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1、1 洛阳市九年级英语全册洛阳市九年级英语全册 Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaUnit8ItmustbelongtoCarla 总结总结(重点重点)超详细超详细 单选题 1、Trees make our streets_ and_.Amore beautiful;less noiseBmore beautifully;less noisy Cless beautiful;more noiseDmore beautiful;less noisy 答案:D 句意:树木使我们的街道更美丽,噪音更少。考查形容词比较级。本句中 make 是使役动词,意思是“使、让”之意,后跟形容词做宾语

2、补足语,即 make+宾语+形容词;beautiful 美丽的,形容词;beautifully 美丽地、漂亮地,副词;noise 噪音,名词;noisy 嘈杂声、吵闹声,形容词。根据句意:树木使我们的街道更美丽,噪音更少。这里暗含比较级,所以应用比较级形式,结合选项,可知 D 选项符合题意,故答案选 D。2、The of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.AsilenceBpurposeCcultureDlanguage 答案:B 句意:这项活动的目的是为新医院筹集资金。A.silence 沉默;B.purpose 目的;C.

3、culture 文化;D.language 语言。根据 to raise money for a new hospital.为新医院筹集资金。可知,这是这次活动的目的,因此选择purpose 目的;故选 B。3、Half-time is a _ for players_.Aten minutes period;to restBten-minutes period;rest Cten-minute period;to restDten-minute-period;to rest 答案:C 句意:中场休息时间对于球员来说就是可以休息的十分钟时间。第一空,“十分钟时间”的意思,有两种表达方式:a t

4、en-minute period;a ten minutes period。第二空,是动词不定式作后置定语修饰 period,应填 to rest,故选 C。4、Dad,how about planting some trees in our yard?Good idea!Trees can _ the water from washing the earth away.AacceptBpreventCdiscoverDchoose 2 答案:B 句意:爸爸,在我们的院子里种些树怎么样?好主意!树木可以防止水冲走泥土。考查动词辨析。accept 接受;prevent 预防;discover 发

5、现;choose 选择。prevent sth from doing sth“阻止做某事”,故选 B。5、Paula is pleased that she _ her lost watch.AfindsBfound Chas foundDwill find 答案:C 试题分析:句意:保拉找到了她丢失的表很高兴。A.finds 发现,是一般现在时,表示经常性的行为或存在的状态;不符合语境;B.found 发现,是一般过去时,表示动作发生在过去,和现在没有关系;C.has found 是现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。D.will find 是一般将来时,表示动作将要发生。

6、根据Paula is pleased 可知,表已经找到了,找到这个动作发生在过去,强调的结果是她很高兴。故选 C。考点:考查动词时态。6、-The traffic is too busy.We have to drive slowly.-I think more new roads _ in our city.Ashould be builtBshould buildChave builtDbuild 答案:A 句意:交通太拥挤了。我们得开慢点。我认为我们的城市应该修建更多的新公路。考查动词语态辨析。new roads(新路)和动词 build(建造)是被动关系,需用“be done”被动语态

7、结构,BCD 三项都是主动语态,可排除。should 应该,表建议;根据句意语境,可知选 A。7、If you work harder,youll have another_ to play the violin at a concert.AsleepBchanceCmistakeDproblem 答案:B 试题分析:句意:如果你努力工作,你会有另外一个机会在音乐会上演奏小提琴。Sleep 睡眠;chance 机会;mistake 错误;problem 问题。所以选 B。考点:考查名词词义辨析。8、My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast fo

8、od Atoo much;too manyBtoo many;too much 3 Cmuch too;too muchDtoo much;much too 答案:C 句意:我的表弟太胖了,因为他经常吃太多快餐。too much 中的中心词是 much,后面跟不可数名词,意思是“太多的”;much too 中的中心词是 too,后面跟形容词或副词,意思是“非常,太”;too many 太多的,中心词是 many,用法与 many 相同,用来修饰复数可数名词。句中 heavy 是形容词,用 much too 来修饰;fast food 不可数名词,用 too much 来修饰,故答案选 C。9、

9、Going to the movies is good,_ I really only like listening to music.AandBbutCsoDor 答案:B 试题分析:考查连词辨析。句意:去看电影很好,但是我确实只喜欢听音乐。and 和,并且;but 但是;so 因此;or 或者。表示转折,故选 B。10、What was the _ of the car accident?The driver drove too fast so the car was out of control.AproblemBcauseCresultDpurpose 答案:B 句意:车祸的原因是什么

10、?司机开得太快,所以车子失去控制。考查名词辨析。problem 难题;cause 原因;result 结果;purpose 目的;根据答语“The driver drove too fast so the car was out of control.”可知,司机开得太快,所以车子失去控制。这是在描述车祸的原因。故选 B。11、Betty has a beautiful _.She wants to be a singer in the future.AvoiceBlookCnoiseDsound 答案:A 句意:Betty 有一副美丽的嗓音。在将来她想成为一名歌手。A.voice 嗓音;B.

