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1、Unit 1Dr. Zhang: Whats so funny Lisa?Lisa: Ha, ha! Ive just read an article about a Scottish touristwho had his passport stolen in New Zealand, by a parrot.Dr. Zhang: A parrot? A bird? Thats impossible! Are you pulling my leg?Lisa: No, I am dead serious: its a true story!Dr. Zhang: What happened?Lis

2、a: According to the article, the Scottish tourist had put his passport in a little bright bag. But the brightness of the bag drew the attention of a parrot, which swooped down, grabbed it, and flew away!Dr. Zhang: Oh my! The poor tourist! Whats he going to do?Lisa: Well, he cant travel home. In fact

3、, he will now have to spend an extra six weeks in New Zealand.Dr. Zhang: Six weeks?Lisa: Yeah. The article says thats how long it will take him to get his passport renewed.Dr. Zhang: How inconvenient!Lisa: Indeed. Thats why, when I travel, I always keep important documents in a safe in my hotel room

4、. I would never lose an ID card or passport!Lisa: Tina, I am in a panic. I cant find my ID card .Ive lost it!Tina: Its probably just misplaced. I am sure it will turn up.Lisa: No it wont. Ive looked everywhere for it .its nowhere to be found. I think I somehow threw the card out with the rubbish. I

5、did a big house clean on Sunday and may have gotten a bit careless. Oh my, what have I done?Tina: Lisa, take it easy .its not the end of the world! Youll just have to get it replaced.Lisa: How? Will I be fined?Tina: No, of course not. Its a simple two-step process. I had to do it last year. The firs

6、t thing is to report the card lost or stolen to your local police station.Lisa: Thats fairly straightforward. Then what?Tina: Take a copy of the police report to the Public Security Bureau opposite the National Library. They will issue a new card immediately.Lisa: Thats it?Tina: Thats it.Lisa: So Il

7、l have a new card by the end of the week?Tina: Yep. Its no big deal, really.Lisa: Youre a star. Thanks for the help!Tina: No worries.Unit2Jack: Eric, I hope I meet the woman of my dreams sooner rather than later. I want to settle down and have a family before I am thirty.Eric: Well, Ive always thoug

8、ht that you and Rachel would make a wonderful couple!Jack: Rachel? Shed never go for me.Eric: I wouldnt be so sure. You should see the way she looks at you.What year were you born in?Jack: What year was I born in? Whats that got to do with anything?Eric: Lots. The year you were born says a great dea

9、l about your personality and who you would be compatible with as a mate.Jack: Youre kidding, right?Eric: No. I am perfectly serious.Jack: I was born in 1985.Eric: Thats the year of the ox. That makes sense, because youre down to earth, caring and loyal, just like ox people. Are you aware that Rachel

10、 was born in 1987?Jack: Yes, I am, but whats your point?Eric: Thats the year of the rabbit.Rabbit people are usually sweet natured, sociable and romantic.Jack: Just like RachelEric: You know, it is said that an ideal match for a rabbit is an oxCindy: Lisa, youre such an extroverted person, while I a

11、m much more introverted. Youre outgoing, whereas I am soft spoken. Youre very social, while I am very reserved. What do you think it is that makes our personalities so different? After all, were sisters!Lisa: I think it all has to do with the nature versus nurture debate?Cindy: Nature versus nurture

12、?Lisa: Yes, some scientists think that people are born with their personalities. Thats the “nature” theory of human behavior. Other scientists claim that the environment people grow up in shapes their personalities. Thats the “nurture” theory of human behavior.Cindy: Hm. Interesting. I tend to think

13、 that the environment determines a persons character. I guess that means I subscribe to the “nurture” theory.Lisa: Me too. I suppose thats why we are so different. We went to different schools, you played sports while I studied music, and we hung out with different types of friends.Cindy: Nonetheles

14、s, I do think nature plays a role in shaping personality too. After all, were both intelligent, talented in what we do and very caring towards others. These are probably all traits that we inherited.Lisa: Maybe. I am no expert. The important thing to me is that we get along so well, enjoy being toge

15、ther and love each other.Cindy: Youre right. I couldnt ask for a better sister!Unit3Tina: This is Tina Lin from HTN news, and we are with Rachel Wu today, a student of Feminist Studies. Rachel, would you say that there is true equality in our society between men and women?Rachel: Thats a good questi

16、on. On the whole, in most areas, I believe we can speak about real equality between men and women, and that is a very clear sign of social progress. However, the wage gap is still a significant problem women still earn a lot less money than men who have the same jobs.Tina: Can you give us a specific

