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1、(全国统考)2022届高考英语一轮复习练习 高考题型提分练(五)完形填空强化练(含解析)(全国统考)2022届高考英语一轮复习练习 高考题型提分练(五)完形填空强化练(含解析)年级:姓名:高考题型提分练(五)完形填空强化练(限时15分钟/篇)AOn Friday, February 9, 2018, Lisa Holman went out that night visiting and getting dinner with her friend in the area about half an hours drive. As 11 pm passed and it was getting

2、 1 to midnight, the 45-year-old mother still didnt return home. It wasnt like Lisa to 2out that late. Her family began to 3 where Lisa was. They called her phone but did not get any answer. Next they texted her but never heard back. Her family knew something must have been 4. The family then reached

3、 out to Lisas 5 who she was having dinner that evening with. She was 6and told them Lisa had left after 9 that night. Early that Saturday morning, Lisas sister, Kathy and Lisas 17-year-old son, Jackson 7 to drive along the route that Lisa would have taken to dinner and 8 look for any clues for her a

4、long the way. Driving along County Road 36 in Pelham, Jackson 9 what looked like a car. The car looked as if it had crashed off the side of the road and told his aunt to 10. Jackson was unsure if it was his moms car but whoever it was 11 help. As they got closer they 12 it was Lisas car. Kathy then

5、immediately asked Jackson to call 911. Kathy got to the car but Lisa was not in there. She began calling her sisters 13 but no response. While looking around the car, Kathy 14 there wasnt much blood. She believed that she was 15. After some time to calm down, the family called the police. The 16 beg

6、an. Despite their best efforts, there was still no sign of Lisa. The family was very 17 but remained optimistic. Early the next morning, the searchers had been 18 throughout the woods calling out Lisas name for about an hour. As they called her name again, they heard Lisa calling back 19 “help me, h

7、elp me, Im over here”. 700 feet from where her car was 20 they had finally found Lisa. 【文章大意】本文是记叙文。叙述了一位母亲周五外出和朋友吃饭, 但是一直未归, 家人积极寻找, 在警察的帮助下, 在周天终于找到了出车祸而迷失在树林中的母亲。1. A. nearer B. more C. closer D. later【解析】选C。固定搭配题。get close to “接近”固定搭配。接近半夜了, 这个45岁的母亲还没有回来。故选C。2. A. stayB. stopC. planD. leave【解析】

8、选A。背景常识题。根据上下文, 接近半夜, 这位母亲还没有回家, 这位母亲通常不会在外面待(stay)这么晚的。故选A。3. A. seekB. doubtC. hesitateD. wonder【解析】选D。背景常识题。根据上文, 母亲深夜未归, 全家人开始纳闷(wonder)她在哪里。seek“寻求”;doubt“怀疑”;hesitate“犹豫”。故选D。4. A. severeB. wrongC. urgentD. special【解析】选B。背景常识题。根据上下文, 家人给她打电话, 但没有得到任何答复, 给她发了短信, 也没有回信, 这时家人意识到肯定出问题了(wrong)。seve

9、re“严重的”;urgent“紧急的”;special“特殊的”。故选B。5. A. friendB. driverC. neighborD. sister【解析】选A。词汇复现题。根据第一段第一句话“Lisa Holman went out that night visiting and getting dinner with her friend. ”可知, 全家人开始联系和母亲一起吃饭的朋友(friend)。故选A。6. A. surprisedB. excitedC. amazedD. moved【解析】选A。背景常识题。根据上下文, 当朋友得知这位母亲晚上9点就吃完饭并且离开了, 但

10、这么晚还没有回家时感到很吃惊(surprised)。excited“激动的”;amazed“惊叹的”;moved“感动的”。故选A。7. A. promisedB. agreedC. happenedD. decided【解析】选D。背景常识题。根据上下文, Lisa的妹妹Kathy和Lisa 17岁的儿子Jackson决定(decided)开车沿着Lisa去吃饭肯定要走的路线去寻找。故选D。8. A. casuallyB. smoothlyC. roughlyD. carefully【解析】选D。背景常识题。根据上下文, 一路上他们仔细地(carefully)寻找任何线索。casually“

11、漫不经心地;随意地”;smoothly“顺利地”;roughly“粗略地”。故选D。9. A. reflectedB. followedC. spottedD. described【解析】选C。背景常识题。根据上下文, Jackson看到了(spotted)一辆车。reflected “反映”;followed“跟踪”;described “描写”。故选C。10. A. set offB. pull overC. turn overD. pick up【解析】选B。背景常识题。根据上下文, 当Jackson发现了一辆车, 那辆车看上去好像是从路边翻下来的, 叫他姨妈靠边停车(pull over

