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1、吉利工会工作介吉利工会工作介绍Introduction of the Work of Geely Introduction of the Work of Geely Trade Union Trade Union 浙江吉利控股集团有限公司工会委员会The Trade Union Committee of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co.Ltd 2013.8.3131 Aug.20131吉利控股集吉利控股集团基本情况基本情况General Information of Geely Holding GroupGeneral Information of Geely

2、Holding Group 浙江吉利控股集团成立于1986年,1997年进入汽车行业。收购沃尔沃总营业收入1500亿元,进入世界500强。2012年生产、销售汽车49万台,2013年目标生产、销售汽车59万台。Zhejiang Geely Holding Group was founded in 1986.In 1997,Geely Group entered into the automotive industry.The total operating revenue reached 150 billion Yuan after Geely acquired Volvo,making Ge

3、ely one of Fortune Global 500 Companies.In 2012,Geely produced and sold 490,000 vehicles and in 2013,Geelys target is to produce and sell 590,000 vehicles.2Content一:工会工作的依据一:工会工作的依据 The base of the work of trade union 二:工会工作的二:工会工作的职能能三:工会工作的宗旨三:工会工作的宗旨3一、工会工作依据一、工会工作依据 The base of the work of trade

4、 union 中中华人民共和国工会法人民共和国工会法Trade Union Law of the Peoples Republic of China u第第6条条:维护职工工合合法法权益益是是工工会会的的基基本本职责。组织职工工参参与与本本单位位的的民民主主决决策策、民民主主管管理理和和民民主主监督督。Article6Thebasicdutiesandfunctionsoftradeunionsaretosafeguardthelegitimaterightsandinterestsofworkersandstaffmembersandtoorganizetheworkersandstaffm



7、propertyoftheenterprisesandtheState,mobilize the masses of workers and staff members in activities to make rationalproposals and technical renovations and in spare time cultural and technical studies andvocationaltraining,andalsoinrecreationalandsportsactivities.Article31Tradeunionsshall,inconjuncti


9、turalandtechnicalstudiesandvocationaltraining,andalsoinrecreationalandsportsactivities.4二、吉利工会架构二、吉利工会架构 The structure of Geely trade unionThe structure of Geely trade union吉利各子公司都建有工会吉利各子公司都建有工会组织,集,集团有有专门的工会的工会办公室公室负责工会系工会系统日常工作。日常工作。Each subsidiary of Geely Group has established the trade union o

10、rganization,and the Group has a special office of trade union responsible for the daily work of trade union system.The Trade Union Committee of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co.LtdTrade Union Committee of Ningbo CompanyTrade Union Committee of Hannzhou Gulf CompanyTrade Union Committee of Xiangtan Co

11、mpanyTrade Union Committee of Linhai CompanyTrade Union Committee of Luqiao CompanyTrade Union Committee of Lanzhou CompanyTrade Union Committee of Shanghai MeijiafengTrade Union Committee of Chengdu CompanyTrade Union Committee of Jinan CompanyTrade Union Committee of Shanghai Maple5序号序号No各公司工会各公司工

12、会 Trade union of subsidiary company专职工会干部工会干部 Full time trade union cadre 1浙江吉利控股集浙江吉利控股集团有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会会(总部)部)Geely Holding Group(Headquarters)42浙江吉利汽浙江吉利汽车有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(宁波公司)会(宁波公司)Geely Auto(Ningbo Company)13济南吉利汽南吉利汽车有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(会(济南公司)南公司)Jinan Geely Auto(Jinan Company)24湖南吉利汽湖南吉利汽车工工

13、业有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(湖南公司)会(湖南公司)Hunan Geely Auto(Hunan Company)25浙江浙江临海豪情汽海豪情汽车有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(会(临海公司)海公司)Zhejiang Linhai Haoqing Auto(Linhai Company)16浙江金浙江金刚汽汽车有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(路会(路桥公司)公司)Zhejiang Kingkong Auto(Luqiao Company)27上海上海华普汽普汽车有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(上海公司)会(上海公司)Shanghai Maple Auto(Shanghai Map