17、 example of discriminatory wage practices based on sex?Rachel: Most certainly. Research shows that male health professionals, such as doctors and administrators, earn twice as much as female workers doing the same jobs full-time.Tina: Twice as much! That must be an extreme case.Rachel: Yes, on avera

18、ge, the pay gap is just under 10%. An example of such a gap would be hotel management. Male hotel managers generally earn 9.8% more than their female counterparts.Tina: Is there any reason to believe things will improve?Rachel: Yes, there is. In fact, the situation is getting better as we speak. 10

19、years ago, the pay gap was 16.2%. So in the last decade, there has been an improvement of over 6% this shows that our society is headed in the right direction. Tina: Rachel, thank you for speaking with us today.Rachel: Youre very welcome.Mary: I am reading a compelling book right now. Its called Fir

20、e with Fire.Dan: Whos the author?Mary: Naomi Wolf.Dan: Never heard of her.Mary: She is a feminist writer. Female empowerment is one of the major themes of the book.Dan: Really? In what way?Mary: She wants all women to have a voice that is heard. Like most feminists, she believes in gender equality a

21、nd equal opportunities for women.Dan: How about you: are you a feminist?Mary: I am in the sense that I support the idea of men and women having equal rights. I am also sensitive to how language sometimes discriminates against women.Dan: Language discriminates?Mary: Yes, you know, people often use te

22、rms like businessman, policeman or salesman.Dan: Whats wrong with that?Mary: It suggests that women cant do these jobs. Nondiscriminatory language would be terms like businessperson, police officer or sales representative.Dan: Yes, I see. That language is much more gender neutral.Unit4Cindy: I just

23、had a tiff with my father.Jane: Cindy, Im sorry to hear that. What was it about?Cindy: He was asking me about my career plans and I told him that I want to be a housewife.Jane: A housewife? Im somewhat surprised to hear you say that.I mean why would you want to be a housewife?Cindy: Because I value

24、family more than anything else. I guess I just want to spend my adult life making a warm and loving family home.Jane: So what was your fathers reaction?Cindy: He got angry. He said he was wasting his money sending me to university if my intention is only to become a housewife.Jane: Do you think he h

25、as a point?Cindy: No, not in the least! I mean, I am extremely grateful that he is paying for my studies, but knowledge is priceless, its the key to understanding the world around us. Besides, if I have children, I want to help educate them and get involved with their schooling. And who knows, maybe

26、 one day, I might decide that I want to work outside the home and Ill need a degree to show that Im qualified. Jane: Well, if its worth anything, I support you in your decision. My feeling is that people need to take on responsibilities that give meaning to their lives. Becoming a housewife will def

27、initely give you this sense of purpose. Cindy: Thanks Jane. That means a lot to me. Youre a good friend.Lisa: Did you realize that there is a meeting scheduled for 3:30 this afternoon?Tim: No, I didnt. Any reason given for the meeting? Lisa: Elsa wants to see what we can do to run a more successful

28、department. Tim: That should be interesting. Our department is made up of seven men and eight women. My guess is that it will be hard for us to achieve a consensus because men and women define success very differently. Lisa: Isnt the idea of success more or less the same for everybody? Tim: Not acco

29、rding to an article I just read. It says that women see being successful at work as being a good team player and collaborator. Lisa: I would agree. Tim: Well, you are a woman! Lisa: Tell me about men then. Tim: Men, on the other hand, define being successful at work as being self-sufficient and achi

30、eving targets. Lisa: I would agree with that too an employee needs to be able to take initiative without always being told what to do. At the meeting, I think we need to aim to create a balance between men and womens views of success. Unit5Cindy: Julies asked me to go to her wedding I am so excited!

31、 Jane: Julie is getting married thats great news! Please congratulate her on my behalf. What will you wear? Cindy: No idea: I cant fit in to any of my fancy clothes. I need to lose weight immediately. Any suggestions? Jane: The recipe for weight loss is simple: exercise and a healthy diet. Cindy: Bu

32、t I cant stand exercise! Whenever I go jogging I get bored after 5 minutes. Jane: Well, try to do fun things. There are many other ways to burn off fat. Get involved in team sports, like volleyball, or group exercise, like aerobics or even something like yoga. Cindy: I suppose I could try. Jane: I g

33、uess it depends on how much you want to fit into a nice dress! Cindy: Alright. Ill do some exercise, but a diet, no way! I need my chocolate. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, chocolate brownies ,its all so scrumptious! The idea of a diet depresses me. Jane: You dont have to give up chocolate com

