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1、高中英语常用固定搭配一、语法填空常考固定搭配next to 挨着,靠近I got a place next _ the window, so I had a good view ofthe sidewalk.be based on 建立在 基础上It is the operational mode of shared bikes _(base) on thesatellite navigation (卫星导航) system, electronic payment aswell as big data that has surprised the world.play a role in 在

2、中起作用As part of its plan, the WHO asked governments to consider therole food advertising plays _ encouraging people to eatunhealthy food.both and 和 都And the hutong today is fading into the shade for _tourists and local people.neither nor 既不 也不Neither a single person _ any traffic was in sight at all.

3、either or 要么 要么I msure most people would side with the honest person._ we live in the truth or we live in lies. Truth sets us freeand lies leave us in nothing but more e into产生;出现existenceXuan paper, known as one of the Four Treasuresof the Study,first came into _(exist) in Jing County in the Tangdy

4、nasty.turn off 关掉After turning _ all of their electronic devices, customers1of Recharj lie down in the so-called “power nap cocoons ”.It turned out结果是that He remembered that he had also bought a wedding dress from1948, and _ turned out that was Jane s mother s dress!whether or 不管 还是Therefore, _ you

5、re an art l or voer just looking for a funtime, you re stuorfeind inspiration in London.be satisfied对 感到满意withSelf-confident people tend to see their lives in a positive lighteven when things aren gtoing so well, and they are typically_(satisfy) with their lives.be said to do 据说是But boys in a single

6、-sex school _(say) to be more likelyto get involved in cultural and artistic activities that help developtheir emotional expressiveness than those taught alongside girls,according to the findings of some researchers.It is said that 据 说 It _(say) that the founder of Laoshe Teahouse started hisbusines

7、s by serving stall tea for just two cents each.as+adj./adv.+as 和 一样The ancient Chinese characters are not as distant _ theyare supposed to be.in the future 将来In _ future, he will apply ancient Chinese characters toeducation and the development of games and apps.take as an以 为例example2Take plastic str

8、aws(吸管) _ an example, we often usethem when enjoying a cold drink with our lunch or dinner.a growing越来越多的number ofThese days a _(grow) number of people who are not ofChinese origin are joining e across 偶然遇见Wander through any town on a weekend evening and there aschance youllcome _ musicians sitting

9、around playingtraditional folk music on their bouzoukis.run into/across 偶然遇见During winter vacation, I never run _ my classmates.pay a visit to 访问;参观My husband and I were paying a visit _ my parents inTucson.set aside 留出Before this national park project, China had set _thousandsof nature parks, fores

10、ts and scenic areasas protectedareas.in possession of 拥有;占有By the age of 15 I was fluent in English and in_(possess)of a thick American accent.contribute to 促成;造成Inactivity and the consumption of junk food and soft drinkscontributed _ the growing number of the overweightyouth in the world.serve as 用

11、作;充当And obviously that freight train serves _ a very good3vehicle for the Chinese manufacturers and may help restore thebusiness confidence inside China.a number of 许多_ number of studies warn that not sleeping enough canaffect our abilities to do our job.when it comes当提到toMy online friend Steve freq

12、uently comments on how fathers areoften not included in the conversation when _ comes toparenting.get on/along与 相处withConsidering this phenomenon, I decided I was going to changethe way I got on _ others.define as 把 定义为The dictionary defines the headache simply _ “a pain inthe head ”.apply to 适用于The

13、 same applies _ financial issues.begin with 从 开始A journey of a thousand miles must begin _ a singlestep.rather than 而不是Rather _ traveling the entire length of the Silk Road,each merchant traded goods along one section of the route,buying them in one oasis绿(洲) town and selling them in another.have in

14、fluence对 有影响onOf all these, Buddhism, which came from India, had the greatest4influence _ Chinese culture.a whole许多,大量collection ofThe Silk Road was not only one single road, but _ wholecollection of routes by which goods were transported between theEast and the West.look into 调查,研究In the early year

15、s of the last century foreign explorers started tolook _ these stories, and very soon an international racestarted for the art treasures of the Silk Road.by the+计量单以 计算位Huge wall paintings, sculptures and priceless antiques werecarried away by _ ton, and today are exhibited in themuseums of a dozen

16、countries.be likely to do可能会做某事sthThe mall is another place where I am likely _(see) myclassmates before school starts.be对 有礼貌 /没有礼貌polite/impolitetoIf so, it vesry impolite _ the host and seniors who arepresent at the table.related to 和 有关In Chinese, some words related _ dogs have negativemeanings,

17、 such as “No ivory can come out of a dog s mouth. ”mistake for 把错认为Birds, whales, turtles and other animals often mistake balloons5_ food, which can do damage to them because balloonscontain harmful chemicals.be regarded as 被认为是The lion is _ (regard) as the king in the animal world soit represents p

18、ower.date back to 追溯到The festival _ (date) back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCAD 220).refer to sth as 把 称作Even Qixi _(refer) to as the “Chinese Valentine s Day ”nowadays.make the充分利用most/best ofThese months are the last chance to spend a lot of time outsidebefore winter comes, so I try to make the _ of

