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1、七年级英语下册第1-3单元综合测试题人教新目标版七年级英语下册第1-3单元综合测试题人教新目标版 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(七年级英语下册第1-3单元综合测试题人教新目标版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为七年级英语下册第1-3单元综合测试题人教新目标版的全部内容。12山东省乳山市夏村镇

2、初级中学七年级英语下册 第13单元综合测试题 人教新目标版第卷(共60题,计70分)一、试试你的耳朵,听力测试(共25小题,计30分)(提示:听力先做在题上,听力结束后,再填写在答题卡上。准备好!Lets go!)(一)听句子,从ABC中选择与画面一致的选项。每组句子听两遍。(5分) 1。 (ABC) 2。 (ABC) 3. (ABC) 4. (ABC) 5. (ABC) (二)听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍.(5分)6。 A。 Yes, I do.B。 I can sing.C. I want to join the art club.7。 A。 Miss Li is.B。 No,

3、he isnt.C. Yes, she is.8. A. At home.B. Yes, he does。C。 No, he cant.9. A。 Because its sad.B。 Because its scary。C。 Because its funny.10。 A。 June 1st。B. May 1st.C. January 1st。(三)听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案.每组对话听两遍。(5分)11。 A。 Action movies。B. Comedies.C. Thrillers.11. A。 Its March 21st.B。 Im fifteen.C。 Hes fift

4、een。12。 A。 He can play the guitar.B。 He can sing。C. He can play the guitar and sing。13. A。 At five oclock.B. At six oclock.C. At eight oclock.14。 A. Because its boring.B。 He likes P。E.C. Because its fun。(四) 听一段长对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。对话听两遍。(5分) 16。 What time does Tina go to school? A。 At six.B。 At seven。C。

5、 At eight。 17. Why does Tina like Monday? A。 Because she has art on that day。B。 Because she has English on that day。C. Because she has music on that day. 18. Whats Bills favorite day? A。 Monday.B。 Tuesday。C. Thursday。 19. What is Bills favorite subject? A。 Music。B. Math。C. Chinese。 20. Who is Bills

6、music teacher? A. Mrs. Wang。B。 Miss Yang。C. Tina. (五)听短文两遍后,请将答案填写在后面答题区内相应的位置上.(10分) NameFavorite subjectWhyJohn21. _Because computers can help him learn a lot.Jack22. _Because he likes 23. _。David24. _Because it is very 25. _.二、试试你的判断力(共20小题,计20分) A。 从每组单词中找出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项。26. A. piano B. mothe

7、r C. also D.old27. A。 monthB. birthdayC。 thinkD。 then28。 A. age B。 around C。 about D。 address29。 A. really B。 speak C. teacher D. please30. A。 tripB。 kidC. AprilD.thingB. 根据句意,选择最佳答案。31。 When is Sallys birthday party? _.A. Its October fifth.B. Her birthday is on June 6th. C。 She is fifteen.D. His bi

8、rthday is on November 12th。32。 Do you have a School Day at your school?-Yes, we _。A. haveB。 areC。 doD。 does33. My mother wants me _the English club。 A。 to joinB. joinC. joinsD. join in34。 -What time do you go to school? .A. At 7:00B。 In the morningC. By busD. Its seven。35. I like action movies _I do

9、nt like comedies. A。 andB。 orC。 alsoD。 but 36。 Can Tim play _chess?Yes。 And he can play _drums, too.A。 the; theB。 the; /C。 /; theD. /; /37. He can draw。 He wants to join the _club。 A。 sportsB。 artC。 musicD. swimming38。 Can you speak Japanese? Yes, but only _.A. manyB. muchC。 a fewD。 a little39. _don

10、t you like history? Because its boring。 A。 WhyB。 WhatC。 WhenD。 Where40. _language do Lucy and Lily speak? -English. A。 WhatB. WhenC。 WhereD。 Why41. I often watch TV _Sunday evening. A。 onB. inC. atD。 with42. Where _your English teacher come from? The USA。 A。 isB。 areC。 doD。 does43。 Whats your mother

11、s favorite _? -Beijing. A。 subjectB. cityC. foodD。 movie44。 I dont like history. Because I think its very _. A. busyB. quietC。 tiredD. boring45。 _? I have English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday。 A。 Why do you like EnglishB. When do you have English C. Whats your favorite subjectD。 Can you speak Eng

12、lish三、阅读小博士(共三篇短文,15小题,计20分)AThere are four people in the Greens family. The Greens get up early every morning. From Monday to Friday, Father always goes to work。 Sarah and Sally always go to school. Mother stays at home. At noon (中午), Sarah and Sally always have lunch at school. In the afternoon, S

