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1、内容为网络收集 仅供参考建筑安装工程EPC总承包Construction and Installation Engineering EPC Contracting合同书contract note工程名称:Project Name:本合同Between由and与于年月日签订_Agreement dated On_TABLE OF CONTENTS目录1.Definitions定义42.Contract Documents合同文件53.Appointment of Contractor对Contractor的指定64.Contractors Obligations承包商的义务65.Contract

2、 Price合同价格86.Variations变更87.Warranties and Undertakings by Contractor的质保责任98.Warranty Period质保期99.Proprietary Rights and Intellectual Property Indemnification所有权与知识产权保护1010.Limit of Liability责任限额1011.Access to Site进入现场1112.Instructions, Directions and Progress Reports指示、指令及进度报告1113.Standards标准1214.T

3、ransfer of Property and Risk所有权与风险的转让1215.Insurances保险1216.Force Majeure不可抗力1317.Time for Completion 竣工时间1418.Extension of Time 延期1519.Inspection and Tests of Facility Systems设备系统的检查与测试1720.Date of Substantial Completion and Certificate of Acceptance1721.Confidentiality保密1822.Contractors Personnel承包

4、商员工1823.Employment of Illegal Immigrants非法移民的雇佣1824.Suspension of Works工程的中断1925.Termination of the Contract without Default1926.Termination by Default违约引起的终止2127.Notices通知22Annex 129附录129(Scope of Work)29工作范围29Annex 229附录229(Completion Key Milestone Dates)29竣工关键节点日期表29附录329(Payment Schedule)29Annex

5、 430附录430工业品买卖合同样本30Purchase Contract for Industrial Products template30附录535Price Summary/Breakdown and Options35价格总表和细项以及备选项35附录635(Correspondences and other relevant Documents)35函件与其它相关文件35Annex 735附录735(Drawings)35图纸35图纸另装订成册35Annex 836附录836(Equipment Brand List)36设备品牌清单36Annex 936附件936(Man-hour

6、 & Unit Rates)36工时与费率THIS AGREEMENT is made thedayof ,。本协议由以下双方于年月日签订:BETWEEN (1) Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Solar MaterialCo., Ltda company incorporated in the Peoples Republic of China and whose principal place of business is situated atJinQiao Industry Park,Hohhot, P.R. China (hereinafter called “O

7、wner); and内蒙古中环光伏材料,在中华人民共和国境内成立的公司,其经营场所位于中国呼和浩特市金桥开发区,以下简称“业主;和(2) WHEREAS鉴于:(A)The Owner intends to construct of (hereinafter called “The Plant).业主拟在工程以下简称厂房。(B)The Owner is desirous that certain works be executed byContractorviz.the design,supply,delivery,installation,testing,commissioning and s

8、tart up of the complete facility systems (hereinafter called “The Project)and therefore has engaged Contractor for the design,execution and completion of the Project.业主欲让承包商承当指定的工程,即对整个厂房设备系统的设计、供给、交货、安装、监督、检测、调试和启动以下简称“工程并已聘请承包商承当本工程的设计、施工和完成上述工程。NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS:协议双方

9、就以下事宜达成一致:1. Definitions定义1.1 In this Agreement all words and expressions have the meanings herein assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires:-除非上下文另有规定,本协议中的字词与表达含义如下:(a) “Owner means Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Solar Material Co., Ltd.and this expression shall include its successors

10、-in-title and permitted assigns.“业主为内蒙古中环光伏材料,包括其法定继承人与认可的受让人。(b) “Contract Works or “Works means the overalldesign-build work of the said facility systems in accordance with the Contract. Details of the Contract Works are more fully described in Clause 4.2.“承包工程或“工程指合同规定的全面设计和建造工作,承包工程详细内容参见第款。(c)

11、“Date of Substantial Completion shall mean the date of practical Completion set out in Clause 17.“实际完工日期指17款规定的完工日期。(d) “Date of Acceptance means the date of the Certificate of Acceptance set out in Clause 17.“验收日期指17款规定的验收证书签发日。(e) “Plant meanstherenovation project of C7 system 200MW plantin 10# wa

