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1、2021-2022学年高中英语 模块整合训练北师大版必修12021-2022学年高中英语 模块整合训练北师大版必修1年级:姓名:模块整合训练.阅读理解ASix people are talking about the newlybuilt garden on the roof of their building.Jasmine:I loved the idea when Wilber first told me about it.We had lots of meetings with our neighbors,trying to make them understand why its g

2、ood to build a garden on the roof.Now people love coming here,and we have made a lot of friends!Wilber:The whole thing wasnt easy at first.But Jasmine helped a lot.And she was really good at making people happy to donate (捐赠) money for the roof garden.David:My kids love going up there.They sit there

3、 watching butterflies and birds.The roof garden brings them closer to nature.Samuel:You want something green? Visit the park! Its only one block away! After the roof garden was built,small insects started flying into my room! And the kids leave mud on the stairs when they come down from the roof!Ros

4、ie:Our building is now cooler in the summer.My baby sleeps well even on hot summer days!Flora:Guess where these tomatoes are from! Not from the supermarket.Theyre from our roof! Its wonderful,isnt?【语篇解读】本文主要讲了六个人对于新建的屋顶花园发表了自己的看法。1Who dislikes the roof garden?AJasmine.BRosie.CSamuel. DFlora.C细节理解题。根

5、据“You want something green? Visit the park! Its only one block away! After the roof garden was built,small insects started flying into my room! And the kids leave mud on the stairs when they come down from the roof!”可知Samuel不喜欢屋顶花园,所以选C。2What does Wilber tell us?AJasmine helped to get the money.BTom

6、atoes grew well on the roof.CChildren always make stairs dirty.DThere are birds in the roof garden.A细节理解题。根据“But Jasmine helped a lot.And she was really good at making people happy to donate (捐赠) money for the roof garden. ”可知Wilber告诉我们Jasmine帮忙筹集到了钱,所以选A。3What can be inferred from the interview?ABa

7、bies like sleeping in the roof garden.BMost of the speakers love the roof garden.CThe roof tomatoes sell well in the supermarket.DDavid first came up with the idea of a roof garden.B推理判断题。通过六个人对屋顶花园的看法,可知大部分说话的人都喜欢这个屋顶花园,所以选B。BA teenager has realized her dream of becoming a modeljust three years aft

8、er a terrible car crash left her with a broken back.Marita Davies was in a wheelchair for a year and had to learn to walk,after she suffered terrible injuries as a passenger in a car driven by a drunk driver.Marita feared her dream of a modeling career was over but just three years on,she is now in

9、the running to be crowned Miss Great Britain.She said,“I was horrified when I learned the full extent of my injuries.I thought my dream of becoming a model was over.My leg was seriously injured and my back was broken.The crash had broken my confidence and I withdrew into myself.I was 16,and at that

10、age all I wanted to do was go out with my friends.”But when she finally came out of the wheelchair,she turned a corner.Marita decided she would still try to follow her dreams,and sent some photos off to some modeling agencies.She did a few unpaid jobs while studying at college and soon,paid commerci

11、al modeling jobs started coming in.Marita was a bit doubtful at first,because the crash has left her with huge scars on her leg and back.She was worried people wouldnt want her to model for them,but its not true.Marita has done amazingly well to overcome everything,which has been thrown at her in th

12、e last three years.Within months of learning to walk again,Marita was signed up for advertising campaigns.She has also appeared in a TV ad.Marita was crowned Miss Nottingham City earlier this year,and is now competing against 59 other girls to be crowned Miss Great Britain.【语篇解读】本文叙述了Marita Davies在遭

13、受严重的车祸后,仍执着地坚守成为模特的梦想,最后终于成功的故事。4What happened to Marita Davies 3 years ago?AShe became a well-known model.BShe suffered from a terrible car accident.CShe was drunk when driving.DShe gave up her dream of becoming a model.B细节理解题。从文章第一段中的“just three years after a terrible car crash left her with a bro

14、ken back”可知,三年前Marita Davies经历了一次严重的车祸。5How did Marita Davies feel when learning her injuries?AHopeless. BIndifferent.CUnlucky. DConfident.A细节理解题。从文章第二段中的“The crash had broken my confidence and I withdrew into myself.”可知,当Marita得知自己的伤情后很绝望。6What is Maritas aim now according to the text?ATo appear in

15、 the TV advertisement.BTo sign up for advertising campaigns.CTo win the title of Miss Great Britain.DTo be crowned Miss Nottingham City.C细节理解题。从文章最后一段最后一句“.and is now competing against 59 other girls to be crowned Miss Great Britain”可知,目前,获得“英国小姐”的桂冠是Marita的最大目标。7The text is intended to Ashow the mo