34、pletely just dont overdo it. When you get a craving, eat some fruit or have a salad. Youll feel refreshed! Cindy: Easy for you to say. Youre not a chocoholic!Tim: Bob, youre looking good. Have you been working out? Bob: Yeah, Ive started this awesome exercise routine. I feel great! Tim: Well, you ce

35、rtainly look trim and fit. Whats the secret? Bob: Discipline and dedication. I make sure I stick to a routine. Tim: Can you walk me through it? Bob: Would love to. Every morning, before breakfast, I do some stretching to loosen up and make sure that I dont pull any muscles during the day. Then I go

36、for a 30-minute jog. Tim: I see what you mean by dedication. I cant do anything before breakfast. Bob: Then, before lunch, I hit the gym and do some weight training and cardio work. Its normally a 40-minute session. Tim: You must work up quite an appetite!Bob: I certainly do. Then, on my way home fr

37、om work, I stop by the pool and go for a 1000-meter swim. Swimming is truly the best exercise: it works every muscle, including the heart, and is not hard on the joints. Tim: Well, your routine is impressive. In fact, if you keep it up, you could probably complete a triathlon. Bob: Thats my goal!Uni

38、t6Mary: Whats in that bag?Jack: A tent! I just bought it: I am going camping next month!Mary: Wow, how exciting! Where to? Jack: The Amazon. Mark and I are planning a 6-day hike through the rainforest. Well sleep in this tent every night, with the sounds of the jungle as background music. Mary: That

39、 has got to be the coolest camping trip ever. Ive always wanted to explore the jungle! Youll see fascinating birds, reptiles and amphibians! Jack: I know. Im actually afraid of snakes so hopefully we wont come across too many of them! I am hoping well see river dolphins from the shores of the Amazon

40、. Mary: Oh yes! Pink Amazon river dolphins those are incredible! Be sure to bring a camera. Jack: I will. Ive actually bought a tripod so that I cantake good wildlife pictures. Mary: Great idea. Please do show me your shots when you get back. Jack: I will. Ill make a slideshow and invite youover for

41、 a viewing and, hopefully, some great storytelling! Mary: I look forward to it! Jack: What exactly is ecotourism? It seems to be the latest travel buzzword. Eric: Indeed. Ecotravel, ecolodges, ecotourism all three terms are very popular in the travel industry nowadays. I myself am a big fan of ecoto

42、urism. Jack: So please tell me about it: Im all ears! Eric: Well, let me begin with a question. On your view, what are some of the negative effects of tourism on travel destinations? Jack: Hmm. I guess there are two main drawbacks. The first thing is that tourism pollutes. I recently went to the sea

43、side for the weekend, and couldnt believe how much rubbish from travelers littered the beaches and sea. The second thing is that tourism sometimes disrupts the local cultures and practices. Eric: These two drawbacks a re are precisely what ecotourism wants to avoid. For example, TIES The Internation

44、al Ecotourism Society promotes responsible travel to tourist areas. TIES wants travel to be environmentally friendly and help improve the well-being of local people. Jack: How can these improvements be made? Eric: By providing financial benefits and empowerment for local people, and by raising aware

45、ness on environmental and cultural issues that are important to them. Jack: I think thats commendable. From now on, I will be an ecotourist!Unit7Cindy: Dr. Wang, do you have a moment? I would like to ask you for some advice.Dr. Wang: Of course, Cindy, what can I do for you?Cindy: I wanted to ask you

46、 about idioms. I have an IELTS test next month and the public IELTS descriptors show that I can get a higher score on the speaking test if I use idiomatic vocabulary.Dr. Wang: Well, using idioms isnt always easy. But I could give you one or two that might be helpful.Cindy: Id appreciate that.Dr. Wan

47、g: Hmm, lets see If youre asked to describe yourself, you could answer that youre a person who doesnt like to cause problems by saying you dont like to rock the boat.Cindy: Sure, I can remember that. Thank you.Do you have some other suggestions?Dr. Wang: Well, let me think. If you find something to

48、be easy to do, you can say: its a piece of cake.Cindy: Oh yeah, Ive heard that before. Ill try to use that idiom during my test. I could say: speaking English is a piece of cake! Ha, ha!Dr. Wang: Ha! Yes, thats fine. Do make sure that you use these idioms in the appropriate context or they will not make sense.Cindy: I understand. Ill

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