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1、教育硕士毕业论文初中英语显性与隐性语法教学的整合 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途单位代码10445学 号2007030220分 类 号H319。3教育硕士学位论文论文题目 Integration of Explicit and Implicit Grammar Instruction in EFL in Junior High Schools初中英语显性与隐性语法教学的整合学科专业名称:学科教学英语申请人姓名:吕瑞洁导 师 姓 名:刘倩 副教授论文提交时间:2009年10月14日论文提交时间:2008年4月10日1独 创 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究

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3、。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名: 导师签字:签字日期:200 年 月 日 签字日期:200 年 月 日 ContentsContentsiAbstracti摘要iiiIntroduction10。1 Background of the study10。2 Purpose of the study20。3 Significance of the study20.4 Organization of this thesis3Chapter One Literature Review41。1 Historical review on grammar teaching41.1。

4、1 Grammar teaching in different language teaching methods41。1.2 Grammar teaching in China81.1。3 Situation of grammar teaching in junior high schools101.1.4 Significance of grammar teaching in junior high schools111。2 Review on explicit/implicit instruction in SLA131.2.1 Explicit/implicit instruction

5、131.2.2 Development of explicit/implicit instruction141。2。3 Debates on explicit/implicit grammar instruction171.2。3.1 Views on explicit grammar instruction171.2。3。2 Views on implicit grammar instruction171。2。4 Summary181。3 Researches on implicit and explicit instruction of grammar191.3。1 Laboratory

6、studies191.3.2 Classroom studies221。3。3 Studies on explicit / implicit instruction in China231。3。4 Summary23Chapter Two Theoretical Support252。1 Related terms in explicit/implicit field252.2 Techniques of explicit/implicit instruction272。2.1 Techniques of explicit instruction272。2.2 Techniques of im

7、plicit instruction272。2.3 Combination of the explicit and implicit teaching strategies282。3 Related theories292。3.1 Krashens Acquisitionlearning Hypothesis292。3.2 Schmidts Noticing Hypothesis312.3.3 Summary32Chapter Three Research Design333.1 Research purpose and research hypothesis333.1.1 Research

8、purposes333.1。2 Research hypotheses343.2 Subjects353.3 Textbook353.4 Instruments353。4。1 Tests363.4.2 Questionnaire363.5 Experimental procedures373。5。1 Pretest373。5.2 Experiment373。5。3 Posttest413。6 Data collection42Chapter Four Results and Discussion434.1 Results and analyses of the tests434。1。1 Dat

9、a from the tests434.1.2 Discussion464.2 Results and analyses of the questionnaire464。2.1 Data from the questionnaire464.2.2 Discussion48Chapter Five Findings and Implications495。1 Major findings of the research495.2 Pedagogical implications505。3 Limitations of the research535.4 Suggestions for furth

10、er research54Conclusion56References58Acknowledgements63Appendix I64攻读教育硕士学位期间发表的学术论文7983AbstractEnglish grammar teaching is part of English teaching in high schools. For a long period, grammar teaching has been a controversial subject in high school English teaching in China。 Should grammar be taugh

11、t? What is a more proper way of teaching grammar? How can the communicative competence and language accuracy be balanced in English teaching of high schools? As to grammar teaching, there exist two main representative approaches: explicit grammar instruction and implicit grammar instruction。 The two

12、 rival claims on grammar teaching stem from the opposed theories of Krashen and Schmidt on the role of explicit and implicit learning in SLA. Krashen (1981, 1982, 1985, 1992) claims that second language development largely resulted from unconscious acquisition processes that are facilitated by a foc

13、us on meaning alone and that unconscious acquisition excels conscious learning。 While Schmidt (1990, 1994, 1995, 2001) claims that learning requires awareness at the level of noticing, and that learning at the higher level of understanding seems crucial in most cases. Scholars of these two streams d

14、id many researches on this issue and studies indicated that both explicit and implicit approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Since the 1990s, most scholars suggest that the best way in grammar teaching is to integrate these two methods。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途Whereas the practical

15、 situation of grammar teaching in junior high schools and the serious problems it caused, this thesis is contriving to find out a more suitable way peculiar to them by integrating explicit and implicit grammar teaching effectively。 And based on the theories of Krashens acquisition-learning hypothesi

16、s and Schmidts noticing hypothesis, and the related revision mentioned in this thesis, this study constructs an integrative grammar instruction method which will illustrate how explicit grammar teaching and implicit grammar teaching are integrated。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络In order to prove the hi

