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1、探析影响公路工程质量因素 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途探析影响公路工程质量因素摘 要:工程建设是一个系统,影响工程质量的因素很多,上级政策、技术规范、决策思想、施工工艺、管理水平、工作质量及设计、施工、监理、业主、监督各单位的建设行为等因素都与工程质量密切相关。就公路工程质量而言,有很多不尽人意的地方,存在一些不同程度的质量问题;就全省公路建设质量来讲,还存在路基压实不够、路基沉陷、路面平整度差、桥头跳车、路面早期破坏、外观质量差等质量通病。本文就几个主要原因进行分析。Pick to: engineering construction is a system, there ar

2、e many factors impacting the construction quality, the superior policy, technical specifications, decisionmaking thought, construction technology and management level, quality of work and design, construction, supervision, owners and supervision units for the construction of the behavior factors are

3、 closely related to the engineering quality。 In terms of highway engineering quality, there are many unsatisfactory place, there are different levels of quality problem; In terms of the provincial highway construction quality, subgrade compaction there is not enough, poor roadbed subsidence, surface

4、 roughness, vehicle dumpping, appearance quality of the pavement early damage, poor quality common fault。 In this paper, several main reasons for analysis。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途关键词:公路工程;质量因素;分析Key words: highway engineering; Quality factor; analysis 1 建设项目目前工作仓促、深度不够,造成决策失误1 constructio

5、n projects at present work hastily, depth is not enough, resulting in decisionmaking errors 公路建设项目一般规模较大,其施工过程是一个劳动力、资金、技术密集型的生产过程,不同于其他商品生产,其规模大、投资多、生产周期长、使用周期长,因此,统筹规划,科学决策非常重要,应就项目的必要性、技术的可行性、经济的合理性,及宏观和微观经济效益,作出科学评估,若立项不妥,决策不周,将带来很大浪费及严重后果。一是规模小,标准低,不能满足设计交通量、设计年限要求,提前进行二次投资改造,不能发挥高等公路的规模效益;二是如果

6、路线选择不合理,人为造成行车出入不便,增加行车距离,将会造成很大浪费,不适应经济发展需要;三是重大技术方案、施工工艺、主要材料的比选与审定,如果选择不当,将给工程质量造成隐患.Highway construction project, generally larger, its construction process is a labor, capital, technology intensive production process, different from other commodity production, its scale, investment, long produc

7、tion cycle, use cycle is long, therefore, overall planning, scientific decision-making is very important, should project the necessity and technical feasibility, economic rationality, and macro and micro economic benefits, make the scientific assessment, if not satisfactory, setting up a decision, w

8、ill lead to great waste and serious consequences. One is small size, low standard, can not meet the requirement of the design traffic volume, the design life, secondary investment reform ahead of time, cant exert higher highway scale; Second, if the route selection is not reasonable, man-made drivin

9、g discrepancy inconvenience, to increase driving distances, will caused great waste, does not meet the need of economic development; Three is important technical scheme, construction technology, the main material of comparison and examination and approval, if choose undeserved, will cause the engine

10、ering quality hidden trouble。 文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途2 设计经验不足2 design experience 设计是工程建设的灵魂,是工程质量的龙头,工程质量首先取决于设计质量。公路建设项目的前期工作很复杂,从规划、五项、可行性研究、项目评估、设计文件、招标文件、合同条款和规范,到招标项目实施,周期较长。与发达国家相比,我们高等级公路建设的设计还在起步阶段,国外公路建设项目的设计,产业政策明确,法律法规完善,设计程序合理,评估机构经验丰富,设计人才众多,项目库完备充实,设计使用的设备和软件先进,设计周期有的达20年以上,设计

11、质量较高。我们到现在为止还没有建立项目库,设计任务基本上是一个接一个,不能也没有时间进行多项目多方案比选,没有上述保证设计完善的条件,因此有一定差距。Design is the soul of engineering construction, is a leading engineering quality, engineering quality, first of all, depends on the quality of design。 The prophase work of highway construction projects is very complex, from p

