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1、本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语教育 班级 XXXX级英语教育X班学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 欧亨利式写作风格对中国电影的影响 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XXX 学号:XXXXXX 指导教师:XXX 职称:XXX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是探讨欧亨利式的写作风格对中国电影的影响。其主要任务是分析欧亨利式写作风格在不同电影作品中的具体体现和对中国电影的发展进步带来的积极作用。2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第

2、一章分析欧亨利式写作风格在电影剑雨中的具体体现,第二章分析这种风格在奇谋妙计五福星中的表现,最后一章分析欧亨利式写作风格在电影秋菊打官司中的体现。3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是欧亨利式写作风格在小说剧本中淋漓尽致的表现。研究路线是分析欧亨利式写作风格在不同电影中的同中存异的体现,研究其对中国电影带来的深刻影响。4、主要参考文献Stephen, LeacockThe Amazing Genius of O. Henry M Dodd, MeadCompany,1916.Stephen, LeacockO. Henry and His Critics M. New Rep

3、ublic, 1916.Wang Yongnian. “The Last Leaf”. Selected Short Stories of O.Henry. Hebei: People Press, 2005.谢飞中国电影转型30 年J. 瞭望,2009( 01).陈晓云, 江楠. 2009 年中国电影学研究报告J. 当代电影,2009.5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16日-3月23日3提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日

4、教研室主任: 年 月 注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目欧亨利式写作风格对中国电影的影响指导教师XXX专业职称XXX所属教研室英语高年级教研室研究方向英美文学课题论证:分析欧亨利式写作风格在不同电影作品中的具体体现和对中国电影的发展进步带来的积极作用。方案设计:第一章分析欧亨利式写作风格在电影剑雨中的具体体现。第二章分析这种风格在奇谋妙计五福星中的表现。第三章分析欧亨利式写作风格在电影秋菊打官司中的体现。进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前写开题报告

5、、任务书3月30日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XXX学院XXX学院专业英语教育年级(班)XXX级英语教育X班论 文 题 目欧亨利式写作风格对中国电影的影响完成时间XXXX/5/8论文内容摘要欧亨利是美国二十世纪最伟大的短篇小说作家之一,他独有的“欧亨利”式结尾在西方文学创作中独树一帜。他的作品大多短小、精炼,结尾往往出人意料,但又是情理之中的事;让人惊讶的同时又触动内心,使读者印象深刻,产生共鸣。历经近一百年的中外电影文化传播

6、与交融,“欧亨利”式结尾风格走进了中国电影的剧本里,融入了中国电影的创作中,被一代又一代的中国电影人接受传承,发扬光大,为中国电影事业的发展与腾飞立下了不可磨灭的功劳。本文通过剑雨 奇谋妙计五福星 秋菊打官司三部电影从不同的角度具体阐释了“欧亨利”式风格在中国电影中的体现,论述了“欧亨利”式风格对于中国电影发展的推动作用。 指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature ReviewO.

7、 Henry (18621910), the pen name of William Sydney Porter, is a famous American critical realism writer and is one of most famous short story writers in America. He is also one of the three worlds short stories masters. He was once hailed as the Laurel Prose Writer in Manhattan and the American Moder

8、n Short Stories Father, as well as the “Guy de Maupassant of United States”.O. Henry created more than 300 short stories in about ten years of time. He was good at describing American society, especially the lives of the people in New York. Despite his observation and analysis about social and life

9、were not very profound, and some works were relatively shallow, but the hardship of his life made him thick and thin with those lonely and frustrated little potatoes. At the same time, he also used unique artistic ingenuity to demonstrate their mixed feelings well. O. Henrys works were rich with ori

10、ginal conception and witty language. And the endings always made people feel “reasonable, but also in unexpected”; and also because his description of a large number of people were all rich in life, his works were known as the “the Humorous Encyclopedia of the American Life”. His best short stories,

11、 such as A Service of Love, The Cop and the Anthem, The Furnished Room, The Gift of the Magi, The Last Leaf and so on, all could be included in the worlds best short stories. Among them, the works which described the peoples living in Manhattan of New York was the most famous. The streets, the small

