss-sense mutationPS gene mutationapoproteinapoprotein E(apoE)gene:E(apoE)gene:the 4 allele of apoE the 4 allele of apoE-chromosonechromosone 19 19 1.1.genetic factorsgenetic fac

22、tors 2.deposition of a form of amyloid2.deposition of a form of amyloid 3.3.hyperphosphorylationhyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautau 4.expression of specific alleles of 4.expression of specific alleles of apoprotein apoprotein E E amyloid precursor amyloid precursor protein,APP.

23、protein,APP.SecretaseSecretase:-secretase -secretase -secretase-secretase-secretase-secretasenomal-secretase-secretasenonpathogenic fragmentAPP-secretase-secretaseAAtau老老年年斑斑abnormal 1.1.genetic factorsgenetic factors 2.deposition of a form of amyloid 2.deposition of a form of amyloid 3.3.hyperphosp

24、horylationhyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautau 4.expression of specific alleles of4.expression of specific alleles of apoprotein apoprotein E Emicrotubulesmicrotubules:cytoskeletalcytoskeletal3.3.hyperphosphorylationhyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautauTauTau

25、 is an intracellular protein,is an intracellular protein,involved in the assembly of involved in the assembly of intra-axonal microtubulesintra-axonal microtubuleshyperphosphorylationhyperphosphorylation of the protein of the protein tautaumicrotubulesmicrotubulesneurofibrillaryneurofibrillary tangl

26、estanglesprtein tau prtein tau of ADof AD 1.1.genetic factorsgenetic factors 2.deposition of a form of amyloid 2.deposition of a form of amyloid 3.3.hyperphosphorylationhyperphosphorylation of the of the protein protein tautau 4.expression of specific alleles of4.expression of specific alleles of ap

27、oprotein apoprotein E E4 allele mutation?apoE(4 allele)may be involved transport or processing of the APP moleculegross appearance:gross appearance:atrophyatrophy is most evident in is most evident in the frontal,temporal the frontal,temporal or parietal lobes,or parietal lobes,cut surface:cut surfa

28、ce:cerebral ventricles arecerebral ventricles aresymmetric dilationsymmetric dilationmicroscopic appearancemicroscopic appearance:1.senile plaques:1.senile plaques:appear as appear as aggregates of aggregates of coarse,tortuouscoarse,tortuous neurites neurites in the in the neuroplineuroplicontain a

29、 central contain a central amyloid coreamyloid core:-AP-AP2.2.neurofibrillaryneurofibrillary tangles:tangles:appear as appear as coarse,coarse,filamentous aggregatesfilamentous aggregates within the cytoplasm;within the cytoplasm;composed of composed of insoluble,protein-rich paired insoluble,protei

30、n-rich paired helical filaments(helical filaments(PHFsPHFs););It is rather the It is rather the densitydensity andandwidespreadwidespread distribution distribution of of plaquesplaques and and tanglestangles in inneocorticalneocortical areas in the areas in thesetting of dementia thatsetting of deme

31、ntia thatallows one to make aallows one to make adiagnosis of AD.diagnosis of AD.Infections:Infections:Epidemic Epidemic Eerebrospinal Eerebrospinal Meningitis Meningitis Epidemic Encephalitis B Epidemic Encephalitis BDegenerative diseases:Degenerative diseases:Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer Disease Pa

32、rkinsonParkinson,s Diseases Disease also named as also named as paralysis paralysis agitansagitansrigidity,rigidity,expressionless faces,expressionless faces,stooped posture,stooped posture,gait disturbances,slowing gait disturbances,slowing of voluntary movements,of voluntary movements,pill-rolling

33、 tremorpill-rolling tremorgross appearance:gross appearance:the the substantia nigrasubstantia nigra and and locus locus ceruleusceruleus areare depigmentdepigment PD normalmicroscopic appearancemicroscopic appearance:loss of melanin-loss of melanin-containing neuronscontaining neurons in in thethe

34、substantia nigra substantia nigra and and locuslocus ceruleus ceruleus;lewylewy bodies bodies formation.formation.normalPDLewy body,HELewy body,IHSThe brain may be The brain may be mildly atrophic in mildly atrophic in latter.latter.大学课件出品 版权归原作者所有 联系QQ:910670854 如侵权,请告知,吾即删 更多精品文档请访问我的个人主页 http:/ 附












46、感觉更好。人生成功第人生成功第9课课 让自己快乐。调查表明,我们当中70%的人在生活中时间有临床性的抑郁现象。如今我们有这么多的机遇,为什么我们还这么不快乐呢?人们尝试各种东西:金钱,权利,事业,婚姻,离婚,酒精,摇滚甚至毒品,但我们大多数人只是想要得到一样东西快乐。快乐是人的一种自然的身心状态;我们只要去相信快乐,让自己感受快乐。要宣称:我应当得到快乐。说出来,唱出来,喊出来。优先考虑快乐,让快乐成为你最重要的事情。对你所拥有的一切抱以感激之情吧。人生成功第人生成功第10课课 我拥有无与伦比的想象力现在我将通过这种神奇的力量得到我想要的。如果我害怕发表演讲,我就想象自己在公众场合无所畏惧,充





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