12、rehouse of Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Solar Material Co., Ltd.“厂房指在中国内蒙古呼和浩特中环光伏厂区内10#仓库内进行的C7系统200MW厂房改造工程。(f) “Project means the Owner is desirous that certain works be executed by Contractorviz. the design, supply, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning and start up of the complete facility

13、 systems.“工程指业主欲让承包商承当指定的工程,即对整个厂房设备系统的设计、供给、交货、安装、监督、检测、调试和启动。(g) “Project Manager means the person appointed by the Owner to act as the Project Manager for the purposes of the Contract.“工程经理指由业主任命,为合同目的而承当工程经理职责的人。(h) “Facility Systems means the power equipment systems andrelative equipmentsofWast

14、e water treatment and corrosion workshop, supplied and installed for the Owner.“设备系统指为业主建造、供货并安装的废水站及腐蚀车间的动力设备系统及相关设备。(i) “Final Design means the design documents in respect of each of the Facility Systems certified as such by the Project Manager.“最终设计指经工程经理鉴定的各设备系统的设计文件。(j) “Contractor means and th

15、is expression shall include its successors-in-title and permitted assigns.“承包商指,包括其法定继承人及经认可的受让人。(k) “Milestones means the completion dates in respect of critical Contract Works indicated in Annex 2.“里程碑指附件2中列明的主要合同工作的完成日期。(l) “Concept Design means the design documents in respect of each or the Faci

16、lity Systems certified as such by the Project Manager. “概念设计指由工程经理鉴定的各设备系统的设计文件。(m) “RMB means Renminbi Yuan.“RMB指人民币元。(n) “Schedule of Rates and Prices means the schedule of prices as described in Annex 10.“费率表指附件10列明的价格费率。(o) “Site means the actual place or places on which the Buildings are to be

17、erected or on which the Contract Works are to be done by Contractor.“现场指将在其上厂房的实际场所以及承包商做合同工作的场所。(p) “Specifications means the specifications set out in the Final Design.“技术标准指最终设计阶段确定的技术标准。(q) “Sub-Contractor mean any sub-Contractors engaged by Contractor to perform any part of the Contract Works.

18、“分包商指承包商雇佣的承当局部合同工作的分包商。(r) “Consultant mean any consultants engaged by Contractor to perform any part of the Contract Works.“咨询参谋指承包商雇佣的承当局部合同工作的咨询参谋。(s) “Supplier means any suppliers not being a Sub-Contractor or Consultant supplying to Contractor any goods or services to be incorporated in the Wo

19、rks. “供给商指为承包商提供与本工程有关的货物或效劳的供给商,但并非分包商或咨询参谋。(t) “Substantial Completion Date means the date that Contractor has successfully carried out and completed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract which shall be the date acknowledged by the Project Manager“实际竣工日指承包商已按合同要求成功地履行完成工程并通过工程经理认可的日期

20、。(u) “Substantial Completion Certificate means a certificate issued pursuant to Clause 17.“实际完工证书指17款规定的证书。1.2Words implying the singular also include the plural and vice-versa where the context requires. The word “days denotes working days unless expressly specified otherwise. “Working days refers

21、to the five (5) calendar days in a week excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.根据上下文,表示单数的词语也可以表示复数,反之亦然。除非另有说明,“天指工作日,“工作日指一周的5个日历日,除星期六、星期天和公共假日以外。1.3The headings, marginal notes and notes for guidance in this Contract shall not be deemed to be part thereof or taken into consideration in

22、 the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract.本合同中作为引导的标题、边注和注释不构成合同的一局部,在对合同进行解释时不予考虑。1.4All references herein to clauses are references to clauses numbered in this Agreement and not to those in any other documents forming part of the Contract unless otherwise stated.除非另有规定,合同条款的参考

23、都是指对合同中有编号的条款的参考,而并非任何其它合同文件的参考。2. Contract Documents合同文件2.1The following Contract Documents shall form the Contract between the parties hereto:-以下合同文件构成当事人双方之间的合同:(a)This Agreement and the Annexure hereto; and本协议及其附件(b)Such other letters or documents as the parties may agree and attach hereto in An

