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1、Shall we help the poor?国贸 黄春燕Today, with further development of globalization, many countries economy has greatly boosted and peoples life commonly improved to a great extent. However, billions of people still live in poverty, and in many places, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. So

2、ciety began to appeal to help the poor. In this essay, I will discuss why we should help the poor.There are many reasons for helping the poor. First of all, there are humanitarian reasons. Humanarianism advocates that beyond race, state, religion and all the differences, everyone is equal; we should

3、 respect each other and help each other. Helping the poor is a kind of humanitarian support, conforming to the humanistic basic principle. A society without humanitarianism is selfish, heartless and lamentable. To build a harmonious world filled with love, we should help the poor.Some people may arg

4、ue that it is laziness that leads to their poverty and those poor should eat their own bitter fruit. However, poverty does not necessarily because of poverty. Many children are born in poor family, in this case, they have no choices. Children are innocent. It is childrens parents instead of the chil

5、dren should take the consequence. Without our help, children in poor family or poverty-stricken area are in the dry tree, compared with the children in rich family. Lacking of good education and good physical endowment, they are less capable to find a good job and more likely to stay poor. To make u

6、p for the inequity of birth and become successful, the poor children were forced to pay more effort. It is always the case that poor children are more hard-working. If we give them a hand, they may become more successful and create more wealth.Besides the reason I mentioned above, helping the poor i

7、s also for the benefits of us. A wide gap between rich and poor will lead to social instability, which influence all of us. Why do I say that? Firstly, the huge gap between rich and poor will affect social psychology, trigger social discontent and generate the social unrest. Secondly, it will seriou

8、sly disturb social order. As poor people usually lack of good education, they are likely to have weaker legal consciousness. Survival pressure brought by poverty may induce their illegal and criminal behavior, which greatly endangers peoples life and safety. Lastly, the huge rich-poor gap will sharp

9、en class contradictions and even cause social acrimony and social unrest. Helping the poor is conducive to narrow the gap between rich and poor and safeguard social stability. We will also benefit from it.Another very important reason is that helping the poor can create more wealth. Is that seems to

10、 be inconceivable? Some people against helping poor people because they think that will only reduce the per capita resources owned by the rich as the resources are limited and the poor population is increasing sharply. Are there any ways that the rich can earn more money and at the same time help th

11、e poor? Yes, of course. In 2008, Microsoft founder Bill Gates put forward a new concept called Creative Capitalism. He advocated the company, especially big companies, combined companys interests and social public welfare, in order to improve the life of the worlds most impoverished population. He a

12、lso indicated that it could gain public recognition and improved enterprise reputation which is a good way to attract more customers and attract more excellent employees. Let me take the Product Red as an example. Thats a Red campaign launched by rock star Bono. The companies participated would dona

13、te a percentage of their profits to fight AIDS. This activity soon received positive response from consumer. The companies not only earned a lot, but also helped many people in poor countries. Otherwise, what I want to say is that the real way to help the poor is to help them learn how to get rich.

14、There is a saying that give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his days. When the poor master their way of getting rich, they can create wealth without our further help and more social wealth are created. And that kind of newly rich people can continue to help the rest of the poor. In a word, we should help the poor, for the humanitarian reason, benefits of us and the wealth creation.

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