16、deling career is promisingBencourage us to learn from MaritaCwarn the women not to drive a carDdescribe the life of a famous model to usB写作意图题。本文通过讲述Marita身残志坚的故事,意在号召人们学习Marita执着坚强的精神。CThe Key to Your HealthA car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you.Eating the right kind o

17、f food is very important.It can help your body grow strong so take care of what you eat.There are four main food groups altogether.The dairy group has food like milk,cheese and sour milk.The other three groups are the meat and fish group,the fruit and vegetable group,and the bread and rice group.Eac

18、h meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.With all these food together,you will be given enough energy during the day.It is easy to get into bad eating habits.You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time.Or you may not have time for a good lunch.It may seem eas

19、y to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time.But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.Watching what you eat will help your body remain healthy and strong.It is also good to take some exercise.It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games i

20、n the open air.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.【语篇解读】人就像汽车一样需要食物做燃料来补充能量。正确的饮食对身体健康非常关键。食物一共分为四类:奶类、肉类、水果蔬菜类和面包谷物类。人们的健康需要这四类食物合理搭配。8Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?AMilk,bread,cabbages and beef.BEggs,tomatoes and chicken.CCorn,fish,c

21、ream and pork.DRice,beancurd,apples,fish and chicken.A细节理解题。从文中第二段“Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.”可知,只有奶类、肉类、蔬菜水果类和米面类四种合理搭配才算是最佳饮食。9Which of the following is a good eating habit?AEating fish and chips for supper all the time.BFinishing your lunch in a very short

22、time.CGoing to school without any breakfast.DHaving at least one food from all four groups in each meal.D细节理解题。根据第二段中“Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.”可知好的饮食习惯应该至少每顿饭莱中包括其中四类食物中的一种,选D。10In this passage the writer mainly tells us that . Aevery person needs food to gr

23、ow well Btaking exercise can keep your body strong Cthe right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy Denough energy helps people think more quicklyC主旨大意题。在文中主要介绍了健康饮食和锻炼对身体的重要性,故选C。11The underlined word “dairy” in the second paragraph means “ ”Aa farm where cows are keptBthe food made out

24、of cows such as milk and butterCthe shop that sells milk and butterDa place where milk products are madeB词义猜测题。从food后面的定语“like milk,cheese and sour milk”可知这类是指奶制品,选B。DParents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers.But last summer,Joanna and Henry noticed a change in th

25、eir older son: suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents.The door to his room is always shut,Joanna noticed.Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter.“She used to cuddle up with me on the sofa and talk,”said Mark.“Now we joke that she does

26、 this only when she wants something.Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady.The problem is figuring out which time is which.”Before age 11,children like to tell their parents whats in their minds.“In fact,parents are first on the list,”said Michael Riera,

27、author of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers.“This completely changes during the teen years,” Riera explained.“They talk to their friends first,then maybe their teachers,and their parents last.”Parents who know whats going on in their teenagers lives are in the best position to help them.To b

28、reak down “the wall of silence”,parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say,and try to find ways to talk and write to them.And they must give their children a mental break,for children also need freedom,though young.Another thing parents should remember is that to be

29、a friend,not a manager,with their children is a better way to know them.【语篇解读】本文讲述了孩子和父母之间的关系,孩子小时候同父母无话不说,但是到青少年时期就不愿对父母吐露心声,父母对此应该采取怎样的措施呢?12“The door to his room is always shut”suggests that the son Ais always busy with his studiesBdoesnt want to be disturbedCkeeps himself away from his parentsDb

30、egins to dislike his parentsC推理判断题。根据第一段中的“suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents”可知,孩子不愿和父母交流,即他们想与父母保持距离。故答案为C。13What troubles Tina and Mark most is that Atheir daughter isnt lovely as beforeBthey cant read their daughters mind exactlyCthey dont know what to s

31、ay to their daughterDtheir daughter talks with them only when she needs helpB细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady.The problem is figuring out which time is which.”可知,女儿一会想要像孩子一样被对待,一会想要像大人一样被对待,所以他们弄不懂孩子的心思,故答案为B。14Which of the following

32、best explains “the wall of silence” in the last paragraph?ATeenagers talk a lot with their friends.BTeenagers do not want to understand their parents.CTeenagers do not talk much with their parents.DTeenagers talk little about their own lives.C词义猜测题。根据前文可知随着孩子年龄的增长,他们越来越不愿意同父母多交流,所以此处“the wall of sil

