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8、由办公室造计划、报经领导批准后方可购置。二十八、所有用具必须统一由办公室专人管理。办理登记领用手续、办公柜、桌、椅要编号,经常检查核对。二十九、个人领用的办公用品、用具要妥善保管,不得随意丢弃和外借,工作调动时,必须办理移交手续,如有遗失,照价赔偿。其它事项三十、按照上级主管部门的要求,及时报送财务会计报表和其它财务资料。三十一、积极参与建设资金的筹措工作,通过筹集资金的活动,尽量使资金结构趋于合理,以期达到最优化。三十二、配合公司业务部门对项目工程的竣工、财务决算进行监督管理。三十三、自觉接受上级主管、财政、税务等部门的检查指导,并按其要求不断完善制度、改进工作。The generalTo

9、strengthen financial management, in accordance with relevant state laws, regulations and construction bureau of financial system, combined with the specific situation of the company, to develop this system., financial management must be on the basis of strengthening the macroscopic control and micro

10、scopic actives, strict enforcement of discipline of finance and economics, in order to improve the economic benefit and strengthen enterprise economic strength, for the purpose of financial management work to implement the policy of ”business diligently, thrift, wisely, to stop the extravagance and

11、waste in the enterprise management and all unnecessary costs, reduce consumption, increase accumulation。Financial institutions and accounting personnelSecond, the company set up the finance department, the finance department director to assist general manager to manage the financial and accounting w

12、ork。Three, the cashier shall not be in charge, keeping accounting files and the registration of claims and debts accounts。Four, accounting personnel to perform job responsibility seriously, according to cooperate with each other, truthfully reflect the economic activities and strict supervision。 Pro

13、cedure of bookkeeping, accounts, reimbursement must be complete, content, true, accurate, clear accounts, nissin month knot, the reimbursement soon。Fifth, financial personnel in handling accounting affairs, we must stick to the principle and work here。 For violation of discipline and the financial s

14、ystem of financial matters, must be refused to pay, refused to submit an expense account, or refused to carry out and report to the general manager.Six, accounting personnel to stability, and transfer. Financial personnel to mobilize for work or leave, must to replace personnel transfer formalities,

15、 handing-over formalities, no can not leave, also must not interrupt accounting work. Handed over to the handover including transfer of management accounting vouchers, accounting statements and reports, accounts, funds, and outstanding issues。 Official seal, etc。 Handed over to the handover must by

16、construction bureau the finance supervisor.Accounting principles and subjectsSeven, the company strictly implement the ”accounting law of the Peoples Republic of China, the accounting personnel authority regulations, the accounting personnel work rules ”and other laws and regulations, the general pr

17、inciples of accounting, accounting vouchers and books, internal audit and property inventory, cost, inventory, etc。Eight, methods of charge to an account lending attributes。 Accounting principle USES the accrual basis, with RMB as its functional currency。Nine, all accounting vouchers, account books,

18、 accounting statements and reports in a variety of written records in Chinese records, Numbers with Arabic numerals. Written records, must use the pen, not with a pencil and a ballpoint pen to write.Ten, monovalent 2000 yuan of above, use fixed number of year asset for fixed assets, more than one ye

19、ar is divided into five categories:1, houses and other buildings;2, machinery and equipment;3, electronic equipment, such as computer, copier, fax machine, etc。);4, the means of transport;5, and other equipment.11, all kinds of fixed number of year of the depreciation of fixed assets is:1, houses an

20、d buildings 35 years;2, machinery and equipment 10 years;3, electronic equipment, transportation tools for 5 years;4, and other equipment for five years。Fixed assets depreciation is extracted by excluding leave salvage value。 After fixed assets carry depreciation still can continue to use, no longer

21、 depreciation; Scrap of fixed assets in advance to fill carry depreciation.Twelve, purchase of fixed assets shall be the purchase price plus transportation, loading and unloading, packing, insurance and other fees as a principle。 Installation of fixed assets, it should also include installation fee.

