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1、The greatest discovery of my The greatest discovery of my The greatest discovery of my The greatest discovery of my life is found in God.life is found in God.life is found in God.life is found in God.-Christianity-ChristianityChristianity is a monotheistic Christianity is a monotheistic religion bas

2、ed on the life and religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New canonical gospels and other New Testament writings.Bible teaches Testament writings.Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God,God that Jesus is the

3、 Son of God,God having become the saviour of having become the saviour of humanity.humanity.Christian Centre1、Jesus2、Bible3、Festival4、ChurchHOLY BIBLEChristian classic is Bible.Bible is accounts of Gods revelation,is the Christian General principles of faith and life skills standards,is the eternal

4、truth and written by prophets.It includes the“Old Testament”and“New Testament”in two parts.It is the largest circulation worldwide,translated into the language most of the book.And the first book brought into the space.Jesus,the founder of Christianity Jesus came out to preach,and preached the gospe

5、l of the kingdom of heaven,and that men should repent and turn away from their evil ways.His lesson and his miracles,in the public to get a great response.Jesuss behavior has been greatly affected the interests of Jewish priests in Rome,So they wanna to kill him.The last supper Jesus and his twelve

6、disciples to dinner,and then Judas,one of his disciples betrayed him,so this is that they ate the last dinner.With the betrayal of Judas,the Governor of Rome arrested the Jesus.Although Jesus didnt do anything illegal,the Jewish priests demanded strongly to execute him.Finally,Jesus died on the cros

7、s innocently for our sin.Why did Jesus was crucified?Jewish belief in god,they dont allow anyone to blasphemy against god,and Jesus claiming to be the son of god,committed blasphemy.So the jews in order to maintain the status of the belief in people heart,will Jesus crucified on the cross.The main C

8、hristian festival:Christmas Day Christmas is the most important Christian festival,to celebrate the birth of Jesus,Scheduled December 25,and church will hold the Sunday night to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve.The main Christian festival:Easter Easter is to commemorate the resurrection

9、 of Jesus,Easter usually in March 22 to April 25,it is popular to eat Easter section of the egg to symbolize the resurrection and the life.The main Christian festival:Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day is the American Christian custom.The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day.The church wil

10、l hold the Thanksgiving worship on this day,the family also hold gatherings and usually ate turkey,etc.Cologne Cathedral of GermanySaint Pauls Cathedral of EnglandFlorence Cathedral of ItalyWhat is the church?Simon Peter replied,“You are the Christ,the Son of the living God.”And Jesus answered him,“

11、Blessed are you,Simon Bar-Jonah!For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,but my Father who is in heaven.And I tell you,you are Peter,and on this rock I will build my church,and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.(Matthew 16:1618)Church Definition in the New Testament God has put

12、all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church.And the church is his body;it is made full and complete by Christ,who fills all things everywhere with himself.(Ephesians 1:2223)The Purpose of the ChurchThe purpose of the church is two-fold

13、.The church assembles for the purpose of bringing each member to spiritual maturity(Ephesians 4:13).The church scattersto spread the love of Christ and the gospel message to unbelievers in the world(Matthew 28:18-20).This is the Great Commission,to go out into the world and make disciples.So,the purpose of the church is to minister to believers and unbelievers.

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