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1、2022高考英语统考一轮复习训练 模块三 Unit 3 语言运用题组求精准牛津译林版2022高考英语统考一轮复习训练 模块三 Unit 3 语言运用题组求精准牛津译林版年级:姓名:Unit 3语言运用题组求精准(25mins).完形填空I am one of those rare people who had a perfect childhood.Everything I saw was new,wonderful and exciting.I was 1 whether it was rainy or dry,whether it was hot or 2,whether it was n

2、ight or day.I just wanted to 3 all the things around me.For me the only big 4 was that I was awake or asleep.When I was awake,I wanted to 5 the time just for playing with my friends.In school,we had many interesting activities and hobby classes,6 range from singing,dancing to drama and drawing.My 7

3、was full of sunshine and happiness.But I cant 8 time.When I reached my teens,I started to realize there was a different 9 of life.I no longer had enough 10 for little thingsdiscovering a rainbow was not 11,looking at a giraffe in the zoo was normal,and 12 a building with 50 floors was not amazing.A

4、rainy day was a 13 day because the traffic was slow,and the first day of spring 14 me of allergies(过敏).Life moves on again.The first day of the month is not just the 15 of a new month;its the time to 16 bills.Going to the supermarket is a 17;it is not just fun walking around,looking for things and s

5、eeing the people around me.Life is a 18 in which everyone has many obligations(责任),but if everyone tried to see life through the 19 of a child,I am sure that every day could be 20.1.A.anxiousB.gratefulC.confidentD.happy2.A.warmB.coldC.windyD.snowy3.A.discoverB.imagineC.suggestD.create4.A.expectation

6、B.victoryC.treasureD.difference5.A.reduceB.wasteC.lengthenD.pass6.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.where7.A.studyB.lifeC.journeyD.friend8.A.saveB.recordC.tellD.stop9.A.wayB.choiceC.sideD.version 10.A.timeB.moneyC.cashD.attempt11.A.disturbingB.challengingC.boringD.surprising 12.A.paintingB.seeingC.purchasingD.sh

7、aring13.A.badB.specificC.favoriteD.wonderful14.A.informedB.remindedC.persuadedD.freed15.A.breakthroughB.preparationC.beginningD.function 16.A.show offB.send outC.add toD.think about17.A.trendB.dutyC.burdenD.rule18.A.processB.rewardC.lessonD.skill19.A.eyesB.viewsC.telescopesD.hands 20.A.worseB.shorte

8、rC.betterD.slower.语法填空Chris Waba,a sixth grade math teacher in South Dakota,is getting praise in his own way.He went to help a student 1 (lock)down at home with her homework after schools switched 2 virtual learning.After receiving a message from Rylee Anderson,12,3 she was struggling with a math pr

9、oblem,Waba grabbed a whiteboard and hurried to her front door.“We had really tried to work through it 4 (digital),but you can just tell when you need to do something else.I just said,Ill be over in 5 couple of minutes.” Then all Rylee was looking forward to 6 (be)to be able to see Wabas appearance.7

10、 ( help)her figure out the problem,Waba spent about 15 minutes kneeling outside the front door and drawing on the whiteboard while Rylee stood safely inside.The moment 8 (shoot)on camera by Rylees dad,Josh Anderson.He then posted the photo on Twitter,where it quickly went viral.Waba stressed that as

11、 an 9 (educate)it is right to go above and beyond for their students in this tough time.“Im not one on an island,” he said.“There are thousands and thousands of teachers 10 ( go)the extra mile for their kids.”语言运用题组求精准.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者拥有一个无忧无虑的童年,但是随着时间的流逝,处于青春期的他再也找不到儿时的乐趣,同时生活的责任越来越大。作者建议人们从孩童的角度去看







18、ly修饰动词短语workthrough。5.a考查冠词。acoupleof为固定短语,意为“三两个;一对”。6.was考查主谓一致和时态。句意:Rylee所期待的是能看到Waba的出现。此处是在描述过去的事情,故需要用一般过去时;由于此处all表示的是“看到Waba的出现”,故系动词需要用单数形式,故填was。7.To help考查不定式作状语。此处表示“为了帮助她解决这个问题”,Waba花了大约15分钟在白板上进行讲解,故此处用不定式tohelp表目的。8.was shot考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。本句主语是Themoment,谓语动词是shoot,其与主语构成被动关系,且主语表示第三人称单数概念,故用一般过去时的被动语态wasshot。9.educator考查词形转换。句意:Waba老师强调说,作为一名教育工作者,在这个艰难的时期,应该为他们的学生付出更多。结合句意可知,空格处表示“教育者”之意,且前面有不定冠词an修饰,故填educator。10.going考查非谓语动词。本句中are是系动词,故go需用非谓语动词形式。此处的非谓语动词go与teachers构成主动关系,故用现在分词going。

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