22、 As an investment of fixed assets shall be for the price of the investment agreement for the original price.Thirteen, fixed assets must be the finance contract office inventory once a year, the inventory surplus, dish deficient, scrap, and the valuation of fixed assets must be strict censorship, acc

23、ording to regulations after approval, processed during the annual accounts.1, inventory surplus of fixed assets, in order to completely reset value as the original price, according to the degree of old and new estimate accumulated depreciation are tallied, the difference between the original price a

24、fter the accumulated depreciation to accumulation fund。2, losses of fixed assets, should write down the original price and accumulated depreciation, the original cost minus accumulated depreciation balance for nonbusiness expenses after processing.3, scrap fixed asset base income (the net amount aft

25、er deduction of the cost of cleaning) and the difference between the net value of fixed assets, the proceeds into accumulation fund, its loss for nonbusiness expenses。4, company of fixed assets purchased, sold, cleaning, discard all want to go through the formalities of the accounting, and accountin

26、g set up subsidiary ledger of fixed assets.Money, cash, cost management14, the finance department should strengthen the assets, funds, the management of cash and expenses, prevent loss, put an end to waste, good use, improve business efficiency.15, bank accounts must abide by the provisions of the b

27、ank to open and use。 Bank account only for the use of this unit the payment and settlement business, it is forbidden to borrow account for the use of units or individuals outside the forbidden collecting for other units or individuals, transfer cash generation。16 account number, bank account must be

28、 kept secret, the leakage is not allowed because of business need.17 are in charge of and throughout the use of the seal, bank account, the financial seal by the cashier, legal representative and accounting ones kept by the accounting, are not allowed to be used by one unified storage. Temporary on

29、business by its signature depository trust others escrow.Eighteen, bank account transactions shall be that weaves registration books, no more than a pen summary high, also not in charge for billing. And bank statements monthly check, failed to reach balance, should make a regulation that weaves bala

30、nce adjustment.19, according to the payment have been approved to sign the contract, shall not change the payment method and USES; By the collection units formally entrust in writing and approved by the general manager, are not allowed to change collection unit (person).Twenty, inventory www。dgalbuy

31、。com www。jion8。net cash shall not exceed the limit, must not with ious instead of cash. Do cash receipts and cash disbursements of nissin monthly statement, ensure stock cash book balance of the consistent with the actual inventory, bank deposits and the balance of bank statements, the amount of cas

32、h, bank journal respectively accords with the general ledger amount of cash, bank deposit。Borrow the 21st, on business, approved by the general manager of public funds, should be back to the unit after seven days of the qing, shall not be in arrears. Non and approved by the general manager on busine

33、ss and no one may borrow money。22, strict management, cash receipts and cash disbursements in addition to the general sporadic daily spending, spending the rest of the investment, the project must be through the bank for transfer settlement, may not be directly payment in cash.23, recipients blank c

34、heque must indicate limit, date, purpose and use of the term, and be submitted to the examination and approval of general manager。 All blank cheque and voided check deposit must be safe, it is strictly prohibited to blank check before using affixed.24, normal office expenses, there must be a formal

35、invoice, complete seal, handlers, head of signature, can submit an expense account to pay the bill after approved by general manager.Twentyfive, without the approval of the board of directors are strictly prohibited for other units (including joint ventures, cooperative enterprises) or personal loan

36、 guarantees.26, strict formalities for examination and approval of funds use. Formalities for examination and approval of accounting personnel to all incomplete items of using the capital, have permission and must refuse to deal with。 Or else the violation to punish and jointly and severally liable

37、for the loss of the money。Office equipment, supplies purchase and management27, all office equipment, supplies of unified purchase led by the office building plan, reported to the approval to purchase。28, all equipment must be unified by the office of personnel management. The recipients registratio

38、n formalities, office cabinets, tables and chairs to number, check regularly。Twentynine, individual recipients of office supplies, equipment shall be properly kept, and shall not be arbitrarily discarded checked out, when transferred, shall go through the formalities of transfer, is lost, the compen

39、sation according to price。Other items30, according to the requirements of the competent department, submit the financial and accounting reports and other financial information in a timely manner。31, actively participate in the construction fund raising, through fundraising activities, try to make ca

40、pital structure more reasonable, in order to achieve optimization。32 and cooperate with the companys business department to the completion of the project, to supervise the financial statements.33, consciously accept the competent, fiscal, taxation and other departments of inspection instruction, and improved according to the requirements of the system, improve the work。

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