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1、-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-班 级姓 名学 号丹东市爱霜中等职业技术学校20112012学年度下学期期末考试饭店服务与管理英语试卷 时间:90分 满分:100分题号一二三四五总分得分一、填空题(30分)每空2分polite fulfill treat ought to annoy pleasant1. The client will feel _if he is ignored by the staff.2. All the staff will try their best to _every guests reasonable requests

2、.3. A hotel staff should always be _to the guests who make complaints.4. All the hotel staff _learn something about foreign customs and habits.5. Every guest _as the God in the hotel.6. They would have a more _trip if they are able to speak Chinese.able operation plays with quality guests employees

3、departments other industryCommunication(7)_an extremely important role in the hotel(8)_and management. If (9)_is the life blood of the(10) _, communication is its artery. Hotel(11)_must be (12)_to communicate (13)_each other, with personnel in other (14)_and with hotel (15)_.二、单项选择题(20分)每题2分1自助型饭店 A

4、snack barBBuffet hotelCcafeDmotel2团体预订 Agroup reservationBguaranteed reservation Cgroup registrationDguaranteed registration3豪华套房 Ajunior suiteBcomplex suiteCpresident suiteDdeluxe suite4买入价Aselling rateBdirect rateCindirect rateDbuying rate5接待员AreceptionistBchambermaidCwaiterDbellman6葡萄酒AliquorBbra

5、ndyCwineDchampagne7涉及,包含 AevaluateBinvolveCaffectDinterrelate8菜系AbanquetBcafeteriaCcuisineDfoodstuff9管理AmanagementBdisciplineCperformanceDsupervisor10网球场 Aball roomBbilliard roomCbowling alleyDtennis court三、连线题共(10)分 把正确的答案写在题号前(1)Japan a. Mark (2) Sweden b. Peseta (3) Ireland c. Escudo (4) Australi

6、an d. Drachma(5) Greece e. Franc(6) France f. Dollar(7) Portugal g. Crown(8) Germany h. Punt(9) China i. Yen(10) Spain j. RMB 三、翻译(20分)前5题每题2分后10题每题1分1.How much would you like to change?2. According to the present rate, one US dollar in cash is equivalent to 6.7 Chinese yuan.3. Would you please show

7、 me your passport?4. It has happened, but not so often.5. Whats the name of your company, sir?6. 您什么时间结账离店?7. 早上好,这是房间预订处,需要帮忙吗?8. 您想要什么样的房间,单人间还是双人间?9请告诉我你的房间号码。10您能确保在您离开之前你的包被打好吗?11.谢谢你先生,请问一下日期?12. 请稍等。13.随行的一共几位客人?14.大厅服务台15.这是你的房间钥匙四、阅读(20)每题4分The first true piece of sports equipment that man

8、invented was the ball.In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, throwing stones was a favorite childrens game. But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians made what were probably the first balls.At first, balls were made of grass or leaves held tog

9、ether by vines. Later they were made of animal skin sewed together and filled with feather or hay.Even though the Egyptians were warlike, they found time for peaceful games. Before long they had developed a number of ball games, each with its own set of rules. Perhaps they played ball games more for

10、 instruction than for fun. Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they would need for war.1The ball was probably invented because _.Athrowing stones was not funBthrowing stones often caused injuries Cgames with stones did not have rulesDrocks were too heav

11、y to throw2The first balls were probably made of _.Aanimal skins filled with rocksBtwistsCbags filled with hay or feather Dgrass and leaves tied with vines3This passage says that the Egyptians played _.Amany different games with ballsBmany different kinds of gamesConly one ball gameDdifferent games with same rules4The Egyptians thought that ball playing was _.AsillyBdeserving attentionCnot funDdifficult5The best title for this passage is “_”.AEgyptian SportsBHow Egyptian Children Played GamesCThe First Ball Games DThe Beginning of Sports-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-

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