19、it.be faced with 面临,面对Once you have gotten your tickets, you _(face) with theproblems of the theater itself.one another 一个 另一个 One great way to do this is to make sure you look at the moonthat day, weather permitting. _ way to celebrate MoonDay is to make something about the moon, like cutting paper

20、moons.get married 结婚And some people even decide to get _(marry) withstrangers.because of 因为He said these children think exam success is because _genes and family background.6not any不再more/longerThen when we are really old, when we cannot move any_, we can be proud of our achievementsthat we haveever

21、 experienced in happiness and we can say we have no regretin our pared与 相比with/to_(compare) with people in the West, Chinese peopleused to eat more grain and vegetables, but less meat, which is agood eating habit.one of+复数名 之一词A local boy is detained(扣留 ) by the police for a theft, and one ofhis _(f

22、riend) might privately say to himself: “I wouldn twant to be in his shoes now”.take the lead 率先Over the course of friendship, even the best people makemistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes_ lead and apologizes.have an effect对 有影响onThe hard part is keeping the connections st

23、rong during thenatural ups and downs that have an effect _ allrelationships.provide sb with给某人提供某物sthAnd the museum is much more spacious than communitylibraries, which provides visitors _ a more comfortable7environment for appreciating art.on a day 在 的一天However, there is one upside of going to scho

24、ol _ a coldwinter day: you might be smarter.protect sb/sth保护 免受from doing sthIts professional security guards and advanced facilities can betterprotect those famous paintings from _(damage) orstolen.in our daily life 在我们的日常生活中What roles does it play _ our daily life?be worth doing 值得做Of course, they

25、 must enrich our lives, which can make it possiblefor us to gather many different experiences that are worth_(remember) when we are old.for one thing 一, 方面,另一方面for another For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show theirtalent, for _, it is a useful way to release their pressure.in fa

26、vor of 赞成,支持In my view, I am greatly _ favor of this activity.do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙The older you get, the more you will realize a lot of people in thisworld do not deserve your time, or friendship. So, do yourself_ favor. Let them go.in peace 和平地;安静地Most of us going to the mall want to shop and eat _

27、peace.deal with 处理8As Senior 3 students, we have to deal _ some grown-upproblems and make decisions by ourselves.to be honest 老实说I have lots of plans. _(be) honest, I haven t had much ofa holiday for the past 20 years.pay a visit to 参观I also paid a visit _ Africa last year.give up 放弃I made it all th

28、e way! Once I start something, I never give_.二、其它固定搭配1.purchase equipment采购装备2.be willing to do 乐于,愿意3.take patience to do有耐心去做4.take a course选课,学一门课程5.the date of .的. 日期6.preparation for 为 做准备7.be absent from 缺席,不在场8.be annoyed at 对 烦 恼,为 而生气9.be in charge of 主持,主管910.keep ones job保住某人的工作11.sign up

29、 for 报名参加,注册12.decide to do决定去做,决定要13.object to do反对,不同意14.be employed in 受雇于,从事于15.look away 转移目光,把目光移开16.frequent guest常客17.change into 把 变成,变为,转换成bine with 和 结合,与 化合19.be on surface在表面20.develop into 逐渐形成21.in degree 程度,最大程度地22.be related to 与 有关,与 有关系23.be assessment of对评估1024.seems to be似乎是,看来2

30、5.be opposite to 在 的对面26.be sick at heart十分不快,非常失望27.kick the habit 戒掉嗜好28.be supported to支持29.line up 排队,整队30.be responsible for 负责 ,对 负责31.involve in 卷入,使参与32.on top of 在 之上,除 之外33.be compared with 和 比起来,与 相比34.as well as 和 一样,也35.the cause of 的原因,的起因36.plenty of 很多的 ,大量的37.ought to do应该,应当38.be e

31、xpected to do期望,预计1139.take action to do采取行动40. give rise to sth. 引起,导致某事41.have access to有机会 /权利/方法去42.be optimistic about 对 感到乐观,乐观的43.take side in 支持某一方,偏袒44.on average平均pare to 把 比作,相比46.build up 建立,复兴47.be better off doing sth. 最好做某事48.subject to 经历,遭受49.contribute to 有助于,促成,贡献50.narrow the gap

32、 缩短差距,缩小代沟51.take part in 参与,参加活动52.for a while(一段)时间53.take a stand on表明态度,宣布立场1254.chemical data 化学数据55.mutually exclusive 相互排斥的56.be dependent on sth.依赖某物57.be popular with 在.很受欢迎58.be likely to 很有可能59.decline to 下降到60.make progress前进,进步61.encourage to 鼓励62.the way to 去 的路63.the rate for 利率64.pla

33、n to 计划,打算65.look forward to (doing) 盼望66.benefit from 从 得到好处67.effect of 的影响, 的效果68.pick up 拾起,获得,好转1369. be suitable for 适合;胜任70.make a complaint 抱怨,投诉,提出投诉71.be familiar with 通晓,熟悉或通晓某事72.depend on依靠73.ring back 回电话e into being 发生,形成,产生75.speed of 以 的速度76.pass on传递,传授77.take part in 参与,参与 活动78.ke

