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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(十四)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析)2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(十四)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析)年级:姓名:组合练(十四)阅读理解阅读七选五短文改错.阅读理解AIn many walks of life and in many situations, persuading people to do what you want them to do is the key to success.Researchers have looked into different aspects of persuas

2、ion and come up with some interesting results which are surely helpful to us.One advertising copywriter came up with an approach to selling a product on a TV shopping channel via phone sales.Instead of being instructed “Operators are waiting, please call now”, viewers were told “If operators are bus

3、y, please call again”. The results were extraordinary. The ad suggested operators werent sitting around hoping people would call.Instead there were so many people wanting the product that people might have to wait until they could get it.What role does choice have in persuading people to buy or get

4、something? One study in a supermarket showed the effect of choice. A particular supermarket displayed either 6 or 24 different kinds of jam.The large display attracted more interest than the small one.But when the time came to purchase things,people who saw the large display were onetenth as likely

5、to buy.If they do buy, they are less content with their selection, even though they have made a good choice.A wider range of choices require more time and effort and lead to unreasonably high expectations.Another aspect of persuasion concerns getting someone to change their mind.Its hard to prove to

6、 someone that a previous decision is wrong, and as people get older they get less and less willing to change their mind. People want things to be unwavering;_they want their attitudes, statements, values and actions to follow a set pattern.The only way to persuade them to change is to acknowledge th

7、is by agreeing that the previous decision they made is a perfectly understandable one.This allows them to focus on your suggestion without feeling their previous decision is wrong.As a result, they may be persuaded to break out of their established pattern.语篇解读说服别人对取得成功至关重要,作者在文中介绍了在实际生活中说服别人的不同方式,以

8、展示应该如何做说服工作。1What does the advertising copywriter want to indicate about the product?AIts in demand.BIts rare.CIts for sale. DIts precious.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“The ad suggested operators werent sitting around hoping people would call.Instead there were so many people wanting the product that people might

9、 have to wait until they could get it.”可知,告知观众“如果接线员正忙,请再呼叫”,而不是“接线员正在等待,请现在呼叫”是一种说服策略。接线员正忙,说明订购的人多,暗示产品受到大家的认可,很抢手,故选A。in demand “需求大”。答案:A2What does the study mentioned in Paragraph 3 show?A. More selections bring more actions.BIncreased choice decreases satisfaction.CMore and more people dont wa

10、nt to choose.DSome choices are more attractive than others.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“If they do buy,they are less content with their selection,even though they have made a good choice.A wider range of choices require more time and effort and lead to unreasonably high expectations.”可知,选择的范围变大,会增加人们对自己的决定的不满,因为

11、更多的选择需要投入更多的时间和更大的努力,人们也会产生过高的期望,由此可知本题选B。答案:B3What does the underlined word “unwavering” in the last paragraph mean?AReliable. BDemanding.CUnique. DConsistent.解析:词义猜测题。画线词前面谈到“随着年龄的增长,人们越来越不愿意改变自己的想法”,该词后面谈到“人们希望自己的态度、言论、价值观和行动都遵循既定的模式”。由此推知画线词所在句应表示人们希望事情(观点、决定等)始终如一,故画线词与consistent “一致的,始终如一的”意义相

12、近。reliable “可靠的”;demanding “要求高的”;unique “独特的”。答案:D4What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo compare different forms of persuasion.BTo discuss various studies on persuasion.CTo teach how to get better at persuasion.DTo analyze how persuasion affects success.解析:写作意图题。根据第一段“In many walks of

13、 life and in many situations,persuading people to do what you want them to do is the key to success.some interesting results which are surely helpful to us.”可知,说服影响着人们的成功,研究人员研究了说服的不同方面,得出了一些有趣的结果,这些结果会对我们有帮助。下文作者介绍了三个方面的说服案例和说服策略,其目的很明显:教人们如何更好地说服别人做某事。答案:CBTwo unusual groupsthe same companies that