24、nex 6 as Contract Documents in which in the event such documents shall also be endorsed or signed on behalf of both parties when attached hereto.附件6列出的信件或文件,经过双方签署同意并附在合同中。2.2In the event of any conflict between the Contract Documents, the order of priority in interpreting them shall, unless otherwi

25、se mutually agreed, be as follows:-除非双方另有约定,合同文件出现任何冲突,优先执行的次序如下:(a)This Agreement;本协议;(b)The Annexes to this Agreement, endorsed or signed by both parties; and经双方签署的本协议的附件;(c)Such other letters or documents as the parties may agree and attach as Contract Documents, endorsed or signed by both partie

26、s.双方同意的其它函件或文件,签署后成为合同文件。2.3The Contract Documents described in Clause 2.1 hereof shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as “the Contract.条款规定的合同文件统称为“合同。3. Appointment of Contractor对Contractor的指定3.1The Owner hereby agrees to the appointment of Contractor to undertake the Contract Works with

27、effect from the date hereof andContractor hereby accepts the appointment on the terms and conditions of the Contract.业主同意指定由承包商承当合同规定的工作,自合同签订生效之日起,承包商同意按照合同条款接受任命。4. Contractors Obligations承包商的义务4.1 Contractorhereby agrees with the Owner to carry out, manage, and bring to completion for the Owner t

28、he Contract Works, hand over the Plant to the Owner and maintain warranty responsibility over the Facility Systems during the Warranty Period as stipulated in Clause 8, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract and in a proper and timely manner.承包商同意按照合同条款以适宜、及时的方式,承当、管理并完成合同规定的工作,

29、向业主移交厂房,并按照第8款质保期的规定承当质保责任。4.2 Without limiting the generality of Clause 4.1, Contractors scope of Contract Works shall include the following:在不限制款一般性原那么的情况下,承包商的合同工作范围包括以下:(a) Preparing and submitting to the Owner and governmental authorities for approval of designs, drawings and specifications whe

30、re applicable.按规定向业主和有关政府部门准备和提交供审批用的设计文件、图纸和技术条件书。(b) Making amendments to designs and drawings to incorporate changes during the construction subject to Clause 6 and to check and coordinate the final design of the individual Sub-contactors and Suppliers.根据合同第六款条款,配合工程进行过程中所产生的变更、修改设计文件和图纸。(c) Deli

31、vering to the Owner after completion of the final design (4) setsof the Sub-contactors and Suppliers designs and drawings, a set of soft copy as well. All documents provided by Contractor shall be in Chineseand Englishlanguages. Where applicable, designs shall be in both Chinese and the English lang

32、uages (for governmental submission, meet the requirements of the government and the owner).向业主提供4套施工图设计文件,包括一套电子版文件。所有由承包商提供的文件为中、英文双语版本,有规定的设计文件将为中、英文双语版本。(以提交给政府部门,满足政府和业主要求)。(d) To deliver materials, install, manage and supervise all Sub-Contractors and Suppliers in respect to the construction of

33、 the facility plant for the supply, installation and commissioning of the systems (spare parts are not part of the Contract unless expressively stated in Annex 1).为厂房各系统的供货、安装与调试目的而交付材料、安装,管理并监督所有分包商及供给商除非附件1中明确说明,否那么备品备件均不属于合同局部。(e) Check, co-ordinate and approve shop drawings for assigned scope of

34、 works.检查、协调并批准合同工作的加工图。(f) Select and propose for approval the equipment brand that is able to meet and comply with the specifications.建议符合技术标准的设备品牌。(g) Perform the construction, installation and testing of the facilityin accordance with the time schedule for completion.按照时间进度表进行设备的施工、安装与调试。(h) Ens

35、uring that the systems are fully operational and are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.确保厂房系统完全运转,并符合合同条款的要求。(i) Perform the starting up, calibrating and certificate on where applicable.适用情况下进行启动、校准与认证程序。(j) Deliver to the Owner from the date of substantial completion full

36、sets of as-built drawings and operation & maintenance manuals and warranty certificates (issued in the name of the Owner) where applicable.适用情况下在工程竣工日向业主交付全套竣工图、操作与维护手册、质保证书以业主名义。(k) To clear and remove from site of all construction plant, machinery and equipment, surplus materials and rubbish of an

