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1、 Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateTeaching Time: 8 periodsTeaching Objectives: Ss Should Learn to:1. Understand weather forecasts;2. Talk about weather;3. Write a weather report;4. Know about celsius and fahrenheit Key &Difficult Points:1. Understand weather forecasts profoundly; 2.Talk about weathe

2、r to start a conversation;3. Basic sentence structuresTeaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to FaceLead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions: 1) do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?2) What is the use and importance of a weather report?

3、2. Class Activities:1).Read the mini-talks,try to recite them;2) Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class. 3) The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently used according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The student

4、s speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Sentences for Workplace Communicaiton1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2) Listen to the tape for the first time.The focus here is on cross-ref

5、erence of the English sentences and their Chinese meanings.3) Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do exercises in this section. 4)Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to repeat the sentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue

6、1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2)Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3)Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally: 4)Play the tape for the third time, an

7、d the students read the dialogues, following the tape simultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers tones. 5)Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item

8、.2)Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3) Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section. 4)Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to take notes of the key words. SECTION III Try

9、ing Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis: Teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage). Afterwards, ask the students

10、 to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.2 Simulated writing: 1)The students read and translate the sample weather forecasts with the help of the teacher.2)Do Exercises 2, 3 and 4 in groups.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage 1 We can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions: What is the

11、consequences of global warming?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students have a discussion in groups to pick

12、out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they dont understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. Key Language Points in Teachers Book 1

13、) trap:store-so that it cannot escape. Eg: A filter can trap dust from the air. 2)stand-by:readiness for duty.Eg: The soldiers are on stand-by, ready to set out at any time. 3)stuff:things. Eg: There is a lot of stuff about in todays newspaper. 4)membership:being a member of an organization. eg:He l

14、ost his membership card and was denied access. 5)swell:grow bigger. Eg: The population swelled during that time. 4 Understanding the passage in detail: 1)Paragraph 1: Group work: Give the students 3 minutes to prepare the translation of the first paragraph, and then an oral class presentation is req

15、uired.2)Paragraph 2: Ask one or two students to read this paragraph. 3)Paragraph 3: 1) Pair work: One student reads this paragraph loudly, and another helps correct his or her pronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again. 2) Work together to summarize the general idea of

16、 Para. 3, and then present it in class. 5 Summary of the passage Group work: The students have a discussion of the main idea of the passage. The students ideas may vary, and the teacher gives his or her own idea.6 Assignments for this section: 1. Recite Paragraphs 2 and 3 2. Preview Passage II.PASSA

17、GE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up activities: How do the British generally start their coversations?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage and get its general idea.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:Choose language points in Language

18、 Points in Teachers Book 4 Understanding the passage in detail: Paragraph 1: 1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph for or three times according to the students English level, and the students write them down. Afterwards,

19、the students check up them with their partners. Paragraph 2: 1) Ask two or three students to read the paragraph individually.2) Pair work: One student asks about 2 or 3 specific questions about Paragraphs 2, and the other one gives the answers. Then the students exchange their roles to do the same w

20、ork again. The rest of the passage: 1) The students read this part following the teacher.2) Group work: The teacher draws the following table on the blackboard (or shows it with PPT), and then asks the students to have a group discussion for matching the greeting sentences in Column A with the count

21、ries they are spoken in Column B. In the end, the whole class try to pronounce the greeting words in different languages.5 Summary of the passage: 1)Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the passage into Chinese.2)Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from the passage witch they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and ask the whole class to read them aloud. 6 Assignments for this section: Read the passage again.

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