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1、2022高考英语统考一轮复习训练 模块八 Unit 1 语言运用题组求精准牛津译林版2022高考英语统考一轮复习训练 模块八 Unit 1 语言运用题组求精准牛津译林版年级:姓名:模块八Unit1语言运用题组求精准(25mins).完形填空I was fifteen and a high school freshman when I started rapidly losing weight.I was about 130 pounds,and I was 1 ten pounds every couple of weeks.I couldnt understand why I was alw

2、ays hungry,thirsty,and never 2.Every night I 3 five or six times,feeling like I had to go to the bathroom,but I never 4 had to.Finally,I decided to go to the hospital to 5 nothing bad was going on.I remembered being 6 in the hospital,confused,hungry,and with an extremely 7 blood sugar level.The doct

3、ors and nurses thought I might pass out,so they injected me and told me the 8 news I could have imagined9 showed that I had Type 1 juvenile diabetes (青少年1型糖尿病).I was so 10 that the only question I could think to ask was,“Am I going to die?” A nurse told me to go out,enjoy a meal with my family,and 1

4、1,because tomorrow my new, 12 life would begin.I dont remember what time I had to be at the hospital, 13 I know it was early.Three nurses,one dietician,and a doctor all trained me,over the course of two days,to 14 me.Every needle hurt,but in some way I began to feel 15 every time I was able to think

5、 about the needles without crying.Now,nearly three years later,I still remember the 16 when the doctors told me I was a Type 1 diabetic.Im 17 when I look back that I was able to be strong,and that my family and friends 18me.Im now two months shy of eighteen.To this day,I have had 3,438 needle inject

6、ions,but each of them helps me to remember I must be strong.19,I am grateful for my diseaseit has made me the person I am today,and I would never 20 who I am.1.A.keepingB.carryingC.droppingD.measuring2.A.satisfiedB.tiredC.determinedD.excited3.A.stood upB.woke upC.dressed upD.cheered up4.A.suddenlyB.

7、reallyC.completelyD.certainly5.A.point outB.explainC.make sureD.know6.A.looked afterB.operated onC.paid forD.checked over7.A.goodB.acceptableC.highD.safe8.A.latestB.interestingC.worstD.important9.A.testsB.researchesC.instructionsD.activities10.A.shyB.angryC.sadD.serious11.A.recoverB.relaxC.escapeD.e

8、xercise12.A.meaningfulB.difficultC.unfairD.special13.A.soB.andC.becauseD.but14.A.make fun ofB.make use ofC.take control ofD.take care of15.A.strongerB.healthierC.strangerD.simpler16.A.messageB.dreamC.feelingD.courage17.A.thankfulB.regretfulC.successfulD.hopeful18.A.supportedB.correctedC.amazedD.advi

9、sed19.A.FortunatelyB.DoubtfullyC.NaturallyD.Surprisingly20.A.mindB.recognizeC.shapeD.change.语法填空Xia Gui is known today as one of Chinas greatest masters of landscape painting.Most of his landscapes 1 (do) in shades of black,but a few had light washes of colour 2 (add) to them.Xia was probably an off

10、icial court painter to both the Emperor Ningzong and the Emperor Lizong of the Song Dynasty.If this is true,we can draw a 3(conclude) that he lived from about the end of the 12th century to the beginning of the 13th century.Together 4 his friend and fellow artist Ma Yuan,Xia founded the Ma-Xia schoo

11、l of painting.This group followed a 5 (tradition) painting style.Their paintings are very simple,with few happenings in the landscape and few details.By 6 (show) only selected features,such as distant mountains and twisted trees,they aimed 7 (create) a feeling of unlimited space and quiet atmosphere

12、.The Ma-Xia school had 8 great influence on later artists.Most of Xias surviving works are album leaves.These were 9 (unusual) square-shaped,and some were glued onto fans.Xia was also a master at creating works on the hand scroll (卷轴).These are rolls of paper 10 are viewed by unrolling the scroll fr

13、om one end to the other.The effect is like a continuous imaginary journey through the scenery of nature.模块八Unit1语言运用题组求精准.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者在15岁时不幸罹患糖尿病,但与病魔的斗争也让作者变得越来越坚强。1.C根据上文中的“Istartedrapidlylosingweight”可知,作者的体重下降得很快,每几周就“降(dropping)”十磅。2.A根据上文中的“Iwasalwayshungry,thirsty”可知,作者总感觉饥饿,口渴,永不“满足(sati






19、作已完成,故填added。3.conclusion考查名词。drawaconclusion意为“得出结论”。4.with考查介词。togetherwith表示“和一起”。5.traditional考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处在此作定语修饰名词paintingstyle,故填traditional。6.showing考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。bydoingsth意为“通过做某事”。7.to create考查不定式作宾语的用法。aimtodosth意为“目的是做某事”。8.a考查不定冠词。haveagreatinfluenceon.意为“对有很大的影响”。9.unusually考查副词。设空处修饰形容词,故填unusually。10.that/which考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词rollsofpaper,且在从句中作主语,故填that/which。

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