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1、个人收集整理 勿做商业用途Reading Comprehension -Bailu Central School读前寄语:同学们,阅读能力是体现综合云运用语言素质的能力之一,是各种考试的必选题型且所占分值高;又是大家学习英语的拦路虎。阅读能力的提高是长期坚持的结果,有道是:冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。这学期,老师根据同学们的情况。精选了一批生动有趣的阅读材料,供大家在课余阅读,并希望大家在提高阅读能力的同时,又能增长知识.在阅读的时候,大家要控制好阅读的时间,每篇用时大约五分钟,一周至少两篇.另外,读完之后,最好把文章的中心意思和读后感写在笔记本上。OK。 Its time to enjoy rea

2、ding!What books do you like to read?LETS talk about reading. Its fun! And April 2 is International Childrens Book Day. Cartoons, fantasies (魔幻作品)and books about science sell best among Chinese children. Students read Harry Potter。Chang Zongjie, a Junior 2 student at No 20 Middle School in Beijing, l

3、ikes British writer Willard Prices adventures most, like ”African Adventure。 ”The books take you under the sea, into volcanoes (火山) and to see strange animals,” he said. Li Lang, at Beijings Xinyuanli Middle School, likes The Lord of the Rings. It tells about the hobbit (霍比特人) Frodo Baggins。 He is o

4、n a journey to destroy (破坏) a secret ring. ”Its full of magic,” Li said。 There are other books。 Liu Xinyue, at Shanghai Qixiu Experimental School, likes Spirited Away (千与千寻).” Its about a young girl lost in a ghost (鬼)town. She has to save her parents from the ghosts and get home.)What kinds of book

5、s do you like to read? Who is your favorite writer?阅读时间:学会的单词:精彩句型:Musics best friendLOOK at your hands. What can you do with them? Jia Zhichao, 12, uses his to make beautiful music on the piano。Later this month, his hands will take him to the Robert Schumann University of Music (舒曼高等音乐学院) in Duesse

6、ldorf, Germany (德国)。 He will be the youngest student ever at the university. The school is more than 100 years old!Jia Zhichao practices at his school in Shenzhen.Its such a good chance for me。 I can study in a country that has a lot of great musicians (音乐家), he said。Jia, a student at Guangzhou Schu

7、mann Music School, won a teenage piano contest in Duesseldorf last month。 People called him Chinas young Mozart (莫扎特).”Even though 12-year-olds dont usually go to university, Robert Schumann University decided to let Jia study there anyway。Jia loves to work hard。 He doesnt even get bored when he sit

8、s and plays piano for nine hours!”I just want to play and enjoy myself all the time, he said。 Its not hard if you like it.”Jias teacher, Huang Peiyu, said hes been a good student. He has an open mind and likes making friends。 So its easy for him to understand music. He really puts his feelings into

9、it when he plays。Even though hes special, in many ways Jia is like other kids。 He likes sports, and hes a Harry Potter fan。 He also likes Jay Chous songs。Hes now learning German. His father will go with him to Germany, but his mother will stay in China。 Jia said he cant help being a little sad.”I mi

10、ght cry, but then Ill go on to work hard. Im not afraid。He also has some words for Teens readers: ”Let music be your best friend。 Youll get a lot fun from it!阅读时间:学会的单词:精彩句子:How to be the best?STARTING next term, it will be even harder to become an allaround good student (三好学生). Middle schools are g

11、oing to use a new way to decide who the top students are。 The best students wont only have high marks; they will also be kids who dont dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink (喝酒)。Last week, new rules and behaviour standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out。Use the Internet for fun or for your

12、schoolwork, but keep away from bad things.The Ministry of Education (教育部) said many new problems have come up in schools in the past few years. Because rules arent clear, some students do bad things and get hurt. The Ministry hopes the new school rules and behaviour standards will help middle school

13、 students by telling them what is right and what is wrong。Seven big changes will be made to both of them。Tell the truthHave you ever copied someone elses work on an exam? Dont do it again! Thats not something an honest student would do。 If you have been playing computer games for two hours in your r

14、oom, dont tell your parents you have been doing homework. Be honest about what you have been doing! If you tell your classmate youll return his cartoon book in two days, dont keep it for two weeks。Do more at schoolGood students love animals and care for other people。 April is Bird-Loving Month in Ch

15、ina。 Is your school doing anything to celebrate (庆祝)? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect (保护) them。 When more people work together, it makes it more fun for everyone。Work together with othersHave you ever fought (打架) with your teammates when your basketbal

