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1、 非谓语部分1._ some students, the teacher entered the hall.A. Following B. Followed C. Being followed D. Having followed2._, and he had to go back home.A. Day having broken B. Night had fallen C. The day had broken D. Night fallen3.Hearing his father was seriously ill, _.A. he burst into tears B. his eye

2、s were filled with tears C. his face lost its color D. tears came to his eyes4.He did all this to make her _, so she was very angry with him.A. laughed B. a good man C. laughing D. laughed at5.Entering the house, I found Jane _ at the desk and _ something.A. seat; write B. sitting; writing C. seatin

3、g; writing D. seated; to write6._ so many people in the hall, I had to push my way to the front.A. Being B. There were C. There being D. As being7.- What would you like for breakfast?- I dont feel like _. A. to eat something B. eating anything C. to eat anything D. eating nothing8.He got out of the

4、car, _ to the nearest house and telephoned his friend for help.A. walked B. Walking C. to walk D. walk9._ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colours.A. Growing B. Grown C. To grow D. Having grown10.It was on his way home _ he _ his wallet. The next morning he found

5、it _.A. that; lost; missing B. where; missing; lost C. which; missed; lost D. then; lost; missed11._ some of the questions _, the man said good-bye to us without making himself _.A. Left; unanswering; understood; B. Leaving; unanswered; understoodC. Left; unanswering; understanding D. Leaving; unans

6、wered; understanding12.I remember _ to their party, but I _ the invitation in the office.A. to be invited; have forgotten B. to invite; forget C. being invited; have left D. inviting; am leaving13.- Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Lice?- Well, I forgot _ I was supposed to go to.A. which the r

7、oom B. which room C. what was the room D. what room was it14.He can on the bed with his _.A. closed eyes and his mouth open B. eyes closed and his open mouthC. closed eyes and open his mouth D. eyes closed and his mouth open15.Finally I got my _. A. salary raised B. risen salary C. salary rise D. sa

8、lary to rise16._ many times, she still cant remember it.A. Had told B. Having been told C. Having told D. Being told17._, his friends met him at the station.A. Arriving in Chicago B. Arrived in ChicagoC. On arriving in Chicago D. When he arrived in Chicago18.May thought it a great pity _ to the part

9、y.A. not to be invited B. to be not invited C. not to have invited D. to have not invited19.Lots of _ news came every day during the _ Asian Games.A. inspiring; 11 th B. inspired; 11st C. inspiring; 11 st D. inspired; 11 th20.Every Monday morning we will stand on the playground and watch the nationa

10、l flag _ higher and higher.A. being raised B. Raising C. rising D. being risen21._ to be most difficult, Drill A is taker away from the lesson.A. Being considered B. Considering C. To consider D. Considered22.The palace Museum is _ again and again.A. worth being visited B. worthy visiting C. worthy

11、of being visited D. worth to visit23.Just keep quiet when you _.A. are speaking B. are speaking to C. are spoken D. are spoken to24.The old man kept his eyes _ on the picture for quite some time.A. fixing B. Fixed C. having fixed D. being fixed25.The law prevents these birds _.A. from killing B. fro

12、m being killed C. not to be killed D. not killing26.I can hardly imagine peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed27.Her room was found _ into yesterday afternoon, but nothing was found _.A. to break; steal B. to be broken; stolen C. being broken;

13、 robbed D. broken; stolen28.Was it in the shop _ he had his wallet _?A. where; steal B. that; stolen C. that; steal D. where; stole29.My watch needs _, but I have no time to go to town to have it _.A. to repair; repaired B. to be repaired; repairingC. repairing; repaired D. being repaired; repaired3

14、0.They had to give in since he stuck _ a meeting the next day.A. holding B. to hold C. to holding D. on being hold31.Someone must come and get the work _ sooner or later.A. do B. Done C. doing D. to do32.The little girl came _ all along _ for her Mum.A. running; crying B. run; cry C. running; cried

15、D. to run; was crying33.While he was in prison, comrade Li Dazhao would not give in and _ bravely.A. fight B. be fighting C. fighting D. fought34.- Do you know Kate?- Yes, very well. Ive seen her _ up from childhood.A. was growing B. to grow C. grow D. grew35.She went to work quietly, _ to work as h

16、ard as she could.A. her mind making up B. with her mind made upC. with her mind making up D. her mind being made up36.The teacher told the students to stop _ to him.A. to write and listen B. writing and listening C. to write and listening D. writing and to listen37._ in the countryside, he was surpr

17、ised by the right life in Paris.A. Being born and educated B. Born and educatedC. Being born and educating D. Born and having educated38._ is no use in saying anything.A. It B This C. That D. There39.I found her _ on a long bench.A. to sit B. sit C. seated D. seating40.- Do you feel like _ out or wo

18、uld you rather have dinner at home?- Id like to go out. I always enjoy _ dinner in a restaurant.A. dining; to have B. to dine; to have C. dining; having D. to dine; having41.I was just about _ the office when the phone rang.A. leaving B. Leave C. to leave D. to leaving42.It is foolish _ such a mista

19、ke.A. for me to make B. for me making C. of me to make D. of me making43.I dont think it advisable _.A. your studying maths B. you to study maths C. for you to study maths D. of you to study maths44.The man managed to make himself _ with his _ French.A. understood; breaking B. understand; broken C.