14、le Company)18兰州吉利汽州吉利汽车工工业有限公司工会委有限公司工会委员会(会(兰州公司)州公司)Lanzhou Geely Auto(Lanzhou Company)19成都市高原汽成都市高原汽车工工业有限公司委有限公司委员会(成都公司)会(成都公司)(Chengdu Gaoyuan Company)2合合计 Total 16人人 16 persons单位位 文化文化员 Cultural committee member集集团总部部 Group Headquarters22研究院研究院 GRI 29销售公司售公司 Sales Company30动力力总成成 Drivetrain C

15、ompany 100帝豪公司帝豪公司 Emgrand Company176全球全球鹰公司公司 Gleagle Company188英英伦公司公司 Englon Company156合合计 Total701全集全集团有有专职工会工作人工会工作人员16名,名,还有兼有兼职的企的企业文化委文化委员700多名。多名。In whole Group,there are 16 full time persons responsible for trade union work.In addition,there are more than 700 persons working as part time e

16、nterprise cultural committee member.6Content一:工会工作的依据一:工会工作的依据二:工会工作的二:工会工作的职能能The Function of the Trade Union三:工会工作的宗旨三:工会工作的宗旨7工会工作的工会工作的职能能 The Function of the Trade Union吉利工会吉利工会围绕员工工权益、益、员工教育、工教育、员工激励、工激励、员工关心开展工作、工关心开展工作、发挥作用。作用。Geely trade union centers on employees rights and interests,emplo

17、yee education,employee incentive,employee care to carry out the work and play a role.8全全员100%100%签定定劳动合同;企合同;企业与工会定期与工会定期签订集体合同和工集体合同和工资协议。All employees All employees shall sign a labor contract with the company and the company signs the collective contract shall sign a labor contract with the compa

18、ny and the company signs the collective contract and salary agreement with the trade union on regular basis.and salary agreement with the trade union on regular basis.。一、一、维护权益服益服务员工工 Safeguard the employees rights and interests and serve the Safeguard the employees rights and interests and serve th

19、e employeesemployees Collective Contract9一、一、维护权益服益服务员工工 Safeguard the employees rights and interests and serve the Safeguard the employees rights and interests and serve the employeesemployees 合理化建合理化建议 Rational proposalsRational proposals元元动力工程力工程 Motivation project Motivation project 接受接受员工工维权申申诉

20、 (宁波(宁波员工工工工伤处理)理)Accept the complaints from employee to safeguard the legal rights Accept the complaints from employee to safeguard the legal rights(Handling the industrial injury issue in Ningbo company)(Handling the industrial injury issue in Ningbo company)10一、一、维护权益服益服务员工工Safeguard the employee

21、s rights and Safeguard the employees rights and interests and serve the employeesinterests and serve the employees 员工社保情况工社保情况 The situation of employees social securityThe situation of employees social security 养老养老 Pension医医疗 Healthcare失失业 Unemployment工工伤 Industrial injury生育生育 Childbearing公司公司缴纳 P

22、aid by company20%11.5%2%0.4%0.6%个人个人缴纳 Paid by employee8%2%+4(其中(其中4元是元是门诊)(4Yuan is for clinic diagnosis)1%00备注:注:缴纳数数额=基数(即基数(即员工每月基本工工每月基本工资)*上面各保上面各保险比例比例Note:The amount paid=Basic number(i.e.the monthly wage of employee)*above social security rate 吉利集吉利集团为员工工缴纳社会保社会保险情况表情况表 The table of social

23、security fee paid by Geely Group The table of social security fee paid by Geely Group 11一、一、维护权益服益服务员工工Safeguard the employees rights Safeguard the employees rights and interests and serve the employeesand interests and serve the employees 每年召开每年召开职工代表大会,收集工代表大会,收集员工提案,通工提案,通报生生产经营情况。情况。企企业经营管理情况做到在

24、内部厂管理情况做到在内部厂务公开。公开。Each year,congress Each year,congress of employee representatives will be held to collect the of employee representatives will be held to collect the employees proposal,inform employees of the employees proposal,inform employees of the production and operation situation.We endeav