13、arah and Sally usually get home at about 4 oclock。 In the evening, Sarah and Sally always do their homework. At night, they go to bed early, but they dont always get up early in the morning.46。 _get up early every morning. A。 The four people B. Sarah and SallyC. Mother and Father D。 Sarah and Father

14、47。 Father gets up early because he has to _. A。 go to work B. go to school C。 eat breakfast D。 have a shower48. Sarah and Sally are _. A。 students B. animals C. teachers D. Mother and daughter49。 Sarah and Sally have lunch _on Monday. A. with their motherB. at schoolC。 in the store D。 at home 50. W

15、hat do the two children do in the evening? A。 They play the guitar.B。 They watch TV with their family。 C. They go to bed early.D. They do their homework.BD. Seven。52. We cant learn about _in the club。 A. drumsB. pianoC。 violinD。 chess53. How much is it for piano lesson? Its _each。 A。 ¥20B。 ¥25C。 ¥30

16、D. ¥4554。 You can learn to sing for _ each lesson in the club. A。 ¥20B. ¥25C。 ¥30D。 ¥4555. What does “ musician” mean (意思) in the ad? A. 教师B. 演员C. 伙伴D. 音乐家CAndy plays basketball for the childrens basketball club. He usually gets up at around 5:30 and runs in his school from 5:40 to 6:40. After runni

17、ng, he has breakfast at 7 oclock. For breakfast, he eats some eggs and vegetables. At around 8:00, he plays basketball with his friends。 They play for a long time. At about 12:00, they have lunch. For lunch, Andy has lots of vegetables, chicken and fruit。 At 3 oclock in the afternoon, Andy goes to t

18、he childrens basketball club. He is never late for the club. Andy has dinner at about 7:00。 After dinner, he watches basketball games on TV。 Andy usually goes to bed at 10:30。根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(答案写二卷)56. When does Andy usually run in his school?_57。 What does Andy have for breakfast?_58。 How long (多久)do

19、 Andy and his friends play basketball?。_59。 Is Andy always late for the club?_60。 What does Andy do after dinner?_小小提醒:请把答案填到答题卡和II卷中的指定位置!对应题号, 可要仔细吆!对了,你也别忘了时间呀!初一下U1-4英语达标检测第卷(笔答题, 50分)注意书写呀!注意事项:1第卷共4页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷上。2答题前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 四、火眼金睛辨语音(共10小题,计10分)根据单词划线部分的读音,将单词归类.August, world, me, ro

20、ck, soon, why, night, letter, too, April, bus, wish, festival, Chinese, draw, may, third, weekend, because, start,1. /C:/ _ _ 2。 /eI/ _ _3。 /:/ _ _ 4。 /k/ _ _5. /aI/ _ _ 6. /i:/ _ _7。 /u:/ _ _ 8。 /s/ _ _9。 /w/_ _ 10. /e / _ _得分评卷人五、词汇聚会(共10小题,计10分)根据句意和提示以适当形式填写正确的单词。1。 I like _ 星期三 because I have m

21、usic on that day。2. His fathers birthday is _/dI5sembE(r)/ 11th.3. May is the f_ month of a year。4. My _(最喜爱的) lesson is the third one.5。 My favorite subject is music because it is _/rI5lAksIN/。6. She is a n_ student。 We dont know her name.7。 Can you _/raIt/ a letter to your mother?8。 Ricks family h

22、as only one _(淋浴器)。9. At 9:00 I have science. _/nekst/, at 10:00, I have history。10。 My brother often_ (watch) TV in the evening。 .六、句子训练场 (共10小题,计10分) 根据所给的句子(或图画)要求,完成英语句子, 1。 周末我常常起得晚。 _。2. 你能帮孩子们游泳吗? _? 3。 他妈妈晚上通常几点到家? _?4. What time is it? (根据右图钟面时间回答)_. 5. Sally最喜欢什么颜色? _?6. Mary每天乘4路公交车去学校。 _

23、。7。 Bill和Tom是好朋友. _。 8. 早晨八点学校开始上课。 _.9。 Victor什么时候过生日? _?10. 晚上我父亲要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 _.得分评卷人七、短文巧手妙填 (共10小题,计10分)挑选方框中的词语把短文中所缺的部分补充完整。请把答案标号填写在题后横线上。A. interesting B. After C. but D. because E. subject F. take G. lunch H. at I. favorite J. usuallyMary and Kate are good friends。 In the morning, they 1._