14、 are causing the most pollution, the BP oil company and Delta Air Lines,both announced plans to become carbon neutral (碳中和) by 2050 through decreasing resource usage as well as applying useful technology.Several other large oil companies, like Shell, Total,and Eni, have announced similar goals. Othe

15、r airlines, like Qantas and JetBlue, are working on the same plan.Since airline travel causes around 2%3% of the worlds greenhouse gases,making airlines carbon neutral would be a great step. Some people believe the companies are “greenwashing”. They are running the businesses the way they used to pe

16、rform, and none plan to stop their polluting activities right away. Or some companies plan to meet some climate goals by buying “carbon offsets (补偿)”, which means paying someone else to cut pollution or remove greenhouse gases.But its not always clear that offsetting truly lowers pollution.Global he

17、ating is a huge part of the climate emergency.The world is getting hotter mainly because humans are burning “fossil (化石) fuels” like coal and oil.These fuels give off pollutants often called greenhouse gases. To become carbon neutral, its necessary to stop burning fossil fuels.Climate experts have s

18、aid the best solution is to leave oil and coal in the ground, although its still hard to reach for the moment. The usual way most companies adopt is planting trees and allowing more areas for forest.“Its slow but good,” said an expert from UNEP.Manmade technology to remove large quantities of greenh

19、ouse gases from the atmosphere doesnt exist yet.The idea behind this technology is that polluting gases could be removed from the atmosphere, caught, and stored somehowusually underground. Though many questions remain about how the companies hope to meet their goals, since the main technology they e

20、xpect and need is inaccessible, their planned changes are actually keeping up with the development of modern society.Whats more, they are putting billions of dollars into the effort to make carbon capture technology happen.语篇解读为减少大气中的温室气体,世界上几家大的石油公司和航空公司相继宣布成为“碳中和”公司的计划,减少碳排放量。他们提供资金,开发碳捕获技术。5Why d

21、o some people say the companies mentioned in Paragraph 1 are greenwashing?AThey just buy carbon offsets.BThey pay lip service to environmental issues.CThey all plan to be carbon neutral.DThey do not share a common plan and goal.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“They are running the businesses the way they used to per

22、form,and none plan to stop their polluting activities right away.”可知,有人认为这些公司在“漂绿”,是因为他们实际上还是在以过去的方式经营企业,没有人打算立即停止污染活动,或者他们计划通过购买“碳补偿”来实现这些气候目标,但人们并不总是清楚碳补偿行为是否真的能降低污染。也就是说,关于环境污染问题,他们只是口头上说说,未采取行动。 pay lip service to指“对只予以口头上的支持”,故选B。答案:B6What is the existing way to reduce greenhouse gases?AExpandi

23、ng forest coverage.BStopping burning fossil fuels.CCatching and storing the gases.DClosing down polluting factories.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“The usual way most companies adopt is planting trees and allowing more areas for forest.Its slow but good,said an expert from UNEP.”可知,现在最可行的办法就是多种树,扩大森林面积,故A项“扩大森林覆盖率”

24、符合题意。答案:A7What is the authors attitude to the announcement by the companies?AAmbiguous. BSkeptical.CPositive. DCritical.解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为虽然这些公司需要的碳捕获技术还没有开发出来,但他们的这些计划(成为“碳中和”公司)跟上了现代社会的发展,此外,他们正投入数十亿美元来实现碳捕获技术。由此推知,作者对此的态度是积极的。答案:C8Whats the best title of the text?AWhat Possibly Leads to Globa

25、l Heating?BCompanies Take on Climate EmergencyCWho Are Responsible for Greenhouse Gases?DTechnology for Climate Change Is on the Way解析:标题归纳题。文章第一段谈到了很多企业纷纷宣布成为“碳中和”公司或计划购买“碳补偿”来实现气候目标;第二段谈到了温室效应与缓解方法;第三段谈到了碳捕获技术的开发以及作者对企业成为“碳中和”公司的行动的态度。综合来看,B项较为完整地概括了文章主题,体现了文章重心,适合用作标题。take on表示“决定做,同意负责,承担(责任)”。答

