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1、2022高考英语一轮总复习 选修6 Unit 18 Beauty学案北师大版2022高考英语一轮总复习 选修6 Unit 18 Beauty学案北师大版年级:姓名:Unit18Beauty(主题语境:人与自我做人与做事)核心考点课堂突破1.accompanyv.陪伴,伴随,陪同,和同时发生(存在);伴奏教材原句Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person.(P34)外在美一定要靠一个人的内在魅力来强化。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空Ever since

2、the family moved to New York,their pet dog (accompany) them.Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four (company) on the march back.完成句子在过去的三年我们所有的老师都一直在陪伴着我们。During the last three years,all our teachers .小话题写作他每天努力工作,但也会花一些时间陪伴我,并与我分享许多有关他的工作的有趣的事情。(2020全国卷,书面表

3、达)He works very hard every day but he will also spare some timeand share many funny things with me about his work.考点必记accompany sb (to).陪同某人到be accompanied by sb/sth在某人/物的陪同下accompany sb at/on sth用给某人伴奏company n.陪伴companion n.伴侣keep sb company陪伴某人写作佳句Accompanied by her father,Sally felt relaxed and

4、comfortable even if she met with obstacles.有她父亲陪伴,即使遇到困难萨莉也会感到很放松很舒服。2.rangen.(数、量、年龄等的)变化范围;等级;类别v.(范围)涉及;排列;把分类教材原句This particular kind of attraction is found in a wide range of personal qualities,e.g.kindness,warmth,a healthy conscience,etc.(P34)这种特殊的魅力存在于不同的人格个性特征中,例如,仁慈、热心、健康的良知等。语境巧练单句语法填空In a

5、ny given office,employees can range age 22 to 70 and beyond,and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.(2020全国卷,七选五)The national park has a large collection of wildlife, (range) from butterflies to elephants.完成句子此类对话通常涵盖广泛的主题。(2020全国卷,听力)Such conversations usually cover topi

6、cs.小话题写作随着体育场的建成,可以进行各种各样的体育活动,其中乒乓球,足球和跑步比赛广受欢迎。(2018全国卷,书面表达)With the stadium built,sports activities can be carried out,of which table tennis,football as well as running competitions enjoy great popularity.考点必记a range of一系列range from A to B/range between A and B在A与B之间变化in/out of range (of)=within

7、/outside the range of在/超出范围写作佳句The professor gave us a large quantity of advice on a whole range of the subject.教授给我们提出了有关整个学科的大量建议。mandn.C命令,指令;U指挥vt.&vi.命令;指挥;支配教材原句He used to be a general in command of the army,but now he is a doorkeeper.(P35)他曾经是一位陆军上将,但是现在他是一个门卫。语境巧练单句语法填空For more than two deca

8、des,Mr.Smith has been command of that very successful enterprise.Firstly,I have good command of oral English,which enables me to communicate with foreign students with great ease.(2018浙江卷,书面表达)The captain commanded that all goods (throw) into the sea.小话题写作精通英语给了我信心充当中英之间的桥梁,以增进两国之间的相互了解。(2019全国卷,书面表

9、达)English gives me the confidence to serve as the bridge between China and Britain to enhance the mutual understandings between our two countries.考点必记at ones command 可自由使用;可支配;奉某人之命in command of指挥;统帅under ones command 由指挥;支配take command of掌控,指控have a good command of很好地掌握,精通command sb to do sth命令某人做某

10、事command that.(should)do.命令做4.delivervt.递送,传送;宣布,发表;投递,交付;接生;履行诺言教材原句I suppose it does sound like that to them but I like it because its delivered with such energy.(P36)我想对他们来说确实如此,但我喜欢它,因为它传达了这种能量。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空Once the book youve requested (deliver) to the nearest branch,they will inform you by e

11、-mail,so you can pick it up.(2020天津卷,阅读理解A篇)Via such networks,libraries share their books with each other through the use of (deliver) vehicles.(2020天津卷,阅读理解A篇)小话题写作为了发表清晰的展示,我慢慢地详细解释了传统的制茶步骤。(2018北京卷,书面表达)In order,I slowly explained the traditional procedure of making tea in detail.考点必记deliver sth