12、 restaurants, and the atmosphere of the old apartments were rendered by him very realistic, and therefore, he is known as “the Laureate Poet of Manhattan”.O. Henry is famed for his twist endings, and as such, many of his short stories fall into a formula. That is said, its a pretty good formula, and

13、 if more writers could find themselves a formula of works as well it would be a lot better world to read in. Yet, even the best of formulae lend themselves to needless repetition and predictability. While there are a handful of tales that are great, most are merely solid, for O. Henry lacks a modern

14、 feel to his character development. In one tale he can be as realistic as turn of the Twentieth Century fiction can be and in the next he can give merely slight caricatures and corny sight gags. He is a writer with a unique style, humorous wit, vivid descriptions, and concise text. Vivid description

15、 of things is from the profound understanding and extensive knowledge. He was good at observing things and the accumulation of knowledge. He was good at capturing life ironically. Because O. Henry used the language painted in the wealth to the philosophy of the dramatic scenes from the grasp of the

16、subtle characteristics of the image, the people of flesh and blood were as natural as though it were living.When people are talking about the writing style of O. Henry, they can reduce his style to two aspects. On the one hand, he describes the underclass people, small stages, and short stories, and

17、 he eulogizes the assignable role of the underclass people in the development of the history. On the other hand, he creates the ending of O. Henry. O. Henrys trademark is the surprising ending that each of his stories contains. He sets a story moving in one direction, and just when the reader is con

18、vinced of the general direction of the narrative, the story will be completely reversed. And if people look back to the total story, the ending seems logical and plausible. As a “plot-maker”, and designer of incident, he is an amazing genius. No one can do better than him to hold the reader in “susp

19、ense”. More than that, the reader scarcely knows that he is suspended until the very close of the story. Just as somebody turns on the lights and the whole tale is revealed in its entirety. The writing style of O, Henry is about underclass people, small stages, and the small stories. O. Henry lives

20、in the bottom of the society in a long time, and he is familiar with the hard life of the underclass people. Therefore, he focuses on the ordinary people in his penetrating writing. In his works, the underclass people has the heart of purify, persistent and beauty, the personalities of benevolence,

21、generosity and kindness, the affection of sincerity, concealing real feelings. However, the common people are more or less isolated, lingered out, and are swallowed by the ruthless society. Compared the unfair phenomenon with the bustling heyday, it reflects the deep humanitarian spirit. Moreover, t

22、he writing style of O. Henry is about his twist endings. In most of his works, in the end of the articles, the plot will change beyond peoples thinking. The story from one extreme will come into another extreme. The writing style of twist endings is not only in the short stories, but also in the cre

23、ation of film scripts widely. Nowadays, in the 21st century, his ending of surprising is unique in the western literature. Chinese and foreign film cultures spread and blend after about one hundred years. The formula of O. Henry comes into being in the scripts of Chinese movies, and it is used in th

24、e creation of Chinese films. The Chinese film people accept and inherit the special style from generation to generation, and also they carry forward the style. The formula of O. Henry made an indelible credit for the development and growth of the Chinese film industry. This article explains the conc

25、rete manifestation of O. Henry in several Chinese films, and discusses the style of O. Henry in promoting the development of Chinese films. 本科生毕业论文设计题目: 欧亨利式写作风格对中国电影的影响作者姓名: XXX 指导教师: XXX 所在学院: XXX学院 专业(系): 英语教育 班级(届): XXXX届 完成日期 XXXX 年 5 月 8 日 The Effects of O. Henry Writing Styleon Chinese Movies

26、BYXXX XXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English At XXXUniversityMay 8th , XXXXAbstractO. Henry is one of the greatest American short story writers of the 20th century. His ending of surpr

27、ising is unique in the western literature. Most of his works are short and small, concise, and these endings usually come as a surprise, while in fact the unexpected makes sense. The readers are touched and moved deeply for what amazes and impresses them. And also the readers resonate with O. Henry.

