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1、冷库工程安装施工合同 CONTRACT OF REFRIGERATING STORAGE INSTALLATION 本合同系中译英 翻译:张云军Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune. 合同签订日期: 年 月 日 Date of Signature: 合同编号: Contract No. 工程名称: Project Name: 签约日期: Date of Signature: 建设单位: Employer 施工单位: Contractor 第一条 合同范围及工程概况 Article One Contract Scope

2、and Project Overview第二条 合同目的 Article Five Contract Purpose第三条 设计服务 Article Three Design Service第四条 设计条件 Article Four Design Conditions第五条 保温材料 Article Five Materials of Thermal Insulation第六条 设备、材料交付 Article Six Delivery of Equipment and Material第七条 设备、材料质量要求 Article Seven Quality Requirements for Eq

3、uipment / Material第八条 施工工艺 Article Eight Execution Craft第九条 安装与验收 Article Nine Installation and Acceptance第十条 技术服务 Article Ten Technical Service第十一条 合同总价款 Article Eleven Total Contract Cost第十二条 发票与付款 Article Twelve Invoice and Payment第十三条 保证与索赔 Article Thirteen Warranty and Claim第十四条 侵权和保密 Article F

4、ourteen Infringement and Confidentiality第十五条 违约责任 Article Fifteen Breach Liability第十六条 争议解决 Article Sixteen Dispute Settlement第十七条 合同生效及其他 Article Seventeen Effectiveness and Miscellaneous 鉴于:WHEREAS1、建设单位在其新建车间中配套冷库建设,达到节能、保温、保冷、防冻以满足生产工艺要求。Whereas the new workshop of employer is to be with install

5、ation of cold storage which, to save energy, thermal insulation / cold and antifreeze, satisfy the requirement of production craftwork. 2、建设单位与施工单位就冷库工程的设计、施工、制冷与电控系统等的设备配备、安装、调试等事项进行了充分沟通;施工单位承诺完成本合同约定的设计、施工、安装等各项服务以及材料供应。Whereas employer have made full communication and discussion with contractor

6、on design, execution of cold storage project and equipment, installation and commissioning of systems of refrigeration / electrical control etc.; Contractor promise to accomplish the various services and materials supply which, are stipulated herein and relevant to design, execution, installation an

7、d so on. 双方现协议如下:NOW THEREFORE, the Parties Hereby Agree as Follows: 第一条 合同范围及工程概况 Article One Contract Scope and Project Overview本合同所称“设备”,指冷库工程项目运转时所需之全部制冷设备及相关配套设施设备,包括制冷设备主机、制冷系统库房冷却设备、氨制冷其他共用辅助设备、库房保温系统、冲霜系统、制冷管道、电控系统等。主要设施设备的名称、型号规格、数量、技术指标和性能要求等详见本合同附件“冷库工程方案报价书”。The equipment which referred

8、herein shall mean all refrigerating equipment and related facilities / equipment which are necessary for operation of refrigeration project, including main machine of refrigeration, refrigerating system of storage, ammonia refrigeration with other shared auxiliary equipment, storage insulation syste

9、m, defrost system, refrigerating pipe and electrical control system, and others. The requirements of name, model / specification, quantity, technical indicator and performance of main facilities and equipment are particularized in QUOTATION FOR COLD ENGINEERING STORAGE which is appendix herewith. 本合

10、同项下的工程概况如下:Project Overview as Follows:1、冷库概况:On Refrigerating Storage冷库面积为 平方米,库内净高均为6米。The area of cold storage is square meters and clear height therein is 6 meters. 2、冷库工程内容:冷库中的三大系统即保温系统、制冷系统、电控设备及安装调试的全部内容。Project contents:All contents of three systems of cold storage including thermal insulat

11、ion system, cold system and electrical equipment in addition to installation / commissioning. 3、机房概况:3T流态速冻机、2台速冻库(10T/10h)交叉使用的冷源;冷库的冷源;3T/h前处理和250平方米车间空调的冷源。Machine workshop: 3T fluidized freezers, cold source for 2 sets of deepfreeze storages, cold source for cold storage, cold source for 3T / h