25、or to make production and operation situation.We endeavor to make the situation of operating and management of the situation of operating and management of enterprises public within the company.enterprises public within the company.12二、教育、培二、教育、培训员工工 Employee education and training Employee educatio

26、n and training 开展开展岗位技能培位技能培训,提升,提升员工服工服务企企业的素的素质和能力。和能力。Carry out posts skill training to improve the quality and ability of the employee to serve the enterprise.13二、教育、培二、教育、培训员工工 Employee education and training Employee education and training 四德、吉利精神培四德、吉利精神培训 Four“De(Ethic)”,training of the Geel

27、y spirit职业道德道德 work ethic社会公德社会公德Social morality家庭美德家庭美德Family virtues个人品德个人品德Personal morality四德四德Four“De(ethic)”团队精神精神Teamworkspirit学学习精神精神Learningspirit创新精神新精神Thespiritofinnovation拼搏精神拼搏精神Thefightingspirit实事求是精神事求是精神Thespirittoseektruthfromfacts 精益求精精神精益求精精神Thespirittokeepimproving六种精神六种精神 Six“Sp

28、irits”14基于培训能力发展的培训师分级体系 Trainer grading system based on the development of training ability 吉利人才培吉利人才培养森林养森林二、教育、培二、教育、培训员工工Employee education and training Employee education and training 吉利有相吉利有相对完善的培完善的培训教育体系。教育体系。Geely has complete training and education Geely has complete training and education

29、 system.system.15开展思想道德教育,开展思想道德教育,积极引极引导员工工树立正确的企立正确的企业价价值观,为企企业发展凝心聚力。展凝心聚力。Carry out ideological and moral education and actively guide the staff to establish correct values of enterprises to rally and gather strength for the development of enterprise.二、教育、培二、教育、培训员工工Employee education and traini

30、ng Employee education and training 16岗位位创先争先争优,评选先先进、标兵、能手、模范。兵、能手、模范。Trytobeadvancedandcontendfor“excellenttitle”,discussandelecttheadvanced,pacemaker,expertandmodelworker.三、精神物三、精神物质激励激励员工工 To motivate the employees with To motivate the employees with both spiritual and material incentiveboth spir

31、itual and material incentive17.今年今年获得得3个全国五一个全国五一劳动奖章,章,1个全国工人先个全国工人先锋号,号,吕义聪获中国青年五四中国青年五四奖章。章。There are three 3 winners of“National May Day Labor Medal”this year and 1 winner of the title“National Worker Vanguard”.Mr Lu Yicong won the China Youth May-Fourth Medal.三、精神物三、精神物质激励激励员工工 To motivate the

32、employees with both To motivate the employees with both spiritual and material incentivespiritual and material incentive18吉利吉利红色引擎合唱色引擎合唱团。Geely“Red Engine”chorus 三、精神物三、精神物质激励激励员工工To motivate the employees with both To motivate the employees with both spiritual and material incentivespiritual and m

33、aterial incentive19吉利吉利红色引擎色引擎长跑跑队 Geely“Red Engine”athletic team三、精神物三、精神物质激励激励员工工 To motivate the employees with both To motivate the employees with both spiritual and material incentivespiritual and material incentive20各种文体活各种文体活动。Various cultural and sports activities三、精神物三、精神物质激励激励员工工 To motiva

34、te the employees with To motivate the employees with both spiritual and material incentiveboth spiritual and material incentive21三、精神物三、精神物质激励激励员工工 To motivate the employees with both To motivate the employees with both spiritual and material incentivespiritual and material incentive薪酬激励薪酬激励 Wage in

35、centive1期期权激励激励 Stock option incentive 2效益效益奖 Benefit bonus3项目目奖 Project bonus4年度年度奖 Annual bonus5特殊大特殊大奖(研究院:(研究院:CNCAP 五星五星+)Special grand award(GRI:CNCAP five stars)622四、物四、物质生活关生活关爱员工工 Care for employees material lifeCare for employees material life 先后先后发布布吉利控股集吉利控股集团员工子女教育基金管理工子女教育基金管理办法法、吉利控股集

