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1、精品教育Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buyI. New words and expression 生词和短语A) Wisdom n.智慧 (wise adj.英明的, 明智的, 聪明的)cut ones wisdom teeth 开始懂事- He showed great wisdom. 他展示了非凡的智慧。 - He is a man of wisdom. = He is a wise man. Spiritual adj.精神上的adj.非物质的, 精神的, 灵魂的)Spiritual life精神生活, spiritual need

2、精神上的需要physical adj.身体的, 物质的, 自然的, 物理的 spirited adj.精神饱满的, 生机勃勃的, 勇敢的 - a spirited girl 一个勇敢的女孩low-spirited 沮丧的, high-spirited 兴奋的, public-spirited 热心公益的, a spirited debate 热烈的辩论 mental adj.心理的, 智力的spirituous adj.酒精的, 含酒精的(liquor n.酒类)- spirituous liquor 烈性酒C) dignity n. respect that other people hav

3、e for you or you have for yourself尊严(高贵) lose ones dignity 丢面子, 失去尊严If you are afraid of losing your dignity, you cant expect to learn to speak a foreign language.你要是怕丢面子就别指望学好外语。Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity. 她虽然很穷, 但没有失去她的尊严。Keep/stand on ones dignity 保持自已的尊严pocket ones d

4、ignity 口放下架子 with great dignity 仪态大方- Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity. 太太先生们的举止应该总是十分端庄体面的。Dignify vt. Make sth or sb 使有尊严, 使高贵; Dignified adj.高贵的,有尊严的D) deliberately adv. intentionally故意地(深思熟虑的, 考虑周到的) on purpose adv.故意He coughed on purpose to attract my attention. E) cons

5、equence n.后果, 结果; in consequence 因此, 结果in consequence of. 因为.的缘故, 由于 take the consequences of 承担责任You have to take the consequences of the accidence.Result 一种特殊的行动、运行或过程的结果 Effect n.结果, 效果, 作用, 影响Outcome n.结果, 成果(自然的结果)- The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。F) afflict v. (fml)t

6、o make sb suffer either physical disease or mental problem使苦恼, 对折磨; be afflicted with 受的折磨He is afflicted with a disease (n.疾病, 病)The disease mainly afflict men between 35-45 years old. 这种疾病主要发生在.身上。affliction n.痛苦, 苦恼; afflictive adj.带给人痛苦的, 苦恼的, 难受的G) ease n.容易; with ease: without difficulties 熟练地

7、, 轻而易举地He won the competition with ease. 轻而易举的就赢得了比赛at ease 安逸, 自由自在; be/feel ill at ease 局促不安, 心神不宁put sb. at his ease 使某人宽心, 使某人感到无拘无束The manager put his shop assistants at their ease. (shop assistant n.店员)take ones ease 安心, 放心 - I take my ease to study English here. H) contempt n.蔑视,鄙视; in contem

8、pt of 不顾In contempt of his fathers objection he went aboard.(objection n.反对)hold/have sb. in contempt 鄙视某人 = look down upon sbI hold him in contempt because he has nothing to do every day.Contemptible adj.可鄙的, 不齿的, 可轻视的 - He is a contemptible person.Contemptuous adj.轻蔑的, 傲慢的, 轻视的Contemptuously=with

9、contemptDespite n.轻视, 怨憎恨, 轻蔑, 侮辱Scorn(n.轻蔑, 嘲笑)- pour scorn on 不屑一顾, 嘲弄Scornful(adj.轻视的,藐视的)- Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. 他轻蔑地看了她一眼, 告诉她说, 那件衣服卖出去了。 I) envious adj.嫉妒的(羡慕的)envy n. v. be envious of sb for his success = be envious of sbs success.忌妒(羡慕)某人的成功jealous

10、 adj.妒忌的, 羡慕的, 吃醋的 be jealous of (want sth that other people have)强调对对手的恶意。She is jealous of our success. 她嫉妒我们的成就。1. value: worth 2. estimate: assess 3. perform: do 4. possess: have, own5. grudge: to be unwilling to 6. precisely: exactly 7. skills: abilitiesText 课文What is the most important thing f

