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1、四川省射洪中学校2020-2021学年高一英语下学期入学考试试题四川省射洪中学校2020-2021学年高一英语下学期入学考试试题年级:姓名:- 30 -四川省射洪中学校2020-2021学年高一英语下学期入学考试试题(本试卷共10页, 满分150分。考试时间120分钟)注意事项: 1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 作答时, 务必将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。3. 考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(

2、共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt? A. 19. 15. B. 9. 15. C. 9. 18. 答案是B。1. What colour shorts does the man want? A. Blue. B. Black. C. White.2. What is the original price (原价) of the T-shirt? A. $15.

3、 B. $30. C. $50.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In an office. B. In a theater. C. In a restaurant.4. What does the man think of the coffee? A. Disappointing. B. Just so-so. C. Good.5. What will the man probably do? A. go to a bar. B. Stay home. C. See a doctor.听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6

4、. What does the woman do? A. A hostess. B. A tourist guide. C. A reporter. 7. What trees are opposite to the pine ones? A. Peach. B. Cherry. C. Pear.听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。8. Where is the man going? A. Taipei. B. London. C. Hong Kong. 9. When does the mans flight leave? A. At 9: 00. B. At 11: 00. C. At 11:

5、 30. 听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers talking about? A. New films. B. Popular cinemas. C. Film-seeing habits.11. What seems to bother the woman at the cinema? A. The uncomfortable seat. B. The noisy people. C. The long waiting time. 12. What do we know about the man? A. He prefers seeing

6、new films at the cinema.B. He enjoys seeing films with friends. C. He likes talking about new films. 听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13. What do we know about the man?A. He is staying in his friends house.B. He is responsible for the stolen things. C. He is busy with his own business. 14. When did the man leave t

7、he cafe? A. About 7 p. m. B. About 10 p. m. C. About 11 p.m.15. What would the mans friends care about most? A. The paintings. B. The TV set C. The computer.16. Who is the woman? A. The mans wife. B. A policewoman. C. The owner of the house.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. Why did the speaker want a guitar? A

8、. To play in a concert. B. To go to music school. C. To be like her brother. 18. How did the speakers brother learn to play the guitar? A. He taught himself. B. He took classes at school. C. He got private lessons from Mr. Matthews.19. How long did the speaker take music lessons? A. For ten years. B

9、. For five years. C. For one year.20. What did the speaker learn from the concert? A. She was great at playing the guitar. B. She should give up at some point.C. She just needed to work hard. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。ACovid-19 has brought a gr

10、eat deal of trouble for all of us since March 2020. During this time, mobile phones have been the solution for the boredom and restlessness caused from staying indoors. The most downloaded apps on play store 2020 are;TikTokTikTok was the most downloaded app. With over 111.9 million downloads, TikTok

11、 has seen a huge growth in 2020, twice more than what it got in 2019. 20% of its total downloads were from India and around 9. 3% of the total downloads were in the US.Zoom Zoom was the second most installed app in the overall downloads category. With nearly 94. 6 million installs, Zoom is the most

12、used app for online meetings and virtual classrooms. 17% of its downloads were in the US and India. Offices and educational institutes were shut down and to continue working and studying from home, people relied heavily on Zoom for video conferencing and calling. WhatsAppWhatsApp ranked third in ove

13、rall downloads with more than 100 million downloads. It is one of the most popular and widely used chat applications; WhatsApp also supports communication between international phone networks.FacebookIt ranked fourth in the overall downloaded list. Facebook is the worlds most popular social networki

14、ng application. Facebook builds technologies that give people the power to connect with friends and family, find communities and grow businesses.1. Which app is the best to turn to for online education?A. TikTok.B. Zoom.C. WhatsApp.D. Facebook.2. What do we know about TikTok?A. It is an India-based

15、app.B. It has most users in America.C. It is used for growing business.D. It has doubled its download than in 2019.3. What function does Facebook probably serve?A. Communication.B. Training.C. Teaching.D. PaymentBOn the first day of fourth grade, my teacher, Mrs. Brown, told my class a story about h