34、ep a diary 写日记,坚持写日记79.make up of 弥补,补偿bine with 与 结合,联合81.in order to 为了,从而82.be willing to 愿意,乐于83.pay attention to 注意,留心1484.full of 充满,堆满85.be associated with将 联系起来86.touch off 触发,引起,激起87.lead to 导致,造成88.be accustomed to习惯于,适应于89.connect with 与 相连,连接90.instead of 而不是,替代91.grow up 成长,长大成人92.plent

35、y of 许多,大量的93.tend to 倾向于94.vary by 随着 变化95.stay up 熬夜,不睡觉96.turn over 移交,翻转,翻过来97.deprive of 剥夺,使失去98.appeal to 求助于,引起,上诉1599.capacity for 做 的能力100.apart from 除了 外(都),要不是101.regard to 考虑,顾及102.acquire by 通过 而获得103.drive sb. crazy 使某人发疯,把某人逼疯104.in other parts of 在 的另一个部分,在其他方面105.get close to 接近,靠近

36、,与接近106.according to 依照,根据 所说,依据107.admit to 承认, 许可进入,允许108.play with 玩耍,和 一起玩109.prevent from 防止,阻止110.translate for sb.为某人翻译111.for a while 暂时,片刻112.talent for 有 的天赋,有 的天才113.train to be 训练成16114.remain as依然是,仍视为115.lighten up a little 放松一点116.build for 准备合成,建立117.place an order订购,下订单,订货118.make a

37、 complaint抱怨,投诉,提出投诉119.benefit to 有利于120.as long as只要121.for the sake of 出于对 的缘故,为了起见122.be good at sth.擅长做某事123.be absent from缺席124.be annoyed at对 恼怒125.be in charge of负责126.be available to sb.可被某人利用或得到127.at ones expense由某人支付费用128.be concerned about对 担心17129.attribute to 把 归因于 130.be likely to do

38、 sth. 极有可能做某事131.be sick of厌恶132.consist of 包含133.manage to do设法做某事134.it is crucial to do. 做某事很关键135.warn sb. of sth. 警示某人136.free sb. from 使某人从 中解放出来137.with respect to 在 方面138.be inclined to 倾向于139.have claim on 对 拥有所有权、140.in total 总数141.justify doing 证明 合理142.be used to被用作143.adapt to 适应18144.c

39、ontribute to 贡献145.have access to可以利用146.be less inclined to 不太愿意147.be blamed for sth. 应对某事负责任148.apply for 申请149.be harmful to 对 有害150.be similar to 与 相似151.depend on依靠152.be subjected to经受153.sell out 卖光,卖完154.give priority to 优先155.be decorated with 用 修饰156.fall down 摔倒,跌倒157.pick up 取,拿某物158.ge

40、t married with sb. 和某人结婚19159.talk to someone 与某人谈话160.find out 找出来161.beyond ones expectation超出某人的预期162.be honor of 做 感到荣幸163.carry out 执行,实行164.fill up 填补,装满165.now and then 偶尔,有时166.for a long time 一段时间167.fall asleep 入睡,睡着168.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事169.regard as 把 看作170.pay attention to 注意,重视171.

41、play a(an) role in 扮演 角色172.be aware of 意识到173.be assigned to被分配给 .归属于20174.adjust to 调节,调整以适应175.be essential to对 必不可少176.be likely to 倾向于,很有可能177.seize opportunity 抓住机会178.adapt to 适应179.run out 用完,耗尽180.make for 走向,前往,有助于 .,导致181.have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难182.tidy up 收拾,整理183.as soon as

42、 possible尽快184.hold a party 举办晚会185.go through经历186.ask sb. to do要求某人做某事187.allow sb. to do 允许某人做某事188.get along with 和 相处21189.in advance 提前190.pocket money 零花钱191.go down 下降192.save up储蓄,贮存193.go up 上升194.pay for 赔偿 ,为付钱195.at the right time 在适当的时间196.stick to 坚持,粘住197.part-time job 兼职198.go back

43、to 回去,返回,追溯到199.baby-sitter 保姆200.cope with应对201.provide easy access to提供通往 的便捷途径202.opposite to 与 相反203.to the minimum 至最低限度22204.on the site现场205.a couple of 几个206.lie in 在于207.deal with 处理208.tend to 倾向于209.bring in 请来,带来210.set up 建立211.be confined to 仅限于pete with 与 一较高下213.add to 增加214.speciali

44、ze in 专门研究215.attach importance to予以重视216.be tolerant of 对 宽容,能够 容忍217.civil servant 公务员218.get a degree (in administration)取得(管理学的)学位23219.participate in 参与220.be impressed with 对 印象深刻221.square with 与协调或一致222.go wrong with 出毛病223.third-party insurance 第三方责任保险224.value-added tax 增值税225.make a hasty decision做出草率的决定226.take advantage of利用22

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