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1、1 1UNIT 10GROUPS&TEAMS2 2What is a Group?n nA collection of people whon nshare common objectivesn ninteract with one anothern nperceive themselves as belonging together as a group3 3What is a Group?“A group is a collection of people who interact with each other regularly over time and perceive thems

2、elves to be mutually dependent in the attainment of one or more common goals”4 4What is a Group?n nCollection of people doing a task or reaching a Collection of people doing a task or reaching a common goal;common goal;n nGroup members regularly interact with each Group members regularly interact wi

3、th each other and depend on each other to do their tasksother and depend on each other to do their tasksn nGroups can powerfully affect peoples Groups can powerfully affect peoples behaviour;behaviour;n nKnowledge of HOW and WHY groups form Knowledge of HOW and WHY groups form and an understanding o

4、f their dynamics can and an understanding of their dynamics can help you function better within a group or help you function better within a group or manage group activities.manage group activities.5 5Types of Groupsn nFormal Groupsn nwork groups formed by the organisationn ndesignated work assignme

5、nts and specific tasksn nappropriate behaviors are stipulatedn nbehavior is directed towards achieving organisational goals6 6Examples of Formal Groupsn nCommand groups:basic,traditional work groups determined by formal authority relationships and depicted on the organisational chart.E.g.manager and

6、 E.g.manager and subordinatesubordinaten nCross-functional teams:these bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas7 7Examples of Formal Groupsn nSelf-managed teams:independent groups that perform management responsibilities in addition to their jobsn nTask forces:t

7、emporary groups created to accomplish a specific task.Once the task is completed,the group is completed8 8Informal Groupsn nOf a social naturen nOccur naturally in the work environment in response to the need for social contactn nTend to form around friendships and common interests9 9Why people join

8、 GroupsStatus Self-esteemAffiliation Power Goal achievement Security Group1010Reasons for Formation of Groupsn nCertain tasks can be performed only through the combined efforts of a number of individuals working together.n nGroups may provide individual with opportunities for initiative and creativi

9、ty.n nGroups provide companionship and a source of mutual understanding and support from colleagues.Cont.1111Reasons for Formation of Groupsn nMembership of the group provides individual with sense of belonging and sense of identity.n nGroup provides guidelines on generally acceptable behaviour.n nG

10、roup may provide protection for its members from outside pressures or threats.1212Functions of Groups in Organisationsn nGroups are an important source of socialization of Groups are an important source of socialization of organization members the functionality of group organization members the func

11、tionality of group is dependent on its orientation to management.is dependent on its orientation to management.n nGroups can be a source of rewards for members Groups can be a source of rewards for members an important motivational system.an important motivational system.n nPraise and other rewards

12、offered by group can Praise and other rewards offered by group can reinforce member behaviourreinforce member behaviourn nProvide support for members especially for Provide support for members especially for hazardous work where cooperation of all hazardous work where cooperation of all members of g

13、roup is necessary to do a job members of group is necessary to do a job safelysafely1313 Functions of Groups in Organisations n nCohesive groups with norms supportive of management can have several other functional results:n nHelps members complete tasks;Helps members complete tasks;n nProduce innov

14、ative work behaviour useful to Produce innovative work behaviour useful to organisation;organisation;n nCohesive groups are self-policing and may Cohesive groups are self-policing and may stamp out deviant behaviourstamp out deviant behaviour1414Stages in Group DevelopmentFive stages:1.Forming:peopl

15、e join;groups purpose,structure and leadership are defined2.Storming:intragroup conflict over who controls the group3.Norming:close relationships develop;group demonstrates cohesiveness4.Performing:group is fully functioning and accepted;tasks are performed5.Adjourning:for temporary groups,wrapping

16、up of activities1515Group Values and Normsn nValues:what the group members hold as important,rightn nNorms:acceptable behavior,practices,that members conform to 1616Group Values and NormsGroup norms are unwritten rules that define acceptable role behaviour of group members Norms include levels of pe

17、rformance valued by the group and relationship with managers and other aspect of the formal organisation New members learn a groups norms from its socialisation process.1717Group Values and Normsn nExamples of Values:n ncommitment to the companyn nprogress through merit n nExamples of Norms:n narriv

18、ing at work before timen nhaving breakfast before starting workn nlevel of outputn ndress code1818Factors affecting Group Behaviorn nExternal Conditions-n nOverall strategyOverall strategyn nAuthority structuresAuthority structuresn nFormal regulationsFormal regulationsn nAvailable organisational re