12、)。set off“出发, 引爆”;pull over“靠边停车”;turn over“翻身, 翻转”;pick up“捡起, 顺便接某人”。故选B。11. A. providedB. beggedC. neededD. allowed【解析】选C。背景常识题。根据上下文, Jackson不能确信这是否是他母亲的车, 但是无论是谁出车祸都需要(needed)帮助。provided“提供”;begged“恳请”;allowed“允许”。故选C。12. A. realizedB. understoodC. suspectedD. admitted【解析】选A。背景常识题。根据上下文, 当他们靠近,

13、 他们意识到(realized)这辆车正是Lisa的车。understood“理解”;suspected“怀疑”;admitted“承认”。故选A。13. A. sonB. nameC. numberD. telephone【解析】选B。词汇复现题。根据下文最后一段中的“calling out Lisas name. . . they called her name again. . . ”可知, Kathy开始呼唤她姐姐的名字(name)但是没有回应。故选B。14. A. supposedB. knewC. judgedD. noticed【解析】选D。背景常识题。根据上下文, 当看了车周围

14、后, Kathy注意到(noticed)没有什么血迹。supposed“猜想, 认为”;knew “知道”;judged“判断”。故选D。15. A. deadB. freshC. aliveD. free【解析】选C。背景常识题。根据上文推断出, Kathy没有发现多少血, 她猜想Lisa还活着(alive)。dead“死了的”;fresh“新鲜的”;free“自由的”。故选C。16. A. searchB. investigationC. inspectionD. enquiry【解析】选A。词汇复现题。根据下文“the searchers had been. . . ”可以得知, 这里是

15、搜救(search)开始了。investigation“调查”;inspection“检阅, 检查”;enquiry“询问”。故选A。17. A. disturbedB. impatientC. exhaustedD. disappointed【解析】选D。背景常识题。根据上下文, 虽然搜救人员尽了最大的努力, 但是没有找到Lisa, 所以全家人很失望(disappointed)但是依旧保持乐观的态度。disturbed“受到打扰的”;impatient“没有耐心的”;exhausted“疲惫的”。故选D。18. A. hoveringB. walkingC. wanderingD. chas

16、ing【解析】选B。背景常识题。根据上下文, 第二天清晨, 搜救人员走(walking)在森林里寻找, 同时呼唤着Lisa的名字。hovering“盘旋着”;wandering“闲逛着”;chasing“追逐着”。故选B。19. A. howlingB. appealingC. screamingD. whispering【解析】选C。背景常识题。根据常识, 当他们再次喊Lisa的名字时, 他们听到了Lisa的回应, Lisa大声喊道“救命, 救命, 我在这里”。howling“吼叫着”;appealing“呼吁着, 恳请着”;screaming“(因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫;(向某人或为某事

17、)高声喊, 大声叫”;whispering“耳语;低语;私语”。故选C。20. A. drivenB. locatedC. arrangedD. parked【解析】选B。背景常识题。根据常识推断, Lisa的位置离她的车的位置700英尺。driven“驾驶”;located“定位, 位于”;arranged“安排”;parked“停放”。故选B。BJerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something 1 to say. When someone ask

18、ed him 2 he was doing, he would 3, “It couldnt be better!”He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had 4 him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason why the waiters followed Jerry was because of his 5. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a 6 day, Jerry wa

19、s there telling the employee how to 7 the positive side of the 8. Seeing this style really made me 9, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “I dont 10 it! You cant be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?”Jerry replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have

20、 two 11 today. You can choose to be in a good 12 or you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad 13, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me 14, I can choose to accept their

21、complaining or I can 15 the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life. ”“Yeah, right, its not that easy, ” I protested. “Yes, it is, ” Jerry said. “Life is all about choices. When you throw away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you 16 to situations. You choos

22、e how people will 17 your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: Its your choice how you 18 life. ”I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost 19, but I often thought about him when I made a choice abo

23、ut life 20 reacting to it. 【文章大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过介绍自己的一位受人喜爱的朋友向我们阐明乐观、积极、向上的人生态度有多么重要, 鼓励我们多看事物的正面, 勇敢选择自己的生活, 不要为消极因素所牵绊。1. A. negative B. bad C. pleasant D. positive【解析】选D。词汇复现题。negative 消极的, 否定的;bad 不好的;pleasant令人愉快的;positive积极的, 肯定的。上文说他总是心情好, 所以应该喜欢说好话, 下文the positive side有暗示。2. A. whatB. whenC.