36、吉利控股集团职工关工关爱激励激励办法(法(试行)行)、吉利控股集吉利控股集团职工工互助互助办法(法(试行)行)等。等。Release consequently“Management measures on children education funds of Geely employees”.“Management measures on caring for and motivating Geely employees”,“Management measures on Geely employees helping each other”and so on.Files to help ch

37、ildren of employee in education,to care about and motivate employees,encourage employees to help each other 23实施施员工从入工从入职到退休的全到退休的全过程关程关怀。Implement the practice to care about the employees in whole process from being employed to retirement.四、物四、物质生活关生活关爱员工工 Care for employees material Care for emplo

38、yees material lifelife 24n 社会责任 Social responsibility 职业发展 Career development 医疗和保健 health care福利结构 material benefit structure补贴型 Allowance type 法定福利 legal material benifitn 体现对员工的关怀n 提高员工生活质量关注员工健康,提倡健康文化ShowconcernforemployeesImprovetheirqualityoflifePayattentiontoemployeehealth,promotethehealthcu

39、lturen 体现企业对社会责任关注企业与员工的共同成长Reflectthesocialresponsibilityoftheenterprise.Paycloseattentiontothecommondevelopmentofenterprisesandemployees.n 员工关工关怀 员工生活 Emplpyee life投资储蓄型 Investment and saving typen 长远保障 Long term securityn 为员工花更小的钱获更大的利益 保障员工的长远生活,更好的为企业留住人才Employeesspendlessmoneytogetmorebenefits

40、.Ensureemployeelong-termlifetoretaintalentsfortheenterprisemoreeffectively 节日福利 Holiday material benifitn体现节日的喜气氛围及传统节日的意义n Show thefestiveatmosphereandthetraditionalholidaysignificancei弹性福利 Elastic benefit出差福利 Material benefit for traveln 体现公司对员工出差政策的倾斜n 节日庆贺 Holidy celebration四、物四、物质生活关生活关爱员工工 Car

41、e for employees material lifeCare for employees material life 有比有比较健全的健全的员工福利体系。工福利体系。With complete employ benefit and allowance system25成立成立员工心理疏工心理疏导工作室工作室开展吉利家属日活开展吉利家属日活动,促,促进家庭关系和家庭关系和谐Establishemployeepsychologicalcounselingroom.CarryoutGeelyFamilyDayactivitiestopromotetheharmoniousfamilyrelat

42、ions.四、物四、物质生活关生活关爱员工工 Care for employees material lifeCare for employees material life 26回家包回家包车、千人宴会、食宿、集体婚礼、体、千人宴会、食宿、集体婚礼、体检等,温暖人心。等,温暖人心。Chartered bus to send employees to their hometowns,thousand employees banquet,accommodations and food,collective marriage ceremony,physical examination and so

43、 on .Everything feels so warm!四、物四、物质生活关生活关爱员工工Care for employees material lifeCare for employees material life 27Content一:工会工作的依据一:工会工作的依据二:工会工作的二:工会工作的职能能三:工会工作的宗旨三:工会工作的宗旨 The principle of the work of trade union28工会工作的宗旨工会工作的宗旨1 1深入开展群众路深入开展群众路线教育教育实践活践活动。简言之,全心全言之,全心全意意为职工服工服务。Carryoutthemassli

44、needucationpractice.Inshort,putonesheartandsoulintoserviceforworkers.2 2开展双开展双爱活活动:“企企业关心关心员工,工,员工工热爱企企业。”Carryoutdouble“Love”activities:“Enterprisescareabouttheiremployees,andemployeesloveenterprises.3 3团结凝聚凝聚员工,推工,推动企企业发展,企展,企业与与员工是命运工是命运共同体。共同体。Uniteandrallyemployeestopromoteenterprisedevelopment.Theenterpriseandtheemployeesarethecommunityofsamedestiny.29谢谢!Thankyou!吉利控股集团工会 Trade Union of Geely Group 30

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