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1、2022版高考英语一轮复习 必修2 Module 3 Music学案外研版2022版高考英语一轮复习 必修2 Module 3 Music学案外研版年级:姓名:Module 3 Musicchoir n. saxophone n. Austrian adj. band n.classical n. court n. prince n. catchy poser n. genius n. album n. lyrics n.jazz n. symphony n. ballad n. solo adj.orchestra n. Austria n.1(2019全国卷)The exhibition

2、had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences. 创纪录的2(2019浙江卷)But if hes out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. 输掉3(全国卷)OConnor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 yea

3、rs on the top court. 法庭单词拼写运用核心单词语境运用1audience n听众2peasant n农民3tour vt.巡回演出4complex_adj.复杂的5tune n曲调6record vt.录音;记录用所给词的适当形式填空。1(2020天津卷)In the past, sound engineers worked in the back rooms of recording(record) studio.2(2020全国卷)However, boys tended to play with more_complex(complex) puzzles than g

4、irls.3He is now busy touring(tour) all over the world.4He won the love and respect of the surrounding peasants(peasant)派生单词语境运用1compose vt.作曲;创作composer n作曲家2conduct vt.指挥(乐队)conductor n指挥 3music n音乐 musical adj.音乐的musician n音乐家用所给词的适当形式填空。1As a composer,he has composed a great deal of music.(compos

5、e)2A famous musician played a good piece of music using a musical instrument.(music)4direct vt.指挥 adj.直接的 director n指挥;导演 direction n方向5lose vt.失去;丢失_loss n损失 lost adj.丢失的;迷失的6talent n天分;天赋;才华_talented adj.有才能的7influence vt.影响 influential adj.有影响力的8lecture n&vt.演讲;报告 lecturer n(大学的)讲师9mix vt.使混合 mix

6、ture n混合物3There was a police officer directing the traffic, so the lost director_came up to him to ask how to get to the local theatre. The policeman showed him the direction and he left. (direct)4The tourist lost his way in the woods and was at a loss how to get out.(lose)5The little boy showed his

7、 great talent for painting. We all believed he would become a talented artist.(talent)6Shes very good at making friends and influencing people, so she has a great influence on me and I like this influential girl.(influence)短语理解运用高频短语语境运用1make_a_note_of 记录2have_a_talent_for 有方面的天赋3be_known_as 作为而出名4a

8、s_well_as 不仅而且;也5be_impressed_with 留下深刻的印象6no_way 没门儿选用左面短语的适当形式填空。Mr. Smith is_known_as an excellent teacher.He is our friend as_well_as our teacher.We are_impressed_with his lessons and in class we try to make_a_note_of every word he says.He is respected by all of us.7go_deaf 变聋8if_so 如果这样的话9split

9、_up 分裂;分割10change.into. 把变成11of_all_time 有史以来选用左面短语的适当形式填空。Mr. Black,who is 70 years old,split_up with his wife two years ago.Till now he has_gone_deaf for almost one year.In order to communicate with others well,he often uses a hearing aid.He also likes helping homeless children and he has_changed

10、his house into a shelter.His life is different from what it used to be.句式辨识运用教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.having done作状语。Having worked there for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful.那秘书工作了整整一天,看上去疲惫不堪。Having_worked for a whole day,the secretary looked exhausted.2.by the time引导时间状语从句。By the t

11、ime he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras.当我到达电影院时,电影已经放映大约半个小时了。By_the_time_I_got_to_the_cinema,the film had been on for about half an hour.3.强调句型。However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. 正是稳定舒适的生活毁掉了这位青年男子当大

12、探险家的夙愿。It_is_the_stable_and_comfortable_life_that has destroyed the young mans ambition to be a great explorer.1lose vt.失去;丢失;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于;(钟表)慢高考原句2020天津卷“The great man,” said Mencius(孟子),“ is he who does not lose his childs heart.”(1)lose face/heart/weight 丢面子/灰心/减肥lose ones way be lost 迷路lose

13、 oneself in sth./be lost in sth.专心致志于某事(be) lost in thought 陷入沉思(2)loss n失去;丧失at a loss 困惑;不知所措be lost in the forest 在森林中迷路try to make up for the lost time 尽力把失去的时间补回来suffer a heavy loss as a result of the accident 由于这次事故遭受了巨大的损失基础练习单句语法填空(2019全国卷)Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that lost(lose) do

14、g.(2019浙江卷)The loss(lose) of big trees was greatest in areas where trees had suffered the greatest water shortage.Lost(lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.链接写作词汇升级普通表达:Faced with so many new things to learn, I was overcome by the fear and didnt know what to do.高级表达:Faced wit

