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1、_四大时态综合练习题一、写出下列动词的现在分词,第三人称单数形式、过去式形式go _ _ _ enjoy _ _ _ buy _ _ _ eat _ _ _ get _ _ _ walk _ _ _ take _ _ _ dance _ _ _ write _ _ _ run _ _ _ swim _ _ _ find _ _ _ begin _ _ _ eat _ _ _ play _ _ _ study _ _ _ 二、用动词的适当形式填空。1. I _(be)an English teacher now.2. Helen and Nancy _(be)good friends.3. To

2、day _(be)the second of June. Yesterday _(be)the first of June. It _(be)Childrens Day. All the students _(be)very excited.4 We _ (go) to school on Sundays.5. What _ you _ just now? I _ some housework. (do)6. I _apples tomorrow. But my dad _all of them last month. (pick7. _ he _ the flowers this morni

3、ng? Yes, he _. (water)8. She _ (be) a pretty girl. Look, she _ (do) Chinese dances.9. The students often _ (draw) some pictures in the art room.10.What _ Mike do on the farm? He _ cows. (milk)三 选择( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A tomorrow Bsometimes C yesterday morning( ) 2.What _ Mike usually do

4、on weekends ? A do B does C did( ) 3. I _ my room next Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning D. am going to clean( ) 4. I often help my mother _ housework. A does B did C do ( ) 5. _ you _TV last night ? A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched( ) 6.-Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ? A Ye

5、s, he did. B Yes, he does C No, he dont( ) 7.Were going to _ mountains tomorrow . A climb B climbed C climbing( ) 8. _ you have a book? A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Have( )9. Does Peter like to watch TV_. A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, hed like D. No, he likes( )10. How _Mr. Brown _to America? A.

6、 do,go B. is,go C. does,go D. does,goes四. 改写句子1. I am putting on my coat now.(对划线部分提问)_ 2. He watches TV every Sunday. (变为否定句,一般疑问句。)_ _ 3. My father is going to visit the Great Wall next month.(一般疑问句, 对划线部分提问) _ _ 4. We went to the Summer Palace last week.(变为否定句, 一般疑问句, 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ 四 翻译1. Jenny喜欢看书。Jenny likes _ _. 2. Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。Emma _TV every day. But she _ _ yesterday.3. Lucy 现在没有在家做作业。Lucy _ _ her homework at home now.4. 明年,这里将会有一个大公园。_ Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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