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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2116123 上传时间:2024-05-16 格式:DOC 页数:6 大小:30.55KB
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1、动词第三人称单数变化及句型变化练习题I 写出下列动词的第三人称单数go come do like play learn jump bring swim catch run call put drink sing give dance jump come live get look have meet fly put study see read show write teach look wait drink work eat believe walk watch like try take _ do_drive speak_ride have _cook help _get wash _II

2、选择1. Ben_a new book. A.have B.has C.haves D.were2. Ben and Mary some books. A. have B.has C.are D.were3. I some stories every day. A. have B.has C.are D.were4. I _ ice cream.A.like B.likes C.liking D.likees5. My friend _ cookie. A. like B. likes C. liking D. likes6. My parents _ vegetables everyday.

3、 A. eat B. eats C. eating 7. Lily_ English every dayA.read B.reades C.reading D.reads8.A man _in front of his car.A.walk B.walks C.walking D.work9.Sams bicycle _a bell.A.have B has C.having D.is having10.I every dayA.swim B.swims C.swiming D.swimes11.He his homework every day.A.does B.do C.are D.is1

4、2. I _ my homework every day.A.do B.is C.does D.are13.They _ their homework every day.A. do B.does C. is D.are14. The girl in red _ with me. A.smelling B.smells C.smell D.is smell15.Lucy_with her hands.A.touch B.touching C.touches D.touchs16.Superdog_the boysA.see B.sees C.seeing D.ses17.Supergirl a

5、nd Superdog_them.A.saves B.save C.saving D.is saving18.Jack_their cow.A.sells B.sell C.selling D.are selling19.Jack_up the beanstalk.A.gets B.get C.climb D.climbs20.The giant _boys.A.eating B.dont eat C.eats D.eat21.The goose_golden eggs.A.lay B.lays C.layed D.layes22.The woman_the beanstalk.A.cut B

6、.cutting C.are cut D.cuts23.Her mother _the beanstalk.A.take B.is take Ctakes D. taking24. Jack andher mother _happerA.does B.are C.is D. have25.He_the beans in the ground.A.buy B.puts C.put D.buys二填空:1.She _(do) homework by herself.2.Jack _(go) home by bike.3.The giant_(climb) up the beanstalk.4.He

7、r mum _(run) to the goose.5.He_(do not)like apple.6,Sam_(put) it under his arm.7.The boy_(chase) it.8.Kitty_(watch)TV everyday.9.He_(feed)them at 8:00 in the morning.10.When _(do)he get up?11.Grandma Wang_(live) in Pudong.12.The girls_(give) the key to Grandpa.13.That key _(open) the old box.14.She

8、_(say) “I like these puppets”.15.What_(do)Alice find?16.Which toy_(do) she like?17.He doesnt_(know)her name.18.John cant_(find) his watch.19.Where _(do)Grandma live?20.How does he_(go)to the post office?将下列句子改成一般疑问句:并做肯定回答和否定回答1. It is a lovely dog. _ Yes,_ No,_2.She is lovely girl. _Yes,_ No,_3. He

9、 is my father. _Yes,_ No,_4. They are Lilys cousins. _Yes,_ No,_5. We are classmates. _Yes,_ No,_6. I am a doctor. _Yes,_ No,_7. There is a bird in the tree. _Yes,_ No,_8. There are many stars in the sky. _Yes,_ No,_9. They are good friends. _Yes,_ No,_10. I love my parents. _Yes,_ No,_11. I play co

10、mputer games every night. _Yes,_ No,_12. There are many books on the shelf. _Yes,_ No,_13. There was an ostrich in the zoo. _Yes,_ No,_14. We have a pleasant home. _ Yes,_ No,_15. We like to climb the mountain. _Yes,_ No,_16. They go to church on Sunday. _Yes,_ No,_17. They walk to school every morning. _Yes,_ No,_18. It is a beautiful park. _Yes,_ No,_

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