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1、任教年级九年级任教学科英语教学章节复习8上Unitl教学课题Where did you go on vacation?教学课时Period 1 (section A)课 型复习课教具准备幻灯片、图片教学方法任务型教学法学情分析Students learned this unit about one years ago, they have got the usage of simple past tense, but they can hardly remember all the important words. For there final test, they also need so

2、me skills about how to do exercises of listening, eloze test and information excerpt.教学目标1. Knowledge ObjectsRemember words: wonderful, few, myself, yourself, seem, boredRevise indefinite pronoun.2. Ability ObjectsStudents may learn some skills on how to do exercises of listening, cloze test and inf

3、ormation excerpt.3. Moral ObjectsTeach students to overcome their fear of senior school entrance examination.教学重点1. Meaning and usage of indefinite pronoun.2. Let Ss grasp some skills about listening, cloze test.教学难点Grasp some skills and ways about doing information excerpt.教学过程设计教师活动学生活动设计意图Stepl:

4、Warming upShare a song with them.Step 2 GreetingGreet the class and have a small talk.T: Do you want to enjoy a small trip in summer?Ss: Yes.T: 1 think you need to do well in the last exam this tenn. Lefs prepare for it now.Enjoy the songListen to the teacher and do exercise导入课程讲解听力准备技巧Step2:Listeni

5、ng testT: First, lets practice the listening. Before we listen, we have something to do.Step 3: WordsTask 1 Read the words and rememberTask 2 DictationTask 3 Speak out meaning of some words.Task 4 Do exercises about indefinite pronoun.Step 4 Do eloze test and checkHave students do the exercise and g

6、ive the answer, give some explanation.Step 5 Do information except and checkHave students do the exercise and give the answer, give some explanation.Remember the wordsHave the dictationLook at the words and try to speak out the meaningDo exercise about the words then check the answersDo exercise and check the answer, take notes if its necessary.答题技巧 训练语篇练习板书设计Unitl Where did you go on vacation?Task 1 Listening TrainingTask 2 Remember the wordsTask 3 Do eloze test and information cxccrpt.作业布置超越中考P105阅读理解A教学反思

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