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1、被动语态专项训练(一) 将下列句子改为被动语态1. Mrs Green cleans the reading room every day.2. Miss Li teaches us English.3. She doesnt speak French.4. We must send for a doctor right now.5. The bad man made the workers work long hours.6. They call it jacket in English7. We must water the trees as often as possible8. We

2、should turn down the radio while the baby is asleep(二) 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空 1I hear that bridge _(make)of wood 2English _ the most widely _ (speak)language in the world 3Tea _(grow)in the southeast of China 4Where _ the wolf first _(see)by the farmer? 5All the work must _(finish)before Wednesday 6Books a

3、nd magazines can _ (not take)out of the reading-room 7Can rice (grow)in winter? 8The new teacher (give)a warm welcome by the students (三)、选择填空*1. The bird flew higher and higher till it could no longer _.A. see us B. is seen C. was seen D. be seen2. Everyone at the party _ a present. A. gives B. was

4、 giving C. was to give D. was given*3. A terrible accident _ near our school yesterday.A. was happening B. was happened C. had happened D. happened4. Who is the book _? A. writing B. written C. written with D. written by*5. My family had some photos _ last Sunday. A. took B. taking C. to take D. tak

5、en*6. Ask him how much _. A. was spent on the meal B. did the meal costC. was the meal needed D. did he pay for the meal7. Many more houses _ for teachers since last year. A. are building B. built C. have built D. have been built8. Dont worry. All the children _ by the nurses. A. are well taken care

6、 of B. take good care of C. are taken good care D. take good care 9. - Must old people _ to politely? - Yes, you _.A. speak, must B. spoken, need C. be spoken, must D. be spoke, need10. _ the Party _ on July 1, 1921? A. Did, found B. Was, found C. Did, be founded D. Was, founded*11. We _ not to go t

7、hat way because the road _.A. told, is being built B. had told, is buildingC. was told, is built D. were told, was being built*12. There was something wrong with his bike and he had to stop _.A. have it repaired B. to have it repairedC. having it repaired D. having it to repair 13. The young trees _

8、 every day, or theyll die.A. must water B. can be watered C. must be watered D, should be watering14. The bridge over the river _ last year.A. finished B. is finished C. has finished D. was finished15. She is the new student _ Lucy King.A. calling B. called C. calls D is called16. He _ to sing in th

9、e next room a moment ago.A. heard B. was hearing C. had heard D. was heard 17. A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It _ while we were on holiday.A. was taken care B. took care ofC. is taken care of D. was taken care of18. About 500 cars _ in the factory next year.A. were produced B. will produce C.

10、have been produced D. will be produced19. Green trees and colourful flowers could everywhere in Guangzhou. So the people also call Guangzhou “Flower City”.A. see B. be looked C. are seen D. be seen20. Was the picture _the teacher yesterday ?A. shown B. show C. shown to D. show to21. The boy was made

11、 _ streets without pay in the old days.A. to clean B. clean C. cleaned D. be cleaned技巧点拨 1. 做动词语态题,关键是要分清楚句子的主语与谓语动词之间所存在的关系是“人做某事(主动关系)”还是“事由人做(被动关系)”。2. 对于语态常考查含有情态动词的被动语态以及被动语态在一般现在时态、一般过去时态以及现在完成时态的用法。而对于特殊动词例如能接双宾语的词如give, buy, teach, pass, show等;能接复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)的词如call sb. sth.以及感官动词如see, feel, watch, hear, make, let, have等的用法也是重点考点。注意:1. 如果主动语态的动词(如buy, teach, pass, show 等)带有双宾语,如: give sb sth 则可改为 : sth be given to sb 或sb be given sth2. 动词see, feel, watch, hear, make, let, have, help等,在主动句中其后面的不定式省to,但变成被动时,to要加上去,不能省略。4

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