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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)九年义务初中英语一般过去时专项训练题九年义务初中英语一般过去时专项训练题 单选题 1、We _ red songs to celebrate the 100th birthday of our party in May,2021.AsingBsangCwill singDare singing 答案:B 解析:句意:2021 年 5 月,为庆祝党成立 100 周年,我们唱了红歌。考查时态。根据“in May,2021.”可知,句子应用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选 B。2、Mrs.Liu be a history teacher.We all liked her ver

2、y much.Aused toBuse toCis used toDused 答案:A 解析:句意:刘太太过去是一名历史老师,我们都喜欢她。考查一般过去时。used to 过去经常,曾经;use to 结构错误;is used to 被用来;used 动词的过去分词。根据“liked”可知表达过去的事情,用“used to be”表达“过去是”。故选 A。3、I _ shopping in the shop,but now I _ shopping on the Internet.Aused to go;am used to goBused to going;am used to go Cam

3、 used to go;am used to goingDused to go;am used to going 2 答案:D 解析:句意:我过去常在商店购物,但现在我习惯在网上购物。考查短语辨析。used to do 过去常常做某事;be used to doing 习惯做某事;be used to do 被用来做某事。根据“but now”可知,过去在店里购物,第一空 used to go 符合句意;现在习惯网上购物,因此第二空 am used to going 符合句意。故选 D。4、What _ Beijing like in the past?_,it was dirty.Awas,

4、WellBdid,WhyCis,ErDdoes,However 答案:A 解析:句意:过去的北京是什么样子?嗯,很脏。考查一般过去时。根据“in the past”可知,时态是一般过去时,排除 CD,此处是“be like”短语,故选 A。5、Though newspaper reading was not popular any more,he _ the paper out and began reading without _ what the others were saying.Aspread;caringBspreading;caringCspreads;careDspread;c

5、are 答案:A 解析:句意:虽然看报不再流行了,但他还是把报纸摊开,开始看起来,不管别人在说什么。考查动词时态及非谓语。spread 展开,动词原形或过去式;spreads 动词第三人称单数形式;care 关心,动词原形;caring 动名词形式。根据空一后“and began reading”可知,此处用动词过去式与后面 began 构成并列动词,排除选项 B 和 C;介词 without 后接动名词形式,故选 A。3 6、Alexander Hamilton is one of Americas most influential _ fathers.As the first secret

6、ary of the US Treasury(财政部长),he _ the First Bank of the United States.Afounder,foundedBfound,finded Cfounding,foundedDfounding,found 答案:C 解析:句意:亚历山大 汉密尔顿是美国最有影响力的开国元勋之一。作为美国第一任财政部长,他创立了美国第一银行。考查词汇辨析和时态。founder 创办者,发起者;found 建立;finded 单词错误;founding 成立的;founded 是found 的过去式和过去分词。根据“Alexander Hamilton i

7、s one of Americas most influential.father”可知,第一空指的是“开国元勋”,用 founding father 表示;第二空缺少谓语动词,结合“As the first secretary of the US Treasury(财政部长)”以及语境可知,空处用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故选 C。7、We _ our lunch under the tree last weekend.AhaveBeatCeatedDate 答案:D 解析:句意:上周末我们在树下吃午饭。考查时态。根据“last weekend”可知,动作发生在过去,动词应用过去式,故选 D

8、。8、Have you finished your homework?Yes.I _ it two hours ago.Ahave finishedBfinishedCwill finishDfinish 答案:B 4 解析:句意:你做完作业了吗?做完了。我两小时前就完成了。考查一般过去时。have finished 现在完成时;finished 过去式;will finish 一般将来时;finish 动词原形。由“two hours ago”可知,这里用一般过去时。故选 B。9、They _ their homes because of the earthquake in 1979.Alo

9、seBwill loseClostDis losing 答案:C 解析:句意:他们因为 1979 年的地震失去了家园。考查动词时态。lose“失去”,过去式为 lost。由时间状语“in 1979”可知,时态为一般过去时,空处用过去式。故选 C。10、My grandmother usually _ a walk after dinner.But yesterday she _ TV at home because of the rainy weather.Atakes;watchesBtakes;watchedCtook;watchedDtook;watches 答案:B 解析:句意:我奶奶

10、通常晚饭后散步。但是昨天因为下雨,她在家看电视。考查时态。第一处根据“usually”可知,时态是一般现在时;第二处根据“yesterday”可知,时态是一般过去时。故选 B。11、He _ to Beijing in May,2010,but went to Shanghai.AgoesBdoesnt goCwentDdidint go 答案:D 5 解析:句意:他 2010 年 5 月没有去北京,但是去了上海。考查动词时态。go 是动词,意为“去”,根据时间状语“in May,2010”以及 went 可知,句子使用一般过去时;结合 but 转折关系,可知他没有去北京。故选 D。12、Ho

11、w do you like Thomas?He is pretty active and hes been my friend since we _ for the first time.AmeetBmetChave met 答案:B 解析:句意:你认为托马斯怎么样?他非常活跃,并且自我们第一次见面以来,他一直是我的朋友。考查时间状语从句的时态。根据“hes been my friend since”可知,此句是含有 since 的时间状语从句。since 前句子的时态应该为现在完成时,since 后句子的时态应该为一般过去时。空格处位于 since 后且作谓语,动词应该用过去式。meet 的

12、过去式是 met。故选 B。13、Look at my new smart phone.Wow,its so cool.When and where _ you _ it?Ahave;boughtBdid;buyChave;had 答案:B 解析:句意:看我的新智能手机。哇,它真酷。你何时何地买的它?考查动词辨析和时态。buy“买”,是瞬间性动词;have“有”,是延续性动词。When 表示时间点,与瞬间性动词连用,排除 C 项。根据“Look at my new smart phone.”可知,我的新智能手机已经在这里了,因此是过去买的,此处用一般过去时,故选 B。6 14、Chinas T

13、ianwen-1 _ back its first picture of Mars(火星)a few months ago.Awill sendBsendsCsent 答案:C 解析:句意:几个月前,中国的“天问一号”发回了它的第一张火星照片。考查动词时态。根据时间状语“a few months ago.”可知,时态用一般过去时,空处用 send 的过去式 sent。故选C。15、I have seen the film We Are All Fighters against the COVID-19.What about you,Peter?Oh.I _ it last week.Ahave seenBseeCsawDwill see 答案:C 解析:句意:我已经看过电影我们都是抗疫战士。那你呢,彼得?哦。我上周看过了。考查一般过去时。根据句中“last week”提示可知,空格处所在句子应用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选 C。

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