12、to sb把某物交付给某人deliver a message带信,传话deliver a speech发表演讲deliver a baby助产,接生delivery n.传递,递送,运送;生产,分娩;讲话方式,风度on delivery送达时,货到时写作佳句I am honoured to be given such a chance to deliver a speech to you.很荣幸能有机会给你们发表演讲。5.refreshvt.消除的疲劳,使恢复精力,使振作精神;使想起教材原句It also refreshes my memory and reminds me of all th

13、e wonderful performances Ive seen.(P36)这也让我记忆犹新,使我想起我所见过的所有精彩表演。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空When the container is full,you can suck the (refresh) out through the tube,and wont have to break down the still every time you need a drink.After drinking a bottle of cool juice,I felt (refresh).完成句子我看着地图以回忆路线。I looked a

14、t the map the route.考点必记refresh oneself 提神refresh ones memory of.唤起某人的记忆feel refreshed感到精神(爽快)的refreshment n.精力恢复;提神用品;心旷神怡;茶点,便餐写作佳句It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to refresh myself.那天晚上很热,我洗了个冷水澡让自己恢复精神。6.tendencyn.倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向教材原句.I think Im a traditional kind of person so I have

15、a tendency to like traditional kinds of music,like Beijing Opera for example.(P36)我认为我是一个传统的人,所以我倾向于喜欢传统音乐,例如京剧。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空There is an increasing (tend) for graduates to start up their businesses in the countryside.Readers also tended (share) articles that were exciting or funny.完成句子我们走到了与几十年前相反

16、的极端,那时父母往往更加严格。(2019浙江卷,概要写作)Weve gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents more strict.考点必记tendency to/towards 的倾向have a tendency to do sth有做某事的倾向there is a tendency (for sb) to do sth(某人)有做某事的倾向tend to do常常做,倾向于做写作佳句He was attracted to me because of my literary tendency.他因为我有文

17、学爱好而很愿接近我。7.conveyvt.传递(想法,感受);传达,表达;(正式)传送,输送;转让教材原句It conveys the poets affection for a peaceful night.(P39)它表达了诗人对静夜的爱。语境巧练单句语法填空She realized that the poet was trying to convey readers that he was lonely at that time.Graphs can be a very useful tool for (convey) information,especially numbers,per

18、centages,and other data.完成句子许多老师能够用不同的方法把自己的知识传授给学生们。A lot of educators are able their students by using different methods.小话题写作得知你即将返回祖国,我谨在此致以最诚挚的谢意,感谢您的帮助。(2019浙江卷,书面表达)Knowing that you will return to your country soon,Im writingmy sincere gratitude for your help.考点必记convey sth to sb向某人表达/传递某物con

19、vey feelings/meanings/messages表达感情/意思/信息convey sb/sth from A to B把某人/物从A运送到B写作佳句They took a more reasonable approach,conveying to their children how success at school could improve their lives.他们采取了更为合理的方法,向孩子们传达了在学校取得的成功如何改善他们的生活的信息。8.treatvt.对待;治疗,医治;把看作,看待;请客,款待,招待;处理教材原句Her sisters,Felicie and A

20、delaide,are nasty and treat Beauty as a servant.(P40)她的姐姐Felicie和Adelaide令人讨厌,将Beauty视为仆人。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空However,her dad reminded her that sugary (treat) were bad for her teeth.(2019北京卷,阅读理解B篇)小话题写作夏天,我父亲想请我度过一个前所未有的假期。(2018浙江卷,读后续写)It was summer,and my dad wanteda vacation like never before.考点必记tre

21、at.like/as.以态度对待,以方式对待treat sb with respect尊敬某人treat sb to sth请某人吃某物;用某物款待某人Its my treat.我请客。treat sb for an illness治疗某人的病treatment n.治疗,处置;待遇名师点津表示“把看作”的常用结构:have.as.,regard.as.,look on.as.,recognize.as.,treat.as.,consider.as.等。treat sb for an illness表示“治疗某人的病”,而cure sb of an illness表示“治愈某人的病”。9.re

22、commendvt.推荐,介绍;建议,劝告教材原句I recommend it for the whole family.(P40)我向全家人推荐这部电影。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空He recommended that she (do) some research and talk to dentists about what a healthier candy would contain.(2019北京卷,阅读理解B篇)Our hosts shared many of their experiences and (recommend) wonderful places to eat,s

