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1、2018专升本英语完型填空真题模拟训练足够的词汇量、上下文理解等是做英语完型填空必须的,很多时候都需要瞻前顾后,理解前后文的意思。精英专升本老师整理了2018河南专升本公共英语完型填空模拟题供大家练习使用,提高分数。Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passages. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide in the best choice and mark the corresponding letter

2、on Answer Sheet.Once upon a time a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill did not know 41_to do when it slipped from his horse and fell 42_ the road. The sack was 43_heavy for him to 44_ , and his only hope was that45_ some one would come riding by and 46_a hand.It was not long 47_a rider ap

3、peared, but the farmers heart sank when he 48_him, for it was the great man who lived in a castle near by. The farmer 49_have dared to ask 50_ farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come 51_the road, but he could not beg a52_ of so great a man.53_, as soon as the great man came up he got54_

4、his horse saying, “I see youve had bad luck, friend. How good it is55_ Im here just at the 56_ time.” Then he took one 57_ of the sack, the farmer the other, and between them they lifted it onto the horse.“Sir,” asked the farmer, “how can I pay you?”“Easily enough,” the great man58_ “Whenever you se

5、e 59_else in trouble, 60_the same for him.”41.A. how B. what C. which D. whether42.A. on B. in C. off D.onto43.A. so B. very C. quite D.too44.A. pick B. lift C. take D.left45.A. presently B. immediately C. generally D.quickly46.A. lend B.present C. borrow D.put47.A. before B. until C. after D.since4

6、8.A. knew B. understood C. remembered D.recognized49.A. ought B. should C. would D. could50.A. one B. other C. some D. another51.A. across B. along C. through D. alone52.A. favor B. support C. hand D. help53.A. Nevertheless B. However C. Moreover D. Although54.A. off B. from C. down D. out of55.A. when B. which C. then D. that56.A. exact B. same C. right D. good57.A. piece B. end C. part D. edge58.A. referred B. responded C. reflected D. replied59.A. someone B. everyone C. anyone D. one60.A. make B. create C. do D. perform参考答案:41.-45BDDBA46-50AADCD 51-55BABAD 56-60CBDCC本科虽易,二本不易,且行且珍惜!

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