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1、_比较级和最高级一 写出下列词的比较级和最高级。Tall _ _ short_ _ light_ _Weak _ _ strong _ _ long_ _Small _ _ high _ _ large _ _Heavy _ _ fast _ _ slow _ _Big _ _ fat _ _ thin _ _Wet _ _ red _ _ hot _ _Much _ _ many _ _ bad _ _Good _ _ ill _ _ little _ _Few _ _ well _ _ old _ _Cold _ _ new _ _ wide _ _ Angry _ _ busy _ _

2、dirty _ _Easy _ _ early _ _ cloudy _ _Happy _ _ beautiful _ _Important _ _ expensive_ _Interesting _ _ useful _ _Popular _ _ exciting _ _Careful _ _ wonderful _ _Difficult _ _ quickly _ _Slowly _ _ loudly _ _二 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tom is _( strong ) than Mary.2. You are _(weak ) than me 3. Lynn is _ (loud

3、 ) than any of us 4. This box is _(heavy) than that one 5. Exercise One is _( easy ) than Exercise Two 6. The sun is _(big) than the moon 7. The ruler is _( long ) than that one 8. My ball is _(small) than yours 9. Ted was _(slow) than Haley 10. Pat was _( light) than Koko.11. Im _(fat) than my daug

4、hter .12. Today is _( hot) than yesterday,Its _(hot) day of this year.13. The Changjiang River is _(long) river in China.14. Chongqing is _(large) city in China.15. The moon is _(small) of the three.16. My flat is _(good ) than yours .17. The moon is _(light) than the Earth 18. The place is _(dry )

5、than that place 19. This flower is _(red) than those flowers , its _(red) in those flowers20 shanghai is one of _ _ cities in our country 三 选择题1. we are _than they.A happy B happier C happily D happier2. This room is _than yours A big B biger C biggest D bigger 3. This picture is _than that one A ni

6、ce B the nicer C nicer D nicest 4. The changjiang river is _than the Yellow river A long B longer C longest D the longest 5. Chongqing is _city in our country A large B the largest C larger D largest 6.M y brother studied _ than me A good B well C better D best 7.Which is _the blue one or the red on

7、e ?A big B biger C bigger D biggest 8.Which box is _, the yellow one , the red one or the black one ?A heavy B heavyer C heavier D the heaviest 9.The sun is very _ A big B large C huge D the biggest 10. People can move very _ in cars or ships A fast B faster C fastest D the fastest 11.The fastest pe

8、ople swim _than the sailfish A fast B faster B fastest D the fastest 12.Tom draws _than I , but he doesnt draw _my sister A well , better B better , well C better , better D better, as well as 13. The _he is , the _he feelsA busier , happier B busiest, happiest C busier, happiest D busiest, happier1

9、4.I think autumn is _of the four seasons A the better B the best C best D better 四按要求完成句子1.Tom is taller than Tony ( 改为同义句) Tony is _ _ Tom 2.The blue box is heavier than the black one (改为同义句) The black box is _than the blue one 3.Today is colder than yesterday. Yesterday is _than today.4.The blue box is lighter than the red one The red box is _ _the blue one 5.The sun is bigger than the moon and the earth The moon and the earth _ _than the sun.Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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