16、l team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you work with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.Be open to new ideasHave you ever thought that human beings could live on another planet? Maybe youll discover (发现) Earth II someday. Dont look down on n

17、ew ideas. Everyones ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.Use the Internet carefullyThe Internet can be very useful for your studies。 But some things on the Internet arent for kids, so try to look at Web pages (网页) that are good for you. You ca

18、n use the Web for fun or homework. Cant find any good Web sites for children? Here are some:http:/kids。HELPcome up: 出现look down on: 小瞧stay overnight: 过夜http:/www.chinakids。net。cnhttp:/www.cycnet。comProtect yourselfHas someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Dont let it happen to you。 I

19、f you want to stay overnight at a friends house, you should let your parents know.Keep away from drugsSome kids might not know that drugs (毒品) are bad for them。 If you find someone tricking (欺骗) students into using drugs, make sure you keep away。 Then you should tell the teachers and ask them for he

20、lp.阅读时间:学会的单词:精彩句子:The sand is backEVERYONE tries to get to school on time. But when bad weather gives you trouble, can you still make it before the bell rings?In northern China during spring, big sandstorms(沙尘暴) often make trouble for students and everyone else。People ride their bicycles against a

21、sandstorm.”When we had a sandstorm last week, I had to get up half an hour earlier so I wouldnt be late for school,” said Xing Wei, a Junior 1 boy at Yaohua Middle School in Tianjin。Xing usually gets up at about seven and needs 20 minutes to get to school。 But on sandstorm days, he needs 40 minutes.

22、 When the sky is dark with sand, buses and cars all move much more slowly. Sometimes, people cant even see for 200 metres.Here it comes againSandstorms usually happen in spring。 This year, sandstorms started in late March. They have happened in more than 10 provinces (省) in northern China this year.

23、 More than 70 million people have had problems in those places because of the storms。People in southern China dont have to worry about this kind of bad weather. Most of the sand comes from Gansu and Inner Mongolia (内蒙古). In northern China, lots of places have few trees and dont get much rain. People

24、 there have been cutting down too many trees. When there arent many trees, the ground cant keep enough water。 Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand。 When spring comes and the ice melts (融化), the ground becomes looser (更松散的)。 Strong winds take the loose sand into the sky。Helpdry up: 干

25、涸get lost: 迷失tear down: 弄倒Sandstorms are bad for peoples health. If people breathe too much sand, they could cough or have asthma (哮喘).Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems。 Sometimes their sheep get lost in the storms and never get back home。 The winds also tear farmers houses down。What can

26、 you do to stop sandstorms? Heres an idea: Ask your parents to help you plant some trees this spring.If you see people cutting down too many trees, tell them about the dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them from cutting。Take care of yourself Sandstorms are bad for peoples eyes,

27、nose and skin。 So remember to take good care of yourself if sandstorms come your way this month。 Here are some ideas:.If you know a storm is coming, stay at home and close your windows。. If you have to go outside during a storm, remember to put a wet towel (毛巾) over your mouth。 That will keep sand f

28、rom getting in your mouth。If you get sand in your eyes, dont worry. Close your eyes and put your head down. Wait until your tears (眼泪) wash the sand out.Dont rub (揉) your eyes if you get sand in them. It could hurt your eyeballs。 And if your hands are not clean, your eyes could get infected (感染)。.Yo

29、u can also wear a mask (口罩) and some gloves (手套) to take care of your skin during sandstorms.Dont forget to wash your face and hands when you get back home。If you have a bad cough or cant breathe (呼吸), go and see a doctor right away。阅读时间:学会的单词:精彩句子:Would you like to live at school with classmates?有的

30、同学很想住校过集体生活,可是有的却担心住校不能保证自己的健康和安全。你住校吗?你是怎么看这个问题的?Shen Xinbai: Living with our classmates is good for us。 We can make more friends and do fun things together。 Whats more, we wont watch as much TV as we do at home。Gu Xuan: Id like to live with my parents. When I have problems, I can get help from the

31、m, and Ill never be lonely (孤独的) or unhappy。Chen Rujian: I want to live at school。 That could help me in many ways。 It would give me a stronger heart。 I would also have more chances (机会) to decide things by myself。 Living at school can help us get ready for grownup life outside of school.Xia Mingyua

32、n: Its a good idea to live at school. Students can learn how to take care of themselves。 Id like to learn to wash clothes by myself.Xue Wenjia: If four or six people live in one room, there could be a lot of problems。 What if someone snores (打鼾)? Id like to stay at home and study in my own room。Zhu