17、gher efficiency the integrative grammar teaching method brings to Chinese junior high school students as compared to the current prevailing grammar method (i.e. the traditional grammar teaching method), an experimental study was carried out。 Two Grade Eight classes (one is an experimental class, the

18、 other is a control class) from Zouping Daixi Middle School were chosen for this comparative teaching experiment。 The study lasted nearly one semester. In the experiment, the experimental class (EC) received the integrative grammar instruction and the control class (CC) was taught under the traditio

19、nal condition. After the experiment, the participants received a posttest and a questionnaire. The data of the tests were analyzed by the author with the SPSS 14.0 and the results indicated that the mean scores of the experimental class were much higher than those of the control class, and there exi

20、sted significant difference between the two classes。 Also, the results of the questionnaire showed that the experimental class students motivation, interest and confidence in grammar learning were all increased, and their ability of solving problem was enhanced. Therefore, comparing with the current

21、 traditional grammar teaching method, the integrative method of explicit and implicit grammar instruction can bring higher efficiency to junior high school students in their grammar learning。 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络Being an experimental research on grammar teaching and learning, the present stu

22、dy offers an experimental basis for improving junior high school grammar teaching and learning and also enlarges the application field of the two teaching dimensions, namely explicit and implicit grammar instruction。 It carries both practical and academic significances.Key words: grammar; explicit g

23、rammar instruction; implicit grammar instruction; integration; junior high schools摘要英语语法是中学英语教学中不可缺少的一个部分.长期以来,中学英语教不教语法、如何看待语法、怎样调和交际能力和准确性之间的矛盾是中学英语教学界一直争论不休的话题。在语法教学方法上,一直以来就有两种代表性的观点:显性语法教学和隐性语法教学。两种教学观的对立源于Krashen 和Schmidt关于显性和隐性学习在二语习得中的作用的对立理论。Krashen (1981, 1982, 1985, 1992)认为二语习得主要是无意识习得的结果

24、,无意识的习得优于有意识的学习。而Schmidt (1990, 1994, 1995, 2001)提出在注意层次上对语言形式具有的意识是二语学习所必需的,并且在语言规则意识层次上的意识极大有利于对语言的学习。两支流派的学者进行的多项研究表明显性语法教学和隐性语法教学各有优势和不足,进入20世纪90年代后,学者们发现最好的办法是综合两种观点。鉴于初中英语语法教学现状以及学生语法知识的实际情况,本文论述了如何将显性语法教学和隐性语法教学合理地整合,以找到适合中国学生更加有效的语法教学方式。作者根据Krashen的acquisitionlearning hypothesis 和Schmidt的not

25、icing hypothesis 和回顾中所提到的相关知识,重新对显性语法教学和隐性语法教学进行整合,提出综合语法教学方法和阐述这种方法的具体实施步骤。为了证明这种综合的语法教学方法比传统的语法教学方法在初中外语教学中更有效,作者从邹平县黛溪中学八年级选定两个班作为实验班和控制班进行了历时将近一学期的对比教学实验。其中实验班采取显性语法教学和隐性语法教学综合法,而控制班则按照惯用的传统语法教学方法进行教学。之后,分别对受试者进行了语法测试和问卷调查.通过使用SPSS14。0 软件对他们所得的分数进行分析后,得出实验班在后测中分数比控制班高,并存在显著差异。问卷调查的结果表明,实验班学生经过实验

26、,语法学习的动机,兴趣和自信心都有所提高,自我解决问题的能力也有所增强.因此,本文提出的显性语法教学和隐性语法教学整合的教学方法要优于传统的语法教学,并且是一种有效的语法教学方式。该教学方法可以更有效的促进初中学生对语法学习、记忆和使用.本研究是对语法教学进行的实证性研究,为以后的初中英语语法教学提供了实证基础,同时也扩大了显性语法教学和隐性语法教学的应用与研究,具有一定的研究价值和意义。关键词:语法,显性语法教学,隐性语法教学,整合,初中分类号:H319Introduction0.1 Background of the studyGrammar is an indispensable asp

27、ect of language study. The teaching of grammar has played an important part in ELT and EFL。 Over the past 30 years, the role of grammar teaching has been of great interest to professional and numerous language teachers in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). In recent years, one of the ke

28、y issues in grammar teaching in SLA is whether grammar should be taught explicitly or implicitly。 Before the 1970s, the mainstream of L2 teaching is traditional teaching which is mainly presented by the GrammarTranslation Method (GTM). GTM pays more attention to language forms, and it needs teachers