12、lanning, five, feasibility study, project evaluation, design documents, bidding documents, the terms of the contract and specification, to the implementation of a project subject to tender, a longer period. Compared with developed countries, our design of the high-grade highway construction is still

13、 at the early stage, foreign design of highway construction projects, industrial policy is clear, laws and regulations perfect, design program is reasonable, the appraisal institutions, experienced design talent, the full project is complete, the design USES the advanced equipment and software, desi

14、gn cycle more than 20 years, the design quality is higher。 We so far have not set up project, design task is basically one by one, cant and dont have time for more project scheme comparison, no guarantee the design perfect condition, so there is a certain gap. 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途3 建设管理经验不足3 c

15、onstruction management experience 建设项目由于条块分割的行政管理体制和资金来源的不同,项目管理模式各异,项目管理水平有很大的差别,建设市场离规范化管理有一定距离.总体是重点大型项目、世行贷款项目、领导重视的项目较好,中小型项目、地方筹资项目欠规范。Construction projects due to the fragmentation of the administrative system and the source of funds, different mode of project management, project management l

16、evel has very big difference, construction market has a certain distance away from standardization management。 General is to focus on large projects, the world bank loan project, attach importance to the leadership of the project is good, small and medium-sized projects, local financing owe specific

17、ation。 业主项目管理能力欠佳,对大型项目管理没有经验,有的业主是由各相关单位抽调人员组成的临时指挥部,存在临时、松散、短期的思想观念,质量意识和合同意识相应淡薄,在目前上项目比较多的情况下局面不容乐观,无法解决.The owner project management ability, to the largescale project management experience, some property owners are made up of various related unit creating temporary headquarters, there are temp

18、orary, loose, shortterm ideas, quality awareness and consciousness weak corresponding contract, more cases on the current project situation is not optimistic, unable to solve. 4 承包商干高等级公路经验不足4 inexperienced contractor do highgrade highway 在高等级公路项目上,一部分承包商高等级公路施工经历较少,有的中标铁路部门承包商从未干过高速公路,一无应有的筑路机械设备,二

19、无足够的管理人员,这对质量管理来说是个难题,没有经验就容易出问题.有的工程承包商对施工前期的组织准备、技术准备、物资准备、现场准备不到位,在施工作业组织、施工进度计划、施工调度、现场管理、技术资料管理等方面的管理工作中没有能力或力不从心,致使工程管理处于混乱状态,工程质量无法保证.On highway projects, some of the contractors of highgrade highway construction experience is less, some of the winning contractor never dry the highway, railwa

20、y road construction machinery and equipment, as it should be nothing without enough management, it is a difficult problem for quality management, easy to a problem without experience. Some contractors for construction organization of the preparation, technical preparation, material preparation, site

21、 preparation does not reach the designated position, the construction organization, construction schedule, construction scheduling, on-site management, management of technical materials management does not have the capacity or not, the project management in a mess, the engineering quality cannot be

22、guaranteed. 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途5 工程建设主要材料设备不能满足要求5 construction materials mainly equipment cannot meet the requirements 原材料的质量是工程质量的基础,有好的材料才能出好的质量。工程建设所用的原材料不是统购统配,一般由承包商自己采购,尤其是地方材料可供选择的范围很小。所用部分原材料不能满足规范要求的原因较多,一是因施工进度快,料源多,检验设备和人员不足,材料检验跟不上;二是为降低成本而人为降低用材标准;三是料场管理不善,材料二次污染或标准降低;四是材料供应

