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1、7B期末复习 错题(学评P58-135 报纸38-50,单元测试卷Test4-10)一单选 1. -Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? -Go _ the road, and then turn right _ the first turning. A. down, at B. along, on C. across, on D. along, across2. The tall building is _ the 1st Street _ the 2nd Street. A. from, to B. from, and C. betwee

2、n, and D. between, to3. Be sure _ my greetings to your mother. A. to send B. sending C. send D. for sending4. There are many buildings on one side of the road, and on _ of it, there are some trees. A. another side B. other side C. the other side D. the others side5. Sandy lives on the first floor an

3、d Mary lives on the third floor, so Mary lives _ Sandy. A. above B. over C. below D. under6. “Boys and girls, please _ your homework here tomorrow,” Miss Brown said. A. take B. to take C. bring D. to bring7. I plant the seeds and wait for _ harvest. A. other B. another C. others D. else8.-Its too fa

4、r. Im afraid I cant walk to the centre of the town. -You can ride _ bike. My aunts bike is here, so I can use _. A. my, her B. mine, hers C. mine, her D. my, hers9.-What are you looking forward to? -_ the exchange students. A. Meet B. Meeting C. To meet D. Will meet10. Its time for the class meeting

5、. Lets stop _ and listen to the teacher. A. talking B. to talk C. talks D. talk11. _ knows anything about him, because he never tells us _ about himself. A. Nobody, something B. Somebody, nothing C. Anybody, something D. Nobody, anything12. -Simon, today is your birthday. Here is _ present for you!

6、-Thanks, Mum. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little13. There is _ plant life without water of air. A. none B. not C. nothing D. no14. Without _ any words, he left my office. A. telling B. saying C. talking D. speaking15. He had to stop _ because it was late at night. A. work B. to work C. working D.

7、 works16. Its bad for us to drink _ cola. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too17. The bag is very heavy. Can you help me to _ it to my office? A. carry B. bring C. get D. take18. Its better to have a partner with you so you can _ each other. A. help B. learn C. chat D. follow19.The story

8、happened _ a cloudy day. A. at B. in C. / D. on20. The lights are green now. Lets walk _ the street. A. across B. through C. by D. to21. Most of the students find Tom _. A. kindly B. well C. helpful D. carefully22. -Dont forget _ your homework here tomorrow. -OK, I wont. A. to take B. taking C. to b

9、ring D. bring23. When I came in, I saw him _. A. writing B. write C. writes D. to write24. After having a three-day rest, my father is now feeling _ to go to work. A. enough good B. enough well C. good enough D. well enough25. The maths problem is too difficult for him _. A. work it out B. to work o

10、ut it C to work out D. work out26. If you dont understand the word, you can _ in the dictionary. A. look it up B. put it up C. clean it up D. pick it up 27. Last week we went camping and we _ a tent near a lake. A. put up B. put on C. put in D. put down 28. When she passed the room, the nurse notice

11、d the old lady _ to get out of bed. A. tried B. trying C. to try D. tries 29. -Mary dances best in our school. -Yes. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time. A. seeing B. to see C. see D. saw 20. My daughter was _ about the lecture on cartoon films. A. excited B. exciting C. interested C. in

12、teresting 21. I always dream of living in a house _ some trees. It must be cool to hear the birds sing every morning. A. between B in C. around D. among 22. -The cake tastes so nice. May I have _? -Sure. I am glad you enjoy it. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 23. The question is easy. But

13、 I dont think _ can answer it. Some of us may find it difficult. A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. no one 24. -Which is the way to the museum? -_ along the road. The museum is behind the white building. A. To walk B. Walking C. Walk D. To walking 25. When the class begins, all the students must

14、 _ and listen to the teacher. A. stop to talk B. stop talking C. to stop talking D. talking 26. -Say hello to your parents when youre back, OK? -Thanks. I _. A. do B. am C. will D. remember 27. -I cant stop playing computer games. -For your health, my boy. Im afraid you _. A. can B. may C. must D. h

15、ave to 28. There are lots of trees on _ sides of the road. A. both B. all C. each D. other 29. -Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon, Lucy? -_. I have a date with Linda. A. Id love to. B. Im afraid not C. Sounds good D. Youre welcome 30. -Excuse me, can you show me the way to the

16、 West Lake? -Sorry, _. A. I have a map B. I dont go there C. I am new here D. there is no bus stop here 31. It is _ difficult to find my house. A. many B. a little C. no D. lots of 32. Dont worry. _ this map, you can easily find where my house is. A. On B. In C. With D. Without 33. -Its time for cla

17、ss. Lets stop _ football. -OK. Lets go. A. to play B. playing C. plays D. play 34. The police _ the bushes to see if the lost child was there. A. searched B. searched for C. search D. looked 35. My teacher let me _ me a bottle of apple juice. A. sit down and bring B. sit down and brought C. to sit d

18、own and brings D. to sit down and brought 36. They try to go _ to their own world. A. into B. across C. back D. with 37. She often helped her sister _ housework. A. did B. does C. do D. doing 38.-You said you would call me this morning, James. -I _. But no one answered the phone. A. was B. would C.