26、案:B.阅读七选五Everyone is born with the ability to learn. There are normally two types of learning in our daily life and studyactive learning and passive (被动的) learning.1 This will help you develop a habit of active learning gradually.2 I bet that no one sits down to read with the purpose of not getting

27、the contents.But Im sure that some of you have been in a situation, probably more than once, where you read an assignment, closed the book and thought “what the world was about.”3 Active readers, on the other hand,set goals and check their understanding as they read. When they finish, they can expla

28、in the main points and know that theyve seen what they have read. Active learners think about information deeply and critically. Being thoughtful is an important part of active learning, because it means that you are analyzing and absorbing the information.4 For instance,you may make connections bet

29、ween the new information and what you already know, identify concepts that you may not understand very well, or evaluate the importance of what you are reading.An active learner considers constantly in this way. In contrast, passive learners may read the text and listen to lectures and even understa

30、nd most of what is read and heard.5 All in all, behavior of an active learner and a passive one varies greatly.Equipping yourself with study strategies (策略) of active learners may eventually help you become one of them.APassive learners wont be strict with themselves.BYou need to know some differenc

31、es between them.CIn other words, you are processing what you read.DHowever, that important step of reflecting on it is not taken.EActive learners accept much of the responsibility for learning.FWhen interacting with the text in this way, you are doing passively.GActive learners study with the purpos

32、e of grasping and memorizing information.语篇解读作者在文中介绍了两种不同的学习类型主动学习和被动学习,并介绍了它们的区别,让学生了解主动学习是如何进行的,进而养成主动学习的习惯。1解析:上文提到通常有主动和被动两种学习方式,下文内容介绍了它们的不同,所以空处是承上启下句。故B项符合语境,且与最后一段中的“All in all,behavior of an active learner and a passive one varies greatly.”首尾相呼应。答案:B2解析:根据行文结构可知,本空概括段落内容,第二段主要讲解不同学习模式中对阅读的不

33、同的处理方式,再结合“set goals and check their understanding.what they have read”可判断,G项“主动学习者带着理解和记忆信息的目的进行阅读”正确。答案:G3解析:空前内容介绍一种不好的学习方式,空后有转折词“on the other hand”,紧接着是主动学习者如何进行阅读,故空前应该是被动学习者的做法,F项符合语境。答案:F4解析:空前提到“because it means that you are analyzing and absorbing the information”,空后举例说明如何思考及处理信息,C项是前文的释义,

34、且与下文表意一致,符合语境。答案:C5解析:空前提到“相反,被动学习者阅读和听讲座时能理解大部分内容”,本文一直在对比两种学习方式的不同,故D项“However,that important step of reflecting on it is not taken.”符合题意,选项中的it指代空前的“what is read and heard”。答案:D.短文改错Time flies but my summer vacation is over. During this vacation, I had done many meaningful things.However, picking

35、 up rubbish while climb a mountain impresses me most.It was a hot day, so I left for my destination early in the morning where it was cool. Upon arrival, I found one of the visitors who came earlier were collecting rubbish. He looked for every piece of rubbish careful.Thinking it was also my respons

36、ibility to raise peoples aware of environmental protection, I set about picking up rubbish with them.Soon, many other people joined in us.This experience taught me if we make more efforts we will make difference to the world.答案:Time flies my summer vacation is over. During this vacation, I done many

37、 meaningful things.However, picking up rubbish while a mountain impresses me most.It was a hot day, so I left for my destination early in the morning it was cool. Upon arrival, I found one of the visitors who came earlier collecting rubbish. He looked for every piece of rubbish .Thinking it was also my responsibility to raise peoples of environmental protection, I set about picking up rubbish with .Soon, many other people joined us.This experience taught me if we make more efforts we will make difference to the world.

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