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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 备考小题提升精练13 连词误用2021届高考英语二轮复习 备考小题提升精练13 连词误用年级:姓名:连词误用小题必练13:连词误用常考易错点:1)漏用逻辑连词;2)滥用逻辑连词;3)中英文思维方式的差异导致乱用逻辑连词。各种状语从句分类及其连词一览表类型连词(词组)时间状语从句when,as,while,before,after,since,once,till/until,as soon as,hardy.when.,no sooner.than,the moment,immediately,directly,instantly,every time,each ti

2、me,next time,the first time原因状语从句because,as,since(既然),seeing(that),now(that),considering(that)地点状语从句where,wherever条件状语从句if,unless,as long as,in case,supposing,on condition that,providing,provided(that),suppose(that),only if让步状语从句(as) though,even if/though,while,however,whatever,no matter.结果状语从句so.th

3、at.,such.that.,so that目的状语从句so that,in order that,in case,for fear that方式状语从句as,just as,as if/though比较状语从句as.as.,than,the more.the more1.(2020全国I卷)First I cut the tomatoes into pieces but put them aside. 【答案】but改为and【解析】考查连词。前后句是递进关系,故将but改为and。2.(2020全国I卷)I waited patiently unless the oil was hot.

4、【答案】unless改为until/till【解析】考查连词。句意:我耐心地等着,直到油热起来。此处表示“直到”,故将unless改为until/till。3.(2020全国II卷)Actually, I started to learn kung fu when I was seven years old, for I have long been out of practice.【答案】and改为but/yet【解析】考查连词。句意:实际上,我从7岁开始学习功夫,但是我很久没有练过了。结合句意,故改and为but/yet。4.(2020全国II卷)Then I can spare some

5、 time to learn it again, such that we can practice together every day.【答案】such改为so【解析】考查连词。so that表示以便于,故改such为so。5.(2019全国I卷)Suddenly a football feel just in front of me but almost hit me.【答案】but改为and【解析】考查连词。句意:突然一个足球落在我前边并且差点打到我。“足球落下来”与“打到我”两个动作是顺承关系,不是转折关系。故将but改为and。6.(2019全国II卷)When I studied

6、 chemistry in high school, I reconsidered my goal or decided to be a doctor. 【答案】or改为and【解析】考查连词。句意:在高中学化学的时候,我重新考虑了自己的目标并决定变成一名医生。“重新考虑”与“决定变成一名医生”之间是顺承关系,不是选择关系。故将or改为and。7.If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom, I will never forget it.【答案】If改为A1though/Though【解析】考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管当我在那个

7、教室读书时还只是个孩子,但我永远不会忘记它。根据句意可知前后是让步关系,故将If改为Although或Though。8.My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.【答案】after改为when/while【解析】考查时间状语从句。句意:我唯一的错误就是打包的时候,掉了一些到地板上。根据句意可知此处表示“当的时候”,故after改为when/while。9.The reason why he didnt come is because he never got the noti

8、ce.【答案】because改为that【解析】考查连词。句意:他没有来的原因是他没有得到通知。the reason做主语时,表语从句不能再用because,应使用that。故because改为that。10.Native English speakers can understand each other if they dont speak the same kind of English.【答案】在if前加even【解析】考查连词,根据句意:母语为英语的人即使说的不是同样的英语,也能明白对方的话。即使even if,故在if前加even。【技巧点拨】在英语中,不同于中文的一点是:从属连词

9、though(虽然)不可与并列连词but(但是)一起使用,because(因为)不能与so(所以)连用。选用转折连词还是并列连词要看句子表达的逻辑关系。so.that.与such.that的区别:虽都表示“如此以至于”,但so后跟形容词或副词原形。如:She was so tired that she couldnt go any farther.而such后跟名词或名词性词组。如:Its such a fine day that many people go to the park for fun.一、单句改错1.Exercise regularly and eat healthy food

10、s, and you will gain some weight in next month._【答案】and改为or【解析】考查连词。句意:坚持锻炼健康饮食,否则你下个月又要胖了。根据句意可知,连词前后构成转折关系,此处应用转折连词or(否则)。故and改为or。2.I kept silent because of I disagreed with what he said._【答案】去掉of【解析】考查连词。句意:我保持沉默,因为我不同意他说的话。because of后接名词或名词性短语,because后接句子。故去掉of。3.To catch the morning train, Mr.

11、 Brown had got up earlier than usual, so the train was delayed for two hours due to the storm._【答案】so改为but/yet【解析】考查连词。句意:为了赶上早班车,布朗先生起的比平常早,但火车却因为暴风雨晚点了两个小时。前后文为转折关系,故将so改为but/yet。4.I have grown not only physically, and also mentally in the past few years._【答案】and改为but【解析】考查固定句型。句意:在过去的几年里,我不仅长大了,也

12、成长了。本句运用了not only.but also.句型,意为:不但而且,故把and改为but。5.Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area._【答案】去掉but【解析】考查连词。句意:虽然不是很大,但这家餐馆在我们这里很受欢迎。从属连词though(虽然)不可与并列连词but(但是)一起使用,故去掉but。6.Norway is at the top of the list, but the US is at number 7._【答案】but改while【解析】句意:挪威高居榜首,而美国则排在第七。根据句

13、意可知此处是鲜明的对比,而不是转折。故把but改为while。7. All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion and nationality._【答案】and改为or【解析】考查连词。句意:所有申请人都将被考虑,不分年龄、性别、宗教和国籍。固定短语regardless of意为“不管”,放在句中表示否定,后接名词应用or表示并列关系。故将and改为or。8. He was about to open the door while the telephone rang._【答案】while改为when【解

