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上传人:天**** 文档编号:2161232 上传时间:2024-05-21 格式:DOC 页数:13 大小:200KB
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1、外文资料Removal of natural organic matter (NOM) in drinking water treatment by coagulationmicrofiltration using metal membranesTorove Leiknes, Hallvard degaard, Hvard MyklebustDepartment of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, S.P. Andersensvei 5

2、, N-7491 Trondheim, NorwayAbstractDrinking water sources in Norway are characterized by high concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM), low pH, low alkalinity and low turbidity. The removal of NOM is therefore in many cases a general requirement in producing potable water. Drinking water treatm

3、ent plants are commonly designed with coagulation direct filtration or with NF spiral wound membrane processes. This study has investigated the feasibility and potential of using inorganic metal microfiltration membranes in a submerged membrane configuration with coagulation pre-treatment for drinki

4、ng water production. Variations in operating modes and conditions were tested, from dead-end operation to semi sequencing batch operation using air scouring and backwashing cycles for membrane cleaning and fouling control. Fluxes around 180 LMH at trans membrane pressures below 0.3 bar where achieve

5、d over production cycles in excess of 50 h. Treatment efficiencies in general showed 95% colour removal, 85% UV removal, 6575% TOC removal and 95% of true colour, 87% of UV-absorbing compounds, and 6575% of DOC. A consistent high permeate quality was achieved for all experiments irrespective of operating modes investigated. Initial studies with dead-end operation and variations of backwashing and air scouring showed that membrane fouling was reversible and primarily cake formation. This cake layer was easily re- moved when the membrane was cleaned extensively and the

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