20、understand; breaking D. understood; broken45._, the concert began.A. The listeners having taken their seats B. Having taken their seatsC. Have taken their places D. The listeners to have taken their places46.The sun _, they went home.A. set down B. setted C. setting D. sets47.It _ heavily, the outin

21、g had to be put off.A. being rained B. being raining C. raining D. rains48._ from the tallest building, the whole city looks very beautiful.A. See B. Saw C. Seeing D. Seen49.Tom is waiting _ the doctor.A. to see B. for to see C. for seeing D. for see50.I spoke to him kindly _ him.A. to not frighten

22、B. so as not to frighten C. in order to not frighten D. for not frightening51.He was so foolish _ his car unlocked.A. to leave B. that leave C. as to leave D. for him to leave52.The students, _ at the way the questions were put, didnt know the answers to then.A. they surprising B. Surprised C. their

23、 being surprised D. surprise53.How I regret the days _ in doing the useless work!A. which wasted B. having been wasted C. which wasting D. having wasted54.When she returned home, she found the window open and something _.A. to steal B. Losing C. missed D. stolen55.They wanted the work _ with great c

24、are.A. to have done B. to be done C. doing D. to do56.Why do you have the water _ all the time?A. ran B. to be running C. running D. being running57.I want the job _ as quickly as possible.A. to do B. done C. doing D. be doing58._ Sunday, all of them went out.A. It being B. Being C. To be D . Been59

25、._, this is easy to do.A. Generally speaking B. Generally spoken C. Generally to speak D. Generally to be spoken60.He is an _ man.A. educated B. educating C. to be educated D. having educated61._ what to do, she asked her teacher for help.A. Not known B. Not knowing C. Not to know D. Having not know

26、n62.I remember _ to Paris when I was a very small child.A. being taken B. having taken C. to take D. to do taken63.The first thing they had got to do was to find something _.A. eating B. eaten C. to eat D. to be eaten64.The question is difficult _.A. for answering B. for being answered C. to be answ

27、ered D. to answer65.Are they used to _ by themselves?A. working B. work C. to be working D. have been worked66._, he will make a good swimmer.A. Giving time B. Given time C. To give time D. to be given time67._ who she was, she would reply, “A person who is to help”.A. Asking B. Asked C. To ask D. T

28、o be asked68.When you listen to _, try to catch the exact expression used.A. speaking English B. speak English C. English speaking D. English spoken69._ the airport, they waved again and again to us.A. Leaving B. After C. Having left D. to leave70.They are glad to see the children well _ in the nurs

29、ery.A. looking after B. looked after C. to look after D. to be looked after71.I have not any money _.A. to leave B. to be left C. leaving D. left72.He wont like such questions _ at the meeting.A. to discuss B. discussing C. discussed D. to have been discussed73.They are looking forward to _.A. Mary

30、came B. Mary come C. Mary to come D. Marys coming74.Please keep us _ of the latest news.A. to inform B. Informing C. informed D. to be informed75.The door remains _.A. locking B. Locked C. to be locking D. to be locked76.She had her arm _ in an accident.A. to break B. Break C. breaking D. broken77.I

31、 advise you _ before _ job.A to wait; deciding to accept B. to wait; to decide acceptingC. waiting; deciding to accept D. waiting; to decide accepting78.A child cant learn _ without _.A. spelling; being helped B. spelling; helpingC. to spelling; being helped D. to spell; to be helping79.Cant you rem

32、ember _ me the story last night?A. to tell B. telling C. to be told D. to be telling80.I didnt mean _ you angry.A. to make B. making C. to be making D. to be made非谓语动词部分1-5 ABADB 6-10 CBAAA 11-15 BCBDA 16-20 BDAAA 21-25 DCDBB 26-30 CDBCC 31-35 BADCB 36-40 DBDCC 41-45 CCCDA 46-50 CCDAB 51-55 CBBDB 56-60 CBAAA 61-65 BACDA 66-70 BBDAB 71-75 DCDCB 76-80 DAABA

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