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1、外研版小学英语四年级上册期中测试题(一年级起点第七册M1M5)学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 听力部分()一、 Listen and number. (听音,标号) 12 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 Listen and choose the right pictures.( 听音,选图)16 1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 4. 2 月 4 月 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 9.1 10.1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. 8. . ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、Listen and choose the right answer.

2、 (听短文,把正确选项填在括号内)6A.1. ( ) The letter is from _. A. Amy B. Lucy C. Lucys mother 2. ( ) What did Lucy do yesterday? A. She watched TV, washed trousers and finished homework.B. She helped her mum, cleaned the room and washed clothes.C. She helped her mum, washed clothes and played with her toy.3. ( )

3、Yesterday was _ birthday. A. Lucys B. her fathers C. her mothers B. 1.( ) Chinese people invented_. A. bicycle and paper B. printing and plane C. paper and printing 2. ( ) Who invented bicycle?A. Chinese people B. English people C. American people 3. ( ) American people invented_. A. telephone B. bi

4、cycle C. paper 四、 Listen and circle. (听音,画圈)16%Sam usually ( learn, learns) Maths and English. But he didnt ( learn, learned) these things yesterday. Yesterday, they ( went, go) on a school trip. They (climbed, climbs) mountains. They (see, saw) trees and flowers. They (eat, ate) apples and hamburge

5、rs. They ( bought, buy) some ice cream. They (were, was) very happy. 五、Listen and complete the short passage. (听音,帮助Daming完成他的日记)10% Monday Yesterday _ Sunday. I _ go to school.I _my homework and_the floor. Then I went Ice-skating with my friend. The ice _ very cold. We_warm clothes. First, I_ me. A

6、nd I didnt fall over again. It was easy. Yesterday, w_over. But it didnt hurt. Then I _ to skate. My friend _e _ a good time. 笔试部分(40) 一、 Read and choose. (这些是来自各国的小朋友,读一读,连一连)121. Shes from India. Shes got long black hair. She likes dancing. 2. She lives in Beijing. Shes got short black hair. She c

7、an play the flute.3. Hes an American boy. He likes playing basketball.4. She lives in Mexico. She likes traditional Mexican food.二、Read and choose. (选择题)8%1. ( ) Where does she live? She _in China.A. lived B. lives C. live. 2. ( ) What did you do yesterday? I _the flute. A. played B. plays C. play 3

8、. ( ) Did she climb the top? No, she_. A. doesnt B. dont C didnt 4. ( ) Yesterday, we went to the park. We _ very happy. A. was B. were C. are 5. ( ) Whats she doing? Shes_. A. eating B. ate C. eat 6. ( ) Children from _ are _. A. ChineseChina B. AmericaAmerican C. RussianRussia 7. ( ) Im reading a

9、letter. Its _ my friend A. to B. from C. in 8. ( ) English people _ _ paper. Chinese people invented it A. didnt invent B. didnt invented C. didnt invents三、Read and circle. ( 每个单词家庭里都有一个单词找错了家,请你们读一读,把找错了家的单词圈出来。) 6% Star make live kite head clean car party cake have bike like bread warm lake sweate

10、r四、Look and write. ( 这是Lingling写给Lucy的一封信,请你根据Lingling附上的照片,帮她把信补充完整。9Dear _How are you? Im very well. Yesterday, we went on a school trip. We went to the_ We_ lots of mountains. Then, Amy_ a picture. And we_ biscuits. We were very happy.From,_五、阅读短文,判断正误5%Hello, my name is Lucy. I am from England.

11、I have got long and black hair. I have a brother. His name is Peter. Hes got short hair and big eyes. Yesterday was our grandmas birthday. We helped my mum. We cleaned the room. Peter made a big cake for grandma. I bought a birthday card for her. Grandma was very happy.1. Peter is Lucys friend. ( )2

12、. Lucys got short and black hair. ( )3. Yesterday was grandmas birthday. ( ) 4. Lucy bought a birthday card for grandma. ( ) 5. Peter made a small cake for grandma. ( )附加题(10) 小朋友们,昨天你们做了哪些事情呢?想一想,记下几件最有意思的事情。听力内容 一、Listen and number. (听音,标号)1. I played toys with my friend yesterday.2. I watched TV

13、yesterday.3. He played the drums yesterday.4. They walked to school yesterday. 5. She listened to the music yesterday.6. Did he play football yesterday? No, he didnt. He helped his mum yesterday.二、 Listen and choose the right pictures.( 听音,选图)a) Yesterday, I washed my clothes. They were very dirty.

14、b) A: Who invented paper? B: Chinese people invented paper. c) A: Hi, Amy. When is your birthday? B: My birthday is in April. d) A: Where did you go? B: We went to the Great Wall. e) It was National Day yesterday. I didnt go to school.f) A: Whats she doing? B: Shes dancing. g) She didnt watch TV yes

15、terday. She helped her mum. h) A: What did you do yesterday? B: We went on a school trip yesterday. We went ice-skating. 三、Listen and choose the right answer. ( 听短文,把正确的选项填在括号内) Dear Amy, How are you? Im very well. Yesterday was my mothers birthday. I didnt watch TV. I helped my mum. I cleaned the r

16、oom. I washed clothes and cooked noodles. Mum was very happy. From, Lucy B. Chinese people are very clever. They invented many important things. Chinese people invented paper, printing, powder and compass. But they didnt invent telephone and bicycle. American people invented telephone and English pe

17、ople invented bicycle. They are clever, too. 四、Listen and circle. (听音,画圈) Sam usually learns Maths and English. But he didnt learn these things yesterday. Yesterday, they went on a school trip. They climbed mountains. They saw trees and flowers. They ate apples and hamburgers. They bought some ice c

18、ream. They were very happy. 五、Listen and complete the short passage. (听音,帮助Daming完成他的日记) Yesterday was Sunday. I didnt go to school. I finished my homework and cleaned the floor. Then I went ice-skating with my friends. The ice was very cold. We wore warm clothes. First, I fell over. But it didnt hurt. Then I learnt to skate. My friend helped me. And I didnt fall over again. It was easy. Yesterday, we had a good time. 5 / 5

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