19、sourcesAvailable organisational resourcesn nEmployee selection criteriaEmployee selection criterian nOrganisational cultureOrganisational culturen nInternal Factors1919Internal Factorsn nGroup member resourcesn nGroup structuren nGroup sizen nGroup cohesivenessn nGroup processes2020Internal Factorsn

20、 nGroup member resources-These include member abilities and personality characteristicsn nGroup structuren nRoleRolen nNormsNormsn nConfirmityConfirmityn nStatusStatus2121Internal Factorsn nGroup sizeGroup sizen nPeople in small groups tend to complete their People in small groups tend to complete t

21、heir tasks faster than larger groupstasks faster than larger groupsn nHowever,large groups tend to solve problems However,large groups tend to solve problems better than small groups.They are also good for better than small groups.They are also good for getting diverse inputs,and are more effective

22、in getting diverse inputs,and are more effective in fact-findingfact-findingn nSocial loafing-is the tendency for an individual Social loafing-is the tendency for an individual to expend less effort when working collectively to expend less effort when working collectively then when working individua

23、llythen when working individually2222Internal FactorsGroup Cohesiveness n nThe degree to which members are attracted to one another and share the groups goalsn nThe more the members are attracted to one another,and the more the groups goals align with their individual goals,the greater the groups co

24、hesivenessn nHighly cohesive groups are more effective than less cohesive groups2323Factors affecting Group cohesivenessn nSize of groupn nCompatibility of membersn nPermanence of membersn nNature of taskn nPhysical environmentn nCommunicationn nTechnologyn nSuccess experiencen nExternal threats2424

25、Internal factorsGroup processesn nThese include the communication patterns used by members to exchange information,group decision processes,leader behavior,power dynamics,conflict interactions and other actions2525Advantages of Group Decision Makingn nGroups provide greater amount of knowledge lead

26、to informed decisionsn nMembers help each other overcome blocks in their thinking lead to creative solutionsn nParticipation in problem solving and decision-making increases the acceptance of decisions improve the motivation to implement the decision cont.2626n nGroups are willing to take greater ri

27、sks than individuals lead to more aggressive solutions to problemsn nMore effective than individuals in establishing objectives,generating alternatives,and evaluating alternatives,cause of vast knowledge and viewpoints available2727Disadvantages of Group Decision Makingn nGroups create pressures tow

28、ard conformity in thinkingn nGroup cannot be held responsible for decisions made result in buck passingn nTendency to accept first satisfying decision that comes along cont.2828n nDominant members make major decision in group setting result in individual rather than group decisionn nTime-consumingn

29、nGroup decision making and problem solving may discourage highly intelligent and intuitive individuals who are too impatient to sit through meetings to discuss over issues they have already solved 2929What is a Team?n nFormal groupsn nmade up of interdependent individualsn nresponsible for attaining

30、 a goal3030Types of TeamsCategorise teams based on four characteristics:1.Purpose2.Duration-permanent or temporary3.Membership-functional or cross-functional4.Structure-supervised or self-managed5.Supervision Teams can either be supervised or self-managed3131Types of TeamsPurpose Product Development

31、 Problem-solving Re-engineering Any other purposes Structure Directed Self-managed Membership Functional Cross-functional Duration Permanent Temporary 32323 Types of Teams1.Functional teams:manager and subordinates from a particular functional area2.Self-directed or self-managed teams:no manager,res

32、ponsible for a complete work process3.Cross-functional teams:hybrid grouping of experts or specialists put together for some tasks3333Functional Teamsn nThis type of work team is also called problem solving teamsn nIt consists of a manager and his or her subordinates from a particular functional are

33、an nThey are involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problems3434Self-directed or self-managed teamn nThis type of team is one that operates without a managern nIt is responsible for a complete work process or segment that delivers a product or service to an external or i

34、nternal customer3535Virtual teamsn nIt is one that uses computer technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal3636Cross functional teamsn nThis type of team is one which individual who are experts in various specialties or functions work together on various organi

35、zational tasksn nIt can also be a group whose members have been trained to do each others job3737Why use Teams?Benefits or importance of teams:n ncreates esprit de corpsn nallows management to think strategicallyn nspeeds up decision-makingn nfacilitates workforce diversity-more ideasmore ideasn nin

36、creases performance-eliminate waste,eliminate waste,slash overheads,stimulate ideas for slash overheads,stimulate ideas for improvements,generate more output per worker-improvements,generate more output per worker-hourhour38383939Characteristics of Effective Teams1.Clear goals2.Relevant skills3.Mutual trust4.Unified commitment5.Good communication6.Negotiating skills7.Appropriate leadership8.Internal and external support

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