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1、英语新题型专题训练Asale make teenage become creation little was name age Every girl dreams of having a Barbie doll. Do you know who _ the Barbie doll? Its Ruth Handler. She creates Barbie dolls and she _the dolls after her daughters name, Barbie Handler. Ruths husband, Elliot Handler, makes furniture for fam

2、ilies at the weekend. Ruth says to him, In my opinion, you can _ the furniture and make money. Elliot thinks it is a good idea. Then he opens a toy factory to make and sell dolls houses. Later, the factory also sells toy tables and chairs. The factory gets bigger and bigger. After Ruth creates the B

3、arbie doll, it _ famous around the world. Ruth says, I find my daughter doesnt like the dolls of her own _ group, but she likes teenage dolls. At that time, the only teenage dolls are paper dolls. Then Ruth creates a model girl with beautiful clothes. That is the first Barbie doll. I believe girls w

4、ill like it, says Ruth. At first, no one thinks American mothers will buy the teenage dolls for their little girls, but soon Barbie dolls become _girls favorite toys.BPut take after toy you before all eachMaybe your family is planning a trip. But how can you _ for it? Here are some tips that may hel

5、p you. One to two weeks _ the trip, you can make a note of the things that you will need. When you collect all these things, _them in a big bag or box. All family members should have their own case for the tooth paste, toothbrush, comb, shampoo and the soap. You can also make a list of things that _

6、 family member should take on the trip. And remember to have them check off the things as they pack. They can take their swimsuit, a few pairs of socks and their jacket. You can take a small bag or toys or other personal things to make _ feel more comfortable. Several days before the trip, you may f

7、ind a few small toys that you enjoy, but havent played with them in a while. Take these _ with you on your trip for something new to play with.CTherefore take make when if increase spend difficult exercise vegetable more enough however lookEveryone wants to have a healthy lifestyle. Many people thin

8、k that it is _to have a healthy lifestyle. However, if you try to _ a little change, then you can have a healthy lifestyle. Add _ and fruit to your diet. More vegetables and fruit are good. But many of us do not eat them _. You can choose to_ the amount of vegetables and fruit slowly. Do more _. Som

9、e people join a lot of clubs to do more exercise._, they usually cant do all the classes. It is most likely because the change to their present lifestyle is too great. You should do more exercise gradually. For example, _ there is a shop near your home, walk there, instead of taking the bus. If you

10、always _evenings sitting and watching TV, get up and move around a little once an hour. You will be surprised at how much better you feel once you start doing this. One good way to start doing exercise is to buy a Yoga DVD or something like this. Then learn from it day by day. After you start to fee

11、l the effects of the changes in your lifestyle, you will become more innovative; you will be more active in _ for more healthy things to do.DWhen make risk please happy support against benefit put disadvantage work carry unlessOliver and Gillian Schonrock come from London. Recently, they have become

12、 a topic of conversation for local people, because they let their 8-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son go to school by bike. The school and teachers were very _ with Mr. and Mrs. Schonrocks decision. They thought that Mr. and Mrs. Schonrock were_ their children at the _ of danger. However, Mrs. Sc

13、honrock believes that their children can _ more from this experience. London mayor, Boris Johnson, also _ Mr. and Mrs. Schonrocks decision. If they have carefully looked at the road and considered the advantages and _, they should be given the freedom to make the decision, he said. Many parents have

14、 the wrong idea of what is safe and what is dangerous for children. Two years ago, a study _ out by England criticized parents who were stifling the chance for their children to bike to school. The study covered more than 1,000 parents. In fact, four out of five children of those parents were not al

15、lowed to bike to school. The study also said that this wrong decision could lead children to cycle only on their own road and their neighbors roads. One of the people who did the study said, These days, children can do nothing _ its planned. Parents should try their best to let their children enjoy

16、their lives and teach them about the risks of life.EUseful head difference finger understand sometimes solve ruler what how never Do you know _ active reading is? Active reading is _ your head when you are reading. The following are some tips on how to develop active reading habits.Use a ruler For m

17、any students, the words on one page run or blur together. To _ this problem, you can use a _ to cover everything except the sentence that you are reading. When you finish a line, move the ruler down. Use your _ Along with the ruler, you should follow the words with your fingers. Read out the words W

18、hen you are reading, you can read the words out. You dont have to read out loud; mouthing the words is also OK. Use three colored pens Use different colors to mark the things of _ importance. Take notes in the margin You should write notes, questions, comments, or draw pictures in the margin. Write

19、a summary Take a few minutes to write a reading summary, because this helps you to _ the passage better. Consider making reading notes Reading notes are great for some children, but its bad for others. For some children, if they take notes, they _ finish their reading. So if you decide to take readi

20、ng notes, make sure you write one sentence about every other paragraph at most.FTherefore many good have be people adult child however andWhat is a city planner? Think about all the buildings in your city. As there are more and more people, _ houses and workplaces are needed. _, if all of them were