29、 to explain language rules deductively and then guide students to do related exercises。 This kind of method is called explicit grammar teaching. In the late 1970s, GTM was criticized for overemphasis on grammatical rules but paying no attention to language use in real communication。 The emergence of

30、 the Direct Method in the early 1960s shook the traditional position of explicit teaching which was represented by GTM。 Implicit teaching began to step onto the stage of language teaching. Implicit grammar teaching claims that learners should study grammar in a meaningful and natural environment。 Re

31、searchers have done a lot of experimental study related these two methods of grammar teaching. Studies indicate that learners can benefit from either implicit or explicit instruction in learning some kinds of grammar items。 But neither explicit instruction nor implicit instruction can simultaneously

32、 give attention to both accurate and fluent use of language, and in teaching practice people always attend to one thing and lose another。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途In recent years, further studies have been carried out。 Many scholars propose that the new trend of grammar teaching is to integrate thes

33、e two kinds of grammar teaching。 The theoretical foundation is LarsenFreemans (1991) explanation of the three dimensions of grammar and Ellis views on grammar (1990). These scholars think that the integration of explicit and implicit grammar teaching can provide learners with more opportunity that g

34、et learners to be exposed to a variety of language forms on the one hand, and on the other hand get learners to use language in an actual context。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络0.2 Purpose of the studyIn China, where English is taught as a foreign language, the teaching of grammar is also an area of so

35、me controversy and debate。 Among the large quantity of works on grammar teaching, there are many theoretical contends but little exchange in operational significance, and there are many studies on university English majors but few on middle school English grammar teaching (Quan,2003; Zhuang Wei,2003

36、). Since English education is the basis of English learning in secondary schools, and it is related to the extent of students mastery of English knowledge, the teaching of English grammar is thus an indispensable aspect in FLT.文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途This study will take Krashens acquisition

37、learning hypothesis and Schmidts noticing hypothesis as its supporting theories, research the ways of the integration of implicit and explicit grammar instruction in junior high schools, and thus explore the effect of the integration on learning grammar. The general research questions in the study i

38、nclude: 1) Can the integration instruction improve the level of English grammar more effectively than the current prevailing method? 2) In what aspects can it affect students grammar learning?个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途0.3 Significance of the studyThis study will help provide empirical evidence in te

39、aching English grammar。 Foreign language teachers often find themselves in a tricky situation when it comes to various teaching methods。 In the context of China, English grammar instruction has gone from one extreme to another。 Explicit grammarbased instruction has been applied in foreign language t

40、eaching for decades。 Grammar had always been taught explicitly before. Very often language rules isolated from meaningful contexts were explicitly presented and instructed by the teachers and passively studied by the students, followed by a large quantity of exercises and practice。 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集

41、整理,勿做商业用途Currently English teaching in China, however, is mostly communicationoriented and inadequate emphasis has been laid on English grammar instruction. The effects of implicit instruction on grammar in the context of China are still under dispute, and only a few studies explored the effects of

42、the combination of implicit and explicit instruction on second language rules in China. Therefore, the current study may give an insight into those questions. However, this study is not trying to present a conclusive case but to start an inquiry。 As language teaching is a theoretical and practical j

43、ob, a more efficient way within the Chinese educational environment needs to be explored further.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途0.4 Organization of this thesisThis thesis consists of 5 chapters.Chapter one is the literature review which contains three sections。 The first section mainly reviews the pr

44、evious grammar teaching at home and abroad. In the second section, explicit and implicit grammar instruction is introduced including the development of explicit and implicit instruction and different views on explicit and implicit instruction. In the third section, researches on explicit and implici

45、t instruction of second/foreign language grammar are introduced and the problems of the previous researches are pointed out.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Chapter two introduces the theories involved in this study, which include the related definitions, the techniques of explicit/implicit instruction

46、, and the acquisitionlearning hypothesis and noticing hypothesis。Chapter three illustrates the whole procedure of the research. It covers the research purpose and hypothesis, subjects, instruments, experimental procedures and data collection.Chapter four is about the results of the experiment, which

47、 conclude the data analyses from the two tests: pretest and post-test, and the data analyses from the posttreatment questionnaire。 It also gives a brief discussion on the results。Chapter five focuses on the major findings of the research and the implications of the integrative instruction in English grammar teaching。 The author also points out th

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