15、h so many new things to learn, I was overcome by the fear and was_at_a_loss what to do.2influence vt.影响;感化 n影响(力);势力高考原句2020新高考全国卷According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.(1)influence

16、sb.to do sth.影响某人做某事(2)under the influence of 在的影响下have an influence on/upon 对有影响(3)influential adj.有影响力的be influential in (doing) sth.对(做)某事颇有影响influenced her to choose a career in nursing 影响她选择了护士这个职业under the influence of the growing interest in nature 在对自然越来越感兴趣的影响下have a great influence on thei

17、r learning efficiency 对他们的学习效率有很大的影响基础练习单句语法填空(2020山东卷)The tests show that the social environment is extremely influential(influence) when were making decisions. (2019全国卷)As you know, China has a growing influence on/upon todays world.He was extremely influential in raising peoples awareness of the

18、disease.链接写作一句多译在一位高中生物老师的影响下,他从事了医学研究。Influenced_by a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.(过去分词短语作状语)Under_the_influence_of a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.(influence n)A high school biology teacher influenced_him_to_take_up the study of med

19、icine.(influence v)3record v录音;记录 n纪录;唱片;档案;履历;经历 adj.创纪录的(1)It is recorded that .据记载(2)keep a record of 把记录下来break/set/hold a record 打破/创造/保持纪录on record 记录在案的make a record 录制唱片make a video to record our experiences at school 拍录像记录下我们的在校经历break the world record 打破世界纪录keep a record of my first smile

20、and my first walk记录了我的第一次微笑和第一次走路基础练习单句语法填空(2020全国卷)The researchers analyzed video recordings(recording) of 53 childparent pairs during everyday activities at home.Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 above the average.It is recorded(record) that there have been a l

21、ot of earthquakes in this area.链接写作词汇升级普通表达:Write down the mistakes you made it will help you avoid making the same ones later.高级表达:Keep_a_record_of the mistakes you made it will help you avoid making the same ones later.(record)4mix vt.使混合;使结合;相融合Several recent studies examined the role of talent i

22、n the sports world. They focused on football, basketball and baseball. The results are mixed.(1)mix .with/and .把和混合mix with sb.与某人交往mix up 混合,掺和;混淆(2)mixed adj.混合的(3)mixture n混合物mix red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint把红色和黄色涂料混合成橙色涂料get mixed up in a fight with another player 卷进了与另一位球员的斗

23、殴中a mixture of Chinese tradition with western style中国传统与西方风格的融合基础练习单句语法填空Dashan, who has been learning crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western standup tradition.He looked at her with a mixture(mix) of amusement and happiness.I must admit that I have

24、 mixed(mix) feelings about my new deskmate.链接写作完成句子我认为保持年轻的秘诀就是与年轻人交往。I think the secret of staying young is to_mix_with young people.5go deaf 变聋go mad/bad/blind 变疯/变坏/失明go wrong/wild 出毛病/变疯go pale/red 变得苍白/变红go hungry 挨饿go bad in hot weather 在热天变坏go blind because of a serious disease 由于一场严重的疾病而失明go

25、 red with anger 气得脸都红了名师点津go作系动词,意为“变得”,主要指由强到弱、由好到坏的变化,可用于人和物,其后接表示贬义或颜色的形容词。基础练习单句语法填空The little boy went hungry(hunger) after finishing his work.Its typical for her to go red with anger.The engine just wont start.Something seems to_have_gone(go) wrong about it.链接写作完成句子工作和居住在嘈杂环境的人容易变聋。People who

26、often work and live in noisy conditions go_deaf_easily.当听到她昨天回家的路上发生车祸的消息时,她母亲脸色苍白。On hearing the news of the accident on her way home yesterday, her mother went_pale.6make a note of 记录(1)make/take a note/notes (of .) 记下,记录()take note of 注意到leave a note for sb.给某人留个便条compare notes (with sb.) (与某人)交换

27、意见(2)be noted for 因而闻名be noted as 作为而著称make a note of the key points in class 在课堂上记下要点take note of her talent for music 注意到她的音乐天赋compare notes with each other 互相交换意见基础练习单句语法填空(2018北京卷)He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after leaving a note behind to let the owner know it was safe.Foo

28、d of this restaurant is_noted(note) for its good taste and high quality.The secretary made notes(note) of what her boss asked her to do.链接写作完成句子而且你也要记住,经常与同学们交换意见是提高学习成绩的一种好方法。And you also should keep it in mind that comparing_notes_with_your_classmates _frequently is a good way to improve your stud