11、look 表情;C.noise 噪音;D.sound 声音。根据下文 She wants to be a singer in the future.可知上文是优美的嗓音。根据题意,故选 A。12、Hello,my name is John Smith.And I m calling to ask about the position in your school.Yes,the position is still open.You could come over and have a talk _ us.AwithBaboutCthroughDaway 答案:A 4 句意:你好,我是约翰 史密

12、斯。我打电话来是想问一下你们学校的招聘职位。是的,这个职位仍然空缺。你可以过来和我们谈谈。考查介词辨析。with 和一起;about 关于;大约;through 通过;穿过;away 离开。根据句意可知,这里考查短语 have a talk with sb.“和某人谈话”,故选 A。13、Tomorrow Ill have an interview for a new job,and the job _ me better.What clothes should I wear?You can wear a black suit and a white shirt.Black _ white.A

13、fits;suitsBsuits;matchesCmatches;suitsDsuits;fits 答案:B 句意:明天我将有一个新工作的面试,这个工作更适合我,我应该穿什么衣服?你可以穿一件黑色的西装和白色的衬衫,黑配白。考查动词辨析。fit 衣服的尺寸、大小合适;suit 样式、颜色、场合、环境、时间等适合;match 大小、色调、形状等搭配。第一空指工作合适,用 suit,第二空指颜色搭配,故选 B。14、What have you learnt after three years study in China,Maria?I was taught _ knowledge _ good

14、manners.Aeither;orBnot only;but alsoCneither;norDnot;but 答案:B 句意:玛丽亚,你在中国学习了三年,学到了什么?我不仅学到了知识,还学到了礼貌。考查并列连词。either.or.或者或者;not only.but also.不仅而且;neither.nor.既不也不;not.but.不是 而是。根据语境可知,knowledge 和 good manners 都是学到的东西,所以用not only.but also.连接,故选 B。15、Tom fell off his bike,and his hand was hurt .Aquiet

15、lyBcarefully CslowlyDbadly 答案:D 句意:汤姆从自行车上摔下来,他的手受了重伤。考查副词词义辨析。A.quietly 安静地;B.carefully 仔细地;C.slowly 慢慢地;D.badly 严重地。根据Tom fell off his bike 可知他伤得重,故选 D。语法填空 5 16、Must I go to _(medicine)school and be a doctor like you?答案:medical 句意:我必须上医学院成为像你一样的医生吗?根据后文的“school”可知,空处应用形容词作定语,medical school 表示“医学院

16、”,故填 medical。17、People often shake hands when they meet in some _(east)countries.答案:eastern 句意:在一些东方国家,人们见面的时候经常握手。空处应填入形容词,修饰其后的名词“countries”,east 应改为形容词 eastern“东方的”。故填 eastern。18、We all think Mr.Wang is one of the _(lead)of the activity.答案:leaders 句意:我们都认为王先生是这个活动的领导人之一。one of the+复数名词,表示“之一”此处用

17、lead 的名词形式 leader 表示“领导人”,其复数形式为 leaders。故填 leaders。19、The noise-maker is having too much fun _(create)fear in the neighborhood.答案:creating 句意:那个制造噪音的家伙太喜欢在邻里之间制造恐惧了。have fun doing sth“做某事很高兴”,固定短语,此处用 create 的动名词形式。故填 creating。20、Something special happened in our _(neighbor).答案:neighborhood#neighbo

18、urhood 句意:我们社区发生了一些不同寻常的事。结合语境以及所给的提示词“neighbor”可知,此处应为“在我们的社区”,所以用 neighborhood 或 neighbourhood。故填 neighborhood/neighbourhood。完成句子 21、这些巨石被用一种特定的方式堆放在一起。The large stones _ _ _ _ a certain way.答案:were put together in be put together“被放在一起”,in a certain way“用一种特定的方式”,时态是一般过去时,主语是动作的承受者且是复数,be 动词用 wer

19、e。故填 were;put;together;in。22、昨天我参加了一场音乐会,所以它可能仍然在音乐大厅里。I attended a concert yesterday so it _ _ _ in the music hall.6 答案:might still be might“可能”,是 may 过去式,情态动词,后加动词原形;still“仍然”;be“存在”。故填 might;still;be。23、昨天你去野餐了吗?Did you _ _ _ _ yesterday?答案:go for a picnic go for a picnic“去野餐”,是固定搭配,空前有助动词 did,动词

20、用原形,故填 go;for;a;picnic。24、那只狗在追一只兔子。That dog was _ _ a rabbit.答案:running after 追赶:run after,由语境可知,此处表示过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时 was/were doing。故填 running;after。25、李明不仅聪明而且勤奋。Li Ming is _.答案:not only clever but also hard-working not only.but also.“不仅而且”,是固定短语,clever“聪明的”,是形容词,作表语;hard-working“勤奋的”,是形容词;故填 not only clever but also hard-working。

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