37、y kind used for the assigned scope of work after issue of Final Acceptance Certificate.最终验收证书颁发后,从现场清理用于合同工作的施工机具、剩料以及垃圾。(l) Manage safety related issues and to provide safety compliance plan and implementation of safe working procedures on the job site.负责平安管理,制定平安规章制度,现场推行平安工作程序。(m) Manage and supe

38、rvise clean construction practices, provide training courses for Sub-Contractors and implementation of QA/QC procedures and control on site.管理并监督施工作业的卫生,向分包商提供培训程序,在现场推行QA/QC程序。(n) Evaluate, negotiate and enter into sub-contracts with the Sub-Contractors, Consultants and Suppliers. All materials and

39、 equipment to be supplied and all works to be done under this Contract shall be manufactured and/or executed in accordance with the approved Final Design provided by the Owner.The Owner can attend technical evaluation of the Suppliers.For operation cost saving, Equipment and some material will be pu

40、rchased by using the Owners name. The Owner can recommend supplier to butContractor make the final decision. Equipment and materials purchased in the name of the owner, with materials, equipment suppliers to sign purchasing contract by the owner, the owner directly to materials, equipment supplier p

41、ayment or owner entrust Contractor to materials, equipment suppliers, procurement owner take on purchasing the related rights and obligations under the contract, Contractor assist the owner for acceptance of materials, equipment and supervision.工程主体局部不允许分包给其他第三人,非主体局部进行分包须经过业主书面同意。与分包商、咨询参谋及供给商评估、谈判

42、并签订分包合同。所有供货材料、设备,以及本合同项下的工作均应按照业主批准的最终设计生产并/或实施。业主可参与供给商的技术评估。为了降低工程运营本钱,设备及可能的材料名义买方可以为业主。关于设备供给业主可以推荐,最终决定权在承包商。设备及材料以业主名义购置的,由业主与材料、设备供给商签订采购合同,业主直接向材料、设备供给商支付货款或业主委托承包商向材料、设备供给商采购,业主承当采购合同的相关权利义务,承包商负责协助业主进行材料、设备的验收和监督。(o) Exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in performing the Work

43、s and shall carry out its responsibilities in accordance with recognised professional standards. Contractor shall in all matters act as a faithful Contractor to the Owner.运用相当的技能,精心并勤勉地实施工作,按照公认的职业标准承当相应的责任。在所有事务中承包商将作为业主守信的承包商承当其责任。(p) Hand over the fully operational building and facility systems t

44、o the Owner after the issue of the full Final Acceptance Certificate.最终验收证书发放后向业主移交完全运转的建筑物与设备系统。(q) Provide a Safety Supervisor/Officer and other required services as stated in the scope of work enclosed in Annex 1. 提供平安监督员/平安主管以及附录1工作范围内规定的其它效劳。(r) Contractor shall take the authorities issues of E

45、PC contract. Meanwhile the Owner shall provide related documentation in time and support Contractor to complete authorities applications.承包商还应当承当由总承包方应当承当的政府报批手续。同时业主应及时提供相应文件并协助报批。5. Contract Price 合同价格5.1In consideration of Contractor undertaking the Contract and completing the Contract Works as s

46、et out in Clause 4, the Owner hereby agrees to pay Contractor a Contract Price of RMB.The Contract Price shall be payable in the manner as specified in Annex 3.合同价格为人民币:元整人民币元整。合同付款方式参见附件3。5.2 The payment terms shall be within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of receipt of Contractors invoic

47、e to the bank as stipulated in Annex 3. If any monies due toContractor remains unpaid after the date upon which or the expiration of the period within which they should have been paid, then the interest shall be payable thereon. The rate shall be in accordance with the rate stipulated by the authori

48、ty or calculationaccording to the one to three years benchmark lendingrate 2 times the same period of The Peoples Bank of China.付款方式为收到承包商发票后15个日历日内通过银行支付,详细内容参见附录3。付款日期之后或付款期到期后仍未支付承包商的款项将计收利息。利率按照主管部门的规定或按照中国人民银行一至三年同期贷款基准利率的2倍计算。5.3 Payments by the Owner to Contractor in respect of the Contract Price sha

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