19、did D. will 39. Jimmy, _ afraid of dogs. They are our friends. A. dont B. doesnt C. dont be D. doesnt be 40. There is _ “m” in the word “arm”. A. a B. an C. the D. / 41. -I am sorry. Shes out. Can you ring _ again? -Sure. A. late B. more later C. latest D. later 42. Be quick! There is _ time left. A

20、. small B. a few C. little D. a little 43. -Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. -Dont forget to bring it here this afternoon. A. left B. forgot C. brought D. took 44. Lets stop _ and sit down. Im too tired. A. to walk B. walk to C. to walking D. walking 45. We can know _ a tree is ac

21、cording to the rings. A. how big B. how long C. how old D. how much 46. If the tree rings are suddenly very thin of suddenly very thick, this means that the _ has changed suddenly. A. climate B. day C. ring D. animal 47. -Why dont you like shopping on eBay? -The price may be _ there, but I dont know

22、 whether the things are good. A. cheap B little C. short D. low 48. -Shall I close the window? -Its better to keep it _ now. its very hot inside. A. closed B. close C. opened D. open49. -Were you afraid when you saw the big dog? -No, I _ feel afraid at all because I knew the dog was friendly. A. don

23、t B. wasnt C. didnt D. was 50. -Did you see my cat in the garden a moment ago? -Yes. I saw her _ under a tree. A. lay B. to lie C. is lying D. lying 51. Im sorry I _ my key to the door at home. A. forget B forgot C. leave D. left 52. Running in the chair is a(n) _ game. People must sit in the chair

24、and move with it. A. amazing B. excited C. relaxing D. glad 53. Please dont put the knife at this _ place. The baby may get and play with it. A. short B. high C. low D. tall 54.Dont give thee bottle to me. Please put it on the table. _ of my hands are full. A. Some B. All C. Both D. One 55. I saw hi

25、m _ the room, but I didnt know when he left there. A. going into B. go into C. went into D. goes into 56. -Lucy, you are late again. -Sorry, Mrs Li. I _ up early enough this morning, A. dont get B. doesnt get C. didnt get D. wasnt get 57. They couldnt play football because none of them remembered _

26、a football this afternoon. A. bringing B. bring C. brought D. to bring 58. There were hours to go _ we reached the campsite. A. after B. when C. as D. before 59. We were not able to light the fire, for _ was wet. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 60. His father sits between Sam and _

27、. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 61. -Which floor do you live on? -Millie lives on the top floor and I live two floors _ her. A. beside B. under C. below D. above 62.Millies new house is _ from her school. A. 500 metres far away B. 500 metres away C. 500-metres far away D. 500 metres away 63.My parents wi

28、ll prepare _ food and drinks for us. A. much B. many C. a lot D. plenty of 64. -What _ your sister _? -She is tall and strong. A. does, like B. is; look like C does; look like D. is; likes 65. An old friend of mine _ see me tomorrow. A. is coming B. are coming to C. comes D. is coming to 66. She is

29、_ beautiful girl. A. quite a B. a quite C. very a D. an very 67. The music made me think of the _ of a running stream(小溪). A. shout B. sound C. noise D. voice 68. She shares her room _ a friend of _. A. with, her B. to, hers C. with, hers D. from, her 69. -Were going to a party for the exchange stud

30、ents this afternoon. -_. And say hello to them for me. A. Youre welcome B. Have a good time C. Best wishes D. Good idea. 70. One day his parents saw Mo Yan won an award for his _, and they wanted him to be a writer too. A. works B. matches C. drawings D. presents 71. Keais Song is very easy to learn

31、, so the young people can sing the song _ their way home after watching the play. A. in B. on C. by D. to 72. I couldnt do it _ your great help. Thanks a lot! A. with B. without C. for D. to 73. Ann met an old friend in the street. She stopped _. A. coming B. to come C. walking D. to walk 74. The li

32、ttle cat miaowed all night. It _ a babys cry. A. sounds like B. sounds C. sounded like D. sounded 75. I _, but I couldnt _ anything. A. listen; hear B. listened, hear C. heard, listen D. heard, listened to 76. -Did you find _ in the classroom just now? -No. I think everything is OK. A. strange somet

33、hing B. something strange C. strange anything D. anything strange 77. Its _ unusual thing for us to find _ UFO. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an 78. This kind of bread tasted _! I dont want to eat it any more. A. good B. bad C. better D. well 79. I saw the train _ into the station slowly a minute

34、 ago. A. comes B. is coming C. to come D. coming 80. -Can you _ a tent by yourself? -Sorry. Its a little difficult for me. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. take off 81. -You didnt get a present from your cousin on your birthday, right? -Yes, _. I always get something nice from him on my birthday.

35、A. I do B. I got C. I did D. I didnt 82.Would you like _ your seat _ the old lady? A. to give; for B. to give; to C. giving; to D. giving; for 83. It took them half a day _ trees _ Tree Planting Day. A. to plant; in B. planting; on C. to plant; on D. planting; in 84. The story happened _ a cold nigh

36、t in December. A. on B. at C. in D. for 85. -We will go to Tsinghua University for a visit next summer holiday. -_ exciting news! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 86. _! Our school football team won! A. What amazing news B. How amazing news C. What an amazing news D. How an amazing news 87. Travell

37、ing by train is fun, though I know it _ a little more time. A. spends B. uses C. loses D. takes 88. The policeman heard a girl _ for help in the street just now. A. cried B. cries C. cry D. crying 89. Mrs Smith _ be at home now. she flew to Nanjing this morning. A mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt

38、 90. -Could you help me with this problem? -_. A. No, I couldnt B. Yes, I could. C. Yes, of course D. No, I wont 91. The small house was on fire, but he was brave and _ by himself. A. put out it B. put up it C. put it out D. put it up 92. Tomorrow well use dictionaries in class, so please _ yours he

39、re. A. take B. get C. bring D. carry 93. I heard someone _ for help when I was chatting online last night. A. shouting B. looking C. shouted D. looked 94. It is always important to be _ traffic wherever you go. A. afraid of B. fond of C. worried about D. careful with 95. _ lovely weather! _ happily the students are playing in the op

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