23、者弄虚作假;五是有的材料采购与使用脱节;六是有的材料如沥青,国产沥青的质量不过关,进口价格高,要外汇,形成不用也要用的局面。大部分地方材料如石料、石灰、砂子以小加工为主,没有工业化生产相应的生产标准、规范和程序,材料的等级、规格、级配、材质不稳定,没有质量保障,工程上因施工环境、价格、运距、外界干预等因素又不得不用.如安新路后期,工期紧,路用石料需求量大,即使小石料厂的石料质次价高,也供不应求,这是基层质量得不到较好控制的一个因素。The quality of raw materials is the basis of the engineering quality, good materia

24、l to produce good quality。 Raw materials used in the engineering construction is not a monopoly purchase and distribution, general contractor procurement, especially the local material selection range is small。 Used parts can not meet the requirement of the specification, the cause of the raw materi

25、als is more, it is due to the construction progress fast, material sources, inspection equipment and personnel, material inspection vacuum; 2 it is human to reduce cost, reduce material standard; Three is yard management, materials or standard to reduce secondary pollution; Four is the material supp

26、lier fraud; Five is some materials purchasing and using the disconnect; Six is some materials such as asphalt, domestic asphalt quality closes nevertheless, higher import prices, foreign exchange, form the situation dont also want to use. Most of materials such as stone, lime, sand with small proces

27、sing is given priority to, no industrial production production standards, rules and procedures, material grade, specification, grade, material is not stable, no quality assurance, engineering for the construction environment, factors such as price, distance, outside intervention have again。 Such as

28、late AnXinLu, tight and demand of road stone, even small Shi Liaochang stone ZhiCiJiaGao, also in short supply, this is basic quality is not better control a role。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途6 质量管理体系不完善6 quality management system is not perfect 我省公路建设的“政府监督、社会监理、企业自检”二级质量控制体系有待完善,三级质量控制体系的正常运

29、转,需要一定的时间,需要一个过程。The government of our province highway construction supervision, social supervision and enterprises self-checking secondary needs to improve quality control system, the normal operation of three-level quality control system, and need a certain amount of time, needs a process. 6。1全省监

30、理队伍的力量不足,素质偏低.我省现有的监理人员的数量和素质远不适应交通基本建设高速度、大规模、高标准的发展现状。6.1 the provincial supervision team strength is insufficient, low quality。 Existing supervision personnel quantity and quality in our province is far from adapt to traffic infrastructure construction of high speed, the development situation of

31、largescale and high standard。 一些监理单位的行为不规范,新的监理单位缺乏监理经验和监理经历。有的监理单位的资质不符合有关要求,有的越级承担监理任务,有的重经济效益,轻工作质量,严重影响监理工作质量,有的只派少数监理当驻地,其他靠临时外聘;外聘造成此局面的主要因素:一是外聘人员所占比重过大,一般工程项目的外聘监理占人员总数的60以上,有的所占比例更高;这些人员的组成不稳定,只用不教难以提高素质,相互之间缺乏约束和信任,信心不坚定,高标准严要求的观念难以树立。二是监理业务培训不够,有的地方忽视培训,外聘监理更得不到培训,在工程开工时匆忙上岗,工程完工后就解散,使监理工

32、作停留在低级水平。三是对外聘监理的资质要求不严,部分监理是水利、铁路、林业部门的人员,也有其他行业的人员。四是个别外聘监理只把监理工作当作挣钱和谋私的手段,工作敷衍了事;有的与施工单位站在一个立场,在工程监理过程中计量支付、检测数据有弄虚作假现象。Some supervision units of behavior is not standard, the new supervisor experience a lack of supervision and supervision experience. Some supervision units qualification is not

33、in conformity with the relevant requirements, some went to undertake supervision, some heavy economic benefits, light quality, serious influence quality supervision work, some supervision when only a few stations, other temporary external; Outside the main factor that caused this situation: one is t

34、he external personnel proportion is too large, general external supervision of the project more than 60 of the total number of staff, some higher proportion; The composition of these personnel is not stable, not only teaching difficult to improve the quality, the lack of constraints, and trust each