23、hop,and visit.(2019全国卷,语法填空)小话题写作我建议你选择沿长江旅行,因为你可以了解很多关于中国和中国人民的历史。I the tour along the Yangtze River because you can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people.考点必记recommend sb sth=recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐/介绍某物recommend sth for推荐某物做某种用途recommend doing sth建议做某事recommend that.(should)

24、 do.建议做recommend sb for/as sth推荐某人为recommend sb to do sth劝某人做某事recommendation n.推荐,介绍,建议,劝告写作佳句Dad recommended that I should turn to my maths teacher at school if necessary.爸爸建议在学校如有必要向数学老师求助。10.dieout完全消失;灭绝教材原句The human race would soon dieout if we could only see beauty within a set of limited cri

25、teria.(P34)假如我们用一套有限的衡量标准来判定美,人类不久将完全消失。语境巧练完成句子实际上,今天全世界所说的6 000到7 000种语言的一半到下个世纪之前很可能会完全消失。In fact,half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely by the next century.在现代医学改变自然法则之前,很多孩子死于常见的儿童疾病。Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature,many children common chil

26、dhood diseases.小话题写作我渴望将来成为一名优秀的医生,以医治受伤者和挽救垂死者,全心投入我的工作。 (2020天津卷,书面表达)being a good doctor in the future to heal the wounded and rescue the dying,devoting myself to my work.考点必记die of 死于 (疾病、饥饿、悲伤、年老)die from 死于(伤、事故、地震)die away 逐渐消失(表示从渐变到消失的结果)die down 熄灭(强调逐渐变弱的过程),安静下来,平静下来die out灭绝,消失die off 相

27、继死去,先后死去be dying for 渴望得到写作佳句After sending three job applications,Sue was dyingfor an offer soon.发出三份求职申请后,苏渴望尽快得到一个职位。11.loseonessight失明经典例句His son lost his sight in the fighting.他儿子在战斗中失明了。语境巧练单句语法填空The house looks really attractive.I made a decision to buy it first sight.完成句子一会儿之后,保尔叔叔和他的农舍就看不到了。

28、(2018浙江卷,读后续写)After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were sight.在非常真实的意义上,光污染使我们看不到我们在宇宙中的准确地方。In a very real sense,light pollution causes usour true place in the universe.小话题写作当我们听到喊叫声,看到火炬时,这种平静就结束了。(2018浙江卷,概要写作)This serenity ended as we heard shouts and torches.考点必记lose sight of看不见at first

29、sight乍一看;一见之下catch sight of看到at the sight of 看见in/out of sight在视线内/外写作佳句When she caughtsightof her father in the crowd,she couldnt help crying to him,“Dad,I love you.”当她在人群中看到她爸爸时,她禁不住对他喊道:“爸爸,我爱你。”12.usedtodo句型教材原句We usedtolive in a crowded flat in New York.(P35)我们过去住在纽约的一个拥挤的公寓里。语境巧练用所给词的适当形式填空Im

30、relieved to know that “cool” has a much broader definition than what I used to (think).(2020天津卷,阅读表达)The technology,Strano said,could one day be used(light) the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.(2020全国卷,阅读理解D篇)Many young people are now used to (stay)at home alone,surfing th

31、e Net.完成句子中国改革开放已经超过四十年了,现在的中国已不是过去的中国了。China has been open to the outside world for over forty years,and now its not .考点必记used to do表示“过去常常”,可用以表示过去的动作或状态。used to的否定形式可以是usednt to,或didnt use to,其疑问形式则可将used调到主语前,也可以借助于助动词did。名师点津would也表示“过去常常”,但它只可表示状态。同时,表示对比时,即过去常常做,而现在不做了,常用used to,不可用would。be u

32、sed to do sth表示“被用来做某事”,而be used to doing sth表示“习惯做某事”。13.否定转移教材原句Oh,I dontthinkthats fair.(P37)哦,我认为那不公平。语境巧练单句语法填空We dont think that they can change their mind, they?完成句子我们相信他们不会出卖我们的。We that they us.你认为那些志愿者在帮着管理交通,是吗?You suppose those volunteers are helping take charge of the traffic,?考点必记“I don