12、pre-treatment workshop and 250 square meters air-conditioned. 4、本工程不包括流态、前处理、车间空调等冷库以外的所有制冷连接管道及保温。This project exclude all pipes connecting with refrigeration and thermal insulation, which are beyond , in cold storage, fluidized freezer, pre-treatment, workshop air-conditioner etc. 5、本合同工程安装的主体总工期为

13、100天,以施工单位实际进场之日起开始计算。Total work period of main installation of project shall be 100 days which be calculated on and from the date at which contractor access practically to project site. 第二条 合同目的 Article Five Contract Purpose根据本合同约定的设备、材料和服务,完成符合设计要求的冷库保温工程。Completion of cold / thermal insulation pr

14、oject which conform in the requirements of design in accordance with the stipulations of equipments, materials and services hereof. 本合同项下冷库保温工程中低温库建筑面积共计为 平方米,库内设计温度为零下20摄氏度(允许误差为正负2摄氏度);流态速冻机及速冻库的温度均为零下30摄氏度(允许误差为正负2摄氏度),蒸发温度为零下40摄氏度温度级;前处理及车间空调的蒸发温度均为零下7摄氏度至零下10摄氏度温度级。Construction area of deepfree

15、ze storage is squires meters in which the designed temperature is minus 20 degrees Celsius with allowance of plus or minus 2 degrees Celsius; the temperature of fluidized freezer and deep freezer are minus 30 degrees Celsius with allowance of plus or minus 2 degrees Celsius, evaporation temperature

16、is minus 40 degree Celsius; the evaporation temperature of both pre-treatment and workshop are the temperature between minus 7 degree Celsius to 10 degree Celsius. 第三条 设计服务 Article Three Design Service施工单位必须依照现行有效的标准、规范、规程,进行本合同约定的设计。Contractor should, as per the existing in force standards, norms a

17、nd procedures, process the design which stipulated hereof. 施工单位提供的设计服务,主要为与冷库保温工程直接有关的区域,包括下列范围:Main design service provided by contractor are the zone and place which are relevant to the project of cold storage / thermal insulation, including following range: (一)冷库,主要包括冷藏库、速冻库等及其余区域; Cold storages,

18、 mainly including refrigeration storage, deepfreeze storage and other zones. (二)吊顶; Ceiling(三)地面保温部分;Floor thermal insulation(四)其他相关项目,主要包括吊顶吊点用料、库内消毒设施及用电等; Other relevant items, mainly including the materials used for ceiling, sterilizing facilities in storages and electrical equipment. 第四条 设计条件 A

19、rticle Four Design Conditions本合同签订之日起十日内,施工单位应当向建设单位提供冷库保温工程的数据、信息或载明该数据、信息的图纸:Constructor should within ten days as of the signature of this contract, provide employer with data, information on cold storage project or the drawings stipulating the data, information therewith. (一)材料位置、材料荷载大小及支点、材料基础平

20、面尺寸、空间高度;Position, loading and pivot of material in addition to base plane size of material and space height. (二)预埋件、预留孔、预留洞等的位置和尺寸;Place and size of built-in fitting, and other reserved holes / bore. (三)水、电、气等各种管线的最大容量、负荷、布局和接驳位置;Maximum capacity, loading, layout and connection points of various pi

21、pes / lines of water, electricity and gas. (四)其他与冷库保温工程有关的图纸。Other drawings relevant to cold storage. 建设单位应确保相关的动力电源接入施工单位二台制冷机组主控柜和操作控制柜,水源接入机房并连接相应的水系统管道。如因土建设计单位、钢结构施工单位未能及时予以配合的,施工单位不承担任何工程延期等责任。Employer should ensure driving power access to the main controlling cabinet and operation controlling

22、 cabinet of 2 sets of refrigeration machine group of contractor; water source connected to machine room and with water pipe system. Contractor shall not take any responsibility of extension of project and so on due to the failure of cooperation of foundation designer and contractor of steel structur

23、e. 第五条 保温材料 Article Five Materials of Thermal Insulation保温材料的保温性能、尺寸、稳定性、使用寿命等关键性能指标必须符合本合同附件及相关议标文件的规定,而且必须符合工程质量优良的要求。在工程竣工时,在冷库外观验收合格前,所有保温材料、外护层及辅材由施工单位保管,并承担材料和工程的风险,建设单位提供贮存场地。Key performance index on thermal capacity, size, stability and use life should comply with the appendix hereof and sti