24、 howD. which【解析】选C。上下文逻辑关系题。根据后面的答语“再好不过了”, 可知问的问题应该是近况如何how he was doing, 而不是在干什么或其他。3. A. replyB. thinkC. askD. require【解析】选A。上下文逻辑关系题。别人问他近况如何how he was doing他应该回答(reply)。4. A. respectedB. followedC. servedD. keep 【解析】选B。词汇复现题。上句既然说他是一位独一无二的经理, 那么就应该是这些服务员无论他到哪里都追随着他, 且下一句有信息。respect尊敬, follow跟随,

25、 serve服务, keep拥有。5. A. attitudeB. wisdomC. experienceD. direction【解析】选A。背景常识题。由全文可知Jerry是个乐天派, 总是积极阳光, 看事物的正面, 所以追随他是由于他积极的人生态度attitude, 而不是他的智慧wisdom、经验experience、或者方向direction。6. A. badB. goodC. commonD. happy 【解析】选A。上下文逻辑关系题。从后面Jerry开导雇员, 寻找事情积极的一面可知此处指的是雇员有不开心的一天。7. A. give upB move onC. look on

26、D. test out【解析】选C。背景常识题。如果雇员过得不开心, Jerry就会开导他如何看待(look on)事情积极的一面。give up放弃;move on继续向前;look on 看待, 考虑; test out测试。8. A. resultB. situationC. secretD. work【解析】选B。词义辨析题。雇员不开心, 开导看到事情积极的一面。result 结果;situation形势;secret秘密;work 工作。9. A. surprisedB. angryC. disappointedD. curious 【解析】选D。词义辨析题。后面我去问他原因, 是J

27、erry的这种做法让我好奇(curious)。10. A. takeB. makeC. getD. have【解析】选C。词组辨析题。Jerry的这种做法让我好奇, 所以我去问他原因。dont get it是“不理解”的含义。11. A. choicesB. questionsC. problemsD. puzzles【解析】选A。词汇复现题。从下一句choose可知今天有两种选择(choice)。12. A. situationB. moodC. caseD. day【解析】选B。词汇复现题。由空后半句in a bad mood可知。13. A. growsB. happensC. leav

28、esD. attacks 【解析】选B。上下文逻辑关系题。每天醒来都告诉自己我有两个选择:好心情或坏心情。每次有不好的事情发生, 我可以选择被动做牺牲品, 也可以选择从中学习东西。我选择学习。happen (指意外事情的)发生。attack 袭击。14. A. reviewingB. quarrelingC. explainingD. complaining【解析】选D。词汇复现题。由后文accept their complaining可知。15. A. point outB. take outC. break outD. look out 【解析】选A。词汇复现题。和上文第7空所在句同义。p

29、oint out 指出;take out取出;break out 爆发; look out向外看, 当心。16. A. stickB. leadC. reactD. apply【解析】选C。上下文句意理解题。生活就是由很多选择组成的, 除去那些不值一提的事情, 那么生活中的每件事都是一个选择。你可以选择如何回应(react to)这些事件。react to 回应;stick to坚持;lead to 导致, 通向;apply to应用。17. A. decideB. affectC. likeD. make【解析】选B。上下文句意理解题。你可以选择周围人影响(affect)你心情的方式;你可以

30、选择有个好心情或是坏心情。18. A. fightB. liveC. spendD. waste【解析】选B。固定搭配题。重点是:你可以选择如何来过你的生活。live life是固定搭配。19. A. timeB. addressC. hopeD. touch【解析】选D。背景常识题。不久以后, 作者离开了餐馆开办了自己的业务, 所以他们之间失去了联系(lost touch)。20. A. instead of B. despite ofC. at the risk ofD. other than【解析】选A。句意理解题。我们失去了联系, 但每当我对生活做抉择而非被动接受生活时, 我就会想起J

31、erry。instead of代替, 而不是;despite of尽管;at the risk of 冒风险;other than除了。CIts “BABY DAY” at the Chartwell Riverpark seniors residence (住所) in Ottawa. Eulah Johnson, 90, never 1 the twice-monthly event. Today, Johnson sits on a sofa and smiles at a baby sitting on the seat of her walker. After a few momen

32、ts, the girl 2 to play with the dozen or so other small children 3 together with 20 of Johnsons fellow residents. As the 4 eat snacks and drink tea or coffee, their young guests crawl (爬行) around, draw in colouring books, bat balloons back and forth or sleep in the arms of 5 residents. Babies Who Vo