33、t think that.”结构为否定转移,对从句的否定转移到对主句think的否定上。当主语为第一人称I/we时,该类主从复合句的反意疑问句应按从句来确定,但应将否定转移回从句再确定反意疑问句是肯定还是否定。suppose,believe,guess等词有和think相同的用法。名师点津当主语不是第一人称I/we时,这些词后面跟宾语从句时,反意疑问句应根据主句来确定。14.表示前面说明的情况也适合于后面的句型教材原句SodoI.(P37)我也是这样语境巧练单句语法填空Historical accuracy is important but is entertainment.(2020新高考全

34、国卷,语法填空)I have learned the song MyMotherAndMe. have I.After graduation,Mr Turner wont return to England. will his sister.完成句子很可能婴儿不是生来就知道宇宙的基本事实的,他们也从没有被明确地教过。It is likely that babies are not born knowing this basic fact of the universe;ever clearly taught it.考点必记So do I.表示“我也如此”,用以表示前面说明的肯定情况也适合于说话

35、人。其基本结构为“So+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”。名师点津如果表示前面说明的否定情况也适合于说话人,则应用“Neither/Nor+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”。另外,It is/was the same with./So it is/was with.表示比较复杂的情况也适合于另一个人或事,如既有肯定又有否定,或既有系动词又有实义动词,或现在和过去的时态同时存在等时。15.neither.nor.既不也不教材原句.it has neither the cute characters nor the wonderful songs of the Disney version.(

36、P40)它既没有可爱的人物,也没有迪士尼版的美妙歌曲语境巧练完成句子罗斯和她的两个弟弟都未曾违反过学校的规则。 Rose her two brothers the school regulations.小话题写作在过去的二十年中,王老师既不曾旷工,也不曾迟到。(2020全国卷,书面表达)During the last twenty years,Mr.Wang has beenfor work.考点必记neither.nor.表示“既不也不”。该结构是both.and.的完全否定形式,用以连接两个并列的成分,当其连接句子的主语时,谓语动词的人称和数应用就近一致原则来确定。写作佳句Neither

37、these boxes nor the plastic bags can be thrown into the river.这些盒子和那些塑料袋都不能被扔到河里。随堂巩固迁移运用.单句语法填空1.Professor Smith is (commit) to working for the charity;his devotion is inspiring his co-workers.2.When he was 16,Molai began to notice something (disturb) happening around his home.(2020新高考全国卷,完形填空)3.Ou

38、r parcel should have arrived last week,but the snowstorm delayed its (deliver).4.I read that people are more divided than ever,but thats not how the people I encounter tend (act).(2019天津卷,完形填空)5.I wouldnt have dared to ask you,but my teacher,Mr.Mills,says I am ready.I plan to make it an admirable ma

39、nner.(2020天津卷,阅读理解B篇)6.The castle is only (access) to special people and we ordinary citizens have no access to it.7.The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying .(2019全国卷,完形填空)8.We succeed in our field of specialization

40、and then become (trap) in it.(2019天津卷,阅读理解D篇)9.Now,we have our smartphones to keep us (company) at the table.(2019全国卷,阅读理解C篇)10.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones two major ways.(2018全国卷,七选五).选词填空consistent,conscience,childish,merchant,dignity,drawbacks,evident,deliverTo a

41、 1.,it is really 2. to try to set a trap to the consumers.Being reliable is always the most important.What you promise should be 3. with the truth.Make sure your products are of high quality and 4. them as appointed.If your products have 5.,just tell the buyers.You should have human 6. trading with

42、others.After all,whatever you do,its 7. that its your 8. that matters.根据汉语提示补全短文内容1. (在我们班,学生有用节食来变苗条的趋势,我认为是一种令人不安的现象).2.(据我所知,我的大部分同学根本不胖,当我了解到他们当中很多都把少吃饭作为一种时尚,真的让我无话可说).For one thing,as teenagers,we need enough nutrition to help us stay healthy and energetic.Its evident that going on a diet will

43、 do harm to our health.3. (另一方面,我们应该更多关注的不是我们的外貌,而应是我们的学习).After all,our future is based on our knowledge and skills rather than good looks.4. (把一切都考虑在内,仅仅因为想要具有吸引力而让自己挨饿真是很傻).As the saying goes,“Beauty is only skin deep.”Unit18Beauty核心考点课堂突破1.has been accompanyingcompanionshave kept us companyto accompany me2.fromranginga wide range ofa wide range of3.ina(should) be thrownHaving a good command of4.is deliveredd

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