24、pulations of relevant bidding documents in addition to the requirements of excellent project quality.Contractor should, on the time of completion and before acceptance of cold storage s appearance, keep storage of all insulation materials, outside protecting layer and auxiliary materials, and bear t

25、he risks of materials and project, provided that employer should provide the place of storage of materials. 第六条 设备、材料交付 Article Six Delivery of Equipment and Material施工单位可以根据安装进程,自行决定交付设备、材料的时间,但不得影响或推迟合同约定的设备及材料的安装竣工日。本合同项下全部设备、材料的交付地点为建设单位新建厂房冷库车间内。Contractor may, in accordance with installation p

26、rogress, decide at its discretion delivery time of equipment and material, provided that may not effect or defer installation complete date which have been stipulated hereof, of equipment and material.Delivery place of all equipments, materials subject to this contract shall be within the cold stora

27、ge workshop of employers new plant. 第七条 设备、材料质量要求 Article Seven Quality Requirements for Equipment / Material施工单位供应的全部设备、材料应当是符合本合同约定的合格产品。施工单位对其供应的主要设备、主要材料,应当向建设单位提交出厂检验合格证。本合同签订前由建设单位向施工单位提供的基本参数仅作为施工单位进行工艺流程设计、材料制作与采购时的参考,具体按照国家相关标准执行,没有国家标准的,按照行业标准执行。All equipments and materials supplied by con

28、tractor should be the qualified products which are consistent with this contract stipulations, and contractor should provide employer with manufacturer s Inspection Certification for main equipments and materials.The basic parameters provided by employer before signature of this contract are only as

29、 reference for contractor in design of work-craft process and manufacture / purchase, respecting to the particular parameters, subject to national standards, if without , subject to industry s the same. 第八条 施工工艺 Article Eight Execution Craft施工单位在保温工程施工时注意保护临近的设备、材料,设备的安装必须符合相关的安装说明及国家规定。施工单位在安装保温材料时

30、应确保保温材料完全干燥,凡受潮的保温材料在金属外护层安装之前应当更换。施工单位在施工过程中严禁吸烟、明火、高温、焊接或电火花。施工单位应确保保温隔热层保温性能良好。施工单位应避免保温结构不牢、薄厚不均以及护壳凹凸不平、表面粗糙等现象的产生。Contractor should, duration of execution, ensure to protect the equipments and materials nearby, and equipment installation should comply with relevant instruction and national reg

31、ulation. The thermal insulation materials used for installation should be ensured complete dry and any wet the same should be replaced and changed before installation of the metal outer sheath. Strict prohibition , in execution place, of smoking, flames, heat, welding or electrical spark. Contractor

32、 should ensure the good properties of the thermal insulation layer and avoid emergence of insulation structure not strong, thickness uneven, protective shell rugged and surface roughness. 第九条 安装与验收 Article Nine Installation and Acceptance施工单位按照安装图纸及时进行安装。土建设计单位的图纸内容不明确或与施工单位的图纸抵触的,依照施工单位提供的最终设计图纸执行。

33、设备、材料安装完成后,施工单位应当通知建设单位及时验收,建设单位应当在接到通知后7个工作日内完成制冷及保温的联合验收和试生产,经验收合格向施工单位出具书面验收合格文件。Contractor should, as per drawings of installation, carry out in a timely manner the installation. Provided that the drawings of civil construction company are ambiguous or inconsistent with the drawings of construct

34、or, the final drawings provided by contractor shall be prevail for execution.Contractor should, after completion of installation of equipments / materials, inform employer to make acceptance in time; and employer should, within seven days upon receipt of acceptance notice, complete the joint inspect

35、ion of refrigeration and thermal insulation in addition to trial production, after acceptance, issue qualified documents in written to contractor. 第十条 技术服务 Article Ten Technical Service施工单位应当在工程竣工验收合格之日向建设单位提供下列技术资料:Following technical materials should, by contractor on the date of project completio