33、Ping (teacher): At some schools, students living there have more chances to learn and do fun things。 But at other schools, students cant go outside of the school freely。 So its very important to choose a good school. Teachers should always be ready to help students and make them feel at home。阅读时间:文档

34、为个人收集整理,来源于网络学会的单词:精彩句子:Hot springs let me have a restI STILL remember my first bath (澡) in a hot spring. It was a long time ago in Enping, Guangdong.Enping is famous for its hot springs。 Many people like to go there in winter. There are many hotels in Enping。 I think they look like farm houses.Li Y

35、ing in the garden of her school.I went there with my parents and my best friend, Becky.The second day we were there, we went to one of the spas (温泉) for a bath。There were many trees around the spa。 We felt like we were walking in a forest. I was very happy, because I really like to be around lots of

36、 green plants.Many different smellsBecky had been to some hot springs before. She told me that hot springs are different。 Some are hotter than others, and they even have different smells! Some smell like tea, and some others smell like lemon (柠檬).It was windy and in midwinter, so it was cold outside

37、! We took off our coats and ran quickly into the lemon spring。When I first put my feet into the water, I cried out, Wow, its hot!” I didnt know the water was so hot, and I was a little afraid that it would burn (烫伤) me. But Becky said, ”Dont worry。 Just stay in the water for a minute. It will be OK

38、soon.”So I walked carefully into the spring. One step (步), two.。 I felt the heat slowly climbing up my body。The hot spring was not very deep (深的). There were some seats made of stone (石头) under the water。 We sat down and talked. It was so nice!That night, Becky and I slept together. Under the starry

39、 sky, I could still feel the lemon smell dancing in the air。阅读时间:学会的单词:精彩句子:The special day when I met YangIVE been a student reporter (记者) for more than two years. And it is hard work. But its more than that。 Sometimes I get to do really cool things.When Yang Liwei went to Shanghai Science Museum l

40、ast October, it was my job to interview (采访) him。Hu Mengdie met Yang Liwei at the Shanghai Science Museum.But when I got there, there were so many people! I thought there were a thousand other reporters trying to talk to Yang.When Yang came closer to me, I tried to ask him some questions。 ”Was it co

41、ol to go into space? I said。 There were too many people. And they were talking so loudly。 He couldnt hear me.Close to a heroBut he was so close! I wanted to remember that day。 I put out my hand to him and shouted, Uncle Yang, can I have your signature (签名)? I tried my best to hand my pen to him, and

42、 he took it!But because there were too many people, I was soon pushed away.He smiled at me and said, Im sorry, there are too many people。” I tried to ask again, but a policeman pushed me away.His warm smile made me want to get closer to him.After I tried six times, Uncle Yang finally saw me. He told

43、 everyone else, ”This little girl has been here for a long time。 Her pen is still in my hand, so I should sign something for her first.”When I held Yangs signature in my hands, I was so excited. And when I looked up, he smiled at me again. Whenever I look at that piece of paper, Ill always remember

44、his smile.阅读时间:学会的单词:精彩句子:Fight against terrorAMERICAN boy Nycholas Rader, age 15, was scared to death (吓得要死) when terrorists (恐怖分子) attacked New York City on September 11, 2001。 His sister lived in New York.Rader wasnt able to speak to her on the phone for weeks.Now, new attacks have made him feel

45、unsafe again。When I watch TV, I feel sad and nervous (紧张的)。 I am afraid the fear will be with me for the rest of my life,” said Rader。If you watch TV, you may also feel the same。It is one and a half years after September 11, and terrorists still bring fear to the world。In just one week from May 12,

46、two suicide bombings (自杀性爆炸) hit Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) and Morocco (摩洛哥).More than 30 people were killed in the Saudi bombing, including two children, and more than 40 in Morocco。 Many people lost their friends and loved ones。The attacks were carried out by members of terrorist groups。 These people w

47、ork in secret。 So, it is often impossible to find them or see them coming。Working together for a safer worldTerrorism (恐怖主义) is a problem that affects people everywhere。 Many countriesaround the world are working together to fight it。China has always been against terrorism。 After the Morocco bombing

48、, President Hu Jintao said: The Chinese Government supports the international community to fight against terrorism。Fast factsTerrorists do not just attack armies (军队)。 They kill ordinary people, including children。Terrorists drop bombs in public places to kill as many people as possible。 But it is governments who are their enemies。 They want leaders to no

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