33、lunteer, bringing these 6 together, is the inspired idea of Jessica Turner. During a(n) 7 with her baby daughter Amelia to a friends mother, who was living in a long-term-care center, people gathered around Amelia, 8 to play with her. She was most 9 by the response of her friends mother: she hadnt s

34、poken in two years, but with Amelia in her lap, she 10 singing. Turner went home and immediately put out a 11 on a moms Facebook group: would anyone be interested in 12 seniors residences with their babies? One hundred women 13 said yes. A year later, there are now 1, 500 volunteers. Everyone benefi

35、ts from intergenerational programmes. This play group is 14 for the mothers, too. Theyre giving something to the community, which provides a 15 of purpose and belonging. It can really 16 someone who is feeling alone. Local 17 is growing: the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation, 18, has

36、donated $25, 000. With the help of charitable donations, Turner hopes to 19 programming from baby visits to having school kids communicating with 20 pen friends, and seniors teaching kids how to bake. 【文章大意】本文是记叙文。小婴儿们让敬老院里充满了欢乐, 而这一切都得益于一个叫“婴儿志愿者”的组织。1. A. affords B. selects C. creates D. misses【解析

37、】选D。根据第二段描述的场景及第三段对“婴儿志愿者”这个组织的介绍可知, 老人们对婴儿的到来非常欢迎, 故此处指的是这位九十岁的老人从来不会“错过(misses)”这个组织的活动。2. A. turns upB. skips offC. makes upD. shows off【解析】选B。根据上文的sitting on the seat of her walker可知, 小女孩从老人的助行架的座位上“离开(skips off)”去和别的小孩子玩了。3. A. mixedB. replacedC. coveredD. compared【解析】选A。孩子们与20名老人“混合(mixed)”在一起

38、。4. A. guestsB. waitersC. seniorsD. kids【解析】选C。此空与后面的their young guests相对, “老人们(seniors)”是敬老院的主人。5. A. delightedB. braveC. confusedD. strict【解析】选A。当老人们用茶点时, 孩子们在四处爬、涂色、拍打气球或是在那些“高兴的(delighted)”老人的臂弯里睡觉。本段中的smiles也提示了答案。6. A. predictionB. generationsC. evidenceD. organisations【解析】选B。上文描述了婴儿和老人在一起的场景,

39、 故此处指这个组织将两“代(generations)”人聚到了一起。7. A. interviewB. argumentC. visitD. move【解析】选C。根据语境可知, Turner带孩子去敬老院“看望(visit)”一位朋友的母亲。8. A. pretendingB. wantingC. regrettingD. failing【解析】选B。根据gathered around Amelia可知, 人们都“想要(wanting)”逗Amelia玩。9. A. surprisedB. embarrassedC. scaredD. disappointed【解析】选A。根据后句可知, 两

40、年没有说话的人竟然开始唱歌, 这让Turner对她朋友母亲的反应大为吃惊(surprised)。10. A. mindedB. forgotC. consideredD. began【解析】选D。她已经两年没有说一句话, 但是当Amelia坐在她的大腿上时, 她开始(began)唱歌。11. A. signalB. storyC. callD. policy【解析】选C。根据冒号后的内容可知, Turner在社交网站上发出了“号召(call)”。12. A. setting upB. dropping byC. cleaning upD. taking over【解析】选B。询问谁有兴趣带孩子

41、一起去敬老院“拜访(dropping by)”。13. A. quicklyB. frequentlyC. properlyD. safely【解析】选A。100名女子“立即(quickly)”说她们愿意。14. A. freeB. readyC. trueD. good【解析】选D。根据Everyone benefits from intergenerational programmes可知, 这个组合对妈妈们也“有益(good)”。15. A. listB. systemC. senseD. copy【解析】选C。为社区付出会给人一种“使命感和归属感(sense of purpose an

42、d belonging)”。16. A. helpB. rewardC. findD. warn【解析】选A。这确实能“帮助(help)”感到孤独的人。17. A. demandB. pressureC. economyD. interest【解析】选D。一家儿童医院捐了款说明当地人对这个组织的“关注(interest)”在增加。18. A. at timesB. for exampleC. after allD. by chance【解析】选B。此处是作者在举例说明观点, 故选for example。19. A. observeB. mentionC. attendD. expand【解析】选D。根据from. . . to. . . 可知, Turner希望“扩大(expand)”帮助的范围。20. A. awkwardB. hungryC. elderlyD. innocent【解析】选C。从婴儿探视到让小学生与这些“年长的(elderly)”笔友写信交流以及让老人教孩子们烘焙技能。

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