33、ence”指的是孩子们不愿与父母多交流这件事。15What can be learned from the passage?AParents are unhappy with their growing children.BParents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.CParents should be patient with their silent teenagers.DParents should try to understand their teenagers.D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“parents sho

34、uld create chances to understand what their children want to say,and try to find ways to talk and write to them”可知,对父母来说努力去理解孩子才是解决的办法。故答案为D。.阅读七选五Scientists often see the first ten years of a childs life as the “window of opportunity.” 16 And studies show that the following activities can benefit t

35、heir brain greatly. 17 Free playtime has always been an important part of “being a kid”,but it is also important to a childs development.“Free play” not only helps kids develop different skills,it also helps them develop into happy healthy adults in the future.Read with kids.Reading has long been kn

36、own to improve childrens intelligence. 18 For parents who dont have much time,just surrounding your kids with books goes a long way too.Put kids to bed early. 19 Preschool children should get at least eleven hours of sleep and kids up to age 12 should try to get at least ten hours of sleep.Learn a s

37、econd language.Early studies in this field have shown that bilingual(双语的)kids can perform better under pressure.Young children can learn new languages with nearly perfect fluency(流利)and pronunciation.Praise good effort not intelligence.Your kids may be smart but you should mainly praise the effort t

38、hey put into tasks.Kids,who are praised on intelligence,often feel it is a fixed quality,and mistakes or failures badly hurt their selfconfidence.Kids who are praised on effort often focus more on learning. 20 APlay some helpful games.BGive them enough playtime.CAnd they are not afraid to fail and t

39、ry again.DKids still need time away from the TV to do homework.EKids who read often develop earlier writing and number skills as well.FEverything at this time is very important to the development of a persons brain.GStudies show that kids with regular bedtimes are better at languages,math and readin

40、g.【语篇解读】本文讲述的是在很小的时候对孩子的教育的重要性,文章给出了多个建议。16F根据前句Scientists often see the first ten years of a childs life as the “window of opportunity.”可知人生的前10年很重要,做的每一件事情对人脑的发展都会起着很重要的作用。故F项符合上下文。17B根据本段第一句Free playtime has always been an important part of “being a kid”,可知玩耍的时间对孩子来说特别重要,告诉我们要给孩子足够的时间。18E根据前句“Rea

41、ding has long been known to improve childrens intelligence”可知大量的阅读对孩子有很多的作用,故E项符合上下文。19G根据下一句“Preschool children should get at least eleven hours of sleep and kids up to age 12 should try to get at least ten hours of sleep. ”可知有规律的睡眠时间的孩子在很多方面发展得较好。故G正确。20C根据前一句“Kids who are praised on effort often

42、focus more on learning. ”可知被表扬的孩子更加关注学习,他们不害怕失败,愿意多次尝试。故C项符合上下文。.完形填空She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds.However,Miss Bessie was a(n) 21 presence in the classroom.From 1938 to 1942,when I attended Bernard High School,she taught me a lot 22 I realized.The

43、re was never a(n) 23 problem in Miss Bessies classes.We didnt dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hasting and could also play the piano and 24 Shakespeare and Milton.Miss Bessie knew that my family couldnt afford to buy a newspaper.She knew we didnt 25 own a radio.Still,she 26 me to

44、 “look out for your 27 and find some way to 28 whats going on in the world” 29 I became a delivery boy who delivered newspapers.I 30 made a dollar a week,but I got to read a newspaper every day.Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork but were vital to a youngsters 31 Once a

45、 few classmates made fun of my 32 overcoat.As I was leaving school,Miss Bessie 33 me on the back of that old overcoat and said,“Carl,never worry about what you dont have.Just make the most of what you do havea(n) 34 ”Among the things that I didnt have was 35 in the little wooden house.But because of

46、 her 36 ,I spent many hours beside a kerosene lamp (煤油灯)reading Shakespeare.Miss Bessie introduced me 37 a wonderful world of poems and stories.She led me to 38 that I could write poems as well as Shakespeare.So I read 39 Miss Bessie told me to,and tried to remember the things she insisted that I st

47、ore.Years later,her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note 40 “Im so proud to read your article in The Times.”【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。Miss Bessie个子不高,却令人敬畏,在她的课堂上从未有过违纪现象。作者家境不好,学习条件差而常受人嘲弄。Miss Bessie启发他并想方设法帮他克服困难,作者最后没有辜负Miss Bessie的期望,喜欢上了文学并发表了自己的作品。21A.amusing BtoweringCinteresting DexcitingB前文说Miss Bessie其貌不扬,此处用however话锋一转。显然towering(杰出的)与语境相吻合。22A.more than Bless thanCbetter than Dworse thanA由下文尤其是第二段所述

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