29、y.7(教材P23)However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. 然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。句型公式句中的“it was.who.”是强调句型,强调的是句子的主语,该句的正常语序:However,Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.(1)强调句型的基本结构:It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其他部分(2)强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it 被强调部分that/who句子其他部分?(3)强调句的特殊疑问句:疑问词(被强调部分)is/

30、wasitthat句子其他部分?(4)not .until .的强调句型:It is/was not until .that .。金句推送(2020全国卷)But remember,its you that has to grow and read and reread in order to better understand your friends.但是要记住,为了更好地了解你的朋友,你必须提升自己,阅读并反复阅读。基础练习单句语法填空(2018天津卷)It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house that we saw

31、 Lily in the passenger seat.And it is tai chi that has helped her understand the value of “going slowly”You are waiting at a wrong place.It is at the hotel that the coach picks up tourists.链接写作句式升级普通表达:He didnt realize the importance of learning English well until he went to America as an exchange s

32、tudent.高级表达:It_was_not_until_he_went_to_America_as_an_exchange_student_ that he realized the importance of learning English well.(强调句型)高级表达:Not until he went to America as an exchange student did_he_ realize_the_importance_of_learning_English_well.(部分倒装)夯基固本基础强化.用所给词的正确形式填空。1Once lost(lose) in the f

33、orest, you should remain where you are waiting for help.2The works of his are usually a mixture(mix) of Chinese tradition with western style.3Having been asked three times, he still went silent(silence)4I recorded(record) what the lecturer said in order that I might get some review of it later.5Chap

34、lin was not just a genius; he was among the most influential(influence) figures in the film history.在空白处填入一个适当的词。1Please make a note of when and where the meeting will be held.2My teachers words had a great influence on/upon my studying science at college.3It was the drunk driver who/that was to bla

35、me for the accident.4The driver was at a loss when he heard that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.5In the end, we took a group photo to keep a record of this unforgettable experience.查缺补漏知识拾遗.用所给词的正确形式填空。1She is a talented(talent) musician as well as being a photographer.2Having_arrived(arrive

36、) early for his date, Mark spent time reading the newspaper.3By the time the new school year began I had_finished(finish) reading his third book.4Cats is a fascinating musical(music) play. You can enjoy the beautiful music in the play.5Email, as well as telephones, play(play) an important part in da

37、ily communication. .在空白处填入一个适当的词。1The committee is mainly composed of professors and engineers. 2I decided to split up with him because he had hurt me deeply.3The new movie is likely to be one of the biggest moneymakers of all time.4The tourists were impressed with what they had seen at the West Lak

38、e.5Hard as the metal is, it can be changed into liquid at high temperature.强技提能语言应用.语法填空I have a good friend, who is a 1.musician(music) and composer. He showed a great talent 2.for music at an early age. He dreamed of becoming a conductor and 3.forming(form) his own band when he was young. At six,

39、he went to the court of a prince 4.to_learn(learn) music, where he made a note of or even recorded what he 5.was_taught(teach). He impressed his teacher 6.with hard work. He especially loved classical 7.and jazz. Later, he composed many catchy ballads and 8.toured(tour) throughout the world. By 9.mi

40、xing(mix) western music with oriental music, he formed his own style, which 10.greatly(great) influenced the music world. I like his lyrics and tone very much and have collected almost every album of his.书面表达Step 1.要点提示(黑体字部分要使用本单元所学词汇)史密斯先生作为音乐家而闻名,其歌曲影响了许多人热爱音乐。Mr.Smith is_known_as_a_musician,and

41、his songs has influenced_many_people_ to_love_music.他很小就显示出音乐才华,并录制了很多专辑。He showed_a_talent_for_music when he was very young and recorded_many_ albums.由于一场车祸,他失去了双腿。He lost_his_legs due to an accident.音乐使他对生活充满信心和勇气。Music made him full of confidence as_well_as_courage_for_life.人们对他的动人的音乐和乐观的人生态度印象深刻

42、。People are_impressed_with_his_catchy_music and his optimistic attitude to life.Step 2.表达升级(改变所给句子的结构以使表达升级)(1)用含有定语从句的复合句改写句Mr.Smith_is_known_as_a_musician,_whose_songs_has_influenced_many_people_to_love_music.(2)用强调句型改写句It_was_music_that_made_him_full_of_confidence_as_well_as_courage_for_life.Step

43、 3.衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇) Mr.Smith is known as a musician, whose songs has influenced many people to love music.He showed a talent for music when he was very young and recorded many albums.Unfortunately, he lost his legs due to an accident.It was music that made him full of confidence as well as courage for life.People are impressed with his catchy music and optimistic attitude to life.

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