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1、八年级下 Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section A 1a-2c 导学案Class:_ Name:_【学习目标】1 单词与短语 neither , amusement , character , Disneyland, mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, seen, theme, attraction, roller coaster, cruise, board, on board, route, end up, island,especially2 目标句型:Have you ever been to? Y

2、es , I have. /No, I havent.I/He/She has / have never been toWhere have you been?【重点、难点】 :现在完成时态(The Present Perfect Tense【预习导航】1. 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词is _ _ write _ _ read _ _study _ _ have/has _ _ eat _ _ see_ _ live_ _ help _ _travel_ _ learn_ _hear_ _stop_ _ play_ _2. 翻译下列例句子,了解句子意思,根据要求完成后面的任务(1 I ha

3、ve never been to the aquarium.She has already been to America twice.(2Lily didnt stay at home. She has gone to Yumen.Was Tom at home ? No, he has gone to Gaoping(3have been (to 和 have gone(to 的区别:“have been (to ” 指“ _” ,说话时此人已经不在那里,已经回来、侧重指经历。 I have been to America. 译为:_。 “have gone (to ” 指“ _” ,说话

4、时此人在那里,或可能在路上,反正不在这里。 He has gone to America. 译为:_【巩固拓展】I. 按要求转换句型。1.I have been to an amusement park.(变成一般疑问句_ you _ to an amusement park? Yes , I _.No, I _. I _ _ to an amusement park.( 改为否定句 2. I have been to the zoo a lot of times. _. ( 我也是 Ive never been to a water park. _/I havent _.( 我也没去过 3.

5、I have already finished my work.(改为否定句和一般疑问句 I havent finished my work _.Have you finished you work _?注:already , 用于肯定句句中或句尾。 变否定句、 疑问句时, already 变成 _, 位于句尾或助动词后。其在否定句中意为 “ 还,仍然 ” ;在疑问句中意为 “ 已经 ” 。 翻译:Have you posted the photos yet? No, not yet._ II. “My problems” :自我评价 : _ 小组评价 : _ 教师评价 _八年级下 Unit9

6、 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section A 3a-Section B 2c导学案Class:_ Name:_学习目标 :1通过任务型阅读继续熟悉“ Have you ever been to.?” 这一句型。预习导航I .汉译英1. 迪斯尼乐园 _ 2.米老鼠 _3.唐老鸭 _4. 人物:角色 _5.主题公园 _6. 有吸引力的事物 _7.过山车 _8.巡游 _9. 甲板 _ 10.在船上 _11.路线 _12. 以结束 _ 13.岛屿 _14.特别,尤其 _15. 大多数 _ 16.听说 _17. 事实上 _18. 全世界 _ 19.

7、看到某人正在做某事 _20. 一直,总是 _21. 去某地旅行 _22.与某人争吵 _II. 合作探究翻译下列句子1. 你曾经听说过迪斯尼巡游舰吗?2. 这些船行使不同的路线,可他们最终都抵达同一个地方。3. 迪斯尼乐园有如此多的乐趣。4. 你曾经去省外旅游过吗?巩固拓展I. 单项选择( 1. Mr. Li _ Paris. He _ Paris for 3 weeks.A. has been to, has been to B. has gone to, has been in C. has been to, has been in D. has gone to, has been to(

8、2. The park _ for one and a half years.A. has opened B. has been opened C. has been open D. was open( 3 . Neither of the two boys _ from the USA.A. come B. dont come C. comes D. doesnt come( 4. _ you _ the film City of Life and Death (Nanjing Nanjing! ? No, not yet. A painful memory. I will see it t

9、his weekend.A. Will; see B. Are; see C. Have; seen D. Do; see( 5.We have known each other _ we were young.A. for B. since C. after D.before( 6.-I hear your father _ to Japan once.-Yes.He _ there last year.A. went,has been B. has been,went C. goes,went D. has been,has beenII. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its fun _

10、(visit an English-speaking country.2. He has been _ (study English for several years.3. She wants _ (travel around the world.4. I think I need _ (improve English.5. First, you must know the reason for _(learn EnglishIII. “My problems” :自我评价 : _ 小组评价 : _ 教师评价 _八年级下 Unit9 Have you ever been to an amus