36、n acceptance, be provided to employer. (一)设备、材料的使用说明书;Instruction of equipments and materials.(二)设备、材料的技术性能描述或技术手册;Description on technical performance of equipments and materials, or technical manual. (三)其他必要的资料或技术文件。Other necessary files or technical documents.施工单位应当派遣足够数量的熟练技术工人组成项目小组,负责完成本合同约定的全

37、部工作。建设单位应当为项目小组成员提供安装、试验及培训期间的食宿便利,但费用由施工单位承担。Contractor should dispatch enough number of skilled workers to form project group which responsible for all works stipulated hereof. Employer should provide convenient of accommodation for the group members during installation, test and training, the fee

38、s and cost thereof shall be on account of contractor. 第十一条 合同总价款 Article Eleven Total Contract Cost1、本合同实行包工包料的固定价格,合同总价款为美元 元 ,详细价格构成详见本合同附件冷库报价清单及概况及内容。合同总价包括设备、材料和服务的价款,并且已经包括设备及材料运输费、保险费、包装费及将设备、材料运至交付地点以前的一切费用以及交付后的照料、保管及安装、试验、验收、培训等费用(含氨制冷工艺设计和压力管道检测费)。Total price hereof is US Dollar only whic

39、h are the fixed price for labor and materials, The particular price contents is shown in QUOTATION LIST OF COLD STORAGES and OVERVIEW & CONTENTS in appendix hereof. Total contract costs include the price of equipments, materials and service, and have included the fees and costs of transportation of

40、equipment, material, insurance, package and all fees before delivery of equipments and materials to the delivery place, in addition to the expenses which relevant to, after delivery, care, storage / installation, test, acceptance and training and others ( including testing fee of craftwork design on

41、 ammonia refrigeration process and pressure pipes ). 2、因设计变更、项目建设需要或其他原因,致使本合同项下的设备、材料及服务内容发生增加的,按照本合同附件“合同价款”中约定的分项价格及/或单价进行调整。Provided that extra or additional contents of equipment, material and service hereunder is due to design alteration, the needs of project construction or other reasons, the

42、 adjustment of cost shall be subject to the itemize price and / or unit price which stipulated in CONTRACT PRICE of annex hereto. 第十二条 发票与付款 Article Twelve Invoice and Payment建设单位按照下述约定分期付款前,施工单位应当开具该阶段相应金额的有效增值税专用发票。建设单位收到增值税发票后,依照本条款约定支付价款。Contractor should, before employer effect installment paym

43、ent as per following agreement, issue VAT invoice of the corresponding amount for said stage of execution, and employer should, upon receipt of VAT invoice, effect payment of cost as per this provision. 本合同项下的价款分为定金、进度款和质保金。其中:The cost hereunder is divided into deposit, progress payment and retentio

44、n money, among which: (一)定金为合同总价款的20%(计美元 元),建设单位应当于本合同签订之日起7个工作日内支付;Deposit is 20% of total contract cost (which equal to US Dollar only ), for which employer should, within seven days as of the signature of this contract, effect payment. (二)第一期进度款在施工单位将本合同项下所有库板及保温材料运抵施工现场之日起的7个工作日内,建设单位支付合同总价款的20

45、(计美元 元);The progress payment of first phase, which is 20% of total contract cost ( equal to US Dollar only) shall, within seven days after all boards for storage and thermal insulation materials delivered by contractor to work site, be effected by employer. (三)第二期进度款在施工单位将本合同项下所有制冷设备及配套设施(包括机组、排管等)运

46、抵施工现场之日起的7个工作日内,建设单位支付合同总价款的20(计美元 元);The progress payment of second phase, which is 20% of total contract cost ( equal to US Dollar only) shall, within seven days after all refrigeration equipments and facilities including machine group and pipe, etc. are delivered to work site, be effected by employer. (四)第三期进度款为合同总价款的30%(计美元 元),建设单位应当于冷库保温工程联合验收合格之日起14个工作日内支付;The progress payment of third phase, which is 30% of total contract cost (equal to USDollar only) shall, within fourteen days after joint acceptance of cold storage project, be effected by employer. (五)质保金为合同总价款的10%(计美元 元

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