35、other, faith is not strong, high-standard idea is difficult to establish。 Second, supervising business training is not enough, in some places ignore training and external supervision more untrained, rushed to mount guard during engineering construction, after the completion of the project is disband

36、ed, make supervision work stay in low level。 Three is lax to external supervision qualification requirement, part of the supervision, water conservancy, railway, forestry ministry, there are other industries。 Four is individual external supervision of the supervision work as a means to make money an

37、d readers, perfunctory work; Sometimes standing in a position with construction unit, in the process of project supervision measurement payment, inspection data have fraud phenomenon。 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络6。2监理队伍制约机制尚不完善。政府交通主管部门对监理市场主要是宏观管理,多是对监理单位和人员的资质进行管理,对监理单位的行为,监理工作运行情况,监理工作成效等的动态管理缺乏手

38、段,在法规、行政、经济等方面,对监理单位的制约机制尚不完善.6。2 supervision team restriction mechanism still is not perfected。 Transportation departments of the government is mainly macro management on supervision market, more is the qualification of supervision units and personnel management, to the behavior of the supervision

39、unit, supervision of operation and supervision of effective dynamic management lack of means, such as in the laws and regulations, administrative, economic, etc。, the supervising units restriction mechanism is not perfect. 6。3政府监督网络,一些建设单位、施工单位的领导和管理人员,对工程质量监督重要性的认识不足,致使质量监督工作开展有一定难度。6.3 government

40、supervision network, some construction unit, construction unit the leadership and management personnel, lack of awareness of importance of engineering quality supervision, quality supervision work has the certain difficulty. 6。4质量管理各方的质量检测设备、手段不完善.大部分设计、监理、施工、监督单位的检测设备、检测手段、技术力量还不能满足质量检测工作需要,有的与实际要求

41、相差很大,直接影响质量管理工作的深度和力度。6.4 the quality testing equipment, quality management method is not perfect。 Most of the design, supervision, construction and supervision units testing equipment, detection means, technical strength can not meet the needs of the quality inspection work, some with actual requir

42、ements vary widely, directly affect the depth and strength of quality management. 7 赶工期造成工程质量失控7 the engineering quality control caused multiple deadlines 一个工程项目的施工工期是依据精确计算,科学安排出来的。在网络计划中,可以把整个计划任务按施工的客观规律严密地组织起来,各资源合理分配,时间和空间上密切衔接,协调一致,关键线路控制着工程的计划进度,工程的进度受施工过程各环节、各因素的影响,进度计划可根据工程进展情况进行调整,如果违反正常施工

43、规律,盲目提前工期,将给质量控制带来很大困难,甚至难以控制。速度和质量是一对矛盾,追求速度,就可能忽视质量,抢工是工程质量的大敌。赶工期可分为两种情况:一是为提前通车造成的抢工;二是工程后期赶工,合同工期并未提前,因工程前期工程建设资金不到位,计划进度严重滞后,无论各种因素造成的抢工均会给工程质量的控制带来极大的困难。A project construction period is based on the precise, scientific arrangement. In network planning, have the whole plan task closely organiz

44、ed according to the construction of the objective laws, the reasonable allocation of resources, time and space combination closely, coordinated, the key circuit controlling the project schedule, engineering progress of the construction process each link, the influence of various factors, the schedul

45、e may be adjusted according to the progress of the project, if in violation of the normal construction rule, blind period ahead of time, will bring great difficulty to quality control, and even difficult to control. Speed and quality are a pair of contradiction, the pursuit of speed, can ignore the

46、quality, rob workers is the enemy of engineering quality。 Drive time limit for a project can be divided into two situations: one is to rob workers caused by the traffic ahead of schedule; Second is late the crush, the contract period is not in advance, because project prophase project construction fund does not reach the designated position, lags far behind of schedule, no matter various factors rob work all can bring great difficulties to engineering quality control。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络

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