16、er husband Rob, who is a brain cancer survivor. After what Mrs. Brown experienced with Robs illness, she decided to devote part of her life to an organization called Be head Strong, which works to support families with a member suffering from brain cancer. Along with typical math and science, throug

17、hout the year, Mrs. Brown shared stories with us about people in Be Head Strong who had overcome some tough and unfair battles. Mrs. Brown never showed any sadness or confusion toward the disease. She instead spoke only with words of determination to find a cure. Whether news from Be Head Strong was

18、 good or bad, she always looked at the situation as an opportunity to improve and do more.My parents taught me from a very young age that making wise choices with my money is important. I would always set aside most of my $ 2.50-a-week allowance. By the end of the school year, I had saved over one h

19、undred dollars, $ 131.30 to be exact. One day was wondering what to do with it. I did not feel like any game or toy was worth the time I had spent saving. I thought about the stories Mrs. Brown told us, then I decided that was where I wanted my money to go. As the last day of school approached, my m

20、om helped me wrap the heart-shaped box full of dollars and coins. After all the other kids had left on the last day of school, I handed Mrs. Brown the present. As she opened it, I told her that I wanted the money to go to Be Head Strong to help people like Rob. She broke into tears and hugged me tig

21、htly.People may not always realize how big of an influence one kind gesture can make. One teacher encouraged a decision in my life that has changed the way how I live.4. What do we know about Mrs. Brown from paragraph 1?A. She had just survived a brain cancer.B. She lost her husband to a brain cance

22、r.C. She founded a non-profit organization for brain cancer.D. She was devoted to helping people with brain cancer.5. Which of the following can best describe Mrs. Brown?A. Outgoing and organized.B. Positive and delightful.C. Enthusiastic and patient.D. Kind-hearted and strong-willed.6. What can we

23、infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph 3?A. The author thought the money was worth something more meaningful.B. The authors parents were strict with him in buying games and toys.C. The author was old enough to get rid of games and toys.D. The author had no time to pick his favorite games an

24、d toys.7. Which can be the best title for the text?A. A Teachera Role model.B. A TeacherA Life-long Learner.C. An Unforgettable Science lesson.D. A Special Teacher and Her Life Story.CShanghai residents (居民) passing through the citys eastern Huangpu district earlier this month might have discovered

25、an unusual sight a “walking” building.An 85-year-old primary school has been lifted off the ground in its entirety and relocated using new technology named the “walking” machine.In the citys latest effort to protect historic structures, engineers used nearly 200 mobile supports under the five-story

26、building, according to Lan Wuji, chief technical supervisor of the project.The supports act like robotic legs. Theyre split into two groups which in turns rise up and down, like the human step. The sensors (感应器)help control how the building moves forward, said Lan.In recent years, Chinas rapid moder

27、nization has seen many historic buildings destroyed to clear land for skyscrapers and office buildings. But there has been growing concern about the architectural heritage (遗产)loss as a result of destruction across the country. It is true Shanghai has been Chinas most progressive city when it comes

28、to heritage preservation The survival of a number of 1930s buildings in the famous bund district and 19th-century “shikumen”(or “stone gate”) houses in the repaired Xintiandi neighborhood has offered examples of how to give old buildings new life. The city also has a track record of relocating old b

29、uildings. In 2018, the city relocated a 90-year-old building in Hongkou district, which was then considered to be Shanghais most complex relocation project to date. The Lagena Primary School, which weighs 7, 600 tons, faced a new challenge-its T-shaped, while previously relocated structures were squ

30、are or rectangular(长方形的), according to Xinhua.Experts and technicians met to discuss possibilities and test a number of different technologies before deciding on the “walking machine”, Xinhua said.8. Why did the 85-year-old primary school have to be moved?A. To make room for modern buildings without

31、 destroying it.B. To meet the new requirements of the school.C. To protect it better as it is a cultural heritage.D. To give the old building a new life9. How did the primary school get moved?A. By reducing the weight of itB. By using movable supports.C. By dividing it into several parts.D. By using

32、 robotic legs.10. Which of the following statements may the author agree with?A. Chinas rapid modernization leads to the architectural heritage loss.B. The move of the primary school is the first example of heritage protection.C. The different shape of the primary school adds difficulty to its move.