11、or a tramp? Freedom is the most important.There are two paragraphs, in the second one involves the tramp, but the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph “Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule”, which the first paragraph talked about tells us the necessity of the first paragraph. The

12、 beginning of the first paragraph It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. 开宗民意. The last sentence又重申 Everyone has something to sell. Actually the second paragraph explain why Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. It explained how they are different from all of

13、 us especially beggar. 1. It has been said that everyone lives by selling something.It is said that 据说Live by doing sth: keep sb alive by doing sth 求生课文后面出现了:He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep himself alive.=by stealing, Live by = to make enough money to feed oneself Live by 以某种职业为生; Li

14、ve on 依*某种食物维持生命, 或*某人生活。Sheep and cows live on grasses. He lives chiefly on fruit. (Chiefly adv.首要, 主要地)Though he is over thirty, he still lives on his parents.2. In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comf

15、ort. 鉴于这种说法In the light of considering, because of 鉴于,按照, 根据, 考虑到, 从.的观点In the light of the recent accident, we are considering our decision. 由于最近的事故,我们在重新考虑In the light of = according to = taking into accountThe theory has been abandoned in the light of modern discovery.In the light of the evidence

16、 it was decided to take the manufacturers to court.(n.法院, 庭院)In accordance with. 依照(用在法律上, 更加正式)In accordance with the law, In accordance with the regulation (n.规则, 规章)3. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money(如果按照金钱来衡量), it is extremely difficult to estim

17、ate the true value of the services which people perform for us.in terms of: according to 按照, 在.方面, 就而言, 关于In terms of the customer satisfaction, the policy should not be criticized. 如果从让顾客满意的角度讲,这个政策并没有什么可批评的。He thinks of every thing in terms of peoples interests. 他依据(按照)人民的利益考虑任何事。In terms of = in

18、respect of(关于, 就来说), with respect to(关于, 至于, 谈到)= in/with regard to(关于), as regards(关于, 至于)Estimate: to evaluate,notice it is not necessarily objective or exact 不一定客观或确切It is difficult to estimate how many deaths are caused by passive smoking each year.很难估计出来每年由于被动吸所烟造成的死亡究竟有多少。Perform:means do, but

19、 formal than do, often followed by a(an) service/operation/experiment/functionComputer can perform many different tasks. 电脑可以完成很多任务。4. There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this

20、service.There are times when:there are cases when/ sometimes 有的情形下,有时There are times when I wish I did have a job.有的时候我真希望自己没有工作。Would表达一种心理的愿望, 并不表示过去。There are time when we would willingly give everything we possess to bring our family happiness.Grudge doing sth: means be unwilling to do sth vt.吝啬

21、, 不愿给, 勉强给(后面要和名词和动名词搭配)- I grudge wasting time on this. 我不愿在这件事上浪费时间。- He grudge paying so much money for such bad food.I really grudge paying for such poor service.真不情愿为这么差的服务付钱。Precisely:exactly used to emphasize (this service of saving our lives)Whenever I told him what to do, he does precisely

22、the opposite.当我让他做什么的时候,他偏偏不这么做5. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.Such: pron. Refers to the sub-clause introduced by that skills have to be paid for in the same way技术要付钱来买。The nature

23、of his job is such that he had to tell no one about it. 工作性质就是这样,他不能告诉任何人His manner was such as to offend everyone around him. 他的举止行为以至于冒犯了身边的每一个人in the same way that: 比较两个东西的相同之处The conditions of society are such = Such are the conditions of society6. Beggars almost sell themselves as human being t

24、o arouse the pity of passers-by.Arouse:often followed by such words as interest, fear, anger, dislike (expressing feelings)His behavior was arousing the interest of his neighbors. 他的行为正在引起他的邻居的注意。7. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.In seeking independence = In the c

25、ourse of seeking independence (seek: look for, but more formal)This is the time for the new graduates to seek jobs. 现在是新毕业生找工作的时间。In和动名词搭配, 表示在的过程当中。- In speaking to him, I found that he stammers.(v.口吃, 结巴着说出)On和动名词搭配, 表示一就In crossing the hall, I noticed my shoes was undone. 在进入大厅的时候, 我注意到我的鞋带松了。- O

