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1、Lesson53 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时 及其与现在完成时的区别及其与现在完成时的区别2011年年9月月-吕冰吕冰2.3.1.现在完成进行时概念现在完成进行时概念与结构与结构 现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时与现现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别及实例在完成时区别及实例 现在现在完成完成进行进行时时授课要点授课要点4.现在完成进行时练习现在完成进行时练习及交际用语及交际用语WINTERTemplate01现在完成进行时概念与结构现在完成进行时概念与结构 last yearnowfuture用于描述发生于过去,持续到现在,并且用于描述发生于过去,持续到现在,并且尚未终止的动作

2、(仍将持续下去)尚未终止的动作(仍将持续下去)02have/has been doing现在完成进行时概念与结构现在完成进行时概念与结构 文中例句:文中例句:Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.03现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例waiting room(in a hospital)1)How long have you been waiting?Ive been waiting for two hours.04现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例2)How long has your neighb

3、ors dog been barking?Its been barking since this morning.05现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例3)How long has Jasmine been studying French?(eight months)She has been studying French for eight months.WINTERTemplate06现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例4)How long has the phone been ringring?(two mintues)Its been ringing for two minutes.

4、07现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例5)How long has Henry been feeling ill?(yesterday morning)Hes been feeling ill since yesterday morning.08现在完成进行时实例现在完成进行时实例6)How long have they been practicing the piano?(half an hour)Theyve been practicing the piano for half an hour.09现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别last yearnowfut

5、ure现在完成时现在完成时10区别实例区别实例1 11.1)How long have Mr.and Mrs.Green been living on King Street?Theyve been living on King street for 5 years.They are living in the house.WINTERTemplate11区别实例区别实例1.2)How long have you lived here?Ive lived here for twenty years.NCE1-lesson89 For sale12区别实例区别实例2 2It is snowing

6、.2.1)Heavy snow,isnt it?How long has it been snowing?Its been snowing for three hours.13区别实例区别实例2 22.2)Is it still snowing?No,it isnt.How long has it snowed?Its snowed since late last night.14区别实例区别实例3 33.1)How long have Barry and Susan been dating?Theyve been dating since they were 21 years old.15区

7、别实例区别实例3 33.2)A:Have you heard that Peter and Linda broke up?B:No,I havent.What a pity!How long have they dated?A:Theyve dated for three and a half years.WINTERTemplate16last yearnowfuture用于描述发生于过去,持续到现在,并且用于描述发生于过去,持续到现在,并且尚未终止的动作(仍将持续下去)尚未终止的动作(仍将持续下去)现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别现在完成时现在完成时现现在在完完

8、成成时时现现在在进进行行时时现在完现在完成进行成进行时时17原文再现原文再现After the fires in forest1.At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.2.Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.18现在完成进行时练习现在完成进行时练习Apartment problems 19现在完成进行时练习现在完成进行时练习Mr.and Mrs.Banks have been having a lot of proble

9、ms in their apartment recently.For several weeks their bedroom ceiling _(leak漏水vi),has been leaking20现在完成进行时练习现在完成进行时练习their refrigerator _(not work),and the paint in their hallway(走廊走廊)_(peel剥落剥落vt&vi).hasnt been workinghas been peeling21现在完成进行时练习现在完成进行时练习 In addition,they _(not sleep)at night beca

10、use the heating system(暖气暖气)_(make strange noises).havent been sleepinghas been makingWINTERTemplate22现在完成进行时交际用语现在完成进行时交际用语At a job interview23现在完成进行时概念与结构现在完成进行时概念与结构 A:Tell me,(Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss)_,how long haveA:Tell me,(Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss)_,how long have you been living in _?you been living in _?

11、B:IB:Ive been living in _(for/since)_.ve been living in _(for/since)_.A:Okay.A:Okay.I see here on your resume that you see here on your resume that youre studying re studying _._.B:ThatB:Thats correct.s correct.A:How long have you been studying _?A:How long have you been studying _?B:(For/Since)_.B:

12、(For/Since)_.A:Tell me about your work A:Tell me about your work experience.How long have you.How long have you beenbeen working in this field?working in this field?B:IB:Ive been working in this field(for/since)_.ve been working in this field(for/since)_.A:Well,A:Well,I don dont have any more questions.t have any more questions.B:B:I appreciate the opportunity to meet with you.appreciate the opportunity to meet with you.Thank youhank you very much very much.A:ItA:Its been a pleasure.s been a pleasure.We ell call you soon.ll call you soon.

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