11、ement park?Section B 3a-Self-check导学案Class:_ Name:_学习目标:1. 词汇和短语:flight attendant, discover, requirement, tour guide a flight attendant, such as, all over the world, rather than2. 语法:巩固学习现在完成时 Have/has +动词过去分词预习导航I .汉译英翻译下列短语1. 做某事最好的方法 _ 2.空中乘务员 _ 3. 最重要的条件 _ 4.导游 _ 5.例如 _6. 提高我的英语 _7.开始做某事 _8. 帮助某

12、人做某事 _ 9.而不是 _II. 翻译下列句子1. All I ever wanted to do was travel .2.I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant .3.I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well.4.It was because I could speak English that I got the job.5.In fact, its all I have e

13、ver wanted to be .6.Maybe when I leave school Ill think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide !合作探究It was because I could speak English that I got the job.这是个强调句型, 强调的是原 因状语从句部分,其正常的语序应该是:Because I could speak English, I got thejob.强调句可用以强调主语、宾语、状语等,不能强调_,其结构为 _. 若被强调部分是人,且为句子的主

14、语时, 用_, e.g. It was me who called the police.其余只能用_.e.g. It was yesterday that I met my friend in the park. 巩固拓展 I.根据句意完成下列各题。 1Have you been to_(一个说英语的国家)? 2Why do you want to_(提高你的汉语水平)? 3学习另一门语言是有趣的。 It is another language. 4(多久)have you been studying English? 5When did your father(开始抽烟) ? 6He is

15、 a tour guide.He has(周游欧洲) 7The girl in red is the (新交换生). 8. 实际上,我现在最想做的事情就是睡觉。 _, now all I ever _ to do is _. 9.我成为这所语言学校的学生一年了。 I have _ a student of this language school _a year. 10.我会考虑当一名英语教师而不是一名导游。 I will think about _ an English teacher_ _ a _ _. 11.大卫想要什么样的工作? _ _ _ job does David want? 1

16、2.去那儿的最好方法是乘飞机。 go there is by air. II. “My problems”: 自我评价: _ 小组评价: _ 教师评价_ 6 八年级下 Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Reading 导学案 Class:_ Name:_ 学习目标: I. Learn something about Singapore. II.重点词汇和短语 on the one hand, on the other hand, take a holiday, fall asleep / be asleep, wake sb up,

17、be close to, a wonderful/good place to do 预习导航 I .汉译英 1.在东南亚_ 2.一个度假的好地方_ 3.在一方面_ 4.超过 多余_5. 在白天_ 6.做某事有困难_7.叫醒,醒来_8.睡着_ 9. 在另一方面_10. 四分之三的人口_ 11.做某事最好的时间_12. 在更自然的环境里_ II.阅读 P74 内容,完成下列句子. (1 新加坡是一个说英语的国家,因此也是你练习英语的好地方。 Singapore is an _ country, so its also a good place _ _ your English. 2 你不费吹灰之力

18、就可以找到米饭、面条或饺子。 You wont have any _ _ rice, noodles, or dumplings. 3 天黑时去动物园可能看上去是奇怪的。 It might _ _ to go to a zoo when its dark. 4 你能看到这些动物处在一个比一般动物园更自然的环境。 You can watch these animals in a _ _ environment than a _ zoo. 5 因此,无论春、夏、秋、冬,你喜欢什么时候去那儿都可以。 7 So you can choose to go _ _ _ spring, summer, au

19、tumn, or winter! 6 新加坡离中国不是很远。 Singapore is _ _ China. 7 这里终年积雪。 There is snow here _ _ _ _. 8 这是一个度假的好地方。 Its a good place to _ a _. 巩固拓展 I. 单项选择 ( )1. Ive heard that India will have the _ population in the world. A. biggest B. largest C. least ( )2. In our class _ of the students _ girls. A. three

20、 fifths, are B. three fifths, is C. three fifth, is ( )3. Can I go today or tomorrow? _ you like. A. However B. Wherever C.Whenever ( )4. It _ strange the shop is open for only two hours a day. A. looks B.hears C. seems ( )5. _ is the population of China? A. What B. How many C. How much II.用所给词的适当形式填空。 She has many problems _ (study math well. Our city Jinan has a beautiful park _ (call Daminghu Park. He practices _ (write in English to his friends every week. It seems boring _ (stay at home all day. China is an excellent place _ (try new food. III. “My problems”: 自我评价: _ 小组评价: _ 教师评价_ 8

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