14、析】考查连词。句意:他正要开门,这时电话铃响了。be about to do sth.when.为固定用法,意为“正打算做某事时,突然”,其中when表示这时候。故将while改为when。9. I will tell him about the exam at the moment I see him._【答案】去掉at【解析】考查连词。句意:我一见到他就告诉他考试的事。the moment.为连词短语,连接两个句子。at the moment意为“此刻”,在句中是作状语。故去掉at。10. Even if I felt disappointed at the poorly-equipped

15、 classrooms, but I found the teachers patient and kind. _【答案】去掉but【解析】考查连词。句意:尽管我对设备较差的教室感到失望,可是我发现那儿的老师们很耐心。前面有连词even if,意为尽管,虽然,不能与but连用,所以去掉but。二、短文改错Passage 1Sometimes, we are affected by the people and things around us.I still remembered the winter dawn when I was awakened by the noise inside.I

16、t had been snowing heavily the whole night.So the campus was quiet but full of snow.Especially annoying by the unpleasant noise, I pulled the curtain aside, only find some cleaners working hard to sweep the snow.With the rest sound asleep, these worker were fighting bravely with the coldness for the

17、 convenience of the others.In life, they are occasionally supported by the people around us, at which we are sometimes unaware. Never should we forget to be gratefully to the lovely strangers around us.【答案】1.第二句,remembered改为remember2.第二句,inside改为outside3.第四句,but改为and4.第五句,annoying改为annoyed5.第五句,在onl


19、inside改为outside。3.考查连词。句意:所以校园很安静,到处都是雪。根据句意上下文为承接关系,故but改为and。4.考查形容词。be annoyed by:被弄得心烦。修饰人应用-ed结尾形容词,故annoying改为annoyed。5.考查固定短语。固定短语only to do sth.:却;结果,故在only后加to。6.考查名词的数。句意:在其他人熟睡的时候,这些工人为了他人的方便,在寒冷中勇敢地战斗着。worker为可数名词,由these修饰应用复数形式,故worker改为workers。7.考查固定用法。根据句意可知表示其他人,应用others。故去掉the。8.考查代

20、词。句意:在生活中,我们有时会得到周围人的帮助,而我们有时却没有意识到。根据下文us可知应用人称代词we。故they改为we。9.考查介词。短语be unaware of:没有察觉到;没有意识到。由此可知which前面介词应用of。故at改为of。10.考查形容词。句意:我们永远不应该忘记感激身边可爱的陌生人。根据上文be可知后跟形容词作表语,故gratefully改为grateful。Passage 2Mr and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far away from the school but it takes them a

21、bout a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, we are interested in planting vegetables in their garden, which is in front of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They work with various gardening tool they bought online. Beside, they often s

22、earch for useful information the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their students to pick up the vegetables.【答案】1.第一句,all改为both2.第二句,but改为and3.第二句,hour前的a改为an/one4.第三句,we改为they5.第四句,earlier改为early6.第五句,tool改为tools7.第六句,Beside改为Besides8.第六句,information后加on/from9.第七句,came改为comes10.第七句,去掉up【



25、词,故去掉pick后的up。Passage 3As we can see, some students in our school are in poor health, what deserves our attention. It is obvious that poor health is close related to bad living habits. Some students stay up late doing their homework and playing with their mobile phones. As result, they have difficul

26、ty concentrating on our lessons in class. Some students dont have a balanced diet. They always eat snacks instead of having healthy meal. Besides, some students never take exercise, which lead to weight problems.It is time to reflecting on our way of life. Lets develop good living habits to keep fit

27、. By having enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and taking regular exercise, we can live in healthily and happily.【答案】1.第一句,what改为which2.第二句,close改为closely3.第三句,and改为or4.第四句,在As后加a5.第四句,our改为their6.第六句,meal改为meals7.第七句,lead改为leads8.第八句,reflecting改为reflect9.第十句,eat改为eating10.第十句,去掉in【解析】这是一篇说明文。分析了学校一些

28、学生身体不好的原因,以及提倡通过养成良好的生活习惯来保持健康。1.考查定语从句连接词。句意:正如我们所看到的,我们学校的一些学生身体不好,这值得我们关注。本句为非限定性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,且从句中缺少主语,故what改为which。2.考查副词。句意:很明显,健康不佳与不良的生活习惯密切相关。修饰形容词related应用副词,且表示“(程度上)紧密地;密切地”应用closely。故close改为closely。3.考查连词。句意:一些学生熬夜做作业或玩手机。根据句意可知表示“或者”应用连词or。故and改为or。4.考查固定短语。句意:因此,他们很难集中精力上课。固定短语As a res

29、ult:结果是;因此。故在As后添加a。5.考查物主代词。根据上文they have difficulty concentrating on可知是指“他们的”。故our改为their。6.考查名词的数。句意:他们总是吃零食而不吃健康的食物。meal为可数名词,前面没有冠词应用复数形式。故meal改为meals。7.考查主谓一致。句意:此外,一些学生从不锻炼,这导致了肥胖问题。本句为非限定性定语从句修饰上文整句话,且为一般现在时,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故lead改为leads。8.考查固定结构。句意:是时候反思我们的生活方式了。固定句式it is time to do sth.:是时候做某事了,后跟不定式,故reflecting改为reflect。9.考查非谓语动词。句意:通过充足的睡眠,均衡的饮食和经常锻炼,我们可以健康快乐地生活。本句中动名词短语做主语,故eat改为eating。10.考查固定用法。live为不及物动词,下文没有宾语,故不需要介词。故去掉in。

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