26、n crossing the hall, I noticed my shoes was undone. 一进入大厅的时候, 我就注意到我的鞋带松了。8. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences。choose to:to decide to do sth I chose to ignore his rudeness. 决定对他的粗暴不予理睬be fully/ perfectly aware of sth / thatMost of the smokers

27、 are aware of the dangers of smoking.Most of the smokers are aware that smoking is dangerous.9. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people.be free from: be without 不受的影响, 免于.(= without)- The old lady is never fre

28、e from pain.free from error/ anxiety/disease/difficulty/obligations 没有错误/忧虑/疾病/困难/义务He is leading a life free from care and anxieties. 过着一种无忧无虑的生活。10. Make it possible for sb to do sth11. in the open:outdoors It feels good in the open after working in the office all day. 在室外舒服12. but how many of us

29、can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from careCare: means worry their freedom from care: they dont have to worry about anything.You look as if you have all the cares of the world on your shoulders.你似乎在为全世界人操心。ellipsis and Repetition 省略

30、与重复teachers live by selling knowledge,philosophers ()by selling wisdom and priests() by selling spiritual comfort. by selling 都是相同的所以live省略了By having to sleep in the open,he gets far closer to the world of nature t ever do.Ever do= he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever get.

31、前后动词相同,所以省The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. 语法结构不同,所以不能省He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences.强调“过着他过着的”He may hunt,beg,or stead occasionally to keep himself aliv

32、e;he may even,in times of real need,do a little work;but he will never sacrifice his freedom. Parallelism 排比句式,强调freedom is the most important thing.In a sense, a text is trying to free us from stereotypes, it first surprises us by defining our social relationship of as one of buying and selling whi

33、ch is quite a radical view. We often mix tramps with beggars. The author tells us beggars sell their dignity, while tramps never sacrifice it. In this sense tramps are romanticized which is beautified by the author. In fact, it is rare, in the west, in some works of western writers, the heroes are d

34、escribed as a tramp free from social conventions, free from material constrains. 摆脱社会习俗,不受物质的羁绊。And also represent a simple life style and closer to nature. At the end of the text, the author said all of us might feel envious of the tramps life style.我们为什么没有勇气选择这种自由why dont we choose to lead such a

35、life? Maybe the price for freedom as well must be more expensive than relationship of buying and selling. II. Read the passage two or three time. Make sure you understand it. And then in not more than 80 words describe what happened from the time when the car got past the boulders to the moment it s

36、topped in the shallow pool (Para3). Use your own words as far as possible.1. Write a list of points (in note form).2. Connect your points to write a rough draft of the summary. Try to use your own words as far as possible, not only making extracts (摘抄) from the passage. Dont count the number of the

37、words until you have finished the rough draft. 3. In the rough draft, you are likely to go well over the words limit. Correct your draft carefully, bringing the number of words down to the set limit. III. Summary-writing points1. Real tramps-not beggars-sell nothing-require nothing2. They seek indep

38、endence-not sacrifice human dignity3. Tramps choose their way of life-aware of consequences4. May not know-next meal-but not worries others have5. Can travel easily-few possessions6. Sleep in the open-close to natureIV. Summary Unlike beggars, real tramps have nothing to sell and require nothing fro

39、m others. Although they seek independence, they will not sacrifice their human dignity. They choose their own way of life and are aware of the consequences. They may not know where the next meal is coming from, but they do not have the worries that others have. They can travel easily because they ha

40、ve few possessions and when they sleep in the open they are close to nature. (79 words)V. Letter writing I know I wrote to you only a few weeks ago, but I am writing this time to ask if you can help me. Do you think I can get a job in the UK for a few months? I dont mind doing almost anything-as long as it is not too hard. I could work in a hotel or a restaurant, for example, but I couldnt work on a building site! I need money to help to pay for a holiday that I am planning to take next year in Australia. But a visit to the UK would also help me improve my English.-可编辑-

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