28、 Chinese and foreign film cultures spread and blend after about one hundred years. The formula of O. Henry comes into being in the scripts of Chinese movies, and it is used in the creation of Chinese films. The Chinese film people accept and inherit the special style from generation to generation, a

29、nd also they carry forward the style. The formula of O. Henry made an indelible credit for the development and growth of the Chinese film industry. This article explains the concrete and different manifestations of O. Henry in several Chinese films, such as Reign of Assassins, Winners and Sinners, t

30、he Story of Qiu Ju and so on. And it discusses the style of O. Henry in promoting the development of Chinese films.Key words O. Henry writing style Chinese movies influences摘要 欧亨利是美国二十世纪最伟大的短篇小说作家之一,他独有的“欧亨利”式结尾在西方文学创作中独树一帜。他的作品大多短小、精炼,结尾往往出人意料,但又是情理之中的事;让人惊讶的同时又触动内心,使读者印象深刻,产生共鸣。历经近一百年的中外电影文化传播与交融,

31、“欧亨利”式结尾风格走进了中国电影的剧本里,融入了中国电影的创作中,被一代又一代的中国电影人接受传承,发扬光大,为中国电影事业的发展与腾飞立下了不可磨灭的功劳。本文通过剑雨 奇谋妙计五福星 秋菊打官司三部电影从不同的角度具体阐释了“欧亨利”式风格在中国电影中的体现,论述了“欧亨利”式风格对于中国电影发展的推动作用。关键词 欧亨利 写作风格 中国电影 影响Table of ContentsIntroduction .1 Chapter .The Surprise Endings of Reign of Assassins .4A. The General Idea of This Movie .

32、4B. Film Reviews.5C. The Surprise Endings.8Chapter . The Humor to Winners and Sinners.10A. The General Idea of This Movie .10B. Film Reviews.11C. The Humor.13Chapter .The Vivid Descriptions to Story of Qiu Ju.15A. The General Idea of This Movie.15B. Film Reviews.16C. The Vivid Descriptions.18Conclus

33、ion.20Notes.21Bibliography.22vIntroductionO. Henry (18621910), the pen name of William Sydney Porter, is a famous American critical realism writer and is one of most famous short story writers in America. He is also one of the three worlds short stories masters. He was once hailed as the Laurel Pros

34、e Writer in Manhattan and the American Modern Short Stories Father, as well as the “Guy de Maupassant of United States”.Porter was born a physicians family, in the town of Greensboro, North Carolina of the United States. Although he suffered a lot, his life was full of legend. From the age of 15, he

35、 had been a pharmacy apprentice, and then a cattleman. He accumulated the personal experience of western life from it. Since then, he worked as accountant, land agency clerk, news reporter, bank teller and so on. He even spent time in prison. And he worked as a pharmacist in the prison infirmary. Th

36、e cause of the first work he created was to buy Christmas gifts for his daughter. However, because of his identity of prisoner, he used the name of the editor of the French Pharmacopoeia as his pseudonym, instead of his real name. After his early release in 1901, he then moved to New York, specializ

37、ing in writing. O. Henry created more than 300 short stories in about ten years of time. He was good at describing American society, especially the lives of the people in New York. Despite his observation and analysis about social and life were not very profound, and some works were relatively shall

38、ow, but the hardship of his life made him thick and thin with those lonely and frustrated little potatoes. At the same time, he also used unique artistic ingenuity to demonstrate their mixed feelings well. O. Henrys works were rich with original conception and witty language. And the endings always

39、made people feel “reasonable, but also in unexpected”; and also because his description of a large number of people were all rich in life, his works were known as the “the Humorous Encyclopedia of the American Life”. His best short stories, such as A Service of Love, The Cop and the Anthem, The Furn

40、ished Room, The Gift of the Magi, The Last Leaf and so on, all could be included in the worlds best short stories. Among them, the works which described the peoples living in Manhattan of New York was the most famous. The streets, the small restaurants, and the atmosphere of the old apartments were

41、rendered by him very realistic, and therefore, he is known as “the Laureate Poet of Manhattan”.O. Henry is famed for his twist endings, and as such, many of his short stories fall into a formula. That is said, its a very good formula, and if more writers could find themselves a formula of works as well,it would be a much better world to read in. Yet, even the best of formulae lend themselves to needless repetition and predictability. While there are a handful of tales that

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