33、D. The move of the primary school is Shanghais most complex relocation project.11. Where does the passage probably come from?A. A news report.B. A science review.C. A travel magazine.D. A geography book.DWhen most people think of rodents(啮齿动物), they either think of pests like mice and rats, or cute

34、animals, like guinea pigs or squirrels. What does not usually come to mind is the grass-chewing, water-loving, dog- sized capybara (水豚). Weighing up to 66 kilograms, the capybara is the worlds largest rodent. And that might be the least interesting thing about this wonderful animal.Native to South A

35、merica, capybaras are found in grasslands near lakes or rivers. They are excellent swimmers and spend much of their time in the water. They have webs between their toes to help them swim even better. Moreover, the position of their eyes, ears, and noses on the tops of their heads helps them fully di

36、ve in the water to hide from predators (捕食者). They love the water, and they can even sleep underwater, with only their noses above the surface.Like many other rodents, capybaras live in large social groups. Whats unusual, however, is how friendly capybaras are with other animal species. The internet

37、 is full of images showing smaller animals sitting on capybaras. But despite these giant rodents social natures and cuteness, they dont make very good pets. They can be territorial(有地盘意识的) with larger animals, and they have been known to bite humans when they feel threatened.Capybaras continue to lo

38、se some of their cuteness when one takes a look at their diet. Their main food is grass, but like many grass-eating animals, they are not able to fully take in their meal the first time it passes through their digestive system(消化系统). So, capybaras frequently eat their own droppings to get additional

39、 nutrients from previous meals. There are lots of reasons to love capybaras, but this probably isnt one of them.12. According to this passage, what is special about capybaras among rodents?A. Their size.B. Their fur.C. Their teeth.D. Their living waters.13. In what unusual way do capybaras hide from

40、 their enemies?A. Their fur mixes with their environment.B. They live in large groups to hide each individual.C. They stand still in very tall grass.D. They keep most of their bodies under the water.14. Why would a capybara NOT make a good pet?A. They need a lot of water to play in.B. They may hurt

41、humans when threatened.C. Their food is too expensive to afford.D. They carry diseases that are dangerous to humans.15. What does the author say about the capybaras diet?A. Their diet is especially friendly to the environment.B. Capybaras become less cute when it comes to their diet.C. Capybaras kee

42、p a balanced diet to get additional nutrients.D. Their diet consists of many things, including grasses and other animals waste.第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As Chinese new Year approaches, many people go on house cleaning. _16_ In other words, get rid of things tha

43、t take up space but arent used often or at all. If you are interested in tidying up for Chinese New Year, here are a few tips that might help you.Decluttering is important but lacks urgency, so its easy to keep putting it off. _17_ Make sure your family is free during this time, too, since some of t

44、he things are probably theirs. Then take an hour or two or maybe even a whole day to declutter.Be prepared with a place to put items for disposal. _18_ You may want separate containers for items you want to throw away, those you plan to donate and those you want to sell. Thus four boxes are needed:

45、a box for things youll keep, a box for things youll store, one for things youll donate or sell, and the last one for things youll throw out._19_ Sorting through your things is the hard part. Now, you just have to throw out all of the trash and put all of the items you want to keep back where they be

46、long, and make sure to have a great organizational system that will keep them neatly in place.Make time for weekly and daily decluttering. _20_ Now that your home looks nice, you have to make an effort for it to stay that way by making time to keep your space organized every day and at the end of ev

47、ery week.A. Reorganize your space.B. Empty out all the things.C. Decluttering is only half the battle.D. Part of the cleaning process is decluttering.E. This could be a trash bag, a box or a plastic container.F. Schedule a time to do it when you have a few hours free.G. Many people just simplify their lives by removing things they dont need.第三部 分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I told my mother, who passed away earlier this year in her nineties, that I was

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