24、 go to school together(一起). They 2。 _ the number 17 bus to school。 They have English 3。_ 8:00。 Mary and Kate like English because its 4._。 After English, they have math。 Mary likes math, 5. _ Kate doesnt like it because its difficult。 6。_ math, they have music。 Mary and Kate like music 7._ its relax

25、ing. Their music teacher Miss Green is their 8._ teacher. They have 9. _ at 12 oclock。 After lunch, they have P。E. and Chinese。 Chinese is Kates favorite 10。 _ because its exciting。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4。 _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10。 _得分评卷人八、写作才艺展(10分)我是小作家:根据提示,写一篇短文。开头已给出。(10分) 假如你是Jeff, 今年13岁,生日是2月9日,

26、请向大家介绍你喜欢的、讨厌的电影,以及原因。你有什么才艺以及你想加入的俱乐部。字数60-70词。要求:5080词。 This is me Hi, everyone! Im Jeff.初一英语试题参考答案及评分标准三、阅读: 20分,每题1分4650 CAABD 5155 CDABD 56. (The party is for) Jim Smiths /Jims birthday57。 Saturday, May 16th 58. 5:30p.m./in the afternoon.59。 (In) Sunshine Hotel. 60。 6906218四、语音: 10分, 每词 0。5 分 1

27、. August, draw 2. may, April 3。 world, third 4. rock, because 5. night, Chinese 6. me, weekend 7。 too, soon 8。 start, bus 9。 why, wish 10. letter, festival五、词汇:10分, 每题1分1。 Wednesday 2. December 3。 fifth 4。 address 5。 relaxing 6。 new 7。 write8。 shower 9. Next 10。 lives六、句子 (共10小题,计10分,每2处拼写错误扣0.5分) 七

28、、短文:10分, 每题1分1. J 2. F 3. H. 4。 A 5。 C 6。 B 7. D 8。 I 9。 G 10. E八、才能展示场 10分 评分标准:1能采用适当的句式和词语根据所提供的内容进行完整准确地表述。2对于表述非常充分,语言非常流畅,能充分显示出运用语言表述的积极态度的文章,可以给满分。评分分三档: 词数(12)+语言(2-6)+书写(12)第一档:内容完整,表述充分,结构清晰,语言流畅、 规范、准确。810分第二档:内容基本完整,表述比较充分,结构比较清晰,语言比较流畅、规范,有少量语言错误.5-7分第三档:内容不完整,表述不够充分,层次结构混乱,有较多语言错误。14分

29、要求:平均分在79之间。初一英语听力测试 一、听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每组句子听两遍。 1。 A。 We have a Chinese Contest at our school in June.B。 We have a Music Festival at our school in May。C. We have a basketball game at our school in July。 2。 。A。 Mr。 White is Henrys piano teacher 。 B. Mr. White is Henrys Chinese teacher. C. Mr。 White is

30、 Henrys guitar teacher.3. A。 Jim can play the guitar but he cant play it very well.B。 Jim can play chess and he can play it very well.C。 Jim can paint but he cant paint very well.4. A。 What time do people usually eat breakfast every morning? B. What time do people usually get up in the morning? C. W

31、hat time do people usually go to bed in the evening?5. A。 My favorite subject is English。 B。 My favorite subject is Chinese. C。 My favorite subject is science.二、听句子,选择适当的答语.每个句子听两遍。 6. What club do you want to join?7. Who is your favorite teacher?8. Does he do his homework after dinner?9. Why do you

32、 like comedies?10. When is Childrens Day?三、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每组对话听两遍. 11. M: Its ten thirty。 Its time to go to bed。 W: OK. Lets go。 Question: What time is it now?12。 W: When is your birthday, John? M: Its March 21st。 W: How old are you? M: Im fifteen。 Question: How old is John?13。 W: Can Bill play t

33、he guitar? M: Yes, he can, but he cant sing. Question: What can Bill do?14. W: What time do you usually get up, Rick? M: I usually get up at five oclock。 What about you, Gina? W: I usually get up at six oclock. Question: What time does Gina usually get up? 15. W: Jim, whats your favorite subject? M:

34、 My favorite subject is P.E. W: Why do you like P。E.? M: Because its fun. Question: Why does Jim like P。E。?四、听一段长对话,然后选择正确答案。对话听两遍。M: Hi, Tina. What time do you go to school in the morning? W: I go to school at eight。 M: Whats your favorite day? W: Oh, Monday。 M: Oh, yeah? Why? W: Because I have art every Monday. What about you, Bill? M: Oh, Thursday is my favorite day, because I have music. I like pop music very much. W: Whos your music teacher, Miss Yang or Mrs。 Wang? M: Miss Yang. We all like her.

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