21、built at random, what would happen? Who would make sure that there are still enough parks for _and enough places for children to play in? Would the roads be able to fit all the cars and bikes? Where could trees and flowers grow if there _just buildings and roads? Dont worry. A city planner will solv

22、e the problem for you. A city planner works with other people to make the city the _ place to live. Maybe you didnt notice before all the buildings were built in order. Actually, all the buildings around you need planning. City planners make sure that cities are built in a smart way. Therefore, ther

23、e are enough roads for all the traffic; there are enough parks for people; there are still places for trees and birds; there are enough shops to have the things we need; everyone _a chance to live in a nice house. Planners think ahead of time. They help people to decide how to improve their city for

24、 the future. GIf how then go make spend little effect whether step next divide breakFor most students, how to _over the things they have learned before the exam is difficult. Therefore, it is important to make a study plan for an exam. The following are the _ in making a study plan. The first step i

25、s to decide _ you want to study alone or in a group. If you want to study in a group, you need to consider the needs of the whole group when you make the plan. The _ thing to plan is the study time. To make an _ study plan, you need to consider two things: the whole time you have before the exam and

26、 the effective study time that you can use to study every day. Try to study for at least two hours every day. If you have little time until the exam, such as one week or _, you need to increase your daily study time. At last, you should decide what you need to study and how to study. Both books and

27、class notes are important materials. You can _ the materials into small parts, and then go over them one by one according to your time plan. Remember to _ more time studying the most important part. HCall move care dining room between what down how among up to provide classroomIn April, 2010, more t

28、han 70 students from Washington, D.C. met the First Lady, Michelle Obama, in the White House. They talked about the obesity(肥胖) problem _ children. Mrs. Obama created a health campaign _ Lets Move. The students asked many questions. And all the questions were about health, from food _ doing exercise

29、. One student called Kalya Greenspoon asked, How can we learn _ is good to eat and what is bad to eat? We have to remember that learning doesnt stop at lunch time,said Mrs. Obama. The dining room in a school is one of the most important _ in the school. The dining room will _ the right food for stud

30、ents. She also encouraged the students to try new kind of food. The students listened to Mrs. Obama _ when she explained the importance of making healthy choices. She said that making the right choices to eat and exercise really helped people to be healthy. Youre at the age that you can make a decis

31、ion to sit in front of the TV or walk _ and down the stairs, or turn on the mu-sic and dance, Mrs. Obama said. Exercise isnt always aboutsports. Its just about _.ITall service pay make little pass fail trip something good terrible after untilMy name is Joey and Im 15 years old. I was not a good boy

32、before. I_ almost every exam I took and I liked to play with bad children. Everything changed _I met a man named John. John was a friend of my mother. He told me that if I could do well in the exams, keep away from those bad children and do at _ 60 hours of community(社区) _, he would allow me to join

33、 the 2Xtreme Dream trip. The 2Xtreme Dream was a_ to Southern Russia to climb Europes _ mountain, Mt. Elbrus. The trip was _ for by a charity. 10 children aged from 14 to 19 took part in the trip. They all had their own stories. Some of them even had more _ experiences than I did. However, after we

34、set out on the trip, we all changed a lot. We worked together to get to the top of the mountain. We made friends with each other. And we did things for the local orphans(孤儿). Life is like a mountain; every step you take is a step to success, John told us. Being at the top of the mountain was the bes

35、t feeling I had ever had. I realized that I can do_ if I put my heart into it.JKnow easy difficult influent anything discovery similarly nothing whereMy family was not rich. I went to a school _ 93% of the students came from poor families. This school was _ for its poor education. It was very _ for

36、me to drop out of school, just like some of the other students. I might have been exactly like that if one thing in my life hadnt happened. At the beginning of the second grade, my aunt bought me the first Harry Potter book. It was so interesting that I read it again and again. It encouraged me to _

37、 the story behind J.K. Rowlings success. I learned how she had started with _ and then become one of the richest women in the world. She had a great _ on me. From then on, I began to work hard in school and started to receive As in every subject. I began to find out more about the world that I lived

38、 in. I worked hard and wished that I would be able to have a _ story to J.K. Rowling one day. Today, Im the manager of a big company. Im writing this story to tell you that you should try your best to succeed, no matter what the situation is. KAble same others independently you different another mak

39、e do them Many people have jobs for _reasons. A job means different things to different people. Is a job really just a job? For some people the answer is yes, but for most people, a job means so much more than just going to work. For some people, a job can make them more confident. Some _ people hav

40、e few opportunities to really do something special. However, even if they are just doing a very simple job, it is very important to them. It means that they are able to do something for the world. For _ people, a job is something that allows them to be _for the first time. When you get your first jo

41、b, you can make money by _. You dont need to ask your parents for money any more. It is the first step in becoming an independent adult. A job can be a very important thing to those who enjoy it enough. If you have nothing else in your life, and if you really love your job, it can be your whole life. A job is more than just going to work. A job is more than just _ money. A job issomething that gives you the ability to have a meaningful life.6 / 6

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